Sunday, July 15, 2007

How to Be a Good Server in a Restaurant

Some servers don't seem to have common sense these days. Sure there are many fantastic servers out there, but some just are either too lazy or just don't get what earning a tip means. Some obvious mistakes sometimes happen. A wrong entree from the same server that took the order is brought to the customer. Think about that. Doesn't that show how little the server is trying to please the customer? My husband got handed a shrimp entree instead of an augratin entree. I got handed quesadillas instead of bbq chicken nachos. I mean, this is ridiculous that a server can't REREAD the order they wrote down BEFORE they hand it to the customer. I feel a lot of times it's about laziness. It's too much trouble to reread that order it seems. I've also gotten many of times missing condiments I specifically ordered or condiments that were supposed to come with an item that was listed on the menu. That's pretty bad when a server doesn't NOTICE things are missing. It's truly the lack of caring and effort. When a wrong entree is brought out by the same server that wrote down the order truly makes me not understand why they didn't notice something so VERY OBVIOUS. It's just like DUH, but some of these servers today don't seem to be all there. I know if you rush, you may hand the wrong thing to someone, but to not make sure it's even the correct item is just plain STUPID. These servers are just doing what I call "serve-n-run." They aren't double checking the cook's work or even their own. The bbq chicken nacho incident happened due to the SERVER pressing a wrong button. The augratin incident was the server handing a bunch of entrees for our table and other tables. He told us he grabbed the wrong one. See, that server truly just "served and ran." Not LOOKING at what you are handing someone is just STUPID. That also goes for checks. We've also had a wrong check handed to us for another table. Again, another server not even paying attention to what he was doing. I call those types of servers "Print-n-run." Printed the ticket and ran is what he did.

These are the steps on how to be a good server in a restaurant:

1. Try to greet your table within 3-5 minutes. Try not to end up taking 8-10 minutes to greet a table, because that's when customers start to get irritated. If you do take longer than 5 minutes, do apologize.

2. Make sure customers have utensils. I can't count the times I've either had to get up to get my own utensils or had to asks my server for some. I've also have seen other customers and even my husband was brought food(which I didn't order any food that time) without any utensils. What kind of service is that, you know? Treat others as you would want to be treated. Would you want to be served food without anything to eat with or even a napkin?

3. Bring extra napkins always. MOST people, especially kids or if a person orders messy foods such as ribs, will more than likely need extra napkins.

4. Do ANY up selling BEFORE the customer orders, NOT AFTER the customer just placed their order. A couple of times I ordered a specific margarita they had on the menus at 2 different restaurants and those servers decided to try to sell me a different margarita AFTER I told them already what I actually wanted. That not only wasted their time, but irritated me. I feel how dare they try to CHANGE MY MIND! It's MY decision, NOT THEIRS! If the server wants to up sell me something, it's much nicer to do it BEFORE I've made up my mind, NOT AFTER. I am NOT going to change my order because they want to sell me something more expensive.

5. Never bring ANY FOOD OR DRINKS to the table without knowing if the customer wants it, even if it's just water. Also, the server should ask if the customer wants lemon with their water. Some people may not want a slice of lemon. The server should ask or let the customer ask if they want a refill or anything for that matter. Some people like automatic refills, but I feel that a server can waste time at times getting things that the server isn't 100% sure that the customer actually wants a refill. I've declined refills before at times as well as changed the soft drinks I have ordered even. I am glad when servers ASK me instead of bringing something to the table that I didn’t order. I don't care if it's free bread or chips & salsa, NOTHING should be ordered for the customer and that even includes a glass of water. The customer is the person that is ordering, NOT the server. There’s no reason for a server to order for their customers unless the customer tells them to. Some things to consider like maybe they don't want water or maybe they don't want free bread, because they are on a diet.

6. Bring drinks that aren't from the bar out first if there are any. For instance, if a customer at the table orders a drink from the bar and everyone else at the table orders soft drinks or tea or water, don't make everyone at the table suffer by waiting until the drink from the bar is ready.

7. Always give straws with drinks that normally get straws such as soft drinks or tea. If the customer doesn't use it, it's at least avaiable if they do.

8. Don't make small talk or jokes unless you have the time. MOST people in general DON'T want chit-chat in their dining experience. A good server doesn't usually have TIME to WASTE like that. It's also INCONSIDERATE to customers that are WAITING for things they have asked for to play around. Servers, think about if you were the customer, would you want to wait longer for what you've asked for so your server could chit-chat?

9. When customers are placing their order, WRITE their order down. Write down EVERY detail and repeat the order to the customer. Make sure you understand every detail like if they said "no tomatoes" and you may have thought they said "only tomatoes."

10. Don't EVER come back to the table after you have left to ask the customer to repeat their order! That's an interuption that's truly not necessary. Now if they are out of something or there's a problem with what someone ordered, that's completely different. I am talking about servers who don't write down orders or servers who didn't fully write down the order or get the entire order written correctly the FIRST TIME AROUND as they should have. For instance, I ordered a margarita with salt one time and the waiter came back to my table to ask if I wanted salt. He should have gotten it correct the FIRST time around. I also had a waitress one time ask "Did you say mudslide or a white russian?" I ordered a white russian, not a mudslide. My point is, points off the tip when I have to be interrupted for a server not getting all the details right the FIRST TIME AROUND. I understand if I have to repeat my order while they are intially taking my order, but to come to ask me AFTER they have already left the table is just not good service. As I said before, if they are out of something or there's no way to make a certain thing the way the customer wants it, that's understandable to have to come back to the table, but don't just come back to the table because you didn't get the ALL the details the first time around.

11. Know the menu. If I ask what comes in a side salad because of the fact that usually for some reason, a lot of menus don't list what comes in, don't tell me you don't know or need to ask someone UNLESS it is like your first day or something.

12. When a customer places their order, if they aren't asking for your help, DON'T try to help them, meaning, don't put your opinion about what you think they want to order. I already had 2 servers tell me "You know it's not a big salad" when I ordered 4 sides of ranch for a side salad. What happened was, I also was ordering other items that I wanted to dip the ranch in as well, so I just decided to order all the ranch at once not to make it confusing. I find that to be RUDE to tell someone that. It's not my server's business to tell me what their opinion is about "HOW MUCH" I am ordering. I ended up having to waste my time telling one server that I was going to use it also for the cheese sticks I ordered and the other server I decided to make it simple by telling that server I just like a lot of ranch so I wouldn't waste my own time.

13. Don't be NOSY. I had a server at Denny's ask "What do you need all of that for" when I ordered several condiments. I was nice and told her what all the condiments were for not to be rude, but I really felt that was NONE of her business. It was VERY RUDE to ask that in my opinion. It also made her look lazy by acting as if she wouldn't have wanted to bring all of that by asking me such a question.

14. Don't make comments about what a person orders. I had a waiter one time make fun of me by saying "You want some more ranch" just because I asked for a lot of ranch after we had already paid and were getting ready to get up from the table to leave as he was bussing another table. That's just MEAN. Keep your comments to yourself. It won't help your tip any and I can report that to your manager if you are rude to me.

15. NEVER "ASSUME" ANYTHING, EVER! For example: My husband and I ordered 2 appetizers as well as 2 entrees at a restaurant. I didn't want what he wanted and he didn't want what I wanted, so that's why we ordered 2. We figured we could take the food home if we had too much. The waiter ASSUMED I wanted the appetizer with my meal. For starters, I NEVER ONCE said that. Also, I should assume that since the menu states it's an appetizer, that I would get it as an appetizer unless I state otherwise. We were waiting quite a while when the waiter came around and we asked where my chili cheese fries were. Our waiter replied "I thought you wanted it with your meal." I told him "I never said that." I was SOME PISSED that he "ASSUMED" we were going to "share" the first appetizer. Anyway, I received it 2 minutes literally before our entrees came out.

I also recently had a waiter assume my husband and I were going to share an appetizer. I didn't want the appetizer he wanted, but I did want a salad added to my entree. The appetizer came out, still no salad. I asked the person that ran the food about the salad, which he replied that I would have had to tell my server I wanted it as an appetizer. I think that's so ridiculous. The side salad needs no cooking, so I thought I'd get it like I normally always did within 5 minutes or so after I ordered my entree. I thought at the very least, I would have gotten it along with my husband's appetizer, which I received it way after he was almost finished it. I feel the SERVER is the one at fault here, NOT ME. I SHOULDN'T have to tell him I want my salad at the normal time it comes out if someone else at the table wouldn't have ordered an appetizer. That's ridiculous. I don't understand why he couldn't have ASKED me instead of ASSUMING I would have wanted it after the appetizer came out. I would have wanted it BEFORE the appetizer came out. I would think MOST people want things as quickly as possible for the most part(not talking about getting appetizers and entrees at the same time, because that's different). I am talking about the first course of the meal should be the fastest thing that can come out. I guess they do this, because they figure they'll bring out the salad after the appetizer incase if the person is still eating the salad when the appetizer arrives. I still feel the SERVER is at fault for assuming I wanted to share my husband's appetizer with him.

16. If a customer specially requests for something, DON'T LIE TO THEM. I've asked a waitress one time if she could bring the condiments I ordered before the meal came out. My food arrived just as I thought from another server without the condiments I ordered. She LIED to me, so her tip was 10%. I was trying to prevent the situation from happening, because I know usually when someone else takes the food to my table, I usually don't get my condiments as I've ordered them.

17. If someone wants a 2 for 1 drink "ONE at a time" respect that and only bring out one at a time. Also, ASK if the customer would like the drinks one at a time, which you might be surpised they MIGHT just want it one at a time due to ice making the drink watered down or maybe they might not want the second one.

18. Immediately put the order into the computer RIGHT AFTER you take the order unless there are food or drink orders that were ordered before the customers that you just got the order from that are ready, then obviously, bring those customers their food and/or drinks they ordered first, then put the order into the computer.

19. Servers should bring ALL condiments BEFORE the food is arrived. There is NEVER a reason to trust another server that ends up bringing out the food. If you want a good tip, make sure what that the things that are truly IN YOUR CONTROL will be correct at the very least. I have had 5 servers VOLUNTEER(meaning I didn't ask them to do that) to bring my condiments BEFORE my meal arrived whether or not they actually took my food to me. If someone orders a side of ranch, there's NO REAL REASON to wait all the way until the food is ready to bring it out which is usually around 25mins or so, when ranch doesn't need ANY cooking. Same thing with other condiments like mayo or mustard.

20. Make sure you are bringing enough of what the customer has asked for. My husband asked for ketchup and the waitress brought out an almost empty bottle, not enough for him to even get much out. Also, if someone asks for a "SIDE" of something, bring a "FULL" side, NOT "a HALF side." It's ridiculous that now I am having to tell my server, "Fill it all the way." I think that's just ridiculous. If I ask for a "side", I want a FULL SIDE. Especially if I asks for 2 sides of mayo, don't bring me 2 "half-sides" of mayo, because then it's like only having ONE side of mayo, so then you have to make another trip to get another side of mayo as I specifically ordered it. It's not like the server can't SEE that it's not full. Bring customers enough condiments so you WON'T have to make extra trips. Do you honestly care about the pennies it cost the restaurant to maybe give too much or do you care about your tips? I think a customer would rather have more than enough, than not enough, wouldn't you?

21. When the food is ready, if the same server takes the food to the customer that took the order, that server should be comparing the plate of food with the written order to see obvious mistakes such as a wrong side dish, a wrong entree, missing things, or anything that's obvious like a grilled chicken dish that's supposed to have swiss cheese(yellow) has bright orange cheddar cheese.

22. Make sure when you bring out someone's food that the item has the condiments that are listed on the menu unless told by the customer that they didn't want the condiments that come with the meal. I have had servers assume just because I ordered a side of ranch, I didn't want the marinara as well with cheese sticks. I don't get that, because they didn't even consider that since usually appetizers are shared, that just maybe the other person at the table might like the sauce that COMES with the item and the other person wants the other sauce. We both happen to like both sauces and dip them in both.

Also, I've had times when the condiments that were supposed to come with the food according to the MENU, weren't on the plate, meaning the server didn't verify the food they were taking to me with the menu. Like at Denny's, my husband ordered cheese fries as his appetizer and the ranch that was listed it came with and even had a picture of it, wasn't on the plate from our server when it arrived. I feel, how STUPID is it not to even realize something is MISSING and still take it to the customer like that considering they have it in a PICTURE as well as listed in the menu description. I feel if you don't know the menu, at least take a menu and verify the food BEFORE taking it to the customer.

23. If you run someone else's food and get a request for something such as a refill, please tell their server or even go get the refill. I have had some good and bad luck when I've done this. If my server is not around and if I want a refill, I will ask whomever comes to the table, considering they ARE a "SOME PART" of MY service. Sometimes those other servers worked as a TEAM by actually getting the refill for me, one time a server lied to me, and another one said something about that my server will get it, which she DIDN'T relay the message. The point of this one, WORK AS A TEAM, because it will come back to you. If you help out this other customer's table you don't have, but then another server helps you out with a customer's table you DO have, it truly all works out. No one seems to want to work as a team anymore these days. The people that do, are hard to find.

Also if there is a mistake that can be caught by this other server such as a missing item or wrong food, this other server should be the one to fix the situation to make it right, NOT make the customer wait longer to get our server to fix it. I don't get why MY server usually is the one that gets the forgotten condiments when another server brings out my food without the condiments I ordered. I feel WHY have another server run the food if they aren't going to verify the ticket with the plate of food? It's useless to have a food runner system if the other server doesn't verify what they are taking to the table is correct even. I am ONLY talking about things that are obvious that are wrong. Sure my server could be at fault for not putting in the order correctly to begin with, but I am willing to bet more than likely, it's the other server that's too lazy to read the ticket.

24. Check back with your customers once ANY food has arrived if someone else ran your food, because they may have a mistake that was not noticed at the time the food was ran, so no one was told about the mistake. It's important to check back with your customers to make sure the customers are happy with their food. It's not just mistakes that could be a problem, it could also be the food is cold or some type of other problem. If you don't check back with your customers, you won't know if something is wrong or not. Also, ask if they need anything. They might need something they didn't think of such as A-1 steak sauce or a refill.

25. If a mistake is made of any kind, apologize. I can't count HOW MANY TIMES I NEVER get an apology. I am not mean, I just tell them "I ordered such-n-such. At the VERY LEAST, say you are sorry. It's the RIGHT THING to do. It may even boost your tip such as when I have had apologies, that I tipped higher all because they were NICE about it.

26. If a mistake is made that's major such as a wrong entree or an overcharge, have the decency to TELL YOUR MANAGER! I can't count the times I didn't get a visit from a manager when MAJOR mess ups have happened. Also, if it's YOU who made the mess up, YOU try to make-up for it by asking the manager if he or she could comp something. Also, a major mess up should come with a PROFUSE apology such as "I am SO sorry." Not just a lousy "sorry" when the mistake is huge.

27. If you are server running someone else's food and there's a mistake of some sort, APOLOGIZE, even if it's might not be "YOUR" fault. Customers do usually want to hear an apology when something goes wrong. It IS the NICE thing to do.

28. Don't EVER ARGUE with a customer, even if you know they are wrong. Let the MANAGER handle it. Like if they claim they ordered a certain item and that is truly what they didn't order, arguing will not do anyone any good. Your tip will suffer more than likely. Just take the food back and tell the manager what happened. What is the point of fighting what a customer that thinks they are always right? You will NEVER get through to them, so WHY BOTHER wasting time?

29. Don't take things off the table without making sure the customer is truly finished with the item. I, one time, put a side of remoulade sauce on the side of the table that had the salt shakers at the booth we were sitting at. The waitress for some weird reason didn't get the hint I still wanted it considering I didn't put it at the end other end of the table. She should have just asked me instead of just grabbing it, which I told her I still wanted it. Another time I was still drinking a margarita and the waiter kept trying to take my glass before I was finished with it. That's just irritating. NEVER take something off the table if it's not finished with unless you have permission to do so!

30. If you see my glass almost empty, it would be nice if you offered me a refill instead of just picking up appetizer dishes for instance. I shouldn't have to ask for a refill if you are at the table and see my glass almost empty, I may want more drink possibly. Especially if I haven't received my entree yet. When I see a server not be OBSERVANT like that, it just boggles my mind that they couldn't ask me and I ended up having to ask them as they were ready to walk off with the dishes.

31. Wait until everyone is finished to ask about a dessert. If everyone isn't finished eating their entrees yet, just ask if they need anything. I find it rude in the middle of me eating my entree, for a server to ask about a dessert, because it makes me feel rushed.

32. If you ask the customer if they want something and they say "NO", DO NOT try to change their mind. I can't tell you how aggrevating it is to have to almost argue with the server to get them to understand I don't want a dessert this time or whatever it is. If they say "NO", they MEAN IT!

33. Make sure there are NO overcharges or undercharges on the check and that it is indeed THAT customer's check. I have had prices that didn't match the menu. I have also had a server charge me for a salad without an entree, even though I got an entree. So make sure you press the correct button. My husband and I have had our credit cards rung up on the wrong table. We have been given the wrong check before. We have had extra items as well as missing items on the check. I also had substituted a cheddar cheese on a sandwich that came with swiss cheese, but was charged extra as if I was adding cheese to the sandwich. That time I also didn't get charged for a margarita that was almost $7. So not only did I have an overcharge, but also an undercharge in the same check. That just shows how some servers don't look over their work.

34. NEVER, EVER, bring the check without either being asked or asking. I have ordered a mixed drink AFTER a dessert at times. I truly HATE when servers bring the check along with the dessert as if they can read my mind or something. It's NOT their call to make if I am ready for the check or not, it's MINE. You NEVER KNOW, maybe the customer wants to order something else. I just had a waitress last night bring us the check just because we asked for boxes. She didn't even offer us dessert, which I actually wanted to order another mixed drink, but at the time I asked for the boxes, I still was drinking my margarita I had ordered beforehand, so I wasn't quite ready for the next drink yet, nor did I even decide what drink I wanted.

35. Do not waste your time writing "thank you" or draw smiley faces or even circle the amount on the check. If it's really busy, WHY make the customers wait to leave that much LONGER to write that? Even though some say it boosts tips, it truly doesn't for most people. Think about it. If someone has a bad experience, the server writing "thank you" is NOT going to help, because they STILL will be pissed off. If someone has a great experience, they are still going to tip what they are going to tip. They aren't going to just change their mind and give more. If they would, that would be rare. It wastes other customers that you serve time as well as those customers.

36. Don't tell the customer about a survey. Customers can READ FOR THEMSELVES! Don't waste their time telling them about it or circling it. The more the servers pressure me to take the survey, the more I WON'T do it. Just let customers decide for THEMSELVES if they would like to take the survey.

37. Do things in the order of arrival. If I just asked for the check, get the check unless someone's food or drink is ready that had ordered BEFORE I did. Don't go to 2 other customer's tables to find out if they need anything. That's just RUDE! People usually want to leave when they ask for the check, so be CONSIDERATE not to WASTE ANY of their time by getting the check as soon as possible unless someone's food or drink is ready that had asked for their stuff BEFORE I did.

38. Ring up the check within a 3 minute range at the MOST. Don't make the customers wait 5 minutes or more to be able to leave.

39. When giving back change or the credit card receipts, give back the check. I don't understand why some servers decide to keep the check? I happen to like to keep it remember what I got last time or if I do pay with cash or a gift certificate, I can remember the server's name.

40. Give ALL change back, even if it's just a penny unless the customer TELLS you to keep the change. NEVER just not return someone's change or ask if they want change. Always give back change unless the customer tells you to keep the change, because they haven't tipped you yet. One waiter one time kept 31 cents change and only gave me back a 5 dollar bill from a check that was $34.69 that I paid with (2) 20 dollar gift certificates. I found that to be presumsious of him. It WASN'T "HIS" money YET, it was my money. Instead of $4.50 we were going to leave, because his service wasn't so great, he got stiffed all because he STOLE from us. He had NO RIGHTS to that money YET! GIVE BACK ALL CHANGE UNLESS THE CUSTOMER SAYS YOU CAN HAVE IT!

41. Servers should wait until the customer has left to pick up their tips. I feel servers will find out soon enough and I feel if they take it when I am finishing my drink or dessert, if I didn't tip well due to not-so-great service, it makes me uncomfortable that they are probably giving me the evil eye. I feel just take the tips when the customers have left.


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Springs1 said...

"You say you’d verify every single dish before it went to the table. I guarantee you that you’d not last a day if you tried to verify every single dish because you wouldn’t have time to stay in the kitchen all night doing just that!"

Yet, you find the time to "CHIT CHAT", bring back and forth obvious mistakes from the customer's table back to the kitchen, and even some servers, mostly waitresses, decide they have time to waste writing "Thank you" as well as sign their name on the check or draw a smiley face for their tip points, yet they won't take the time to make sure they are bringing out the correct food or charging you correctly. YOU HAVE THE TIME, because servers MAKE the time when they have to fix mess-ups, which there are A LOT of them. You find the time to "chit chat", so you DO HAVE THE TIME to check over the cook or expo's work.

"You say that we should not knock out all three tables if we get triple sat. Well why not?"

Because it's NOT FAIR. If the first party is FIRST, then they should be treated just like they were in a line.

"Let’s say that you got sat third. We go to table #1, take drink order. Go ring in drinks for bar, make soft drinks. Wait on bar drinks for 2 minutes."

Now, here is where I NEVER said to "WAIT 2 minutes for bar drinks." You would ONLY go ring in the drinks and get any soft drinks. The bar drinks sometimes can take up to 10 mins. when the bar is busy, so I would NEVER wait for the bar to get a drink. I would go greet the 2nd table while I waited for the bar drinks.

"Return to table #1. Take table #1’s order."

NO, I would take table 1's drinks to them ONLY and say RIGHT WHEN I am bringing them their drinks, "I'll be right back." MANY TIMES servers have delivered our drinks, even a margarita, and not gotten our entree order right after. They have told us they would be right back.

"Let’s go to table #2 now. Table #2 orders drinks, all from the bar. Bartender is backed up, but we ring in said drinks anyway, instead of waiting a minute. We stand there and wait, because by your definition, in the name of FAIRNESS, we should not go to table #3 until we are done taking care of table #2."

NO, since table #2 drinks take a long time, then if you are just "WAITING", then you are wasting time and are NOT helping table #2 by any means by waiting to get the bar drinks. If that table all wanted bar drinks, I would put their drink orders into the computer and go greet the third table.

"7 minutes go by, and we finally take out table #2’s drinks. Table #2 has an easy order. We input order, and finally make it to your table.You’re pissed off by now because it’s been AT LEAST 17 minutes since you’ve sat down. You still have no drinks. However,if we’d greeted and taken drink orders from all three tables at once, then drinks could have been delivered within about 7 minutes total."

That's NOT TRUE. For starters, as I said above, I would NOT just waited for the bar drinks. Secondly, it took 10 minutes to get us 2 cokes(NO BAR DRINKS) when a waiter at Outback was triple sat, NOT just 7, because WE were 1st out of the 3 parties that got greeted first. It took 3 minutes for him just to greet us even.

“Food orders might take a bit longer due to table #1’s modifiers, but if we put them all in at one time, then at least all the food is in, and all three tables have been taken care of.”

All the food is in at the WRONG and UNFAIR times. Table one’s food would get to them slower if you chose to put all 3 table’s orders in a one time. It’s common sense if we finish ordering our food at 7:03p.m., that if you get the other 2 parties food orders, our food order won’t be put into the computer until 7:08p.m. or later. So it would be YOUR FAULT our food took longer than it should have to get to us.

“Something else you’re not seeming to understand is that cooks on a line do not always send out what is made quickest, they in most restaurants, have to go ticket by ticket. “

Then if they go ticket by ticket, shouldn’t that tell you something that if you wait until all 3 parties order, that the ticket times would be all at the same time basically, which they SHOULDN’T be. Also, if the bartender just put in let’s say mozzarella sticks into the computer BEFORE our mozzarella sticks, because you waited until you got all 3 table’s orders, then guess WHO’S FOOD COMES OUT FIRST? The person at the bar even if WE ordered our mozzarella sticks BEFORE the person at the bar. WHY would you choose to INTENTIONALLY DELAY someone’s food order by holding it until YOU are ready to put it into the computer? You could go put the orders into the computer right after if you wanted to unless someone else’s food or drinks are ready that ordered BEFORE we did.

Just because someone else ordered something after you, even if it’s a salad versus a steak, it doesn’t mean the salad will come out first. I’ve seen plenty of tables food all come out at once, that’s what happens when you have competent cooks and servers who work together. You’d know nothing about that, working at the Krispy Kreme.

I did NOT work at "KRISPY KREME."

"You’re also basing your tip on how your food came, regardless of whether your server rang it in correctly but was not the person who ran it. How can you make someones tip suffer, if they rang your food in correctly but the food runner didn’t double check the ticket."

Because it's ***PART OF MY SERVICE***, so WHY should I pay for "BAD" SERVICE? Is that fair? If anything, deal with your manager for not having the system where the tips are split to where if the other guy messes up, he would get a hit in the tip he would get for making a mistake. It WOULD be fair if the tip-out system would be fair. It would be fair if you would give a portion of the tip you make instead of basing the tip-out on the sales. So, for instance, if I tip my server 12% for my chicken being missing from another server, which I truly do NOT know if the order was put in correctly or not, if they spit the TIP that was given, the person that ran the food SHOULD hardly receive ANYTHING. Is that the CUSTOMER'S FAULT OR PROBLEM the tip-out system is NOT FAIR? I tip based on my SERVICE, so if my service is bad, no matter WHO in my service is making it bad, I will tip accordingly. WHY should I pay for service that is bad just because you can't tip-out your co-worker fairly? That is NOT MY PROBLEM. I should be able to tip based on MY SERVICE as a WHOLE.

"We work harder than any Krispy Kreme clerk will ever work, even on a Sunday morning church rush."


"because we plain and simple are NOT going to piss off all of our tables AND the bartender because we have to get change for that dollar, in dimes nickels and pennies!"

Well, then when that person stiffs you, DON'T COMPLAIN because you aren't thinking of THAT CUSTOMER and your ONLY CONCERN IS EVERYONE ELSE. YOU ARE VERY SELFISH.

"So you lost a couple of cents, stop your whining about it! Next week, you may gain some change. If we have it, don’t get me wrong, we’ll usually pull it out, but I’m not risking my other three tables getting pissed off at me when they need refills and I’m too busy trying to get a few fucking pennies just so that you don’t feel you were wronged! FEEL WRONGED AND GO AWAY!"


"The bottom line is, the change issue has nothing to do with a server assuming he or she is getting a tip. It’s not the Cracker Barrel where you get your change from the register, and we’re not going to worry about a little change. Most of the time, yes, we may be short on our own money a dollar or two, but you’re whining about MAYBE a 3rd of a dollar"

Bottom line, is you are STEALING people's change.

“I’ve had maybe 10-12 guests in the 11 years that I’ve been serving who wanted to change their soft drink, and it’s never been a problem. They were just happy that I brought a refill in the first place, and having prompt refills have NEVER been a reason to deduct tips.”

Those people maybe didn’t care about their time, but I DO. When you wasted your time, HOW DID THAT FEEL? You also wasted that customer’s time as well. You also wasted other customer’s time that you could have been getting actual WANTED ITEMS.

SO what if it’s “RARE” to have people switch soft drinks or decline refills, the fact is the customer is supposed to decide whether or not they want another drink or not. It’s NOT the SERVER’S DECISION to decide “if” and “what” I want to drink. HOW CAN YOU SAY IT WOULD BE?

“You complain about people who bring bread or chips and salsa to your table without your asking, about the server “ordering” for you. Those things are done automatically at restaurants (where applicable), regardless of whether you want it or not. The server HAS to do those things, so just stop whining about it!”

They can ask they CHOOSE to ASK BEFORE they take it to you. At Outback for instance; only ONCE did we get actually GREETED with bread. Usually, 99.9% of the time, we get greeted by asking what we wanted to drink, and then they bring the bread out with the drinks. The server should ASK when they GREET YOU if you want any bread instead of WASTING TIME bringing an unwanted and an NON-ORDERED ITEM out, whether it’s free or not is irrelevant. Customer service is all about what the CUSTOMER WANTS, NOT what my server wants to serve me. You can also if you have to greet customers with chips & salsa to ASK BEFORE putting it on the table. For instance, the server should say “Would you all like some chips & salsa?”

“Most servers you see that actually ask you if you want a refill are the ones who are new and haven’t learned better yet. In the majority, guests wouldn’t like to be disturbed with inane questions, they’d just like to have their refill.”

If the majority of guest wouldn’t like to be disturbed, then WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY WANT TO MAKE CHIT-CHAT WITH THEIR SERVER, HUH? If they want a “SILENT” SERVICE, then do NOT make chit-chat with them.

Also, the servers that ask me if I want a refill are the ones that ***CARE*** about what **I** want, NOT what they want to serve me. Those servers are also not as lazy as those servers who do not ask or are asked by their customers to bring refills, because they make a trip to your table to show they care about what **YOU** as a customer desire, NOT what my SERVER WANTS.

The ones that come to ask CARE about that you may not want something and they also care about your time as well, are the ones that are very good servers, NOT LAZY ONES. For instance, the Red Lobster waiter did NOT care about OUR TIME. He WASTED MY TIME, HIS TIME, AND HIS OTHER CUSTOMER’S TIME by getting an unwanted item, when he could have not been too damn lazy to ASK FIRST. He showed he wanted to get what HE wanted to serve me, NOT what I actually wanted to order. HOW DID HE KNOW IF WE WANTED REFILLS UNLESS HE FINDS OUT BY ASKING OR WE ASK HIM?

You don’t make sense to say they don’t want to be disturbed to ask them if they would like a refill, yet you disturb them by chit-chatting with them. You take the cake, seriously. You are saying they don’t want to be disturbed, then don’t chit-chat with them, it’s that simple.

“In short, stop whining about things you know nothing about.”

If I didn’t know A LOT about it, I would NEVER have this many mistakes come to my table. I wouldn’t know how to ************PREVENT********** THEM FROM GETTING TO THE CUSTOMER’S TABLE if I knew nothing about GOOD restaurant service.

“You can’t say you know good guest service in a restaurant unless you work in a real one, and no, the donut shop doesn’t count.”

I do NOT have to work in “REAL” restaurant to know what comes to my table wrong and how if I was the server, would PREVENT IT FROM GETTING TO THE CUSTOMER. I do NOT have to work in a restaurant to KNOW that if you can prevent a mistake, you should take the EFFORT TO for your tip’s sake and for the customer’s sake.

Springs1 said...

A good server
“This is for springs who doesn’t allow comments on her blog.”

I allow comments, just as ribeye does, I can decide to post them or not.

“As for checking how a plate looks in comparison to the picture, that was a joke right? Next time you order a BigMac tell them it doesn’t look like the picture and see what they say.”

There is a HUGE difference between pictures and noticing someone doesn’t have their correct side dish or entrée or a side of ranch that they are taking out. Even YOU can tell me that is the TRUTH.

Like people CARE if they serve you the wrong food at McDonald’s? THEY DO NOT MAKE TIPS, but SERVERS DO. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THAT.

“half-filled sides of condiments…also something that the server usually has control over, many places only do half-fills.”\


NOT “FULL SIDE” of ranch.

This is NOT a FULL SIDE WHICH I WOULD ***NOT**** BRING TO A CUSTOMER THAT ORDERED A “SIDE.” It’s OBVIOUS it is NOT a SIDE, so it *********************************IS*************************************************** 100% IN THEIR CONTROL since they CAN NOTICE THIS ************BEFORE************* BRINGING IT TO THE TABLE. It’s like DUH, is the server that STUPID? I would get the cook’s to fill it or I would go ahead and fill it if I was the server********BEFORE******** I would take it to the customer.

Is a server that STUPID they cannot tell the difference in the fill amounts those sides have in them?



If I ordered a “SIDE”,WHY THE HELL SHOULD YOU BRING ME A “HALF-SIDE?” THIS**************IS********************************************* 100% in *******************THE SERVER’S CONTROL**************************, because they can ***NOTICE*** THIS WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH MY FOOD.

This picture shows **NOT** a full side.

A side of tartar sauce should be a SIDE, NOT a HALF-FILLED SIDE such as this one, that is NOT EVEN HALF FILLED. Honestly, I would have NEVER SERVED that to a customer, because it’s ***********NOT******************** a FULL SIDE. It is a partial side. So YES, the part where you say “also something that the server usually has control over, many places only do half-fills” well, GEE, if you can plainly *******************************************************SEEEEEEEEEEEE**************************** the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A “FULLLLLLLLL” SIDE and a HALF or LESS THAN HALF-SIDE:”COMMON SENSE” should tell you NOT TO BRING OUT A *************WRONG***************** ORDER! YOU ARE STUPID FOR REAL IF YOU CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE PICTURES.
Are you that STUPID to NOT “KNOW” WHAT the heck you are DELIVERING to the table? OF COURSE NOT, so if that is so, then the server is 100% in control over the half-filled or less than half-filled condiments being delivered.

You cannot fight something you can ****NOTICE**** without having to touch someone’s food. In this picture, it is EXTREMELY OBVIOUS to the EYES NOT TO DELIVER:

The reason, these are ****************************NOT******************************* A ********* FULL SIDES************. I can tell that just by a PICTURE, NOT BY EVEN SEEING THIS FOOD IN PERSON, so shouldn’t that tell you SOMETHING?

A server is in control of what they can ************************SEE******************************* if they bring out the food as well as if they take the order as far as if something is wrong. If I order let’s say a baked potato, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BRING ME FRIES WITHOUT VERIFYING THE WRITTEN ORDER YOU WROTE DOWN? You know your income comes from customers mostly, so WHY wouldn’t you do that***BEFORE*** you take the food to me?

and a FULL filled side:

HONESTLY, I would NEVER bring a customer this’”, if they ordered a “SIDE”of whatever, because a “SIDE” is NOT LESS than “HALF-FILLED” even.

It *************************IS************************ in the SERVER’S CONTROL TO TELL THERE IS A BIG, HUGE, DIFFERENCE, BETWEEN A “LESS THAN HALF-SIDE” and a “SIDE.”

You mean to tell me you are that STUPID you cannot tell the difference between those 2 pictures?

See, this picture, I would NEVER, EVER, SERVE a customer, unless the customer asked for “HALF-SIDEs” or a little bit of mustard and mayo. If they asked for some “SIDES” they should receive them FULL. It is (((((VERY OBVIOUS TO THE EYES TO NOTICE IF SOMETHING IS FULL OR IF IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO FULL))))))!!!!!!

I would have asked the cook to FILL BOTH of those sides ************WAY THE HELL BEFORE I BROUGHT THE CUSTOMERS THEIR FOOD********! Condiments are ALWAYS, NO MATTER WHAT, are in the SERVER’S CONTROL 100 MILLION, TRILLION, PERCENT!!!!!!!

A “SIDE” is just that, a SIDE, NOT A “HALF or LESS than HALF a side.”

I would NEVER deliver this to a customer if I was a server. It’s only HALF full. Unless the customer would specifically specify they would NOT want a FULL side, I would give them a FULL SIDE. Meaning, I would take NOTICE of what the HELL I am taking to the table if it’s FULL or if it’s NOT or close enough that it could spill full or WAY THE HELL LESS THAN FULL.


This would be something I feel is deliverable. It’s CLOSE to a full side without spilling it and it is DEFINITELY more than ¾’s full. It’s NOT ANYWHERE NEAR A “HALF” or “LESS THAN HALF of SIDE.” I honestly would fill it to the very top before I would deliver it honestly.

I would make sure the side was a “SIDE”, NOT a “HALF” or “LESS than HALF a side”*****BEFORE****I WOULD DELIVER IT TO A CUSTOMER.

I would have 100% control of what amount of condiments the customer would receive by VERIFYING what I would be about to bring to the customer if it was correct or not. If the customer ordered a “SIDE”, well obviously, that is a “SIDE”, NOT a “HALF-SIDE.” They did NOT order a “little or a half-side”, they ordered a “SIDE.” This is a side:

This is NOT a “SIDE”:

I honestly wouldn’t even bring this out. I would add a little more tartar sauce or tell the cook to add more tartar sauce BEFORE I would bring it out to make sure the customer would have enough, considering they did ORDER a side or if it was in the description of the item, then they ordered it without telling me specifically they wanted a SIDE.


You must like to blame stuff on people who must be blind. YOU obviously are BLIND.

I would say that is a FULL side of ranch without ending up spilling it. A caring and smart server would bring the ranch that is in the above picture out to me and would NOT EVER bring me this as my side of ranch that is below:

This is a “HALF-SIDE” of ranch that is there. This is a DUH, situation. Are you that STUPID to bring out a customer that ordered a “SIDE” that? I know I NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, would be that STUPID. OBVIOUSLY, you don’t CARE about your customer, so WHY should they care about your tip?

The bbq sauce is filled, but NOT the ranch.

Unless the customer specifically asked for a “HALF-SIDE” or “A LITTLE RANCH”, you would serve that to a customer.
I would serve something like THIS if the customer ordered a “SIDE” of ranch.

I would NEVER SERVE the ranch in the picture below if the customer ordered a “SIDE” of ranch:


You can *********************************SEE******************************************** the DIFFERENCES WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH THE PERSON’S FOOD, so YES, the SERVER IS 100% in control of this. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY IT IS NOT? I am NOT even physically there and I can notice what is and what is NOT a “FULL SIDE”, so WHY CAN’T MY SERVER DO THE SAME? There is NO EXCUSE for the server to bring me a half-side if I ordered a side or if the item comes with a side.

You are STUPID to say this is out of their control when I proved you 100 MILLION, TRILLION PERCENT WRONG!!!!!!!!!

Pictures are worth 1,000 words as the saying goes.

“I am ASSUMING you are a high maintenance bitch or an idiot. I have never heard of anyone having so many bad experiences when dining out;”

I KNOW YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR SAYING THIS: : “half-filled sides of condiments…also something that the server usually has control over, many places only do half-fills”

You have a BRAIN, USE IT! YOU KNOW “HOW MUCH” you are taking to the person, DON’T YOU? ARE YOU BLIND, because I am NOT?

“I have never heard of anyone having so many bad experiences when dining out; if I were you I’d stay home to eat.”

If you went out EVERY WEEKEND, TWICE a WEEKEND, usually at around 6p.m-9p.m., and also if you were a picky eater that modified the menu items the way you liked them, you would have problems TOO. Also, WHO really knows if you have had problems when maybe you didn’t realize it such as an overcharge that you didn’t catch? Just yesterday I had problems. The servers of today don’t seem to CARE about what they are delivering to the table if it’s correct or not. HOW is a customer supposed to care about their server’s tip if their server doesn’t care about their dining experience?

“There are certain things servers are REQUIRED to do as part of their job like bring salsa and chips, water without people asking.”

Actually, that’s NOT TRUE. At Outback for instance; only ONCE did we get actually GREETED with bread. Usually, 99.9% of the time, we get greeted by asking what we wanted to drink, and then they bring the bread out with the drinks. The server should ASK when they GREET YOU if you want any bread instead of WASTING TIME bringing an unwanted and an NON-ORDERED ITEM out, whether it’s free or not is irrelevant. Customer service is all about what the CUSTOMER WANTS, NOT what my server wants to serve me.

Springs1 said...

“You are apparently too stupid to understand that.”

NO, I just KNOW what “WE” actually experienced. The 2nd table’s party of 2’s sandwiches came out WAYYYYY BEFORE ours in the Applebee’s incident.

“An expo. We have people whose sole job is to get the food ready to leave the window. If they have the window so FULL of food that it won’t all fit & they tell you that your food is ready to go, do you know what happens? Thge server takes that tray out to keep you bitchy people from complaining that it’s cold or took too long. We kinda have to trust that the expo is doing their job”

I already KNOW this. This is WHERE THE 100% problem lies. These people do NOT get penalized or rewarded to get the order correct, so that is WHY there are SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY problems when the food comes to the table. Ask yourself, WHO is making the tip? Since the expo isn’t, then WHY rely on someone that is going to get paid NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS? ISN’T THAT STUPID to put your ENTIRE TRUST into people that will not get penalized for getting things wrong?

WHY do you think my food comes out wrong? EXPOS DO ****NOT**** DO A GOOD JOB AT ALL. If my SERVER took the order, if they take my food to me, they are responsible for bringing it out correctly. The expo is NOT responsible for taking my food to me correctly nor are they making a tip from me.

Just YeSTERDAY, I had our WAITRESS FORGET to get my husband’s baked potato. SHE took the order, so when it was mentioned, NO apology(HER FAULT SHE DIDN’T NOTICE SOMETHING WASN’T THERE), and she looked on the ticket, when instead she should have looked at her PAD OF PAPER SHE WROTE THE DAMN ORDER ON. Her tip was 8%. She did not apologize, POINTS OFF already. The fact that she had to be REMINDED of something considering SHE took the food out is just plain STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!!

I am SO SICK and TIRED of the mess ups. I asked for my condiments to be brought to me before my meal. She got that right, but not my husband’s order correct. If she would have apologized, with all the long waiting we had for her to bring the check when we asked for it a long time before and waiting for her to even check on us, we would have still left 11%, but the fact is, without the apology for the act of “BRINGING THE FOOD OUT OBVIOUSLY INCORRECT WITH AN ENTIRE SIDE MISSING” shows that she is NOT a NICE person, so F’ people like that. She got 8%. You be MEAN and UNCARING, I will do the same BACK in the tip. The person that is taking the food to the customer is 100% RESPONSIBLE for the order if they took the order. HOW can you blame the “EXPO” for them forgetting to bring me a side dish, when the “EXPO” is NOT “BRINGING” me ANYTHING, MY SERVER IS?

‘Don’t lie or even try to pretend that you could handle the job. YOU COULDN’T DO IT. You have proven that.”

If anything, I proved that I COULD handle the job and YOU are just TOO DAMN UNCARING AND LAZY ASS t CARE if you are taking the food CORRECT to the customer. You say “We kinda have to trust that the expo is doing their job”, in actuality you DO NOT HAVE TO TRUST THESE PEOPLE. You have to put your trust into YOURSELF by making your OWN DESTINY. YOU make your OWN decision what your tip is. If you decide to take as you said in you last situation green beans instead of cole slaw, that is ***YOUR*** DECISION to TRUST these people. YOU can make sure if you wanted to take the ********EFFORT*********** that I indeed have cole slaw instead of green beans. It’s a decision MY SERVER can make. My server decides what I get at my table if it’s what I ordered or not, NOT the “EXPO.” WHO THE HELL SAYS YOU HAVE TO TRUST THEM, WHEN LITERALLY, MOST OF THE TIME THEY ARE NOT CORRECT?

“It happens because the grill cooks go by when the ticket was rung in.”

If that is so then WHY would you hold table’s 1 order until you got all 3 table’s orders if you were triple sat? HONESTLY, you are VERY MUCH SO DELAYING table 1’s order from getting to them at least 5 minutes quicker. WHY DO THAT? You have just proven to me you are intentionally letting other people that were after the first party, that waited longer to get seated, to get their food all because you want to put in the orders all at one time. You are a VERY UNFAIR HUMAN BEING. HOW MEAN CAN YOU GET?

Springs1 said...

“As far as I’m concerned, if you order Dr. Pepper you are entitled to refills of DR. PEPPER, anything else is ordering an additional drink. Just cuz you want it free doesn’t mean it is.”

“Free refills w/coffee, brewed tea, flavored teas, lemonades and fountain drinks.”

Take this menu for example. When you order a “FOUNTAIN DRINK”, that means ***ANY*** fountain drink and it has absolutely *********NOTHING************ to do with the FIRST one ordered. So if I order Sprite, Dr. Pepper, and a Diet Coke, I should NOT get charged additionally for it, NOR have I EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, been charged extra when I have changed soft drinks. A “REFILL” is NOT for the exact soft drink you ordered first, it is on FOUNTAIN DRINKS in GENERAL, so if I want to switch from dr. pepper to coke I can with NO EXTRA CHARGE according to the ***MENU***!

Refills are on “FOUNTAIN DRINKS”, NOT just for the FIRST FOUNTAIN DRINK you start off with.

The definition of a refill is:

To fill up again.


Even on the menu, it does NOT state it has to be on the exact drink you ordered the very first time around.

I didn’t say I “WANTED” it free. I said the ***MENU**** STATES I GET IT FOR FREE NO MATTER WHAT “FLAVOR” of “FOUNTAIN DRINK” I CHOOSE. SOME menus state “SOFT DRINKS” which a person orders from a (((CATEGORY))), NOT for each individual soft drink. So if I order a coke the first time, I can have sprite the next time. The menu states I can because it states free refills on “FOUNTAIN DRINKS” or some menu state “SOFT DRINKS.” That’s a CATEGORY, NOT which drink I ordered first time around.

The “FREE REFILL” is on “FOUNTAIN DRINKS”, which means I can “REFILL” my glass with another flavor of “FOUNTAIN DRINK.” A refill is to fill a glass again. NOWHERE does the definition state a refill has to be what you asked for the first time around. As long as what I ordered is in the same category and the same price, there is NO PROBLEM with a person getting a different flavor without an extra charge.

If you were SMART, you would KNOW I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, been charged extra when I have switched soft drinks. NOT ONCE HAS ANY SERVER ATTEMPTED TO CHARGE ME FOR ANOTHER DRINK, because the refill is on soft drinks or fountain drinks, which is a CATEGORY, NOT “what soft drink or fountain drink you decided on the first time around.”

Springs1 said...

“Everyone is talking about this fat female”

You call someone that keeps their weight at 90-92lbs at 5’0” FAT? You have got to be KIDDING ME. If anything, I am actually a few pounds UNDERWEIGHT and people tell me I look like I could stand to gain a few pounds.

Springs1 said...

“I stirred some pepper into it, and enjoyed it very much!
She got a nice tip from me. Because she caught her own mistake? NO.
Just because I saw no reason to FLIP over a DIP.”

She COULD have caught it **BEFORE** she DELIVERED it to you. Just because you think some dr. pepper stirred in it tasted fine to you DOESN’T mean it would to me. I like sour cream, but NOT with fries. Also, she should have at that moment said “SORRY” instead of what she said, because she messed up. She didn’t LOOK at what she was handing you and she OBVIOUSLY DID NOT **REREAD** HER WRITTEN ORDER THAT SHE HOPEFULLY WROTE DOWN AND COMPARED THAT WITH THE FOOD SHE WAS TAKING TO YOU. There is no reason to flip over a dip, because you happen to LIKE sour cream with your fries, which I do NOT. I have tried it before and I am VERY PICKY that I would have definitely wanted my ranch I ordered. Just because you were happy with the mistake DOESN’T mean EVERYONE IS happy when a mistake is made that it’s OK.

Springs1 said...


Read this from a commenter that I wrote to on a message board. This is his response:

Demosthenes9 WROTE:

"Absolutely right. As a waiter, it was ultimately my responsibility to ensure that EVERYTHING was correct with your food. Cooks would plate up entrees and the expediter would "build tickets" by collecting the correct entrees, adding the side items, and placing the plates on a tray to complete the order. (at least that's how it worked just about everywhere I have been).

At that point, the waiter SHOULD check each plate to see that the order is correct to include having the correct side items. Waiter should also make sure that the food is still hot and didn't "die in the window" while waiting for the order to be filled.

Lastly, a waiter who actually knows what he is doing can simply look at your steak and tell with some accuracy whether it is cooked correctly or not. (There are of course exceptions where steaks are "borderline", like right between medium rare and medium, or between medium and mid well.)

I have had any number of cooks yell at me because I told them to recook a steak before I even took it to the table. It doesn't take a genius to see a somewhat burnt steak sitting on a plate and to figure out that it ISN'T medium rare as ordered.)

The funny thing is, if waiters took the time to pay attention to the little details like the one's Spring mentioned, they would actually have MORE time on their hands to take care of customers.

Afterall, it takes maybe 30 seconds to check over an order and make sure it's correct. Failure to do so means that you now have to go all the way back to the kitchen, argue with a cook, get a replacement side item, then carry it back out to the table.

That time could have been better spent taking care of other tables instead."

See, there is SOMEONE that actually understands and agrees with me that WAS a waiter even.

Springs1 said...


Beverly said:
"IS the server's fault if the wrong thing comes out of the kitchen and onto your table. If he had noticed the mistake (like a great waiter would have) and made sure the correct food got plated, and had to come out to say "It'll be a couple of more minutes, there was a mistake in the kitchen with your order" - I'm sure you would be a lot more forgiving than to just plunk down anything they plate up onto the table. Improperly cooked food is not the fault of waitstaff - improper ordering or delivering an incorrect order is.

Waiters and waitresses are human but that doesn't mean they should be given a pass when they screw up."

This person says it all.

Springs1 said...

a good server
"In my original post about sides it should have said sides are NOT always in our control. Condiments are not a trillion percent in our control so stop talking out of your stupid ass. Many places pre-fill those little cups and management requests certain things not be filled all the way. You don't ask a cook for your sides, you usually grab them from the cooler where thay have been set up earlier that day."

If you can see it's NOT a "FULL" side, then you should NOT bring it out to the customer incorrectly. If management said this, HOW COME I have asked servers "FILL THEM ALL THE WAY UP" and you know what, THEY BROUGHT THEM FILLED ALL THE WAY UP? Also, just because they were filled EARLIER, doesn't mean you can't combine some. Just yesterday, I combined my 4 sides of mayo into (2) containers, which the second one wasn't even full. That is how very little was put into each container.

They can PREFILL them all they want, but if you can SEE something is incorrect, WHY would you be that STUPID to bring it to the customer incorrectly? Also, if let's say a "SIDE" of ranch comes with cheese fries, obviously, it is supposed to be FILLED, since I am PAYING for it in the price of the item.

If the person asks for 4 sides of mayo, if I was the server in that situation, I would have grabbed 6 containers to equal the amount the customer didn't get if I didn't have time to combine them. I would make 100% sure my customers would have EXACTLY enough of what they ordered. I have had to ask for more when I ordered 2 sides of remoulade sauce for the crab cakes appetizer at Applebee's one time, because I was supposed to automatically get one side with the crab cakes, which I asked for an extra side. I only had a half-side and 3/4 of side to only make around 1 side and a little bit. I SHOULDN'T have had to wait until my server came back to be able to eat my food the WAY I ORDERED IT. I ordered 2 sides, so she should NOT have delivered it WRONG. THAT WAS HER FAULT. I ended up asking for more, so it didn't help anything to short me my remoulade sauce. If a customer asks for something, they should get the at the very least, the amount they asked for.

My waitress at Applebee's could SEE that these condiments were NOT filled.

Condiments are ALWAYS in the server's control. There is NEVER a time when they aren't, NEVER, EVER, EVER!!!

Half-side of ranch in the picture in the above link.

FILLED side of marinara.

Do you see the difference between what you should bring out and what you shouldn't?

"you ARE high maintenance with your picky eating and modified orders."

That is why when things go well, I tip 25%-30%. I am a pain-in-the-ass customer who wants my food a different way than what is on the menu with lots of condiments most of the time. I feel if I give them more work and trouble, I should PAY for that. I would think you would agree with me on that.

"if that is what the management tells me to bring out to my tables I bring it."

If I would have to bring it when I would greet a table, I would STILL be CONSIDERATE enough to **ASK** the customers BEFORE I would put the food down on the table.

Springs1 said...

“Why should they care if you get any service? You don’t care that they need to make money. It seems justified.”

Because I actually “PAY” for the service I receive, THAT’S WHY. I don’t care if they make any other money from any other table, because that’s NOT my income nor do they care if I make a lot of money at my job. So it’s OK for them not to care about my income, but I have to for some reason when it comes to not receiving anymore service from them? Does that make ANY SENSE to pay for something you do NOT receive?

“Also, bussing the table is a service YOU receive. Consider it a service you receive before you got there, not after the last customer left. They aren’t bussing the table for the people who just left. They are cleaning the area for the people who are coming next. Which is a service YOU are receiving, whether or not you want it.”

Actually it’s NOT. If I am NOT “PHYSICALLY THERE” to actually RECEIVE ANYTHING, it’s service to the RESTAURANT. Think about it logically. They will buss that table at the end of the night before they close whether I choose to go to that restaurant or not. They aren’t going to just leave the dishes there, because no one else is coming in the rest of the night. They do it to keep the restaurant clean for the next day and to keep away bugs like roaches. They also do it to get plates clean for the next day as well as the table.


“They could just leave it all at the table and sit you down at it and then clean it while you are there. But I bet you wouldn’t like that, now would you?”

To be honest with you, I really wouldn’t mind or care. I am NOT lazy, so to me, it really wouldn’t bug me to move dishes to another table and wipe off my table. The act of bussing the table and taking dishes away is service for the actual RESTAURANT. The restaurant has to stay clean due to health code reasons, NOT if I choose to eat at this restaurant. They would be cleaning off the table from the party that just left anyways NO MATTER IF I GO THERE OR NOT.


“‘Cause that’s what you do when you camp tables and don’t tip accordingly. The server is there to make money, and if you don’t understand that then you need to go and eat places where you serve yourself because you are not mature enough to understand proper etiquette of dining out.”

You just don’t get I do NOT CAMP myself. If anything, I LOVE when I ask for my check before with my last drink or dessert and they bring the check I requested BEFORE my drink or dessert arrives even. I LIKE LEAVING FAST. I still have an opinion about the people that DO as you say “CAMP.”

If let’s say Jane Doe’s party of 4 paid at 7:58p.m. and they signed the credit card with the tip on the credit card receipt by 8:00p.m. If Jane Doe’s party decides to stay an extra hour, if they do NOT want ANYTHING at all such as refills or napkins or ANYTHING during that extra hour, WHY should there be more tip added? If Jane Doe’s party DOES ask for refills or something else, then OF COURSE more money should be given.

At my job, my boss wouldn’t like it if I got paid to do NOTHING AT ALL. This is the same type of thing. If the server is NOT doing ANYTHING AT ALL for the Jane Doe’s party during that hour, then WHY should the server make more money to do NOTHING AT ALL MORE? It’s NOT fair for the server to get paid more for not doing ANYMORE SERVICE. At times, some job send people home when there’s no work or give you less hours not to pay you to do nothing.

Tips are supposed to be for actually ***SERVICE*** NOT FOR JUST “SITTING” at a table. TIPS stands for TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE, which means a tip is for (***************SERVICE*****************) NOT FOR JUST SITTING AT TABLE. This is NOT a bowling alley or a private room at a restaurant where you RENTING.

A person should earn their pay to do WORK when they are on the clock. My office moved in July and some people had NO WORK due to lots of reasons like their computer didn’t work properly yet or the phones didn’t work properly yet, so you know what? THEY WERE SENT HOME.

“It’s a tip for the server for serving you, the bussers for having the table clean and prepared for YOU when YOU got there, and the bartender for making any drinks you may have had.”

As I stated before, the stuff that happens BEFORE I am there is *******NOT******* PART OF MY ACTUAL SERVICE. Ask yourself this: Wouldn’t they buss that table if I wasn’t there anyways? OF COURSE THEY WOULD. So what happens before I am even there has NOTHING at ALL to do with what happens WHEN I am actually PRESENT.

What happens when a person doesn’t order drinks from the bar and the server gets all the soft drinks from the soda station? Does the server still have to tip out the bartender for sales that aren’t alcohol related? If they do, that’s REALLY UNFAIR.

“Most people don’t realize that tip sharing is based on TOTAL SALES. It is not based on the tips the server made. If you stiff a server, you aren’t just not giving the server money, you are forcing the server to pay up to 5% of your bill out of their pocket to other people in the forms of tip out. They have to tip out whether or not they make money.”

I know this already, but I will say this, that until 2004, I did NOT know that the tips weren’t split somehow with the person that ran the food. I thought the person that ran the food got part of the server’s tip, so if another server brought out the food wrong, they would not get as much from the main server. I honestly think it’s STUPID to tip-out based on sales. It should be the person’s performance to be truly fair.

“And you keep saying, “What did they do for me?” when you sit at the table and not get service but still sit there? What they did for you is put up with you being there stopping them from making money.”

“Putting up” with me is *******************NOT******************** SERVICE if you aren’t actually ******DOING***** ANYTHING FOR ME. Also, if it’s NOT busy, meaning no wait for a table, it shouldn’t matter at ALL if someone is sitting a long time after they have paid. If it is busy, just for the reason that Jane Doe’s party is stopping the server from making more money at the next table is ***************NOT************* SERVICE. You still haven’t ***********************EARNED******************** MORE PAY BY GIVING THEM MORE ************************SERVICE**************, so WHY you think you deserve MORE MONEY if you haven’t actually **********DONE********** ANYTHING ELSE FOR JANE DOE’S PARTY? TIPS ARE FOR ACUTUAL SERVICE, NOT FOR A PARTY JUST SITTING.

If you do more for Jane Doe’s party such as refills, OF COURSE they should pay you more, but if they do NOT want anything else, there shouldn’t be anymore payment involved. You haven’t EARNED anymore pay. TIPS ARE EARNED, NOT A RIGHT!!

“Most let you be a jackass and waste their time”


“A restaurant is a place of business.”

Which means it’s NOT up the server to make people leave. It’s up to the managers and owners.

“I have also seen managers (especially very good ones) come to the rescue. They kindly move the people to another section that isn’t busy, or ask the people to leave.”

I feel from the manager’s point of view, they HAVE to do that; otherwise, they will lose business from people that are waiting for a table not be able to get seated or in a timely fashion such as waiting an hour instead of just 20 mins. to get a table. It’s NOT up to the SERVER to determine if the people need to leave or not.

I feel it’s inconsiderate to stay long at a table if there is a wait for a table, because other people are waiting to eat. I do NOT, HOWEVER, think about the SERVER’S INCOME. The server takes the job KNOWING their money depends on CUSTOMERS, so that is a consequence of taking such a job. Sometimes you make more one day than the other. I do NOT feel I should have to think about the server’s income. MOST people would NOT even think of that.

I will say this again. I DO NOT CAMP MYSELF. I actual sometimes have had to go to the bathroom before I left, which instead of my husband waiting at the table for me, he goes up front to wait for me. This way, the table is free that much quicker for the next party. I am a person that wants to eat and drink when I am there and LEAVE when I am done. I, if anything, get irritated when we have had to wait 10 minutes to get our check rung up so we could finally leave. We have stiffed servers if they have made us wait 10 or more minutes to get our check rung up. There’s NO REASON to make a customer wait THAT LONG to leave. Even though we are not personally campers, I still have an opinion about the people that do, do this.

Springs1 said...

"Dont even tell me to check the tickets before the food comes out when half the time other people set up the food and tell you its ready."

That is the problem. There are TOO MANY people verifying everything, which is WHY it gets messed up. Then the LAST PERSON to take the food just takes it, when they NEED TO, VERY MUCH SO, VERIFY WHAT IS GOING TO GO TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE. If another server runs the food, if the ticket is correct, HOW CAN IT GET TO THE CUSTOMER WRONG as far as OBVIOUS mistakes go UNLESS THE PERSON RUNNING THE FOOD DOESN'T VERIFY THE PLATE OF FOOD WITH THE TICKET?

If you put 100% trust into your co-workers when you truly DO NOT HAVE TO for certain situations, then you are stupid. You make your own tips. YOU DECIDE to double check something or not. That responsiblity is on the person that actually "BRINGS" the food to the table as long as the order was put into the computer correctly.

Example: A restaurant I went to about a few months ago, this is what occurred. My husband ordered a steak with a baked potato. I ordered ribs with fries, with no bbq sauce, NOT even on the plate as well as 2 sides of tartar sauce for my fries. One server brings out just the steak and not even a word about where the rest of our food was. Another server brings out my ribs with a side of bbq sauce on the plate, 1 tartar sauce, and NO FRIES. That person also brought out the baked potato. OUR WAITER had to come to the table right after, which he had to get my fries and the other tartar sauce. My point is, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS PROCESS TO GET THINGS DONE CORRECTLY. WHY weren't my fries on the plate? I actually brought my own bbq sauce, because I do not like their bbq sauce. WHY did the server that brought out the steak not tell us anything? WHY did my plate have a side of bbq sauce as well as missing fries which COULD have fit on the plate. WHY was the other tartar sauce missing? I seriously doubt that my server put the order incorrectly as far as most of everything. Now, maybe he may not have put the detail I said about no bbq sauce on the plate, but seriously, the fries was listed in the description on the MENU, so this was STUPID of an employee to bring out the ribs without the fries. My point is, the problem is, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS PROCESS. The people that run the food aren't getting tipped by the customer, so they really don't care if what they taking to the customer is correct or not. ALL of those mistakes were VERY VISABLE TO THE EYES WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH THE FOOD TO SEE THE MISTAKES. This is WHY the person that runs the food to the customer, whether it would the main server or another server, they should verify what they are taking to the table. I have had SOOOO MANY MISTAKES when other servers run our food to the table and even have had a lot of mistakes from the our servers that ran our food to us.

"You figure with 3 people setting food up in the window its ready."

Ask yourself a question: WHY did we get ALL of those mistakes to our table? You would figure ALL those people should get it right. There are TOO MANY people involved and the last person DOESN'T VERIFY SQUAT. 2 entree orders shouldn't be that difficult to get correct. Especially, because my husband's order was not altered any, like my was. Even his was messed up, because the baked potato should have either came with the steak or the server should have told him it would be out separately. One would think maybe 1 mistake might happen, but look at HOW MANY did: 1. Missing baked potato
2. A side of Bbq sauce on the plate
3. Missing side of tartar sauce
4. Missing fries

4 mistakes, one would think with that many people, there shouldn't be any or maybe ONE at the MOST. There are just TOO MANY people involved to get things OBVIOUSLY correct all the time for the last person to just trust to bring the food out without verifying the ticket. The last person HAS to verify what they are taking to the table. If the ticket is wrong, then there is no one to blame but the main server that took the order if the food is brought out by another server.

The culprit is the LAST PERSON to bring the food to the customers as long as the ticket was correct or if it's the same server that took the order, they can verify their written order, which could be more accurate incase they pressed the wrong button. Now if the ticket was not correct as in the case with the Applebee's waitress, well you cannot blame anyone but our waitress in that situation.

We have also had a situation where our waiter brought my husband the completely wrong entree which was shrimp with fries instead of au gratin. Turns out, he GRABBED the wrong plate. My point is, he didn't VERIFY the ticket nor the written order BEFORE he HANDED it to the customer. YOU HAVE TO VERIFY WHAT THE HECK YOU HAND THE CUSTOMER. If the ticket is wrong and you aren't the main server, then I cannot fault you, but if the ticket is right, with things that are obvious, I CAN FAULT the person bringing me my food wrong.

"But also people forget things, its no big deal to run back and get it, but according to you it is."

That's because it takes sometimes I have waited 3-5 minutes just to be able to eat my food the WAY I like it with the condiments. Imagine getting your food, knowing your let's say burger is in front of you with fries, knowing you like your burger with a lot of mayo, light mustard and ranch to dip the fries in, but since those condiments aren't there, you cannot honestly enjoy a dry burger and just plain fries, because you hate ketchup(which I HATE KETCHUP), so it's frustrating to have to wait to eat the way you enjoy your food. If I eat it without those things, it's DOES NOT TASTE GOOD AT ALL. Also, my husband is not a picky eater, so most of the time his food is correct, so he starts eating, while I sit. It's NOT FUN when that happens. The entire reasoning WHY I ordered that item, was because it taste good ONLY with the condiments. WITHOUT the condiments, I would NEVER order that item. I can't say I wouldn't eat fries without anything all the time, but it DOES taste better with something to dip them in, in my opinion. I definitely wouldn't eat a dry burger. I also wouldn't order a burger with mayo and mustard, because either they put too much mustard which is very tarty or too little mayo, that it's NOT ENJOYABLE.

If my condiments could get to me all the time in less than minute, it wouldn't be so bad, but normally, I wait at LEAST 2 minutes or so, HONESTLY, which 2 minutes when you are hungry IS a long time. One time I waited 4 minutes for 1 side of bbq sauce and 1 side of ranch, which I had to ask 4 times to get. A manager got it for me. This is the asking process for 2 condiments I went through: Once when I ordered, another time when the other server ran the food, another time to my server, and then one last time when I saw she wasn't going to get it, from a manager. My food was COOL, NOT HOT. I was SOME PISSED. She got 8%, deserveably so.

Springs1 said...

"I think I would know alittle better than you do, considering YOU DONT WORK THERE!"


"NOBODY is perfect, not even your ass!"

I NEVER claimed to be, but I would at least ****TRY MY VERY BEST**** instead of just "BRINGING OUT THE FOOD WITHOUT VERIFYING ANYTHING ON THE PLATE." These people that are bringing out the food with VERY OBVIOUS COOK or EXPO mistakes like things missing such as the waitress we had friday that forgot my husband's baked potato. Since SHE took the order, SHE should have REREAD her written order and compared those plates of food she brought out on a tray with the written order to make sure EACH component was there.

1. Burger - check
2. 1 orders of fries(1 for me, 1 for my husband) check
3. Chicken Sandwich -check
4. Stuffed baked potato - NOT THERE

See, since I already had my condiments I asked her to bring me BEFORE the food came out, she didn't have nearly as much to verify.

It was VERY OBVIOUS it wasn't there and when my husband mentioned he ordered a stuffed baked potato, she looked at the ticket. I felt, WHAT AN IDIOT, because she should have verified what the hell she WROTE DOWN *************BEFORE************* she LEFT THE KITCHEN. HER TIP WAS ON THE LINE and she DID NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE. Her 8% was earned. When a server learns to be nice and apologize they will get more. It was **********HER********** FAULT 100% that my husband was delivered his food without the stuffed baked potato he ordered. She DID NOT VERIFY ANY OF THE FOOD, because if she would have, she wouldn't have been trying to find it on the ticket AFTER she was reminded.

"Bitch you dont know what the fuck you are talking about."

You are acting like a LAZY AND UNCARING SERVER by saying that, because I KNOW what we go through.

Take this example for instance:

My husband orders “Spicy Billiard Sticks” at Fox and Hound as our appetizer. These things are just like Southwestern eggrolls, but they, at that time, only came with sour cream and salsa. Anyway, he also orders along with the appetizer a side of ranch(which that is for me). Anyway, OUR WAITRESS wrote down our order, she comes out with the plate, NO RANCH. I remind her by saying “We ordered a side of ranch.” She goes ALL THE WAY BACK, meanwhile, I am WAITING to eat my food the WAY I ENJOY IT, which finally she comes back around 2 mins. later with the ranch. She doesn’t say she’s sorry either. It could be possible she didn’t put the order in correctly, but let’s say she did. Since she had the written order, she could have easily made sure 1 side of ranch was on the plate, but instead, she was TOO LAZY ASS AND UNCARING to make sure it was on the plate. I think it’s PATHETIC when the SAME SERVER that TOOK THE ORDER CANNOT GET OBVIOUS THINGS CORRECT WITH YOUR ORDER.

This is an example of a waitress at Chili’s:

I order ribs, which on the menu come with cinnamon apples and fries. I substitute cinnamon apples for extra fries. I also order 2 sides of bbq sauce, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of mayo. SHE brings out the food. She brings out the plate with the ****BIG BOWL***** OF CINNAMON APPLES, NO EXTRA FRIES, NO 2 SIDES OF BBQ SAUCE, and NO MAYO. Just the RANCH was on the plate as far as the condiments go. She had the audacity to ask me “So what did you order”, knowing good and well she had a WRITTEN ORDER that SHE WROTE DOWN to know this instead of making me repeat my order when my food is in front of me. I repeated my order and she brought the condiments first, then the fries. NO APOLOGY WAS GIVEN.



Do you realize HOW MANY SITUATIONS I HAVE LIKE THIS? It’s A LOT, it really is. I try to prevent at least the condiments, by asking for the servers to bring them BEFORE the meal sometimes.

If another server brings out chicken minus pasta that is supposed to have chicken and you put in the order correctly, well yeah, in THAT TYPE of situation, you have NO CHOICE BUT TO TRUST THE PERSON RUNNING THE FOOD, but if it’s condiments, you DO HAVE A CHOICE to RUN THOSE CONDIMENTS TO THE CUSTOMER BEFORE THE FOOD COMES OUT. If YOU take the order and BRING the food to the customer, then you have no reason not to notice that there is no chicken UNLESS it is covered up by something.

There’s really no reason to trust another server for your tip if you really don’t have to like with condiments. There’s really not EVER a reason to trust the cooks or expos to have things obviously correct, because a LOT of times, the food is NOT CORRECT.

WHY would I have SOOOO MANY mistakes BROUGHT TO ME if I didn’t know what I was talking about? I would********PREVENT******* the cook’s or expo’s mistakes from getting to the customer, even if I wasn’t the main server as long as the ticket was correct. If I was the main server bringing out my customer’s food, I would make sure what I had in my hands, would be indeed correct.

"If you have never worked in a restaurant then what the hell are you doing trying to tell servers what to do."

Because my food gets to the table with stuff that is so VERY OBVIOUS is wrong. If I don't have to touch or taste my food to NOTICE there are problems or a problem, then WHY COULDN'T THEY DO THE SAME *****BEFORE******* TAKING IT TO THE TABLE WRONG?

"You are telling them what to do based on how you want YOUR service."

NOT when it comes to getting the correct food to the table, that's EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE that would want that. WHO THE HELL WOULD WANT THEIR ORDER WRONG? EVEN IF THEY ARE AT MCDONALD'S, THEY DON'T WANT THEIR FOOD WRONG. It's like DUH!!!

Now, it's my opinion about the refills without asking, that I will agree that is what I want, but with the food being correct, that's what EVERYONE WOULD WANT. EVEN YOU WOULD WANT YOUR FOOD CORRECT THE FIRST TIME AROUND IF YOU COULD. YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO ADMIT THAT.

“In the restaurant I work in we do work as a team but mistakes do happen.”

When you run another server’s food, do you actually take the effort to ***VERIFY*** the tickets with the food? If you don’t and all you do is just take the food to the certain table, then you are ******NOT****** WORKING AS A TEAM. A team is when you verify some other server’s table’s food for obvious mistakes as well as when they bring YOUR table’s food out that THEY will do the same. Like for instance, if you and I are servers. I run your food, which I see a side of ranch missing, so I tell the cook and they put it on the plate BEFORE I take it to your customer. You run my food to one of my tables and you notice the side dish is missing, so you tell the cook that a side of potato salad is missing. THEN, when they get a bowl and put the potato salad in, you bring the food out.

A “TEAM” is also getting refills for another table, even though you aren’t their server. A couple of times so far, I asked the person that ran the food to me to get a refill and they never did. One waitress that ran the food to us said “YOUR SERVER WILL GET IT.” Just like that to me. Yeah, it’s a “REAL TEAM”, huh? NOT!

SEE WHAT A ***********TEAM**************** IS? It’s HELPING OTHER SERVERS OUT, even though your tip is not on the line. A “TEAM” is also making sure the food is correct, even if you took the order BEFORE taking it to the customer, because that helps out the cooks and expos to get things fixed in a quicker fashion. If you take the order, it’s up to *********YOU********* to do decide if you want to be LAZY and UNCARING not to verify what you are taking to your customers or you can decide to verify what you bring out. Obviously, I would think a server would make BETTER TIPS if they would get the orders correct the first time around, wouldn’t you?

What you don’t seem to understand is that if the ticket is correct, if you happen to run some other server’s food, you can make sure the correct food is on the plate. I have NEVER had a food runner apologize for bringing me the wrong stuff that was obvious, which it IS their fault I am receiving it wrong if the ticket is correct, because they CAN make sure what they are taking out is correct.

Ande said...

Why don't you apply for a waitressing position at your local Outback or Applebee's or one of those other corporate giants you seem to frequent? I would really love for you to deal with customers like yourself, and finally understand a few things - like the bread that comes to your table. Guess what?
I work at a little bar & grill, independently run, with a nice wine list and a Cordon Bleu trained chef, and if someone orders an entree from our menu, I STILL have to bring them a hot loaf of bread. It's the rules, lady. Imagine how much worse it is in a corporate-run restaurant - I've seen servers take a rant from the manager for forgetting those chips or that bread. If you don't want it, DON'T EAT IT. Same with the sodas and teas - as FOH manager, my policy is to refill those drinks as soon as they are less than half full, and since our beverages always come out in a clean, fresh glass, if they want something else, it isn't any problem to bring it back and set it in the server station. If you didn't want another drink, DON'T DRINK IT. Or say 'no, thank you' when they bring it to your table. No one is forcing you to eat and drink just because something is on your table. Should I also take care to remove the salt and pepper shakers, and the sugar bowl, lest you feel compulsed to eat those, too?
For the 'half filled sides,' you need to understand that there are reasons for things being the way they are. Sometimes, dishes are not small enough to fully encapsulate the exact measured portion of a side dish or condiment, so it appears less than full. But almost every restaurant has a specific portion amount for everything, and that is what you're going to receive, be it in a ramekin, soup cup, saucer or salad bowl - it is still the same amount, you aren't being stiffed.
You keep saying 'if I was' but the fact is that you AREN'T. Either try it out so that we can all see you fall flat on your face, or stop commenting and posting about it.
This may sound sadistic, but I actually love new people who think that they are going to be that one, perfect server. I've met a few, but they were truly humble, and definitely the proverbial 'diamond in the rough.' They were raised to be polite and friendly and efficient, most of them don't even have to try. You are nowhere near humble, understanding or kind enough to lick one of those server's slip-resistant shoes, and I cringe in sympathy for whichever of them has stumbled across you in their time on the floor.
Customers like little things like a personal 'thank you :)' on the check (obviously I haven't classed you as a customer) and some friendly chit chat. As long as it is kept short and sweet (unless we're empty and the customer is a regular), I encourage my servers to converse with their customers. It builds a more personal connection with the server and helps the customer enjoy the meal and the overall experience at our restaurant.

Also, you should consider some grammar and punctuation lessons. I know we all make mistakes (self included) but DEAR GOD! I can barely read your blog and posts for all of the INAPPROPRIATE CAPITALIZATION and "excessive" "use" "of" "quotations" when what you really needed were 'these.'

Springs1 said...

“I STILL have to bring them a hot loaf of bread. It's the rules, lady. Imagine how much worse it is in a corporate-run restaurant - I've seen servers take a rant from the manager for forgetting those chips or that bread. If you don't want it, DON'T EAT IT.”

We’ve already a few times been to Mexican restaurants where they greet you with chips & salsa and declined them due to that we were just getting a dessert and drinks. They didn’t MAKE US HAVE IT ON THE TABLE. THEY DIDN’T EVEN PUT IT ON THE TABLE.

Even if you bring it to my table, YOU STILL CAN ****ASK**** IF I WANT IT OR NOT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT?

At Outback, out of ALL the bunches of times we have gone there ONLY ONCE were we greeted with bread. All the other times, we got greeted WITHOUT bread and put our drink and appetizer order if we choose to get an appetizer. At that time, the server ****CAN ***** ***************ASK********************* INSTEAD OF JUST BRINGING IT TO THE TABLE. It’s called being ****CONSIDERATE**** OF WHAT THE “CUSTOMER” WANTS.

Let me ask you a question: What if you went to greet me at Outback without bread, just as we usually get and I tell you we don’t want bread. Do you mean to tell me you have to PUSH IT ON ME? Do you mean to tell me we HAVE to have it on our table? LIKE HELL I WOULD NOT MAKE YOU TAKE IT BACK IF I DIDN’T WANT IT just as we did when we declined chips & salsa. A CUSTOMERS SHOULDN’T HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR TABLE IF THEY DON’T WANT IT THERE. You mean to tell me you can’t TELL YOUR MANAGER WE DON’T WANT THE BREAD? There is something MAJORLY WRONG WITH THAT IF YOU HAVE TO DELIVER SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.

“Same with the sodas and teas - as FOH manager, my policy is to refill those drinks as soon as they are less than half full, and since our beverages always come out in a clean, fresh glass, if they want something else, it isn't any problem to bring it back and set it in the server station.”

If all servers had to do this, I would get this happening all the time, but instead it’s only about 20% of my outings I have servers that don’t ask or let me ask for a refill. MOST SERVERS ***DO**** LET ME DO THE ORDERING OR ASK ME THEMSELVES. They obviously don’t want to make trips for nothing.

“If you didn't want another drink, DON'T DRINK IT.”

I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO PUT IT ON MY TABLE! I DON’T LEAVE IT ON MY TABLE. I have made a server take a glass of water I never ordered, because it was such a small table, I needed the room. I DON’T HAVE TO TAKE IT IF I DON’T WANT TO.

“Or say 'no, thank you' when they bring it to your table.”



“No one is forcing you to eat and drink just because something is on your table.”


“Should I also take care to remove the salt and pepper shakers, and the sugar bowl, lest you feel compulsed to eat those, too?”

Those are ***NOT*** THE SAME, because they are way on the SIDE OF THE TABLE. THEY AREN’T IN THE MIDDLE OF TABLE OR A DRINK I AM ORDERING. The things on the SIDE of the table are just that, ON THE SIDE NOT IN PEOPLE’S WAY. THINGS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TABLE AND AN EXTRA GLASS CAN BE IN THE WAY. Especially sitting at a small table or booth, an extra glass or unwanted bread can be a nuisance.

“But almost every restaurant has a specific portion amount for everything, and that is what you're going to receive, be it in a ramekin, soup cup, saucer or salad bowl - it is still the same amount, you aren't being stiffed.”

NOT TRUE that I am not being “STIFFED.” One time I ordered crab cakes at Applebee’s that comes with REMOULADE SAUCE. The side is small. The first side had about ¾’s of a side. I
had actually ordered an extra side of remoulade sauce. The second side had it only HALF-FILLED. The first side was pretty much acceptable, but NOT the second side. Do you UNDERSTAND that ***BOTH*** OF THE SIDES SHOULD HAVE BEEN FILLED THE SAME AMOUNT? I ended up having to ask for more, because they didn’t actually fill them up all the way. First off, since I am PAYING for the FIRST side, I should get a “FULL” side. Secondly, I ordered a second one, so that one should have been FULL ALSO. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT “PORTION” they may have, it’s the fact that if you ORDER a side of whatever condiment it should be a ***FULL*** SIDE. HOW COME A LOT OF TIMES I HAVE A SIDE OF RANCH FILLED ALL THE WAY? Then the mayo won’t be?

“Either try it out so that we can all see you fall flat on your face, or stop commenting and posting about it.”


“Customers like little things like a personal 'thank you :)'”

Honestly, I have talked to a few people about this and they said that they’d rather get their check FASTER THAN for their server to waste their time doing that. They also said it doesn’t sway them tipping any more than what they were going to.

I feel writing that shows how SELFISH those type of servers are that they ONLY care about their tips and NOT about their customer’s TIME.

“some friendly chit chat.”

I chit-chat with servers ***AFTER**** I HAVE PLACED MY ORDER AS LONG AS I AM NOT INTERRUPTING SOMEONE ELSE’S TIME. I feel talking to them BEFORE I have even ordered about personal stuff makes me irritated because I am HUNGRY AND THRISTY. If I can have my drink in 2 minutes, I want it in 2 minutes, NOT in 5. If I can have my food in 30 minutes instead of 35, I would rather have my food in 30 minutes. MOST PEOPLE WANT THEIR FOOD AND DRINKS OUT FASTER THAN TO TALK TO THEIR SERVERS. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I have read A LOT of people’s opinions about this. A LOT of people feel that an unobtrusive server that doesn’t bother them and only is there when needed. Think about people on a date and how they want ALONE TIME. CHIT-CHATTING IS FOR BARTENDERS, NOT FOR SERVERS! When a customer bitches on “HOW LONG” something took, you can LOOK IN THE MIRROR AT WHO IS PARTIALLY AT FAULT HERE. If you chit-chat with me BEFORE you get my order, then you have just DELAYED my ordering, which delays my food getting to my table. When you are thirsty, do you really want to wait for your server to finish chit-chatting with the other table or go get your refill? A server job is supposed mostly about “SERVING”, NOT AT ALL ABOUT “CHIT-CHATTING.” GO TO A BAR IF YOU WANT CHIT-CHAT. GOOD SERVERS DON’T HAVE THE ***TIME*** WHEN THEY ARE SLAMMED TO CHIT-CHAT. These people keep saying they don’t have the time to get the condiments before the meal, well GEE, you have the time to CHIT-CHAT, you HAVE THE TIME TO GO GET MY RANCH OR WHATEVER CONIDIMENT OR CONDIMENTS I HAVE ORDERED. When a server has time to “PLAY”, then they SHOULDN’T GET PAID TO PLAY. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WORK BEING ACTUALLY “WORK?”

“I encourage my servers to converse with their customers.”

When you have TIME complaints, I bet you wish you didn’t do that, don’t you?

Ande said...

Okay, you pathetic, pretentious bitch.
You do understand that you frequent corporate-run, frozen-food peddling CHAIN RESTAURANTS who underpay their servers, make them tip out absurd amounts to other people on staff and basically suck the souls from their bodies? No wonder you get such bad service! Your poor waiter or waitress has met so many customers who, like you, have a skewed sense of entitlement and no manners to speak of that they NO LONGER CARE. As soon as they see you they read the rest of the night and just don't really give a shit because trying to please you is like trying to fly by flapping your arms - im-fucking-possible.

I would absolutely LOVE for you to come pay a visit to my restaurant. I'll even seat you at one of my own tables and serve you myself. Just to see the look on your face when everything goes right and you have NOTHING to complain about would make my week.

I hate that you are so damn specific - do you remember every single order at every single restaurant you have ever been to? And every single mess-up or mistake that the waitstaff made, and every time that they so much as glanced at another table? Do you MEASURE every condiment and side and time the meal with a stopwatch? Honestly!

I hate people like you who go out to eat and claim that you're STARVING and SO THIRSTY and must be served IMMEDIATELY - why should you wait two minutes for glasses when I can just aim the bar gun at your mouth? People like you make me miss the dining experience in Europe more than anything - you're so demanding, you want your food NOW and all you're going to do is inhale it, rush your sever and leave. My restaurant promotes long, leisurely meals. If you're in a hurry, we can handle that, but it isn't the norm. Our Chefs (yes, they have been trained and EARNED that appellation) have worked long and hard perfecting our menu and hope that you will take your time to savor and enjoy the food they have prepared; preferably with a glass of nice wine - not that white zin crap you probaly drink straight from the box thinking that you're high class.

If you ever treated one of my servers the way you seem to by your postings, or didn't have the common decency to say please and thank you, not only would I place an automatic gratuity on your bill, but I would ask you to choose: apologize or leave. I don't put up with that shit, and I certainly don't expect my servers to.

I love how you didn't respond to any personal points in my post. Nice.

And in response to some of your nastier points, at my restaurant, ranch and mayo are different portion sizes. Stop lumping every restaurant and server in with your own picky-as-fuck experiences and try eating somewhere worthwhile. My husband is in the military and I'm a waitress - when we eat out it is a big deal and a special treat. You wouldn't catch me at Outback or Chili's or any of those other chains you frequent, because I like my food fresh and tasty, not frozen and icky. Try eating somewhere one-of-a-kind, and you won't be disappointed. I'm not saying fancy, just different.

My servers will bring that bread or those drinks to your table EVERY TIME, and if you do not want them, at least my server did his or her job and you can say 'no, thank you' and we will return it to the server station and they will consider it a treat. No harm, no foul. No one assumed or ordered for you, they simply followed guidelines and did their job.

You will ALWAYS find a personal note from your server on a check here, because it shows that they took the time to recognize YOU and thank you for your business. It has nothing to do with tips or money, and everything with service. I always try to remember something specific about my customers and put that with my name and a smiley face on my tickets - not only are they easier to sort at the end of the night, but my customer feels like I appreciate them and noticed them. It takes about 30 seconds to add a personal thought and a smiley onto a tab, by the way. I usually do it while my folder copy is printing, or while you're finishing your meal.

I've never had a time complaint, and I don't think ever will. I have a well-trained staff at a small restaurant with an exceptional Chef, GM and Sous.

If you're ever in Colorado Springs, come join us for dinner. In the meantime, my staff will continue to deliver bread, drinks and smiley faces, and I'll continue posting the exemplary comment cards on the board in the server station. Come to think of it, I may need to buy a new one soon... the one we have is almost full :)

Springs1 said...

stick o' crisco
"Okay, you pathetic, pretentious bitch."

You DON'T even KNOW ME and you already calling me a name. LOOK IN THE MIRROR AT WHO'S THE BITCH!

"You do understand that you frequent corporate-run, frozen-food peddling CHAIN RESTAURANTS who underpay their servers, make them tip out absurd amounts to other people on staff and basically suck the souls from their bodies?"


"no manners to speak of"

What do you call saying "THANK YOU" EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE BRINGS ME SOMETHING UNLESS IT'S FORGOTTEN? Even then, I have said "THANK YOU" at times, but I got NO "SORRY" though. LOOK at the people who DON'T have manners. It's SOME SERVERS that don't.


Also, when you make a mistake, if you don’t say you are sorry, then YOU REALLY DON’T HAVE ANY MANNERS!

"As soon as they see you they read the rest of the night and just don't really give a shit because trying to please you is like trying to fly by flapping your arms - im-fucking-possible."

NOT TRUE AT ALL. I have given 30% 3 times and I have given 25%-28% BUNCHES AND BUNCHES OF TIMES. If I wouldn't be truly "pleased" I WOULD NEVER PAY THAT MUCH, NOW WOULD I? There have been PLENTY, PLENTY of TIMES when we have had “PERFECT SERVICE” that NOTHING AT ALL WENT WRONG, NOT A THING!

"I hate that you are so damn specific - do you remember every single order at every single restaurant you have ever been to? And every single mess-up or mistake that the waitstaff made, and every time that they so much as glanced at another table?

NO, OF COURSE I DON'T remember EVERY SINGLE THING I have ever ordered, but I do remember things that piss me off just as MOST people do. People usually keep things into their memory’s that affects their feelings.

"Do you MEASURE every condiment and side and time the meal with a stopwatch? Honestly!""

NO, sometimes I DON'T notice the time and NO I don't always "MEASURE" the condiments. If I don't get enough of what I specifically asked for, that's when I become pissed off about it. It's like you order your food a certain way, but when the SAME server that took the order brings out the food, they are TOO STUPID to VERIFY WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE HANDING ME. You can **SEE** if I have a "HALF-SIDE" or a "WHOLE-SIDE." This is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. This is COMMON SENSE.

“I hate people like you who go out to eat and claim that you're STARVING and SO THIRSTY and must be served IMMEDIATELY - why should you wait two minutes for glasses when I can just aim the bar gun at your mouth?”


Just look at all these time complaints from:

"We were waited on and order was taken at 11:40am, and did not receive our lunch until 12:25pm. I understand that the noon hour is busy, but not only did our drinks run out, but our waitress avoided coming to our table.
This not only made us late coming back to work, but the food was cold. When we looked on our ticket our order was not placed until 12:08."

“After 20 minutes we received our tea.”

“Then after another 25 minutes(and still no food) he walked by us 4 times, gave me eye contact, but never appologized for the delay in our order.Finally the food came, wrong order and cold.”

“waited 20 minutes to try and place my order my husband asked another server it he could get the person who's taking care of this table and he told okay waited another 10 min totalling 30min waitng”

“My breaking point is when after 15 min with no drink”

“we asked for the check and to go meal .That turned out to be another 20 minutes !!!!!”

“After waiting 45 minutes to be seated it took 10 minutes for the waitress to come to the table. After waiting another 25 minutes for our food, the waitress brought 2 orders that were wrong. I took an additional 15 minutes to get replacement orders and even after that, one of them were still wrong.”

“We set there for a time before she took our drink orders, she was slow giving us refills.”
These are ONLY a LITTLE BIT of the people that want their stuff in a timely manner.

“If you're in a hurry, we can handle that, but it isn't the norm.”

IT IS IN CHAIN RESTAURANTS AND MOST RESTAURANTS THAT AREN’T FANCY. If it wasn’t the “norm”, most of the time, you’d have to wait for refills for 10 minutes every single time and your food would take 45 minutes or so instead of 20-35 mins. Normally, we DON’T wait for refills even 5 minutes. MOST servers go get the RIGHT AWAY. The ones that don’t get lower tips.

“not that white zin crap you probaly drink straight from the box thinking that you're high class.”

Don’t like white zinfandel personally. I like Sonoma Cutrer Russian River. At a fancy restaurant, it was like $9 a glass.

"If you ever treated one of my servers the way you seem to by your postings, or didn't have the common decency to say please and thank you, not only would I place an automatic gratuity on your bill, but I would ask you to choose: apologize or leave. I don't put up with that shit, and I certainly don't expect my servers to."

YOU DON'T GET IT? I **DO** SAY "PLEASE & THANK YOU". I SAY "THANK YOU" EVERYTIME EXCEPT FOR WHEN SERVERS MESS UP, THEN IT WILL DEPEND ON IF THEY SAY THEY ARE SORRY FIRST OR IF IT'S A MINOR MISTAKE. Like for instance, a waiter that took our order that brought me macaroni & cheese instead of a baked potato. Instead of saying he was sorry, he didn't. So when he brought back the thing I did order which was the baked potato, I MADE DAMN SURE I TREATED HIM WITH THE SAME ***DISRESPECT*** HE TREATED ME WITH BY NOT SAYING “THANK YOU”, because he DIDN’T APOLOGIZE. You be mean to me, I'll be mean to you by not saying "thank you." I have even said "Thank you" without an apology before out of habit.

“And in response to some of your nastier points, at my restaurant, ranch and mayo are different portion sizes.

“A side should be a "SIDE", so just because a tablespoon let's say is for mayonnaise, since I NEVER actually ORDERED a "TABLESPOON", WHY THE HELL BRING ME SOMETHING I DIDN'T ORDER?”

A side=1 SIDE, which is the CONTAINER WORTH. If I order a “side of ranch”, then it should be an EQUAL AMOUNT I get if I order Mayo, UNLESS I SPECIFICALLY STATED I DON’T want that much.

So if the customer orders like this: “I would like a side of mayo.” The SERVER should be **SMART** ENOUGH TO KNOW that a customer is ****NOT*** going to know that to this restaurant, a side of mayo to them(which TRULY ISN’T) is a table spoon worth. So if the customer orders a “SIDE” that means it should be a ****FULL***** SIDE EXACTLY JUST AS ORDERED. Did the customer order like this: “I would like a “TABLESPOON” or a “LITTLE” mayo? NO, so ask yourself that the next time you bring out the WRONG AMOUNT. The customer SHOULD GET *********EXACTLY********** WHAT THEY ASKED FOR. If you have to charge them, go ahead, because I would RATHER PAY FOR IT, THEN TO GET PISSED I DON’T HAVE WHAT I ORDERED. I SHOULDN’T have to TELL the server something that is NOT CORRECT THAT THEY CAN OBVIOUSLY ***SEE*** IS NOT FULL WITHOUT TOUCHING THE CONDIMENT! If the customer orders a “SIDE”, well a “SIDE” is a “SIDE”, NOT a “TABLESPOON” WORTH! DO YOU GET THAT?

“Stop lumping every restaurant and server in with your own picky-as-fuck experiences and try eating somewhere worthwhile.”

The restaurants I eat at I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the food and drinks. They have GOOD FOOD at the places I go to. I HONESTLY, ANYDAY, would MUCH RATHER have a Chili’s burger with fries than a Filet Mignon. I just don’t like the fancy foods that much. I love cheese sticks, southwestern egg rolls, salads with lots of ranch, crap dip, crab cakes, etc. I don’t really care for the fancy stuff most of the time.

"You wouldn't catch me at Outback or Chili's or any of those other chains you frequent, because I like my food fresh and tasty, not frozen and icky."

That's YOUR OPINION. I LOVE CHILI'S, OUTBACK, RED LOBSTER, APPLEBEE'S, ETC. Remember, EVERYONE’S TASTE BUDS AREN’T ALIKE. I HATE ketchup, which 90% of the population likes ketchup.

"Try eating somewhere one-of-a-kind, and you won't be disappointed. I'm not saying fancy, just different."

I HAVE before. This one restaurant that wasn’t fancy, I was overcharged, which there was only 1 other couple at a table and 1 person at the bar, so this didn't make any sense why I was overcharged due to the server NOT knowing what the menu had on it. I had ordered an entree and so did my husband. I also added a salad to an entree. This was the VERY FIRST TIME we were there. They had above out of the list of entrees that I had picked one from, "Add a house salad or soup for $1.99." When the check came, she billed me $3.50 as if I never ordered an entrée for the house salad. When I politely asked why the price was $3.50, she was RUDE by telling me "It's whatever is in the computer." I was thinking in my head “As if the computer matters when the ADVERTISTED PRICE IS WHAT MATTERS.” Anyway, I had to SPECIFICALLY SHOWED HER WHERE ON THE MENU IT STATED THIS. She went to get her manager in the back, which she still didn’t apologize at this point as ***I*** WOULD HAVE IN THIS SITUATION WHERE I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN PROVED WRONG IF I WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SERVER IN THIS SITUATION. All they did was fix it, no comp, which I feel for being treated like that, I should have had the salad taken off. I didn't speak to the manager either. Anyway, ONLY AFTER she brought back the finalized check she said “Sorry about the mistake." She got stiffed. It was her RUDENESS and her NASTY ATTITUDE as if she wasn't wrong and that what price the computer had only mattered. It’s like when you buy something in the store, you go according to the shelf price, but if it scans a higher price, you may choose to tell them, so I DO NOT GET WHY this waitress couldn’t possibly think SHE could have been at fault? It wasn't the wrong price in the computer, it was **HER** that pressed the WRONG BUTTON. The revised bill had "Add house salad to entree" instead of just "house salad" which had $3.50. I was overcharged $1.51. My point is, this was a NON-CHAIN restaurant, had almost no other customers and I STILL GOT BAD SERVICE. The restaurant was Mediterranean and middle eastern.

"My servers will bring that bread or those drinks to your table EVERY TIME, and if you do not want them, at least my server did his or her job and you can say 'no, thank you' and we will return it to the server station and they will consider it a treat. No harm, no foul."

There's NO WAY I would say "NO THANK YOU" to something I NEVER ORDERED.

"No one assumed or ordered for you, they simply followed guidelines and did their job."

They did by not asking me as they greeted me BEFORE they handed it to me. For instance, even if they greet me with bread, **BEFORE** THEY EVEN ATTEMPT TO PLACE IT ON THE TABLE, THEY CAN SIMPLY BE CONSIDERATE ENOUGH TO ******ASK****** IF I WANT IT OR NOT. It's called being nice and considerate which is something you don't understand OBVIOUSLY. They can bring it out by following the guidelines, but they can also **ASK** BEFORE HANDING IT OVER WHILE IT IS IN THEIR HANDS INSTEAD OF JUST PLOPPING DOWN SOMETHING ON THE TABLE THAT WAS NEVER ORDERED. WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? The CUSTOMER is supposed to say what they want or don't want. MY SERVER ISN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THE ORDERING FOR ME, whether it's something free or not. ASK BEFORE HANDING IT OVER IS WHAT I AM SAYING.

The server “ASSUMED” I wanted bread, because they NEVER ***ASKED*** ME BEFORE THEY PLACED IT ON MY TABLE.

"You will ALWAYS find a personal note from your server on a check here, because it shows that they took the time to recognize YOU and thank you for your business."

NOT TRUE AT ALL. If I had a scanner, I could scan ALL THE RECEIPTS I HAVE THAT HAVE **NO** "THANK YOU'S" or smiley faces or whatever personal notes on the check. Those servers didn't have the TIME to do that and didn't want to waste the customer's time.

"It has nothing to do with tips or money, and everything with service. I always try to remember something specific about my customers and put that with my name and a smiley face on my tickets - not only are they easier to sort at the end of the night, but my customer feels like I appreciate them and noticed them."

IT DOES, just look at all these sites that say this is what it's for:

“Draw smiley faces on checks. Waitresses (not waiters) who drew smiley faces on the bill got bigger tips in one study.”

“Writing "thank you" on the check also increases tips”

“We've found that customers tip more when servers do things such as writing thank you on the check”
“Writing thank you on the check, 13 percent more.”

“*A waitress drawing a smiley face on the check, 18 percent more.”

“7. Drawing a smiley face on the check increases a waitress's tips by 18 percent”

Mr Chowder said: “Everything the waitresses did increased their tip average by 1 - 2 percent. I tested over a 4 week period and had all the same watresses try different things. Strangely, on a holiday (can't remember which monday it was) all the tips went down.

We tried drawing a smiley face on the check, putting stickers on the check, candy with the check, gum with the check, and a flower in the hair.”

There’s many more sites that *****PROVE***** writing a note or smiley face on the check INCREASES TIPS!

“I usually do it while my folder copy is printing, or while you're finishing your meal.”

What if I order something else after a dessert, so you just did that for nothing? Are you going to waste another 30 seconds doing this non-sense?

Instead of WASTING VALUABLE TIME, you **COULD** be taking that 30 seconds to get someone a refill. DO YOU REALIZE THAT? You could have been actually doing “REAL WORK” instead of doodling, which is PLAYING ON THE JOB! People want their food and drinks PRONTO! I bet if you polled everyone in a restaurant, 95% would say they’d rather have their stuff as *****FAST***** AS THEY CAN GET IT! There would be a few RARE people that like to just take their time, but MOST people WANT THEIR FOOD AND DRINKS NOW, NOT LATER NOW! If I can have my refill in 2 minutes, I want it in 2 minutes, NOT 5 minutes. 95% of the dining population FEELS THE SAME WAY, OTHERWISE YOU WOULDN’T SEE ALL THESE “TIME” COMPLAINTS, NOW WOULD YOU?

"It takes about 30 seconds to add a personal thought and a smiley onto a tab, by the way."

HONESTLY, MOST people DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT CRAP. THEY WANT THEIR CHECK 30 SECONDS FASTER HONESTLY. I for sure don't give a shit if someone writes that crap. That just shows they don't care about their customer's time, because that 30 seconds could be used to get another customer's refill. You are "PLAYING" on the job instead of actually doing "WORK." Writing that stuff is play. Going get someone's refill is WORK. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO "EARNING" YOUR PAY?

I have had at least 2 overcharges when servers have done this. If you have time to do this WASTING TIME CRAP, then you have the time to make sure a customer is NOT OVERCHARGED whether it's a wrong price or an extra item or a wrong item or any type of overcharge. I would think ANY SANE CUSTOMER would MUCH RATHER NOT BE OVERCHARGED, JUST SO THEIR SERVER CAN WRITE “THANK YOU” OR DRAW A SMILEY FACE ON THEIR CHECK, WOULDN’T YOU AGREE?

"I've never had a time complaint, and I don't think ever will. I have a well-trained staff at a small restaurant with an exceptional Chef, GM and Sous."

Well MOST chain restaurants DO. Did you read ALL of those “TIME” complaints? Maybe at the restaurant you work at, but MOST CHAIN RESTAURANTS DO have MANY time complaints of “HOW LONG” someone waits for something.

Ande said...

Pamela said...

Dear Springs,
Please take this in the spirit it is intended.
I don't know if you're a good person who isn't communicating well or are really what you seem. Maybe you just don't realize how your posts appear to others. At this point you aren't going to convince any of them. You're beating you head against a brick wall.

In a perfect world everyone would get what they want,when they want, as they request. Unfortunately this ain't that world. Corporations have long lists of bizzare rules that often work against employees who want to do the best possible job. Not just resturants but any large chain of any kind. I've worked for department stores that pretty much made it impossible to give decent service.
If you would keep posts short (not here of course) and not repeat the same stories over and over your posts would be more effective.
Please notice: no rants, name calling or bs from me.

By the way I agree with you about smoking but living in CA I just don't have to deal with it.

Jane said...

Oh my God, you seriously need to stay home. You are a servers worst nightmare, and so taxing on their time with all that ranch and condiments. I would up charge you for all that crap and all the running you are obviously enjoying making the server do. A server has WAY more work to do that your lovely 40 point what a server needs to do. Shit, I don't know why you go out, you obviously are looking for faults.
Maybe up your type of eating establishment a little, and you will get the service you so desire. Applebee's etc., are all casual formats! Not silver service. Also, give people a break, is every part of your day perfect? Do you complete every task to perfection? When there are that many people involved in getting a plate to a table, shit happens.

Springs1 said...

"I would up charge you for all that crap and all the running you are obviously enjoying making the server do."

Unless the manager or owner wants you to charge me, you cannot LEGALLY charge me, because then it would be theft.

Some restaurants do charge for condiments, but it's VERY RARE. Most chain restaurant DON'T charge for condiments. I honestly would rather have my order correct by PAYING for the condiments than to have to wait to eat my food the WAY I ENJOY IT. The money is meanliness compared to the TIME factor.

"Shit, I don't know why you go out, you obviously are looking for faults."

I enjoy being out somewhere and the main reason is the food & drinks.

I don't "LOOK" for faults, they come to me sometimes. I don't make the server not double check things before they hand them to me.

"Maybe up your type of eating establishment a little, and you will get the service you so desire. Applebee's etc., are all casual formats! Not silver service."

Quite honestly I don't like the fancy food that much. I'd honestly rather a Wendy's hamburger than a filet mignon. I just like food that's regular food not that fancy crap. Not to say once in a while it's OK, but I MUCH PREFER burgers, cheese sticks, southwester eggrolls, ribs, pasta, etc. than to eat at a fancy restaurant. Also, you get 2 to 3 times at much food for your money when you go to places like Chili's, Applebee's, Outback, Red Lobster, etc. The mixed drinks are also better at these places than at a few fine dining restaurants I have gone to in my lifetime. I'd rather have the food at these places than the fancy stuff. Also, I'd rather spread out the money as well by getting 2-3 or more times at Chili's or Applebee's or whatever cheaper place than to go ONCE to spend $150-$200. We do the fine dining stuff once a year on our anniversary. It's nice, but I truly much prefer the TASTE of the food at non-fancy restaurants that have bigger portions.

"Also, give people a break, is every part of your day perfect? Do you complete every task to perfection? When there are that many people involved in getting a plate to a table, shit happens."

I NEVER said I was "perfect", because NO ONE IS. There's a difference between "TRYING" and NOT "TRYING" at all. LOTS of servers DO NOT TRY THEIR BEST by a LONG SHOT. Bringing completely wrong food to a party of ONLY 2 is PATHETIC. That REALLY SHOWS NO EFFORT. At least take a LOOK at what the fuck you are serving me. Don't they want a good tip to at least VERIFY the written order with the plate of food? If I was a table of 10, I would be a bit more forgiving, but a party of 2 shouldn't be that difficult to serve.

I've had mistakes happen when me and my husband were the ONLY CUSTOMERS in the place during afternoon hours. I think that's PATHETIC when you are serving only 2 people and can't verify things.

It's not about being perfect, it's about lack of EFFORT. When a server can't verify a plate to have one side of ranch(ONLY ONE EXTRA THING TO AN APPETIZER PLATE, that's pitful. LACK OF EFFORT is what I call that. HOW can you say they are "TRYING" when that happens? All they are doing is bringing out the food without verifying anything.

"You are a server's worst nightmare!"

WHY, because I want good service? WHY, because I want my server to ***WORK*** FOR ME?

"You are way too demanding."

NOPE, NOT ONE BIT. It's YOU that's TOO DAMN ***LAZY ASS*** TO GET ALL WHAT I ASKED FOR, because it's YOUR JOB if you are server. You are WAY TOO LAZY and UNCARING to be a server. WORK IS WORK and if some customers want extra items, well that's what they want. I PAY EXTRA for the extra work. I normally tip for GREAT service 25% and higher. I've even tipped 30% a few times.

It's NOT "DEMANDING" to want the condiments you want and the food the way you want it, that's just the way some customers are such as myself.

I TRULY, HONESTLY, WISH that the restaurant managers would let you get your OWN condiments. It would be SOOOOO MUCH NICER and EASIER if I could get the amount I wanted so I can have it when my food arrives. See, I'm NOT LAZY like you are.

You are UNCARING. I am NOT too demanding. I am not demanding at all. The job is WORK, NOT PLAYTIME. You are too LAZY ASS TO GET WHAT I HAVE ASKED FOR, because that's the server's job.

"I bet you even expect all that ranch and all those condiments to be free, I would so charge you for all that shit."

Some restaurants charge for them, some don't. If your manager said you couldn't charge for them, you'd be overcharging me. It's NOT up to **YOU** to decide what money the restaurant makes, because that's up to the owner and managers.

HONESTLY I would MUCH RATHER PAY THE EXTRA MONEY TO HAVE WHAT I WANT WHEN MY FOOD ARRIVES. I go out to eat to ENJOY MYSELF, NOT to sit with food in front of me letting it get cooler or cold while my FORGETTFUL SERVER takes several minutes at times to get the forgotten items.

It's NOT ABOUT THE MONEY, DON'T YOU GET THAT? ALL I WANT IS FOR THINGS TO GO WELL. I don't want the mistakes. That's why a lot of times I ask servers to bring the condiments BEFORE the food is ready, because this way, if they comply, my food at least doesn't have that mistake.

"Do you have ANY idea how time consuming you are to a server?"

That is exactly WHY I tip way MORE than 15% when I get good service.

Also, a server's job is time consuming for customers that ask for things one at a time as well. I've seen a youtube video blog that had a waitress that stated, she'd go to the table they wanted a refill, then came back with the refill, now they wanted ranch, then she came back, then they wanted napkins, etc. There are customers like that, that are time consuming to their server also, which I am NOT LIKE THAT. I am telling the server EVERYTHING I WANT WHEN I ORDER.

When they don't verify the plate they are taking me or rely on the other server that takes the food to me, they just make MORE TRIPS FOR THEMSELVES by having to go back to the kitchen to get the forgotten condiments I asked for.

I deserve the service I want no matter HOW LONG it takes for them to serve me, because I willing to PAY FOR IT if they do a great job.

You are just TOO LAZY to want to do all of that work. That's why you have this lazy ass attitude.

"Stay home, you obviously do not enjoy going out, and treat servers like shit."

I DO enjoy going out to eat, because I like the food, drinks, and the company as well as just being out somewhere. I DON'T EVER TREAT SERVERS LIKE SHIT. I say "thank you" when they bring me things. I am VERY NICE. I don't go verbally mean on them unless they do it to me. What I do is just get them in the tip. I've even said "thank you" when they forget stuff at times and they don't even say they're sorry. I think that's pretty nice to say considering I don't get that niceness back.

"A server has WAY more work to do that your lovely 40 point what a server needs to do."

I NEVER said they didn't. I am saying HOW A CUSTOMER SHOULD GET SERVED AND TREATED is what this blog is about.

"all the running you are obviously enjoying making the server do."

As I said before, I'd RATHER BE ABLE TO GET IT MYSELF. I like a few restaurants they have we go to that have the mayo & mustard bottles on the table, because I don't have to worry about ordering them or having them forgotten or bothering the server for them. They have a restaurant in our area that has a "lagniappe bar" where they have some salad stuff and tartar sauce on the bar. It's a restaurant that you go pay at the register and they bring you the food, but it's not a regular sit-down restaurant. I TRULY WISH they'd have that type of thing where I can get all my ranch, mayo, mustard, bbq sauce, tartar sauce, etc. MYSELF. It would make things SOOOO MUCH EASIER FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED, including the server. NO manager would let me go into the kitchen to get that, because of if I were to get hurt back there, they could be sued by me type of thing.

Some restaurants, I have brought my own condiments if I didn't like a certain condiment or condiments they have. Outback I bring my own ranch, because I don't like spicy ranch. You may think that's strange, but I am a VERY PICKY EATER.

You may say why don't I bring my own. MOST of the time, I like the condiments at the restaurants that I go to. Also, it would be a hassle to bring your own all the time and they could go bad if you aren't going straight to the restaurant. It's also embarrassing to bring your own condiments as well as expensive when, I would say 97% of the restaurants DO NOT CHARGE for condiments. WHY pay for something that they will not charge you for? You may say so I can have my condiments with my food, but it's a hassle and it can spill if you don't have certain containers to put them in. Mayo isn't so hard to bring, because I have brought that in a ziplock before. Ranch is, because it's more liquidy. I have spilled ranch before bringing it in to-go containers from a restaurant to another restaurant. I also like a lot of condiments at restaurants. Red Lobster ranch and tartar sauce is SOOOO GOOD. Mexi-ranch, remoulade sauce, and ranch at Applebee's is good. I can't buy that type of stuff at the store and if I would go to that restaurant to buy it ahead of time per say, it would be a hassle and waste a trip to go there.

I can't help what I like and wouldn't ever go to the restaurant if I couldn't have the food the WAY I ENJOY EATING IT.

WHY would you feel I would enjoy making my server do that? If anything I HATE to ask for all of that, but the fact is, in order to ENJOY EATING MY FOOD, I NEED THOSE CONDIMENTS. It won't taste good if I don't have my condiments I ordered. I WISH THE MANAGERS WOULD LET ME GET MY OWN, because it would be much NICER AND EASIER FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED.

"Oh my God, you seriously need to stay home.

Oh my God, you seriously need to FIND ANOTHER LINE OF WORK, because serving is NOT FOR YOU.

Oh my God, you seriously need to take some RED BULL or ENERGY PILLS, because you are TOO LAZY to get all of that.


kat said...

So I'm assuming you have never been a server? If you dont want to put yourself in that position, get a job hosting in a one. Or if you really want to get some "hands on" apply for the To-Go position. But I can already tell you are way too under qualified for that. Theres this old saying im sure you know. "you dont know how it is, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes" I understand complaints, I understand the frustratedness of others. But you do not have any right to tell SERVERS how to do a better job. We go through training, and in some cases this training can last anywhere from one week to 3. This does not mean if you finish in a week you are better than some-one who finishes in 3. (some places require more or less) I personally would never be a server, ONLY because they get taxed on tips. ( I do to-go work ). You really need to think about what your saying...

oh wait I can tell you.

You are telling ME how to do MY job. I dont tell you how to do YOUR job do I?

oh and ALOT of servers are college students trying to put themselves through college-to obtain degrees. Hopefully some one of your intelligence has one of these. and yes there are some servers that have masters.

Oh and servers have this esp, theres well this list they keep in their heads- whos the good tippers, whos the bitch, who makes them feel like a low piece of shit. and Im SURE when you come in, all the servers look at the host and give him/her a signal NOT to put YOU in their section.

Know I understand you are not rude, but if we are rude you are. (thats fine, but it can go in reverse)

plainly it is rude to tell some one how to do their job, when you really have no idea what goes on.

Simply Lauren. said...

Just to start off...i'd pay 10 million dollars to see you in the weeds, getting triple sat on a saturday night and make no mistakes.

i debated hard about commenting on the bits and pieces that you've written but I just had a little piece to say.

I'm sorry you have so much anger in your heart. I'm sorry that you are incapable of being forgiving and understanding mistakes. It is clear that these "horrible" restaurant experiences have truly scarred you. I hope someday you can let it go. There are so many other things to spend energy on, happy things!

P.S. you do realize that you lose ALL cred b/c you were never a server. It's like telling a bull rider how to not fall off by claiming that you have been to a rodeo and "really were a part of it" ergo you randomly know everything about everything.

Springs1 said...

Simply Lauren
"P.S. you do realize that you lose ALL cred b/c you were never a server. It's like telling a bull rider how to not fall off by claiming that you have been to a rodeo and "really were a part of it" ergo you randomly know everything about everything."

First off, a spectator at a bull rider event is **NOT** in a PART of the experience. They are ONLY seeing it from the stands. The CUSTOMER is actually experencing the food, drinks, the check, etc. being brought to them, so the CUSTOMER ***((((IS)))))**** in the EXPERIENCE to be able to UNDERSTAND what we recieve as customers. I have LOTS of experience as a CUSTOMER dealing with things I KNOW my server COULD HAVE PREVENTED from GETTING TO ME as long as that server is the person bringing me the item. Missing sides of condiments, wrong entrees, wrong side dishes, overcharges of ANY KIND, missing utensils(when food is brought, but didn't notice it BEFOREHAND), obvious mistakes such as "sauce was ordered "on the side", which is on the chicken wings" for example, SEE the difference in mr. pibb & sprite through a clear glass(same waiter one time brought me sprite when I ordered mr. pibb, which he even WROTE IT DOWN), putting in the order in a timely fashion, not forgeting about putting in the order(happened to us at least 3 times), forgetting to get the order, and probably many other situations I cannot think about right now.

My point is, I KNOW MORE, MUCH MORE, than the AVERAGE SERVER out there, because they don't have MUCH CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE. An example would be this: A waitress at Chevy's Fresh Mex took our drink orders which were 2 different margaritas. She claimed she had been there for 3 weeks, which is MORE EXPERIENCE than what I HAVE, which is ZERO WEEKS. They had on the table a menu for the mixed drinks that listed a price. We had NEVER ordered them before. We received them and drank them along with a dessert, because that is all we ordered. The check came, the menu stated $5.95 and $6.95 were the margaritas we had ordered, which it was also listed on the regular food menu as well. We were charged $9.95 for both margaritas. The waitress said "You got the bigger ones." We were NEVER ASKED OR TOLD THEY HAD BIGGER ONES. It was a SLOW time and the waitress I even saw SIT at a booth for about a minute or 2, because it was so slow. She claimed it was her first time ringing them up. I don't CARE about that, because she is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. SHE WORKS THERE, YET, SHE DOESN'T KNOW THERE IS A MENU THAT HAS DRINKS AND WE EVEN ORDERED OFF OF IT WHEN WE ORDERED. She thought like a "SERVER", NOT AT ALL LIKE A CUSTOMER. I WOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, BE THAT STUPID. She got ZERO TIP. The fact is, this is just ONE example of MANY that PROVE that you don't have to be a SERVER to UNDERSTAND HOW TO FUCKING DO THE JOB CORRECTLY!!!!

Another example, is recently my husband and I went to Red Lobster. I ordered a pina colada. According to their menu, it is a normal pina colada that COMES with RUM already. I was charged .50 more for Bacardi even though I NEVER ONCE ORDERED IT. She even had the gall to tell me I needed to tell her I wanted the well brand and claimed that "I had to put in something, so I chose the lowest rum." I said "So that is reason to charge someone for something they NEVER ORDERED and it is COMMON SENSE that you wouldn't charge something to someone's check that they didn't order."

When I worked at the donut shop years ago, they didn't have a button for a dozen kastleburgers (6 with cheese, 6 without), they did however have 1/2 dozen buttons that had one with cheese and one without. If I would have rung up 2(1/2) dozens, I would have literally OVERCHAGED the customer. I had COMMON SENSE, UNLIKE THESE STUPID SERVERS. Do you know what I had to do? I had to go to a DIFFERENT MENU to RING IT UP CORRECTLY without OVERCHARGING the customer. I had to ring up a dozen kastleburgers and then go to that other menu to press "add cheese" 6 times. Even back then in 1998-2002, I KNEW HOW TO DO THINGS BETTER THAN THESE IDIOTS. These servers are NOT THINKING LIKE CUSTOMERS as if it were THEIR MONEY or THEIR FOOD. If the Red Lobster waitress didn't know how to ring it up, she should have ASKED HER MANAGER instead of thinking it's OK that an extra 50 cents was on my bill that we NEVER ORDERED.

That's just example TWO that proves I am SMARTER THAN SOME SERVERS ARE. If you have the "CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE", you wouldn't treat a customer like that, because you know you wouldn't want to be treated like that. The main thing is, the waitress didn't think about ringing it up from the ***MENU***, ONLY from the COMPUTER. The computer doesn't count, it's what the CUSTOMER IS PRESENTED that counts. Now if I would have ordered bacardi, that's different, but I DIDN'T, so it's COMMON SENSE, my bill should NOT EVER HAVE SOMETHING I NEVER ORDERED. The pina colada according to their drink menu has RUM as an ingredient listed, so unless I would have ordered a more expensive brand of an alcohol, I shouldn't be charged ANY MORE MONEY. It's like DUHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Bringing out wrong food that is OBVIOUS to the EYES is something that LOTS of servers have done to us. I am MUCH SMARTER THAN THEY ARE WITH ZERO EXPERIENCE. Let's say I am bringing out a party of 2's food such as my husband and I's type of orders. I would make sure each food item is correct and that all condiments are there that were ordered if there are any ****BEFORE***** I'd LEAVE the kitchen by comparing that WRITTEN ORDER I WROTE DOWN WITH THE FOOD. If I know it's busy and another server might run my food for me, I would offer the customers to get any condiments they ordered to be brought BEFORE the food comes out. I wouldn't trust a server that won't get tipped from those customers, because they won't read the ticket 9 times out of 10. Getting tipped out from the sales is NOT the same as getting a lowered tip from a mistake that other server brings to the table.

A bull rider spectator is NOT anywhere NEAR the bull or the rider. They are IN THE STANDS. This is NOT the SAME AT ALL as BEING TRULY IN THE EXPERIENCE as customers are when they dine out.

"Just to start off...i'd pay 10 million dollars to see you in the weeds, getting triple sat on a saturday night and make no mistakes."

I NEVER SAID I wouldn't EVER make mistakes, but at least I know what tip I would DESERVE if I would. I know if I would make a mistake, it would make my tip be bad or nothing. The key to not making lots of mistakes is to WRITE EVERY SINGLE THING DOWN AND ***REREAD*** THE WRITTEN ORDERS CONSTANTLY. We have had servers write orders down and then not verify their written order. It takes BOTH to make things go well.

"I'm sorry that you are incapable of being forgiving and understanding mistakes."

I am capable of forgiving, but I have be SHOWN that the server actually CARES, which MOST DON'T EVEN SAY THEY ARE SORRY TODAY, NO MATTER HOW NICE YOU ARE TO THEM. My husband just had recently a side dish missing when our waitress(not another server) forgot it, NO APOLOGY and he said it as nice as can be. I don't get that? WHY NOT SAY YOU ARE SORRY WHEN YOU ARE BRINGING THE FOOD OUT, SO YOU CAN **TAKE NOTICE** IF WE HAVE ALL THE ITEMS WE ORDERED. We were only 2 people, so it wasn't like she had that much to sort out and I even asked for my condiments to be brought ahead of time, so that was already there.

"I'm sorry you have so much anger in your heart."

Because MOST SERVERS DON'T CARE. I had one server that rung up a salad without an entree price of $3.50, instead of with an entree, which I DID order one, $1.99 tell me "It's whatever is in the computer" when I asked her why the price was $3.50. HOW RUDE, you know? WHO FUCKING CARES if the price in the computer is whatever, the fucking menu states $1.99. I had to show her. Even when I proved her wrong, she just left to see the manager. ONLY AFTERWARDS, she finally said "sorry about the mistake." Like that mattered by then when she told me the other stuff trying to blame a computer, when she pressed the WRONG BUTTON. My revised bill had "add house salad to entree" instead of "house salad."

SEE, I am NOT so STUPID as to care about a computer price, when I know the MENU is what the customer is ORDERING FROM. SOME SERVERS SEEM SO STUPID AND LAZY TODAY. I would have IMMEDIATELY INVESTIGATED WHY the customer was questioning the price, NOT just blamed it on a MACHINE. The price in the computer has NOTHING to do with the ADVERTISED PRICE ON THE MENU.


Simply Lauren. said...

Yikes. I just don't care as much about this as you. So instead I'm just going to raise a white flag. It bothers me too when people don't care about things or don't work hard. I wish I could do something about it! but usually I can't and I totally understand how frustrating that is. It's not nice to say "shut the f*** up" to people. I never said that to you. I wasn't trying to be malicious in my comments---I was basing it off yours. I'm just not sure that your blog is "helping" servers become better. I agree with quite a few of your points, but it seems like some of your other comments are badly taken. Perhaps you should try and start a training program for servers, or something? I dunno---if you really want it to change, maybe you should try that. Just to me, as a first time peruser of this website, it seems like it's mostly a forum for your venting, and venting only goes to far, especially when it falls on deaf ears.

Honestly, I'm not trying to be sarcastic of mean at all, so if you take it as such, that is not my intent.

Happy Hump Day!

Springs1 said...

Simply Lauren
"It's not nice to say "shut the f*** up" to people. I never said that to you."

You did have an "ATTITUDE" with me though such as "Just to start off...i'd pay 10 million dollars to see you in the weeds, getting triple sat on a saturday night and make no mistakes."

Then, to top it off, to tell me this: "P.S. you do realize that you lose ALL cred b/c you were never a server. It's like telling a bull rider how to not fall off by claiming that you have been to a rodeo and "really were a part of it" ergo you randomly know everything about everything."

You act as if I am just "WATCHING" people eat on tv or on a stage. You are so WAY OFF BASE. We eat out EVERY WEEKEND, sometimes 2 or 3 times within a weekend. Like we may go to one restaurant to eat, then go to another to get dessert and drinks for instance in just one day of the weekend. We also sometimes eat out on holidays as well such as labor day. We have been doing this since around Nov. 2000, when me and my husband met. We got married in May of 2002, which we even more ate out than we did when we were just dating. Think of ALL THOSE EXPERIENCES I have that I KNOW what things to do and not to do to a customer, because when you experience an experience that happens to YOU personally, you feel MUCH DIFFERENT about doing that to another person, unless you have no heart or feelings that is.

Would you for instance bring a wrong entree to someone in only a party of 2? I certaintly wouldn't, maybe I'd make that mistake in a party of 10 to sort of who gets what, but only 2 people, NO, I would have enough sense to check on just 2 entrees. One time I ordered bbq chicken nachos as my entree, even though it was an appetizer on the menu. OUR WAITER, NOT ANYONE ELSE, brought out quesadillas. Turns out, he admitted pressing the wrong button. So not only did he not verify the written order, but he also put in the order wrong from the get go. It really wasn't busy at the time like mid afternoon on a Saturday with 3 other tables he had, with only one that had 4, which the rest had less people. I just would NEVER do that. I would make sure I would be bringing out the correct food from my WRITTEN ORDER. Even if he pressed the wrong button, he could have CAUGHT his mistake IN THE KITCHEN. He got zero tip by the WAY HE HANDLED IT. When he brought the food to us, we told him we didn't order that. He just took the quesadillas and walked away only giving my husband his. Now, if that would have been ME as the server, I couldn't fathom not telling the customer WHERE THE FOOD WAS. I had to actually GET UP TO FIND OUT and ONLY THEN, he said he was sorry that he pressed the wrong button. NO COMP, NO MANAGER, NOTHING, so he was uncaring, so were WE in the tip. He acted like he could care less, so did I. My anger comes from UNCARING servers such as that one. You make a mistake, but don't apologize right away? What's up with that? Then, to not at least tell his manager what was wrong, which was only thinking of HIMSELF not to get in trouble. I also hate the fact that that waiter was SO LAZY not to verify the written order, because I bet a million bucks he wrote it down correctly. As if when **HE** is a customer, even at McDonald's, doesn't "HE" want his food correct THE FIRST TIME AROUND? I am just tired of the UNCARING attitudes I come across. That is why I tip 25% and higher to servers that do well. The norm today is 18%-20% and I could even tip as low as 15%. It's sad that I feel I have to tip that well to get really good service, because I shouldn't. I feel you should be able to give 20% at the most to get good service, but I am trying to MAKE the server work harder, which sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't for the lazy servers. That extra 5% is a lot when servers have to tip out the other co-workers, so don't say it's not a lot from 20% if I only tip 25% for great service.

I don't get WHY would a server TREAT another HUMAN BEING as if they don't care, but YET, they want that decent tip? One time we had a major mistake that a waiter forgot to put our appetizer order in, which we ended up waiting a half an hour for. Do you know what he did? He profusely apologized TWICE and even offered us something for free. I told him I'd rather have something off the bill instead since we had plenty of food, which he was lucky that his manager got us $5 off the bill. His tip was 16% of the BEFORE discounted amount. The reason: It's NOT the "MISTAKE", but more of "HOW HE HANDLED IT." NO ONE has EVER DONE THAT BEFORE, EVER, when we have had a mistake. It's like the servers today feel it's kissing ass and they won't do it, but yet, they want that money. I feel it's NOT "kissing ass", just making up for a mistake in a huge way as THEY would probably like to be treated if it were THEM as the customer in that particular situation. Normally, if the server wouldn't have cared or apologized, he would have had ZERO tip, so it really matters on HOW THE SITUATION IS HANDLED.

I wish servers would be like that waiter that we gave 16% to. There's not too many servers that will go through that much trouble to make up for their mistake, because a lot of them don't even say they are sorry, much less ask their manager to comp something.

So that's why I get so angry that MOST servers are NOT like that. I would be like that to try to make up for a mistake like that waiter if I were a server.

I find servers today feel you OWE them 15% at least no matter what. I am just tired of the non-verifying that servers and I am really tired of servers that don't write orders down that get them wrong or forgotten about.

So I am sorry for saying "Shut the fuck up", but you should be sorry for acting like I am very uneducated with restaurant service just because I have never been a server before. This is not like watching people eat out on stage, this is actually being ON STAGE eating out. So your comparison to bull riding is stupid. I would say compare bull riding to watching a person riding a motorcycle if you have never rode on one before. It's NOT the same as "BEING IN THE EXPERIENCE."

You have to give me some credit with my examples in my previous posts. Look at experiences I would know HOW TO HANDLE, because **I** EXPERIENCED THEM AS A CUSTOMER. MOST servers have NOT EVER BEEN OVERCHARGED to understand what it's like to be overcharged or they might not even care about 50 cents, because they don't care about their money, which I do. It's more the principle of the situation than the 50 cents that the server was SO STUPID as to ring me up for something already in the price of the item, which was rum considering I NEVER ordered bacardi.

So, my point is, being a CUSTOMER SOOOOO OFTEN has TAUGHT ME A LOT about being a server. Of course I would make mistakes, because I make mistakes at my job. NOONE is PERFECT, but I definately wouldn't make as many mistakes as those servers, because I am NOT AS LAZY AND UNCARING as those servers as well as I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND what it's like to be in that customer's seat to try NOT to do that to someone else. I think it's lazy to bring wrong food(only if it's the same server that took the order) to a table even if it is a table of 10, BUT, I can understand it more than only a party of 2. It seems ridiculous servers cannot handle one picky eater that orders complicated order out of 2 people and get BOTH our orders correct as much as they can SEE. One time a waitress got my order correct, but forgot my husband's bisque. We are ONLY 2 people, so I don't get WHY the servers WRITE the orders down, but DON'T GO BACK TO THE WRITTEN ORDERS. They could have put an astrick by the bisque to go to get it before our entrees came out, which our entrees came out and my husband had to remind her about it. If we were in a party of 10, much more understandable, but a party of 2 shouldn't be that difficult. I understand they have 5 or more tables at times, but still, messing up on a party of 2 just looks bad in my eyes. I don't get WHY SOME servers are so damn lazy to not WRITE an order down? I have such a horrible short term memory, that there's NO WAY I would not write an order down.

Anyway, can't you take back the comment about me not having any credit of having KNOWLEDGE about serving? Doesn't it LOOK LIKE I have LOTS MORE KNOWLEDGE than some servers that have served me before? We would have not had those situations if they would have been educated from being a CUSTOMER a lot more than likely. Wouldn't you agree? I have LOTS of knowledge about getting things done correctly as much as possible to a customer. I don't need to be a server to understand what mistakes we receive at our table that could have been prevented. Can't you just admit that?

Simply Lauren. said...

I'm just so sorry you are so upset about this! I think you have some insight into the business, like I said before. I agree with some of your points, not all---def not all. But my main issue is how this blog isn't helping the serving process you so desire. Like...literally it isn't doing anything other than evoking highly charged responses from servers and then your LONG LONG rebuttals against them, and it goes in circles: Servers making the same points and then you making other points that you all repeat and repeat with no end in sight.

So----I'm probably not going to return to this blog---(probably a non-issue to you
) but just b/c I feel it's unproductive. I don't feel like I'm a part of change, or that you are a part of change. You clearly are set in your ways, which is fine, no judgement but it's a fact.

I'm sorry for coming on strong in my first post. I have nothing personally against you other than this blog serves no purpose other than venting, and I'm more of an action type of girl.


waitressjj said...

The problem with this entry is that 20 or so of your "points of service" betray the fact that you've never worked in a restaurant. You may not realize that several of the things that annoy you (i.e. bringing refills without asking, not writing down orders, writing thank you on a check, etc.) are requirements. If you go to a chain restaurant like Dennys, Applebees, Fridays, Chili's, Macaroni Grill, Ruby Tuesday, etc.-- all of these restaurants have different requirements put forth by their corporate office that the servers have no control over.

You also seem to have very high expectations about the type of service you are getting at a Dennys. You should probably remember that servers who are working at a restaurant where the food is inexpensive are probably going to have a lot of tables and make a lot less money than someone who works at a 'nicer' restaurant. Standards of service are lower at a Dennys than, say, the Four Seasons and you should adjust your expectations. What's surprising to me is that you get very angry about things you are demanding for free. The reason you are getting such a hassle about ordering four sides of ranch is because that's about equal to a bottle of hidden valley. Doesn't that seem a little bit excessive?

Finally, I can tell you that you are getting bad service because you are too demanding and if I waited on you, I'd immediately write you off as a 10% tipper. I'd be able to recognize that you're impossible to please, and I'd happily ignore you in favor of my other guests. Your lousy tip wouldn't bother me in the least because I'd know that you would have left it regardless, and I'd be glad I used my extra time giving even better service to other tables that will happily leave me a nice tip!

You are obviously very passionate about this, so my suggestion is to stop eating out!

waitressjj said...

One more thing. You seem to feel you have a lot of knowledge and experience because you eat out a lot. You're forgetting that the interaction between server and guest is only one part of the job.

Servers are responsible for more than just waiting on tables, we have to do running sidework during our shift. Running sidework can be anything from restocking ice when it gets low to going in the kitchen and sorting silverware when it comes out of the dishwasher. This could be why sometimes things take a little longer than you expect. If it's a Saturday night and you're waiting for a refill but there's no more ice in the soda machine, I have to go back and fill it up before I can give you a refill. Every server has 1-2 other jobs they are responsible for during their shift besides taking care of their tables.

Springs1 said...

"(i.e. bringing refills without asking, not writing down orders, writing thank you on a check, etc.) are requirements. If you go to a chain restaurant like Dennys, Applebees, Fridays, Chili's, Macaroni Grill, Ruby Tuesday, etc.-- all of these restaurants have different requirements put forth by their corporate office that the servers have no control over."

For starters, I get refills without asking or being asked, about 30% of my outings. It's VERY RARE that another server makes that decision for me or my husband. We have been going out to eat almost every weekend since late 2000, so I KNOW what I am talking about. We frequent Chili's, Applebee's, Outback, Denny's, Red Lobster, VERY OFTEN. MOST of the time(98%), we get servers that write down the orders. We maybe get 40% of servers that write the "thank you's" on the check, which is ONLY WAITRESSES. I don't think I have EVER had a waiter write that type of stuff, EVER. So, just so you know, I have had MANY servers and see the SAME SERVERS for YEARS work at certain restaurants such as Chili's, which they are NOT FIRED for not doing these things. So you saying these things are requirements is truly BULLSHIT. If they were, these workers wouldn't be working there.

"The reason you are getting such a hassle about ordering four sides of ranch is because that's about equal to a bottle of hidden valley. Doesn't that seem a little bit excessive?"

NO, the reason why I am having lots of problems is because those servers that didn't get my order correct and forget them, were TOO LAZY ASS to VERIFY the plate of food. No, it DOESN'T seem "EXCESSIVE." I usually order 3 sides of ranch with a side salad, but sometimes I may order 4 if I want another ranch for something else such as fries.

"Finally, I can tell you that you are getting bad service because you are too demanding and if I waited on you, I'd immediately write you off as a 10% tipper. I'd be able to recognize that you're impossible to please, and I'd happily ignore you in favor of my other guests. Your lousy tip wouldn't bother me in the least because I'd know that you would have left it regardless, and I'd be glad I used my extra time giving even better service to other tables that will happily leave me a nice tip!"

For starters, WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET THAT I WOULD TIP 10%? HOW CAN YOU JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER? If anything, I tip 25% A LOT. The servers know me at the restaurants I go to and even have ones tell me "HI" when I don't have them, because I am a good tipper. You would be making yourself have a bad tip and making a manager mad at you that he or she may end up comping something. Just Saturday, the bill was $51.80, we left $14. Yes, THAT'S RIGHT, $14 dollars. So SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH, because you have NO CLUE OF WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! If you give me lousy service, then a LOUSY TIP WILL be in your future. It's all about being TOO LAZY to get the 4 sides of ranch, that's what it's all about, PURE LAZINESS!!! WHY would you think I would only tip 10%? I RARELY tip that low, EVER. I can't even remember the last time I tipped that low. I treat servers the EXACT WAY they treat me by tipping them HOW their service was. You wouldn't be able to recognize that I am impossible to please, because I AM VERY POSSIBLE TO PLEASE. I PAY EXTRA for the EXTRA amount of WORK the server has to do, but they have to get the order correct to get that 25% or more. If they suck, their tip will suck. They treated my order as if they didn't care, so WHY the hell should I care much about their tip? Especially if the server doesn't say they are sorry when they mess up. I say "thank you" when they bring things, they can at least be NICE about a mistake.

I am NOT too demanding, because it's YOU and servers just like YOU that are TOO DAMN LAZY AND VERY UNCARING TO DO THEIR JOB! Do you think everyone likes the food the exact way it comes on the menu? I wonder if you even do?

"If it's a Saturday night and you're waiting for a refill but there's no more ice in the soda machine, I have to go back and fill it up before I can give you a refill."

I have worked at a donut shop, which sometimes this had happened where I couldn't get the customer's drink right away, because there was no ice. You act like I don't have any COMMON SENSE or haven't worked at all at a place that serves food.

damian said...

prings1, you cannot, cannot, cannot decide what makes a good server unless you know the back-of-the-house workings of a restaurant. working at yum-yum donuts in 1996 for 9 months does not qualify you to establish a set of rules for being a good server, as you wrote, IN a restaurant.

also, i understand that people have allergies and special requirements, needs. BUT and this is a big but - checking your plate for four sides of extra ranch OR confirming that a plate has bacon and not sausage is SOMETIMES OUT OF A SERVER'S CONTROL.

knowing that you've never worked at a restaurant makes this all a more frustrating point to make. many restaurants, for instance the one I worked at, want their servers on the floor in their sections unless they are in the dish room dropping off dirty dishes which means, I may have little to no control over your food being dropped at your table. now, i can rectify the situation i.e. bring the ranch to the table when i see your food has come or correct a side of bacon but i'm just trying to reiterate that some things are out of a server's control. you make many references to it all being about lazy servers or laziness but you and i agree that may be the case in some instances BUT you have never worked at a restaurant and you may not realize that food expos and food runners are the ones doing a lot of the behinds-the-scene work with your food.

also you keep saying EARNING, EARNING, EARNING your tip. OKAY, we get it. But really? I mean, it's going to be a very long day if you hold every server to the idea that they need to earn your tip. A server isn't making such little money as an hourly wage and I think it's really wrong to keep using that word. a server shouldn't mind going the extra mile, i agree however it sounds to me like you're running your servers around and maybe they just don't care after a while. and before you call me a lazy bitch or an asshole maybe just think about what you're expecting added to the fact that you have NO idea how a restaurant operates from the other side and then add a pinch of the fact that you're a little picky.

just sayin'

and as far as what waitressjj was saying YES their are certain rules for chain restaurants. maybe your favorite servers haven't been fired from chili's for doing or not doing certain things because they have have been there a long time and the mgt turns the other way but YES YES YES there are certain rules that can include things like writing thank you, etc. and once again you have NO idea because you are judging this all purely as a guest and or an employee of Yum Yum donuts circa mid-90's.

Your creation of this blog to inform servers how to better their skills in itself is suspect.

What do you do for a living? I am curious.

Springs1 said...

Queen McGay Fairy
"donuts in 1996 for 9 months"

WRONG! I worked there for OVER 2 yrs off and on between 1998(NOT 1996) – 2002.

"does not qualify you to establish a set of rules for being a good server"

What qualifies me is EXPERIENCING just about EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND going out to eat 2-3 TIMES a weekend since late 2000. Have you ever been overcharged at a restaurant? I bet you haven't, but WE HAVE OVER 20 times LITERALLY. Just "EXPERIENCING" the things that go wrong DOES QUALIFY me because I have MORE KNOWLEDGE THAN MOST SERVERS DO about restaurant mistakes.

"checking your plate for four sides of extra ranch OR confirming that a plate has bacon and not sausage is SOMETIMES OUT OF A SERVER'S CONTROL."

The bacon or sausage, yes, I completely 100% AGREE that if my server doesn't bring my food out, if the food was plated wrong by the kitchen staff, my server would NOT be at fault. It's still part of my service though, so I will still take off points. The person that is bringing me food is PART of my service. Customers will tip on their SERVICE, so if that other server didn't verify that I didn't have bacon, well, that's the way it goes. The tip would be lowered some.

You also act like if another server brings me sausage instead of bacon that I ordered that it's not in your control, but it partially IS in that you have to put the order into the computer system correctly. My husband received ribs instead of a burger he ordered at Applebee's from another server. It turns out, she ADMITTED she thought he ordered ribs, but he truly didn't. She was triple sat and with my complicated order, she messed up with the other 2 party tables plus our 2 party table. My point is, you couldn't possibly blame the kitchen staff or the other server that ran the food in that situation, because they server ADMITTED she was at fault and our check had voided baby back ribs on it as well. So, think about that situation also that my server has to REMEMBER to put in the order as well as put the order in 100% CORRECTLY for my server not to be at fault for such a situation. Servers DO have control of putting in the order correctly and WHEN they put the order into the computer system.

Condiments on the other hand, servers ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, have control over them being forgotten, because they can BRING THEM OUT BEFORE THE FOOD COMES OUT! I have had at least 9 or 10 times where servers VOLUNTAIRLY(without me asking them) to bring the condiments BEFORE my food was ready. I also have MANY of times ASKED some servers to bring the condiments BEFORE the food comes out, due to the fact that they are forgotten about lots of times, which 99% of the servers that I have asked COMPLIED. Therefore, there's NEVER ANY EXCUSE to FORGET CONDIMENTS, EVER! My server can ALWAYS make sure not to trust that other server that I won't be tipping that brings me the food and do it so they don't forget themselves if they end up bringing out the food. There have been PLENTY of times where the SAME SERVER took my order, then comes with the plate of food with NONE of the condiments I have asked for. I have had many of times experiences where it's only ONE side of ranch that I added to the order and the SAME SERVER CANNOT TAKE THE **EFFORT** TO COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDER WITH THE PLATE OF FOOD. A couple of times I am remembering, the servers WROTE the appetizer order down. The SAME SERVERS brought out the ONE PLATE(so this is NOT a WHOLE LOT TO VERIFY) and they STILL COULDN'T get ONE PLATE CORRECT. I think that's PATHETIC. GOOD, CARING, SERVERS BRING the condiments out BEFORE the food, because if they found the time to go all the way back to the kitchen to get the forgotten item or items, then they HAVE the TIME to verify the plate BEFORE they leave the kitchen with it.

The "out of control" part for the condiments is ONLY if you decide not to bring the condiments out and rely on the other server that will be tipped out in SALES, NOT from my tip, so then it's still YOUR FAULT 100% you DECIDED to put 100% TRUST into someone that DOESN'T CARE, because they ain't going to see any tip from me to care. Do you blame them? Why should they work as a TEAM if they aren't going to see any money from it? I think they should, because then the other servers could work as a team for them, but you know what, it doesn't work that way. Usually servers DO NOT work as a team even if a few select others work as a team, there will always be the ones that don't give a shit by just bringing out food without caring about what it is. Remember, it's MY SERVER that is getting tipped, so YOU have the POWER to make the situation NOT HAPPEN by BRINGING ANY CONIDIMENTS ******BEFORE******** the food comes out. If you find the time afterward, you can find the time beforehand. It takes MORE time when it's forgotten to make extra trips than it takes to just verify the plates in the kitchen the FIRST TIME AROUND. What if that was YOUR FOOD? Wouldn't you want YOUR SERVER to CARE if you got your salad dressing or bbq sauce or whatever condiment you like with your food? Would you like to wait 3-5 minutes to eat your food like I have at times, meanwhile your food gets cold. I went through condiments being forgotten so many times, I started to ask for them to be brought before the food comes out, but I don't do it all the time. The times I don't do it, they are usually forgotten just as I thought they were. When they are remembered, it's truly a miracle, because it's very rare that happens.

"you have NO idea how a restaurant operates from the other side"

I have PLENTY of KNOWLEDGE about what happens on the other side. It's servers like YOU that don't. You seem to think you don't have any control over condiments, but sorry, the GOOD, CARING, servers bring out all the things like that BEFORE the food comes out. Even if the condiment comes with the meal, you should at least OFFER to BRING them AHEAD OF TIME.

I find you don't understand what it's like to be a CUSTOMER that much. When you place your order, you want your server to WRITE ALL the orders down so they can TRY to remember them, but some servers don't even try, which it's NOT a REQUIREMENT not to write down the orders at the restaurants I go to considering I have had plenty of servers at the SAME restaurants over and over again, so I know. Imagine ordering 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, and 1 side of ranch with your burger. Imagine another server bringing your food out with none of the condiments you ordered. Think about it logically that YOUR SERVER COULD have brought those out for you instead of someone else. Think about WHY you are DELAYED from eating your food and WHAT COULD have been done to PREVENT the situation from happening. Usually, it's not the server that ran the food that even fixes the mistake and that person that ran the food DOESN'T apologize. All they do is tell my server, then my server comes with the missing condiments, which 85% of the time, THEY DON'T SAY THEY ARE SORRY EVEN, so that makes me MORE PISSED OFF. Those situations could have been prevented if the server took CHARGE OF THEIR TIP to being with. Servers can PREVENT LOTS of situations. Servers can always prevent overcharges. They can always prevent serving food without utensils.

Now you see why at times, I ask for the condiments I order to be brought before my meal. Then, when my meal comes, the condiment part is at least correct.

I have had LOTS of times the SAME SERVER mess up on major issues like a wrong entrée or a wrong side dish. We are only 2 people and one of those times I even asked the condiments to be brought before the food, so the condiments were there, then the waitress came out without my husband's baked potato. She did something stupid. Instead of apologizing, she decides to look on the ticket on the tray instead of her PAD OF PAPER SHE WROTE THE ORDERS DOWN ON. Then, when she brought out the baked potato, she STILL DIDN'T apologize. What made me the maddest was her being not CARING enough to apologize for FORGETTING IT FROM THE KITCHEN. Also, who knows if she even put the order in correctly? It doesn't matter if she did though, because since SHE took the order and brought out our food, SHE was 100% RESPONSIBLE for taking all the components from the kitchen to our table. She received 9%. The reason, NO APOLOGY is the MAIN reason her tip got that low. I was some pissed at how uncaring someone could be. I could NEVER do that to a customer and I even apologized for RAW food at the donut shop even, when that wasn't MY FAULT since I wasn't going to break open the food to know that it was raw, but I STILL was NICE ENOUGH TO APOLOGIZE. My husband was nice as can be about the mistake and it's like you would think being nice would help get an apology, but NO, she probably felt like it wasn't her fault or something.

I have SOO MUCH EXPERIENCE that you just don’t' get WHAT I really know compared to SOME servers. WHY would a server bring out food ordered exactly from the menu description without the condiment it comes with? Obviously, they have MORE EXPERIENCE as a SERVER than I do, but somehow I have MUCH MORE KNOWLEDGE then THEY DO. That's just ONE EXAMPLE of how being a FREQUENT CUSTOMER IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than having experience as a server.

Think about it logically. Let's say Joe Schmoe never goes out to eat and has no prior experience being a waiter. He decides to get a job as a waiter. He has been working for 1 month let's say. Take Jane Doe. She had NO experience being a waitress, but goes out to eat every single weekend. She has been going out to eat very often for 2yrs. Jane Doe gets started working as a waitress. By the end of the first month she is making LESS mistakes than Joe Schmoe, because she treats her customers with the experience she experienced as a customer to try not to make the mistakes that were made when she was a frequent customer. Joe Schmoe makes a lot of mistakes and doesn't even apologize when he does. Jane Doe FULLY UNDERSTANDS what it's like to get overcharged or get the wrong food or get her condiments forgotten or get the wrong food. Joe Schmoe on the other hand doesn't understand what these customers are going through, because it's NOT HIS FOOD OR HIS MONEY, it's the CUSTOMER'S. Anyway, my point is, if I became a server, I would know to automatically offer to bring the condiments BEFORE the food comes out, since 8 times out of 10, they are forgotten about when another sever brings out the food and even 6 times out of 10, when the same server brings the food out forgets them. I would know to make sure I wouldn't overcharge a customer in ANY WAY, which includes knowing if what I am ringing up is the correct price or correct item. I would treat my customers just as I would want to get treated, NOT as I wouldn't care like SOME servers have to us.

Do you understand that I do NOT need to be a SERVER to have MORE KNOWLEDGE than SOME SERVERS? I have a lot more knowledge than MOST servers about how to make sure things get to the customer correctly as much as the server can possibly control, that is.

"What do you do for a living? I am curious."

I work at an office as a processor at an insurance company. I have been doing office work since 2002.

waitressjj said...


Springs1, I am very disappointed with your reply to my comment. I adressed you very respectfully and I wish you hadn't resorted to cursing and name calling, especially since in other comments you got angry with people for doing the same.

I have to agree with queeny mcgay fairy and say that there's no way you can know everything without having worked as a server.

For several years I worked as a standarized patient at an Ivy League medical school. This job consisted of presenting 'symptoms' and letting medical students 'examine' and then 'diagnose' me. I would then rate the students on their skills and that would go towards their final grades. I met hundreds of medical students and went through thousands of exams. I feel I did a good job objectively judging the students on their tactics, bedside manor, etc. However, even with all that experience, I would never presume that I have as much knowledge as a doctor. The truth is I only know a little part of their job, there is so much more to it.

I would love to see you try being a server. Give it a month or two on the weekends, let's call it a social experiment. Once you've been in the trenches I'd love to hear if your opinions have changed.

Springs1 said...

"I adressed you very respectfully and I wish you hadn't resorted to cursing and name calling, especially since in other comments you got angry with people for doing the same."

So you expect me not to be calling you a name, yet, you can "LABEL" me as a 10% tipper when I have good service? You were acting as if you KNEW EXACTLY what you were talking about. You also claimed I could never be pleased, which is UNTRUE. You expect me to "RESPECT" you, then "RESPECT" me by not spewing out these lies. You DO NOT KNOW what you are talking about. Ordering a lot of things has NOTHING to do with HOW someone tips. I am NOT sure WHERE you get that from? I also don't get why you seem to judge a book by it's cover per say? Just because I order complicated orders doesn't have ANYTHING to do with tipping poorly. That is just the way I like to eat my food. I even eat things like bbq hot pockets dipping them in mayo, which is just an example of that I like to eat my food with condiments. I also eat bean burritos dipping them in mayo. These are just examples that I am NOT trying to make my server run around, I just like the food with certain things and certain ways. I am willing to pay 25%-30% to get the extras, but they have to do their part as well by giving me great service.

So, no I won't say I am sorry for calling you a name, because YOU, in a sense did, when you labled me a 10% tipper. You were being mean first, so what do you expect back?

"there's no way you can know everything without having worked as a server."

Did I say I knew EVERY SINGLE THING? No, I didn't, I said I know a lot more than some servers do, which they have experience being a server and I do not is my point. You don't have to do the job to know more than the person doing the job, considering you don't need any college education to get this type of job like you do as your example as a doctor.

"However, even with all that experience, I would never presume that I have as much knowledge as a doctor. The truth is I only know a little part of their job, there is so much more to it."

I am NOT "presuming" I have as much knowledge as a server, I KNOW I have MORE KNOWLEDGE than SOME SERVERS DO, because I have the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES WITH MISTAKES that have happened to me and my husband. The mistakes wouldn't have occurred if they were smarter than me, because A LOT of the mistakes were very obvious ones, kind of like you want to say duh, when they happened. Being a doctor requires COLLEGE, which being a server doesn't, so this comparison is stupid. Almost anyone off the street can be a server. Most people cannot be doctors though, because they are not smart enough or they just don't want to do that type of job.

I NEVER claimed I know more about every single thing. All I am saying is I know more than what you think. Just out of curiosity, have you ever been overcharged at a restaurant before? Have you have had a completely wrong entree before or side dish brought to you as a customer? I am just curious if you have experienced any of these mistakes?

"Once you've been in the trenches I'd love to hear if your opinions have changed."

HOW? My opinions would still be the same, because when I am a customer, I would still feel the same about everything. My opinions don't change. I would make sure my customer's orders had their condiments by bringing them out ahead of time instead of waiting to get them forgotten about. I would make sure I wouldn't overcharge someone. Those are just examples of how I would serve them. I would serve them just as I would like to be served, because I don't know ANY customers that would want their order wrong or be overcharged, do you?

Springs1 said...

"You have to be one of thoses big FAT customers we all hate, 4 sides of ranch???? DEFINATELY!!! Watch the waist line girl,"

You couldn't be MORE WRONG!! I weighed myself this morning, which I am 91 and a half pounds. I am 5'0" tall. I keep my weight between 90-92lbs. Sure, sometimes I may go up to 93lbs, but I always get back every week. I don't eat as much during the week so I CAN EAT four sides of ranch. Do YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU LOOK STUPID SAYING THIS WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT? You must be fat yourself that you want to talk about the way people look. I bet you can't say you can fit a size 2 dress. I SURE CAN! I even can fit a few dresses of when I was in 8th grade and weighted around 80lbs or so. I am 31yrs old know, which 8th grade was around 1990-1991. So SHUT THE HELL UP CONSIDERING YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!


Then WHY would I know NOT to make the same mistakes that we get in our dining experience? WHY would I know how to PREVENT THEM if I didn't know anything about restaurants? Being a CUSTOMER so often has taught me a LOT MORE than working with customers even. When you receive your food with missing side dishes, wrong entrees, missing condiments, you know all of that your SERVER could have prevented if they take the food to you. The missing sides of condiments they can ALWAYS PREVENT from being missing no matter WHO takes the food out. Also, if I can find an overcharge such as an extra item, wrong item, wrong price, wrong amount charged or wrong change back, then my SERVER SURE CAN considering I DON'T EVEN WORK THERE. When we have had for instance at Outback the baby back ribs had on their menu at that time $16.99. On our check, we were charged $17.29, which I noticed that. GEE, if I can notice such a thing, sure can my server. There's NO EXCUSE to EVER HAND CUSTOMERS WRONG THINGS. If they do due to a mistake being overlooked, they need to apologize. MOST servers don't even apologize when mistakes happen. Then they wonder WHY their tip is shitty. Well, GEE, COMMON SENSE would be to APOLOGIZE for mistakes so you can make more money. HOW can you forgive someone that doesn't apologize?


So what, you are a restaurant manager. Most restaurant managers don't know much. I catch the pricing errors and they DON'T, because people such as yourself are too UNCARING and LAZY ASS to make sure your customers are CHARGED correctly so you end up putting it on the server, which the servers end up being too lazy ass to verify the check, therefore, it goes to the customer. That's PATHETIC when SOOO many people can notice a mistake and it ends up being that the customer has to be the MANAGER'S AND SERVER'S BABY-SITTERS! I KNOW SOOOO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT YOU THINK!

"Why don't you try just going out and enjoying yourself?"

I DO, but when things go wrong, HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO ENJOY YOURSELF? It's one thing if they forget something small, but it's fixed right away, it's another when you have a wrong entree or an overcharge. When you don't get to eat with the rest of your party, because your server put the order into the computer wrong, GUESS WHO SUFFERS THE MOST? THE CUSTOMER that is sitting there waiting to eat and everyone else at the table is eating. GEE, HOW FUN! When all you want to do is LEAVE the restaurant and you have to wait 5-10 minutes to get an overcharge fixed, GEE HOW FUN seeing that your server doesn't care about your money, YET, they want that tip.

I have fun when things go well, not when things don't go well. I still may enjoy my food though, just not the experience.

damian said...


Many people on here are labeling you a 10% tipper or writing you off as a customer because you, as I perceive the situation, are a customer who is hard to please.

I, of course, know what's it's like to be a customer. I am probably a little too generous and lenient with my servers because I have been there. Ya dig? But, still I also don't frequent frozen-bar-grills i.e. Applebee's as often as you seem to. That said, waitressjj makes a good point. Servers working at Denny's, Applebee's, etc. have lots of tables to make up for their cheap menu. Standards of service are different then they would be at The Ivy, Le Be Fin, Nobu.

Also, the reason I am writing you off as a 10% is because it seems to me that in spite of what I do DO right for you. Such as bring out your ranch sides and refill your drinks. Smile. Gracious service. blah blah blah. You are going to pick away at my tip based everything I DO wrong. Or should I say what you deem wrong. You continue to defend that it's about laziness and that you know what's going on behind the scenes but listen here, sista: If my expo sends your Chicken Ranch Sandwich out of the kitchen without the Chipolte Ranch side dressing it is supposed to get - it is out of my control. Guess what? It annoys me as much as it annoys you that he/she messed up that and I will run it out to you as soon as I see that. But that's their mistake and I have other tables. That's not part of my job. Sure, lower my tip because the extra minute you needed to wait hurt your experience BUT just understand that me and other like-minded servers will understand that you are unforgiving and demanding. I mean, really, eat at home if you can't just let some things roll off your back. You're out to eat - aren't you there to have a good time? Is it worth sweating the small stuff?

And, yes my dear girl, I have been overcharged. Probably more times than I've noticed BUT that's because 1. I understand mistakes happen and am understanding if a server needs to fix something

and 2. mistakes happen. deal with it. I am going to come to your insurance company and take money out of your paycheck each time you browse for Christmas gifts online, or check the headlines, or receive a personal e-mail or send out a chain letter or better yet a forward with some adorable kittens. The point is, you're not losing money from your pay when you incorrectly write the date down on January 2nd so why are you so hung up on making sure you punish people for mistakes.

It's not effective in teaching them a lesson. It's effective in putting you into a category that servers deem are ten% tippers.

That's all. I should probably wash my hands of this for my own good. It doesn't seem that you are willing to take anyone else's opinion into consideration. But give me this was pretty amazing that I called that you worked at Yum-Yum around the same late-90's era, no? And since you say it was '98 for two years (off and on) I totally take back my point and you totally understand what it's like to be server and how a restaurant works.

Let go, let flow, baby!

Springs1 said...

Queen McGay Fairy
"If my expo sends your Chicken Ranch Sandwich out of the kitchen without the Chipolte Ranch side dressing it is supposed to get - it is out of my control. Guess what? It annoys me as much as it annoys you that he/she messed up that and I will run it out to you as soon as I see that. But that's their mistake and I have other tables. That's not part of my job."

Sorry, but that's 100% UNTRUE. WHO is making tip here, YOU or that other server that ran the food to me? You obviously didn't READ what I said. ANY CONDIMENTS ARE 100% IN THE SERVER'S CONTROL. It IS PART OF YOUR JOB. Also, when it's forgotten, GUESS about 90% of the times WHO gets the FORGOTTEN ITEMS, NOT THE SERVER THAT RAN THE FOOD, MY SERVER!! So YES, if you get it afterwards, there's NO REASON IN THIS WORLD YOU CANNOT GET THE CONDIMENTS TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE ******BEFORE******* THE FOOD IS DELIVERED, EVEN IF YOU END UP DELIVERING THE FOOD YOURSELF.

HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY IT'S OUT OF YOUR CONTROL WHEN I HAVE HAD SERVERS BRING THE CONDIMENTS ***************BEFORE************** THE FOOD WAS BROUGHT TO OUR TABLE? Obviously, they TOOK CHARGE OF THEIR TIP, WHY NOT YOU? Do you just not care or too lazy? You may say "We don't have time", but they DO, when 9 times out of 10, when a runner brings the food, GUESS WHAT? NO CONDIMENTS OR missing some condiments is what comes to the table.

If they forget my side dish or get my side dish wrong and you put the order into the computer correctly, that IS something completely out of your control, but SIDES or BOTTLES OF CONDIMENTS AREN'T. WHY do you get it would be out of your control?

Some years ago, I gave a waitress my written order for my burger. I ordered 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of bbq sauce. I ordered the burger medium well with cheese and extra crispy bacon. The waitress ASKED ME "Could I bring these before, because they won't have all of these." or something like that she said. Guess what? SHE ****PREVENTED***** ANY missing condiments, because ANOTHER SEVER RAN THE FOOD TO OUR TABLE. Do you want to be a billion dollars that the food would NOT have had my condiments or at least one or 2 of the items missing? So SHE TOOK 100% CONTROL OVER HER TIP. Guess what percentage I tipped her for VOLUNTEERING to make sure I was happy? 28% is what I tipped and it was BEFORE $15 worth of gift certificates amount, NOT AFTER.

I also, this year, had a waitress ask if it was ok to bring the ranch and tartar sauce out beforehand so she wouldn't forget. She ended up bringing out the appetizer, but SEE, she did it FOR HERSELF, NOT ONLY IF another server runs the food. That time, my husband's entree was somewhat wrong from another server. It turns out, our waitress ADMITTED she put the order in wrong. I felt we should still leave 17% due to the fact that she brought my condiments before the food and got everything else correct. Normally, if the thing wrong with the entree, which it was supposed to be served in a bread bowl, which was red beans & rice, but it was in a regular bowl, was the only thing that went wrong, I would have tipped maybe 15% instead of 17% even if she would have remembered by not bringing out the condiments beforehand. The fact that she made an extra trip and thought of me got her some BONUS POINTS. I was going to tip her around 25%, but being that she messed up my husband's order, well, that's the breaks. I think it's a pretty decent tip for her major mess up. Since SHE put the order in wrong, she should have actually gotten at least a coke off the bill for our inconvenience. Anyway, she did profusley apologize about the mistake. The fact is though, she earned more points by going that extra mile to make sure at least my condiments were correct. SHE KNEW the condiments were in HER CONTROL and didn't even want to forget herself.


If I get a wrong entree(from another server, NOT my main server) and you put the order in correctly, then that's out of your control. If my food is cold and you just found out it was done, that's out of your control. If the food is cold, but you chose to chit-chat, well, that's your fault in that scenario. If I have wing sauce on chicken instead of "on the side" and even if you brought the side of wing sauce, if the chicken has wing sauce on it, but SOME OTHER SERVER brought out the food, THAT would be another example how you couldn't control the wing sauce being on my chicken UNLESS you put the order into the computer incorrectly.

Another thing out of your control would be if you put in the order correctly, which I would have ordered chicken with pasta. Another server runs me my food without the chicken, which is easily seen usually in pasta. THAT would be out of your control.

Condiments ARE IN YOUR CONTROL! HOW come I have had at least 9 servers VOLUNTARILY bring them ahead of time and MANY OTHER SERVERS do as I requested which was to bring them before the food arrived? I have even asked servers can they bring out the condiments for the appetizer before the food comes out and make another trip for the condiments before the entree comes out. Guess what? 99% of servers ABIDE by what I ask to GET A GOOD TIP. You obviously don't want to EARN your tip that you say "It's not my job", well if you have to bring it out AFTER the food is delivered, GEE, DOESN'T that tell you it IS PART OF YOUR JOB? Doesn't that tell you that it's NOT the server's job that ran the food if YOU end up doing it? The server that runs the food wrong won't be seeing any tip from the customer. The customer is ONLY tipping YOU, their main server. Why do you think most of the time when other servers run food that they don't ask if everything looks alright, they just SERVE AND RUN. They usually don't offer a refill and I have been IGNORED by these runners for refills at times, because IT'S NOT THEIR TABLE, so they don't care!!


"You are going to pick away at my tip based everything I DO wrong."

WHO do you know that wants things to go wrong when they go out to eat, huh? I sure don't know ANYONE in this world that wants their stuff wrong or forgotten.

"I am going to come to your insurance company and take money out of your paycheck each time you browse for Christmas gifts online, or check the headlines, or receive a personal e-mail or send out a chain letter or better yet a forward with some adorable kittens."

For starters, I DO NOT DO ANY OF THAT STUFF ON THE CLOCK. Second of all, a girl just recently got fired for being on myspace on the clock. Thirdly, if you don't like the consequences you face, GET A JOB LIKE ME that doesn't count on JUST CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR INCOME. There ARE OTHER JOBS OUT THERE.

"The point is, you're not losing money from your pay when you incorrectly write the date down on January 2nd so why are you so hung up on making sure you punish people for mistakes."

Actually, this is untrue to an extent. Making lots of mistakes can get you fired from ANYWHERE. Just last year, an insurance agent got DEMOTED due to too many mistakes she made. Also, getting raises won't be as good of a raise or as often and christmas bonuses won't be as plentiful if I make more mistakes, so YES, IT DOES AFFECT MY INCOME. Not in that day's pay, but for my FUTURE pay it DOES.

"It's not effective in teaching them a lesson. It's effective in putting you into a category that servers deem are ten% tippers."

It DOES, because I have had really bad service one time, stiffed the waitress. Reported her to the corporate office and the manager knew what went on as well. I had the same waitress again. She did VERY WELL and did as I asked. She received 22%. Maybe not every server will learn, because they are too lazy to do the extra work involved. I would say MOST WILL LEARN that if they try their very best, they will get better pay. Especially from restaurants I frequent, I am pretty sure the servers talk to each other about how we tip.

"It doesn't seem that you are willing to take anyone else's opinion into consideration."

It's NOT an "OPINION" that condiments are out of the server's control, because that is actually very untrue. It's a FACT that sides and bottles of condiments are in the server's control.

Springs1 said...

Queen McGay Fairy

Found this blog:

"2. At Chili's we all help running food for our fellow servers. They might bring a tray of goodness out to my table, and a little bit later they will be busy and I will take a tray of food out to their table. Now that is all fine and good. But what I hate is when it's not your people (aka the people who will be tipping you) and they got requests for example. "Hey, we need our drinks refilled, 3 sides of ranch, 2 sides of rancho bar-b-que sauce and more chips and salsa". It's a pain in the ace. I will help these people and yet my heart is murmurring the whole time. I develop a deep anger towards all those who are not in my section who want more Straw-berry lemonades. In fact once anyone needs their 6th refill of diet coke, they are officially "the worst person to walk this planet". And then my mind starts reeling and thinks things like this, "diet coke is bad for you, worse than regular coke, everyone knows that, who do you think you are, ordering so many diet cokes, they are just going to destroy your body, and look at you baby boomer, you are going to take all our monies for your social security checks, and my monies are gonna have to pay for your medications because your jacking up your body on diet coke. (then the name calling in my mind begins, I will keep it PG) Crazy Hag, look at you CHEAP ACE, you only tipped me 2 dollars and i got you nine diet cokes and 3 sides of Ranch................... BURN IN HELL. I obviously got problems, because sometimes good deeds, if done too much lead to selfish anger. This is a win for Selfishness."

See, this is this person's opinion about bringing things to the customers that arn't in your section. See how the these servers feel that it's "NOT OUR SECTION" type of attitude. That's probably why I get my forgotten condiments from my main server most of the time. The servers that run the food don't read the tickets and don't CARE what in the world they are bringing to the table half the time.

See this server doesn't know what working as a "TEAM" means obviously. I am pretty sure her other co-workers that are delivering food for her section goes through some of the same things. I doubt I am the only person that has asked the server that ran our food for a refill. A couple of times at least, we have been ignored. They aren't getting tipped, so you need to think about WHY should THEY CARE IF THE FOOD IS CORRECT OR NOT? If YOU are the server, YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE at least the sides of condiments are correct.

Simply Lauren. said...

Ah.....i revisited this blog just to see if anyone else had commented on your entries/comments. Even though I said I wouldn't. It's like watching Jerry Springer ya know?!

My main questions to you is this:
1. Do you want things to change in the restaurant world with respect to servers?
2. If so, how is this blog helping?
3. Do you think any servers are going to agree with you?
4. If so, have you noticed that every comment is relatively (read: very usually) negative about how you perceive serving?
5. Have you thought about this behavior as borderline obsessive?
6. Again, do you think by having this blog you are actively a part of change and changing people's mind?
7. Is this blog is just a way to be argumentative with people? It seems like you like arguing. Which is fine---but at least recognize that this blog isn't doing JACK SH*T for your cause of getting better service.

Word up.

Springs1 said...

Simply Lauren
"1. Do you want things to change in the restaurant world with respect to servers?"

OF COURSE I DO, even you would want very good service instead of crappy service, wouldn't you? I don't know ANYONE that would want BAD service unless they wanted something for free, which to me, that's NOT WORTH IT by a LONG SHOT.

I want my servers to be OBSERVANT about ALL the things they are doing in my service such as making sure I have utensils BEFORE they serve me food, making sure I have my food OBVIOUSLY CORRECT(unless someone else brings out the food), if they see my glass almost empty to offer me a refill instead of not paying attention to my empty glass, etc. Just your basic DUH'S, A LOT of them don't seem to get because they are too LAZY AND UNCARING.

"2. If so, how is this blog helping?"

I see some server's opinions and why I get bad service sometimes. Jane Doe's comments: "You are a server's worst nightmare! You are way too demanding. I bet you even expect all that ranch and all those condiments to be free, I would so charge you for all that shit. Do you have ANY idea how time consuming you are to a server?" This person tells me that she's TOO LAZY AND UNCARING to even begin to TRY for a customer like me that to her it's not even worth 30% tip if I was to give her that, because it's too much WORK.

That is just an example of how I get an opinion about how some servers feel and WHY I get the service I get. I already knew it was about laziness and being uncaring, but I see it for myself even more so with people like that, that respond to my blog.

I know that some servers already label me a 10% tipper as Queen McGay Fairy said : "Many people on here are labeling you a 10% tipper or writing you off as a customer because you, as I perceive the situation, are a customer who is hard to please."

They feel that it's not worth all of the work, because they think because I am asking for a lot that I will not tip well all because there are some customers out there like that. I think that's sad they aren’t willing to TRY their very BEST, because they don't know everyone.

"3. Do you think any servers are going to agree with you?"

MOST WON'T, but SOME HAVE on certain things.

Chris said: "Dont even tell me to check the tickets before the food comes out when half the time other people set up the food and tell you its ready."

See, it's ALL ABOUT LAZINESS, so OF COURSE MOST WON'T AGREE TO DO ****MORE WORK****! YET, they end up doing more work A LOT of the time to get missing items or things that are wrong that they have to make another trip anyways, all because they could have caught it in the KITCHEN the very FIRST TIME AROUND, but as Chris's opinion, he's too LAZY to do that and VERY UNCARING about his customers.

"4. If so, have you noticed that every comment is relatively (read: very usually) negative about how you perceive serving?"

Because A LOT of servers are LAZY and they just don't give a damn. I had one woman I worked with that got fired recently at my office. Guess WHY she got fired? Text messaging on her cell, on MYSPACE, and chit-chatted A LOT(not just a little), so she got fired. Do you know WHY she didn't do her work? SHE WAS TOO LAZY TO DO IT. Meanwhile, I STILL HAVE MY JOB, because I am NOT LAZY. A LOT of servers are LAZY. A couple of other servers that delivered food that weren't our main servers didn't get refills or what was asked for. It's because it's NOT their table, so they don't care.

You cannot deny that A LOT of servers are uncaring and lazy out there. If they weren't MOST mistakes wouldn't happen. I am not saying ALL, just MOST. The obvious mistakes wouldn't happen more than likely like a wrong entrée or bringing one appetizer plate without one side of ranch from the SAME SERVER that wrote down the order. They are TOO LAZY TO **REREAD** that written order and compare it to the FINAL RESULT. I even had a waitress at Chili's got fired that asked me when she delivered my food "SO WHAT DID YOU ORDER" as if she couldn't possibly ***READ HER PAD OF PAPER WITH THE WRITTEN ORDER ON IT***. That's just an example of how LAZY some people are. One waitress at Denny's asked "So what do you want all that for" when I had ordered a bunch of condiments. It's not that she was curious. It was that she was TOO LAZY to get all of that.

Also, with giving refills without knowing if the customer wants it, is another example of laziness to not make a trip to the table to ask the customer.

"5. Have you thought about this behavior as borderline obsessive?"

I know I have OCD. I have always had this in even as a kid, but just about other things. Like when I used to like a guy in 7th grade, which I am 31 now, so this was in 1990, I had a tape with his voice on it. I played it a lot all summer. I feel that was kind of obsessive. Now I am not obsessive as much about guys, now it's other things such as restaurants.

"6. Again, do you think by having this blog you are actively a part of change and changing people's mind?"

Most likely not, but there is always hope. I am almost 100% sure I didn't change one person's mind, because they are TOO LAZY AND UNCARING to GIVE A DAMN.

"7. Is this blog is just a way to be argumentative with people? It seems like you like arguing. Which is fine---but at least recognize that this blog isn't doing JACK SH*T for your cause of getting better service."

I like to prove people wrong, but at the same time, it would be nice to see people agreeing with me OF COURSE.

I know it's not getting me better service. I still can VENT just as servers do. The servers that have blogs vent and you know what? The people that tip 10% for good service will continue to do so. The people that stiff servers for decent service will continue to do so. THEY WON'T CHANGE THOSE PEOPLE EITHER.

This blog is to think about what it's like when **YOU** are in the customer's seat. Do you like to not have any utensils to eat with? Do you like to wait 8 minutes for a coke when you could have your coke in 3 minutes or less? Do you like to wait 10 minutes to leave? Do you want to get overcharge? Do you like when your food is delivered to YOU with obvious mistakes that you KNOW your server could have caught, because she or he is the person that took the order as well as brought it out to you such as a missing side dish. Especially, when you are only 2 people in a party. I'd be a bit more forgiving if I was in a party of like 5 or more to have mistakes, but 2 people, a lot of servers cannot handle that.

Springs1 said...

Emma Leah
"things like the bread and chips that's corporate telling us that you have to do that. we listen to big boss man before you. however, corporate listens to you so you could write a letter and give your suggestions but before that we have to do what we're told. if we get a secret shopper we could loose points."

You can still *****ASK***** BEFORE YOU PUT IT ON THE TABLE. It's called BEING CONSIDERATE. I don't care if you have to bring it. It's the fact that you could just ASK while it is still ON THE TRAY if we would like some bread or chips & salsa. You can bring it out, but don't put it on MY TABLE UNLESS YOU ASK ME. It's NOT YOUR SERVICE, IT'S THE CUSTOMER'S SERVICE, please remember that. It's NOT the restaurant corporate's decision to decide what the customer wants to eat at their table. It's the CUSTOMER'S DECISION to decide that. Bring it out, but it would be nice if you ASK instead of just plop it on the table. That's to me RUDE, because if you think about it, the customer didn't order it, so it's NOT up to YOU to get to decide what food goes on the customer's table. That's ONLY up to the CUSTOMER ONLY.

"also, your chit chat thing i agree some servers do talk for a long time to customers and it annoys me because i have to watch their tables, all the work with no pay not fair. it makes my tables suffer which effects my pay"

When YOU are the customer, would you like it if your server wasn't there, because she or he was having fun chit-chatting with their friends, meanwhile you needed some coke or even your check, because you wanted to leave? OF COURSE it will affect your pay if you have to do the other server's work, so you can't concentrate as much on your own tables. Would you pay me a good tip if I ignored your service to chit-chat, meanwhile you need more coke, some ranch, extra napkins, and the other people in your party want refills as well? OF COURSE you wouldn't. If you would, shame on you for promoting laziness and bad service.

"but when you send us back and forth and complain about everything like condiment"

I don't complain about everything. It is that when I order condiments, if I don't ask the server to bring them BEFORE my meal arrives, there's an 80% chance they end up being forgotten. Usually it's from another server, but I have had PLENTY of times where it was the SAME SERVER that took my order. I am not complaining when I have things wrong like that since they are minor, I just simply repeat my order by saying something like "I ordered a side of ranch."

"i dont think you should tell people how to do their jobs if you've never done it yourself."

Then HOW COME I seem to be MUCH MORE KNOWLEDGABLE than MOST SERVERS when I have mistakes to my table, huh? They have SERVER EXPERIENCE, but I seem to have much more CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE than they do. Do you know how it feels to get overcharged? My husband and I have been overcharged over 20 times since 2001. Do you know what it's like to have your condiments missing 80% of the time when you don't ask for them to be brought out before your meal separately? Do you like your food with condiments? If you don't need condiments to enjoy your food, then you cannot possibly understand then.

I do NOT NEED to do the job myself. An example would be a waitress charged me an extra 50 cents for bacardi for a pina colada. I ordered a pina colada, but didn't say I wanted bacardi, which is higher than the well brand rum. This was at Red Lobster. I ordered it straight from the menu, which stated a pina colada CAME with a well rum already. Anyway, the waitress was like "I had to pick something on the menu list in the computer" and "I needed to tell my server I would want the well brand." Anyway, I got the 50 cents taken off the bill, because it's COMMON SENSE I NEVER ORDERED SOMETHING, so it shouldn't appear on our bill. My point is, I NEVER waitressed before, but I KNOW HOW to ring up someone without trying to overcharge them by going according to the MENU and then by what the person ordered. If what the person ordered was exact from the menu, then it should be rung up exact.

At a donut shop I worked at, I had to ring up kastelburgers. There was a dozen button, 1/2 dozen button, dozen w/cheese button, and 1/2 dozen w/cheese button. When customers wanted a 1/2 a dozen w/cheese and 1/2 dozen w/out cheese, if I rung up 1/2w/cheese and 1/2 without cheese, it would have OVERCHARGED the customer. I had to go to another menu that had ADD CHEESE and press it 6 times with ringing up a whole dozen burgers without cheese. This way, the customer didn't get overcharged. See, it was a bargin just as you would normally see to buy a whole dozen instead of just a half a dozen. So when a person would press 2 times 1/2 dozen burgers, the price would be higher for the SAME AMOUNT of burgers.


Do you know what it's like to not have utensils to eat your food? Do you know what it's like to wait 10 minutes to leave all because your server won't come back to ring up your check? Do you know what it's like to receive TOTALLY WRONG FOOD? Do you know what it's like to have your side dish wrong or forgotten? See, since we have personally been through these things, we UNDERSTAND how we wouldn't treat people and how terrible we were treated. It's like DUH you make sure your customers have utensils and don't make them wait forever to leave. It's common sense to LOOK at the food BEFORE leaving the kitchen. I NEVER have been a server, but I have MUCH MORE SENSE to VERIFY the food BEFORE BRINGING IT TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE.


"you will never be pleased so do everyone a favor and take a cooking class and stay in for the rest of your life because if you dont have anything nice to say about servers then dont go out."

It's the SERVERS that make the situations what they are, so that's completely the SERVER'S FAULT that I get bad service 90% of the times I get bad service.

Springs1 said...

Emma Leah
One more thing: This is NOT YOUR BLOG, so if you want to say something to servers, DO IT ON YOUR OWN BLOG!

happywaitress said...

Springs1, I find it very interesting that you yelled at Emma Leah for spewing her opinions on your blog, since that's exactly what you did on mine! You came to my blog at and got into a war with the other people posting comments on MY SITE. Stop being a hypocrite- don't yell at people for sharing their opinions and disagreeing with you when you do the exact same thing. And don't come to MY site and yell at my readers because they don't agree with you.

Jane said...

OK, I think we get it! It doesn't matter how people try and explain this to you, you will fight back. OK, your right, and we are ALL grateful that we don't have to serve you!!! We are probably way too lazy to serve you, too stupid to serve you, and don't care about our customers dining experience to serve you. We get the point! It's all you say about people who work in restaurants.
Now, maybe you should try branching out a little, try something a little more upscale, this won't happen.
Red Lobster for a Pina Colada, yep, that's what they are known for.
The problem is, you are propbably much more important and know EVERYTHING, so how can a server ever win.
Continue going out, continue making your servers life hell, and continue making yourself the BEST dining partner anyone would ever want to go out with. Oh the fun you must be!
The best part of a night for restaurant workers is going out after work, I BET you are the brunt of MANY jokes. You need to be a little nicer, the person you are demanding sooo much of is the last person to handle your food. Also, when they see you coming back they are already saying "please don't put her in my section" in their mind, and no not because they are lazy but because you are a demanding, get all my condiments and refill cokes for free BITCH!!!
GIVE IT A REST! And I don;t need you to disect my comments, and use foul language back at me. I KNOW I'M RIGHT, just like you think you are right.
You need to learn a few phrases, as this is taking up way too much of your time;
"small things occupy small minds" Find a new hobby!
"Your choice of vocabulary is showing a lack of intelligence" Think of those next time a servers "laziness" occupies your entire dining experience, and also the "vocabulary" part when you reply to people's comments on your blog.
If you don't want peoples opinion why have an option to post a reply, oh that's right "lack of intelligence"

Springs1 said...

"Also, when they see you coming back they are already saying "please don't put her in my section" in their mind, and no not because they are lazy but because you are a demanding, get all my condiments and refill cokes for free BITCH!!!"

It's NOT FOR FREE considering I PAY THE SERVER BETTER AS LONG AS THEY GET MY ORDER CORRECT, THAT IS. The servers know that I am willing to pay 25%-26% for service that is very good. It's all up to if the server wants to put FORTH THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT. The refills they do for everyone, so I don't get why you mentioned that one. The condiments are free at MOST restaurants, but NOT ALL. Even if they are for free, so is bread normally and chips & salsa at mexican restaurants normally. You act like I am the ONLY person that likes condiments. LOTS of people like ranch for instance.

The servers aren't doing it for free if I pay them well to go through the extra work. As long as they get the order correct, there isn't a problem with me shelling out the extra money. They have to **CARE** about if I am happy, so I can make them happy. I treat them the EXACT WAY they treat me by tipping them what they DESERVE.

"And I don;t need you to disect my comments, and use foul language back at me."

I can do what the HELL I WANT TO DO! THIS IS ****MY****** BLOG, so if you don't like it, FUCK OFF!!!

"I KNOW I'M RIGHT, just like you think you are right."

Right about what exactly? I know what I know, because me and my husband eat out EVERY SINGLE weekend, 2-3 times on a given weekend, which we have been doing this since late 2001. All those years we have had PLENTY of situations that were bad as well as great. I KNOW what we experience enough to KNOW what the hell I am talking about. You probably don't have much experience as a customer to not care about if your customers have their condiments or refills OR you just CARE ABOUT YOURSELF, but when it's your turn, you want the service I want.

"If you don't want peoples opinion why have an option to post a reply,"

To see WHAT those opinions are. Do I have to AGREE with them, OF COURSE I DON'T.

Springs1 said...

"Stop being a hypocrite- don't yell at people for sharing their opinions and disagreeing with you when you do the exact same thing."


I am NOT being a "HYPOCRITE", because I am disagreeing with Emma Leah's opinion. That DOESN'T make me a hypocrite.

She wrote a list of stuff for servers to do, which since this is NOT a blog for servers, I DELETED that crap off my blog. I don't need someone telling servers what to do in MY BLOG. That stuff has NOTHING to do with MY BLOG.

"And don't come to MY site and yell at my readers because they don't agree with you."

I can yell at your readers if I please. WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?

Springs1 said...

"You're crazy!"

WHY, because I am telling you the TRUTH about what dining out is REALLY ABOUT? It's about the CUSTOMER'S, NOT ABOUT WORRYING ABOUT YOUR MISSING INCOME.

You are ONLY looking at it from the server's point of view, NOT the customer's point of view. You need to be a CUSTOMER MUCH MORE OFTEN to FULL UNDERSTAND.

Wayword Waitress said...

You are absolutely ridiculous.

If you want to be an "expert" on eating out, you should get yourself a job in a restaurant, first.

More than half the shit you're telling us to do isn't possible in our jobs. We'd be reprimanded, or written up.

If it's our store policy that all the entrees come with nachos, we HAVE to bring out the fricken' nachos. It's part of our job. If you don't want them, keep them on the side of the table, and when we come to clear plates, indicate we can take it.
Don't get mad at us for "assuming you wanted them."
It's our job to bring them to EVERY customer.
We don't read minds.
And do you understand just how much of a pain in the ass it'd be to ask everyone if they wanted the stupid nachos that they're normally used to getting?
It's just another annoying question to add to the 5 minutes of dialouge when taking an order.
And everyone is going to respond with "Uh, doesn't that come with the meal?'
"well yeah, but some weirdos out there get offended if I bring it out"

No, actually, I'm not going to bring you extra napkins without you asking.
That's a blatant waste of time, money, and resources. If you need extra napkins, let me know at your convenience, and I'll be more than happy to bring them over. But I'm not going to waste hundreds of dollars worth of paper that will, in many cases, go unused.

As for the wrong food coming out with a different waitress, it's not a different waitress, it's a foodrunner. And that is the foodrunner's error for grabbing the wrong plates, not your waitress's error.

Don't tell me when to put orders in the computer.
We have our own staggering system.
Certain meals take certain amounts of time.
It's part of our job to strategically stagger.

Don't go writing an entire blog on how to be a good server if you aren't one.
You just look like a fat greedy bitch whose ass I'd love to kick.

And If i ever waited on you, I'd urinate in your food.

happywaitress said...

Ok so I think I know why people get so upset when leaving comments on this page.

1. Those of us waiters and waitresses reading this blog are good at our jobs, otherwise why would we be at home reading blogs about how to wait tables? I don't want to be a waitress all my life (and I'm assuming most people commenting here don't either), but I do take pride in a job well done. That's why I get so angry reading this stuff, and I'm pretty sure the other servers reading this would agree.

2. Springs1 does have a point- there are servers out there who are lazy pieces of shit, and we know most of them! Every restaurant has a few deadbeats who let us do all their work for them and mess up orders left and right because they're idiots. Unfortunately, those people go home and do things like play xbox all night, they don't go on blogs like these and get mad. So, Springs1, I think your blog is a little useless in that way because the people that you're trying to help with your advice are obviously not reading this. They just don't care. It's a conundrum!

3. I think the way this whole blog argument is presented really riles people up. The fact that someone who has never been a server has a blog called 'how to be a good server' is a little (ok, a lot) presumptuous. Now, Springs1, you say that you have a lot of experience and knowledge because you've been dining out for years, and you also have no qualms about calling servers names like stupid, lazy, uncaring and unfair. I think the solution may be to write a blog called 'How to be a Good Customer and Get What you Want in a Restaurant.' You can tell people to do things like 'When ordering four sides of ranch, tell the waitress you want her to bring it out first, because that lazy bitch will probably forget it, and you will end up eating your BBQ wrap with no ranch!' This way you're basically saying the same thing, but no one can argue with your credentials since you're such an experienced customer. Also, you might be reaching a larger audience since customers are more likely to read this than those deadbeat servers that we discussed earlier.

4. Finally, you do have to understand why servers feel you are provoking them when they read your comments. You say that tipping has nothing to do with what you order and the way you order it. That's not true. When you ask for things like 4 sides of ranch, extra napkins, 10 refills of coke, etc., you're making the server do a lot more work than they should be doing. A server's job requirement is to take your order and bring you your food. Anything else they may do is above and beyond. They don't even have to smile at you and be nice. Why do they smile and you and do nice things like bring all the condiments you ask? Because they rely on tips to pay their bills. Tipping in the U.S. is customarily 15-20%. Everyone should start with an automatic 15% and then either rise from there, or stay the same. When your friendly server smiles and gets your everything you need, you should tip 20%. If they aren't so great, then it should only be 15%. It's never acceptable to go under 15% unless you had such a big problem that you ended up speaking to the manager. And if the problem wasn't service related, just food related, and the manager takes money off your check, you should ALWAYS tip based on what the total WOULD HAVE BEEN. I had to take a page from your book there, springs1, and capitalize that, because it really drives me crazy when people forget that. If your server did nothing wrong, don't penalize them. If your bill would have been $100 and the manager gave you free entrees and now your total is $65, leave the $20 tip you would have left. Your server still did the same amount of work to earn it.

Ok, now I'm getting a little too fired up so I'd better end here. I hope you can understand that those of us reading this really do consider ourselves great at our jobs, which is why we take your insults so personally.

Springs1 said...

Wayword Waitress
"If you want to be an "expert" on eating out, you should get yourself a job in a restaurant, first."

WHY? I seem to know MUCH MORE than the average server out there, because SOOOOOO MANY mistakes are made it's truly UNBELIEVABLE how STUPID some servers are. Some serve FOOD without utensils. HOW STUPID that you aren't OBSERVANT to NOTICE that all that time? Bringing 1 plate of food without 1 side of ranch that was ordered or bringing 1 appetizer without the condiment it COMES with only if the customer didn't say they didn't want it.

"If it's our store policy that all the entrees come with nachos, we HAVE to bring out the fricken' nachos. It's part of our job. If you don't want them, keep them on the side of the table, and when we come to clear plates, indicate we can take it.
Don't get mad at us for "assuming you wanted them."
It's our job to bring them to EVERY customer.
We don't read minds.
And do you understand just how much of a pain in the ass it'd be to ask everyone if they wanted the stupid nachos that they're normally used to getting?
It's just another annoying question to add to the 5 minutes of dialouge when taking an order.
And everyone is going to respond with "Uh, doesn't that come with the meal?'
"well yeah, but some weirdos out there get offended if I bring it out""

That's why you simply ASK BEFORE putting it on the table. It's called being CONSIDRATE. You don't read minds, that's why you simply ASK your customers. They won't say it comes with the food, because it's not listed on the MENU. If it's listed on the menu, then you shouldn't have to ask, because it's on the menu such as Red Lobster's biscuits. Outback bread is not on the menu, therefore, the server SHOULD have the common courtesy to ASK the customer instead of just putting it on the table considering the customers never ordered it.

"No, actually, I'm not going to bring you extra napkins without you asking.
That's a blatant waste of time, money, and resources. If you need extra napkins, let me know at your convenience, and I'll be more than happy to bring them over. But I'm not going to waste hundreds of dollars worth of paper that will, in many cases, go unused."

Then when customers need napkins and you aren't around, GUESS WHO makes less money? WHY worry about the RESTAURANT'S MONEY? Do they pay you very well? Just remember WHO pays you well. THE CUSTOMER CAN, that's why you should prepare so if you cannot get to their table in their time of messiness, that they won't be with sauces all over the place.

If you waste a few napkins, SO WHAT, it isn't YOUR MONEY on the line. I don't get WTF do servers care about the restaurant's money? All they are going to do is increase prices if they lose too much money. Especially for the chains out there, they aren't going to close most of them.

"As for the wrong food coming out with a different waitress, it's not a different waitress, it's a foodrunner."

NOT at all restaurants. Just shows how much of NOT an expert you are. A MANAGER at Chili's told me that they don't have food runners, that they have servers that run each other's food. A waitress on stated that when she worked at Applebee's, they didn't have food runners, that they had servers running each other's food. Fox and Hound is also the same way. My point is, you seem to be a KNOW-IT-ALL, but you are FAR FROM IT!!!! I am not a server, but I know this, WHY DON'T YOU?

"And that is the foodrunner's error for grabbing the wrong plates, not your waitress's error."

It doesn't matter if that other server or food runner made the error, it's a part of the customer's service since they are at your table bringing you things, therefore, the tip should be altered. WHY should the customer have to pay well for lousy service just because that food runner or other server brought out the wrong food or brought out the wrong side dish? Customers tip according to their SERVICE, NOT if their main server didn't make a mistake.

It truly doesn't make a difference WHO brings the food. All that truly matters if the food is OBVIOUSLY right or wrong. An example would be a manager brought out my food with my side dish being fries when I ordered potato salad one time. My server could have put the order in wrong possibly. Let's say she didn't. Even though my server put the order in correctly and didn't bring my food out, that manager(got fired I found out) was too lazy to compare the ticket with the food BEFORE LEAVING THE KITCHEN, so I tipped according to the error in my service. I don't care if she didn't do it. I pay well for GOOD service. So if that runner or other server messed up, sorry, but the tip will be reduced. If anything, by tipping that way it will also make that server get on the server or food runner's ass about doing their job better to PROMOTE BETTER SERVICE. If we don't take off from the tip, then it will continue and the co-workers won't talk about the mistake, because the main server got paid, so they don't care to try not to make that happen again.

"Don't tell me when to put orders in the computer.
We have our own staggering system."

I can tell you if I please. The minutes you delay putting in the orders, the more time the customers wait for their food, because the kitchen staff can't start cooking the food if they don't have the ticket, can they?

Also, I may want my appetizer and entrée to run together, because just maybe I don't want to wait 40 minutes for my food. Also, maybe I am in a hurry, so I would like my server to put in my appetizer order in along with my entrée at the same time.

"Certain meals take certain amounts of time."

I KNOW THIS ALREADY. I WASN'T BORN UNDER A ROCK. A well done steak will take more time to cook than a fried chicken sandwich. You cannot change that.

"Don't go writing an entire blog on how to be a good server if you aren't one."

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME I CANNOT WRITE A BLOG ABOUT SOMETHING I DO EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND? Secondly, don't come respond to my blog if you aren't going to know the facts. Food coming out wrong is SOMETIMES ANOTHER SERVER RUNNING THE FOOD, NOT A FOOD RUNNER!! Call your local Applebee's and Chili's to see if I don't know what the hell I am talking about.

nuvola09 said: "At the chains you visit, there are almost never designated food runners. Other servers run each other's food. We do not tip each other for running food, so by you reducing a tip you are simply reducing it to your server (WHO DID NOT RUN YOUR FOOD). You are not lowering any tip that may go into a runner's pocket. Even if the runner was getting tipped out, they are often tipped out based on sales which has nothing to do with your tip to your server."

See, there are other servers running each other's food. You aren’t very smart when it comes to restaurant service.

"You just look like a fat greedy bitch whose ass I'd love to kick."

First off, you must be the person that is FAT, because I am 5'0" and weigh only 90-92lbs. That's NOT FAT by a LONG SHOT. Can you still fit clothes from over 10 yrs ago? I sure can. My biggest I have ever been is 106lbs in 1999. That's still not considered FAT, even back then. Ever since 2000, I have maintained my weight between 90lbs-94lbs.

You must be that fat greedy bitch, because I am NOT FAT OR GREEDY OR A BITCH.

"And If i ever waited on you, I'd urinate in your food."

If you don't have an infection, guess what? PEE IS STERILE!!! SO I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS IF YOU DID THAT IF YOU ARE HEALTHY. You are really stupid to say such as stupid thing. It also shows how IMMATURE you are.

Springs1 said...

"you will end up eating your BBQ wrap with no ranch!' This way you're basically saying the same thing, but no one can argue with your credentials since you're such an experienced customer."

NOT TRUE!!I If I ask for something, it is USED at least most of it. I NEVER have just left something unused unless it is the very first time I tried it and I didn't like it, which 99% of the time, I usually like it, so it's not wasted.

'You say that tipping has nothing to do with what you order and the way you order it."

It has nothing to do with WHY I order it, it ONLY has to do with WHY I tip EXTRA money such as 25%-26% for that extra work. Why I order that way is because the food ONLY taste GOOD to ME if I have those extra condiments or the food cooked a certain way or more than likely both.

"When you ask for things like 4 sides of ranch, extra napkins, 10 refills of coke, etc., you're making the server do a lot more work than they should be doing."

That's NOT TRUE one bit. Their job is to get what the CUSTOMER wants, therefore, if the customer wants 3 sides of ranch with their side salad, 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, 1 side of ranch, 1 side of bbq sauce, and 1 side of ranch with a burger and fries, that's what your JOB is to get them that. Should they pay you extra ONLY if you get it right, charge you correctly, and things in a timely manner, well OF COURSE.

A server's work is not just doing a couple of things. WHY should a server get 20% for serving me a steak that is $20 with mashed potatoes, but a burger with fries that COST less, the server gets 20% for MORE WORK for ME, personally? I think that's stupid and insane. I think tipping should be based MORE on the AMOUNT OF WORK than only the price.

"A server's job requirement is to take your order and bring you your food. Anything else they may do is above and beyond."

You a FUCKING STUPID AND FAR, FAR, FAR, AWAY FROM THE TRUTH YOU IDIOTIC FOOL!!! First off, we have been OVERCHARGED OVER 20 times in restaurants, so YOUR JOB IS TO CHARGE ME CORRECTLY WITHOUT OVERCHARGING ME. This is something you didn't mention as if the check is NOT important, when YOUR MONEY IS, SO WTF SHOULDN'T THE CUSTOMER'S MONEY BE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR TIP? Secondly, Your job requirement is to bring REFILLS on soft drinks or tea as well, even if the restaurant doesn't sell free refills, MOST people want more drink than just one in general. Thirdly, it's YOUR JOB to bring out the condiments as well as the main courses. There's no way I want to eat a dry sandwich or burger. I didn't come out to eat to do that. Fourthly, your job is to make sure the food is correct as much as you possibly can SEE BEFORE BRINGING it to the customer's table. It's NOT OUR JOB TO REMIND YOU WE ORDERED SUCH-N-SUCH if it's OBVIOUS. Fifthly, it's YOUR JOB to make sure we have something to EAT WITH BEFORE you BRING US OUR FOOD. I do NOT care if the hostess or host forgot, you cannot expect your customers to get their own or BABY-SIT THEIR SERVER ON OBVIOUS THINGS like that. Would you want YOURSELF to get served food without any utensils? I think NOT, therefore, do NOT treat us that way.

Going above and beyond would be to bring condiments before the meal or to get a complicated order brought out correctly. Things like that. Your basics is CHARING THE CUSTOMER CORRECTLY, BRINGING OUT THE CORRECT FOOD ONLY IF YOU ARE THE SERVER BRINGING OUT THE FOOD THAT IS, and also TIME is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. One time, we literally waited 17 minutes to get our check rung up. The waitress got a ZERO all because she didn't come back within 5-10 minutes. She held us HOSTAGE from leaving so FUCK HER TIP!!! There is NO EXCUSE to make someone wait that long. She would have gotten 8% if she would have offered us something for free to compensate for our wait, but she didn't, so FUCK HER!!!

It's NOT YOUR ONLY JOB REQUIREMENT!!! WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO WAIT 10 or more minutes to LEAVE a restaurant when they are ready to leave? Not many people. Your job requirement is to get soft drinks or tea or coffee or lemonade or water in TIMELY FASHION. Just a couple of weeks ago we waited from 5:19p.m. til 5:25p.m. just to get greeted, then we didn't get our soft drink and strawberry lemonade until 5:35p.m. YOUR JOB IS TO GET DRINKS THAT ARE IN YOUR CONTROL WITHIN at the longest 10 minutes, NOT FUCKING 16 minutes.

YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOUR JOB REQUIREMENTS ARE YOU IDIOTIC FOOL!!!!! The manager at Chili's told me less than 5 minutes he should have had our drinks that he was in control of even with ordering all our food at once. The MANAGER AGREED.

Your job requirements go WAY BEYOND only those 2 things and it's NOT "ABOVE AND BEYOND" to get a couple of soft drinks or tea or lemonades or water within 10 minutes. That's NORMAL SERVICE.

Your job requirement is also putting in the order correctly and NOT FORGETTING to put in orders. We have had several occasions where the SERVERS ADMITTED FORGETTING to put in our appetizer orders. It's MY SERVER'S JOB to put in the order correctly and in a TIMELY MANNER!!!

Taking my order requires no assumptions. My husband wanted cheese fries as his appetizer, which was listed as an appetizer; I wanted onion rings, so we decided if we had lots of leftovers, that we'd take them home. Those items were both listed as appetizers from the MENU. The waiter ASSUMED I wanted mine with my meal just because I ordered second. A normal customer wouldn't think to say "Yeah I like my appetizer as an appetizer" since the MENU states it's one, I never would have thought he would have ASSUMED anything. Anyway, we mentioned it eventually to the waiter since it was taking so long and that's when he admitted "I thought you wanted it with your meal." I was like "I NEVER SAID THAT." Then, we asked for it to be removed from the bill. He didn't get that to happen. A stupid food runner or other server delivers it literally 2 minutes before our meal without the side of mayo I ordered as usually. Honestly, it was HIS JOB to get my mayo considering HE is getting tipped, NOT THAT RUNNER of the tip we could have left. We NEVER receive bread, though we see other servers give bread to their tables, but not ours. NO apology from the waitress that brought out my cheese fries without the mayo. Our waiter didn't apologize either of course, even though it was HIS fault he didn't bring it BEFOREHAND that it came to our table as forgotten. Then, towards the end, we were billed for the cheese fries, which the bread comes with the food, which we NEVER RECEIVED. The check is the WRONG CHECK. There were no apologies. Guess what? We stiffed. He was SO STUPID it's unbelievable. If he would have cared about his tip, he would have made sure we were ordering separate appetizers, considering we were going according to the MENU as we should if he was going to ASSUME we were going to SHARE an appetizer. Secondly, he should have apologized for the screw up, but he didn't. Thirdly, he said he was going to get it removed from the bill, but he didn't cancel the order. Fourthly, no mayo, which it's HIS JOB, since HE IS OUR SERVER to bring condiments BEFORE the food comes out without it, since that other server is NOT making a tip from us, so she didn't give a rat's ass about if the ticket said mayo or not, if it even did. Possibly even the waiter didn't put the order in correctly. Then, to not even LOOOOOOOOK at the damn check you are bringing out is just simply STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!! He never apologized for ANY of the mess ups, so FUCK HIM!!! We should have gotten a reduced price without having to talk to a manager to due NO BREAD, since it was listed on the menu the entrées CAME WITH BREAD, we were PAYING FOR IT. We should have not had to get a manager ourselves. MY POINT IS, YOU JOB IS A FUCK WAY FUCK MORE THAN JUST TAKING AN ORDER AND BRINGING OUT FOOD. You have to make sure what the fuck the person is saying is what you THINK they are saying. I have had twice servers think I wanted bbq sauce on the SIDE of ribs instead of 2 sides of EXTRA BBQ SAUCE even though I only said "2 sides of bbq sauce.", those servers (*****ASSUMED*****) I wanted the bbq sauce ON THE SIDE instead of COOKED on the ribs as well. They delivered dry ribs, but I didn't order it like that. I ordered it exactly from the menu, just with additions. HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND, you know?

Taking an order is A LOT MORE than just WRITING DOWN what the customer says. It's also BRINGING out the correct stuff that is obvious. Like, if I asked for a margarita with salt, if you bring it without salt, don't you dare blame the bartender. YOU should tell the bartender to put salt on a glass. It's up to YOU to BRING it out as CORRECTLY AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY NOTICE WITH YOUR EYES. You cannot tell a difference between a medium well steak and a well done steak, but you can tell if I have a wrong side dish or a wrong entrée, or a missing side dish or missing sides of condiments.

Your job is WAY THE HELL MORE THAN JUST WHAT YOU SAY!!!! YOU ARE STUPID TO SAY IT'S JUST THAT!!! It's NOT way beyond to make sure the food is the correct food, correct side dish, and correct condiments on the plate, THAT'S YOUR JOB AUTOMATICALLY. It's your job to get things in a timely manner such as if I ask for a refill of coke, waiting longer than 10 minutes is NOT ACCEPTABLE UNLESS you have very good reasons, which is highly unlikely most of the time.

"Everyone should start with an automatic 15% and then either rise from there, or stay the same."

Shows how much you know about me. I start at 25%, then go down or a tiny bit up from that. We have tipped 30% before 4 times. We have tipped 25% MANY of times. Do as I asked, get my check correct, and get things in a timely manner, then your tip will show what amount of work you did for me.

"When your friendly server smiles and gets your everything you need, you should tip 20%."

NO, tip 25%-30%. I disagree. If your server was there for you when you needed them, got you everything correct, and things in a timely fashion, I feel a much HIGHER tip is deserved. It's a HARD JOB.

"If they aren't so great, then it should only be 15%. It's never acceptable to go under 15% unless you had such a big problem that you ended up speaking to the manager."

Sorry, I disagree. I don't go out to eat to chit-chat with the manager. An example: My husband's side dish was forgotten, which we were only a party of 2, our waitress brought out the food, and my condiments were delivered BEFORE my food came out, because I asked her to. My husband's baked potato was forgotten. The waitress NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR FORGETTING TO *********BRING IT OUT*************, REGARDLESS OF IT THE KITCHEN STAFF FUCKED UP OR NOT, IT'S UP TO MY WAITRESS TO VERIFY THAT PAD OF PAPER THAT THE ORDER WAS WRITTEN TO BRING IT OUT CORRECTLY. She stupidly looked at a ticket on the tray IN FRONT OF US of all things wasting MORE TIME. Her tip was 8%. Her service was kind of slow and I really only ended up with 2 sides of mayo instead of 4, since that is OBVIOUS to the EYES it's NOT CORRECT. I am glad I asked for 4, since she didn't verify what the hell she was taking to me if it was correct or not. Anyway, she was slow with other things. Her tip was based on HOW she HANDLED the mistake. NO SORRY, FUCK YOU BITCH TIP is what she received. It's OBVIOUS a BAKED POTATO WAS NOT ON THE TRAY, it's like DUH!!! SAY YOU ARE SORRY, THAT'S YOUR FUCKING JOB to APOLOGIZE for FORGETTING TO ((((BRING IT OUT))))!!! It's ACCEPTABLE, because she didn't care, so WTF SHOULD WE. When servers apologize for THEIR MISTAKES, they get more. BE NICE is what I am saying.

If you got overcharged for an extra item and then had the server say to you "It's the computer", would you tip her or him? We STIFFED the waitress. She was mad all because we called the manager on her, so she retaliated, overcharging the credit card amount billed almost $5. A NICE, CARING waitress would have APOLOGIZED, which she didn't. All I said was the amount was wrong and her response was "It's the computer" as to blame a machine for not noticing a check amount difference, when she stapled our original check to the credit card receipt. It's like DUH!!

It all depends on HOW the situation was handled. One time, a waiter ADMITTED forgetting to put in our appetizer order, but actually twice, profusely apologized and offered us chips & salsa for free, which is a menu item. We told him, we'd rather have something off the bill, since we were ordering a lot of food already. We got $5 off the check. Guess what tip we gave him? 16% BEFORE the discounted amount. Normally, in that situation, ZERO tip would have been left since we waited literally a half an hour for our appetizer because of him since we did see him HUG someone during that time as well, so that's probably WHY he forgot. Anyway, my point is, it all depends on HOW the situation is HANDLED. You be nice, I'll be nice. Don't expect me to be nice if you aren't. I treat you the EXACT WAY you treat me.

"And if the problem wasn't service related, just food related, and the manager takes money off your check, you should ALWAYS tip based on what the total WOULD HAVE BEEN."

I 100% AGREE TOTALLY!!! We have had that. Our next visits for instance at certain restaurants got a comp from a previous bad visit. OF COURSE we tipped on BEFORE the discounted amount when it was a huge amount like $50 or $30. Your server did the work, therefore, should be paid it if NOTHING bad went wrong.

WHY do you feel I wouldn't agree with you?

"If your server did nothing wrong, don't penalize them."

I disagree when a food runner or other server is involved. Sorry, but that person IS a PART OF MY SERVICE, so I will tip accordingly. Honestly, please TRY your very best to run YOUR OWN FOOD if possible. That other server doesn't give a rat's ass if the food is correct 99.9% of the time, so PLEASE, if you can, try to run your own food. I'd rather my food be under a heat lamp to be brought out by MY OWN SERVER instead of someone who isn't getting tipped to bring it to me incorrectly 9 times out of 10.

Do you like tipping for bad service? I sure don't. An example would be I ordered potato salad with my burger. The manager brought out fries as my side dish. Sorry, but I will tip according to the fact I have to WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, to eat my food. That IS DEFINITELY PART OF MY SERVICE. I DON'T CARE WHO GETS PENALIZED, GO FUCKING BLAME THE MANGER FOR NOT READING THE TICKET. DON'T BLAME THE CUSTOMER FOR LEAVING A CRAPPY TIP. That's why it's YOUR JOB to get stuff you CAN CONTROL such as sides of condiments to the table BEFORE the food comes out. ASK though, because I have read some people don't like that. I understand, but I don't, because waiting for to eat your food is much more irritating than a few sides of condiments in the way, when it gets delivered wrong, even from the SAME SERVER at times.

"If your bill would have been $100 and the manager gave you free entrees and now your total is $65, leave the $20 tip you would have left. Your server still did the same amount of work to earn it."

If it wasn't my server's fault or any other person in my service, then OF COURSE tip according to the ORIGINAL BILL, but if it WAS my server's fault, I will tip according to HOW THE MISTAKE WAS HANDLED? Did my server profusely apologize for a major mistake such as bringing me a wrong entrée? Did they ask a manager to comp something, even if it was just a coke? Did my server apologize even before and not just after the mistake if it was something major? I consider all of that in the tip. MOST importantly though, did my server FIX the situation in as TIMELY a manner as possible? Did I wait 30 minutes for a chicken sandwich? That's seems a bit much if it was a mistake. If I did, I should get that completely comped since I would have waited approximately an hour for a chicken sandwich altogether. If the manager won't, my server should pay for something out of their own pocket if they put in the order incorrectly into the computer. If not, WHY should I pay more than 5% tip for waiting almost an hour for my food when it's a chicken sandwich, not ribs or a steak? If my server put the order in wrong, they should pay for a part of my meal OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET if they want a tip if the manager won't comp anything. You fucked me over, WHY shouldn’t I fuck you over? Your fucked my outing up, WHY shouldn't I fuck your tip up? PAY ME, and I will think about not fucking your tip. What GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND!!

"I hope you can understand that those of us reading this really do consider ourselves great at our jobs,"

Then, WHY do A LOT of servers ****BRING**** OUT OBVIOUS MISTAKES TO A TABLE OF ONLY 2. I would be extremely more lenient to a table of like 7 or more, but 2 people, that's really not that difficult. I make mistakes at my job, but I also ADMIT at fault. I just had a waitress recently that said "They didn't know what you meant" when I asked for a couple of sides of mayo to be filled ALL the way up. She brought me enough to add up to ONE container and came to me asking if that was enough as if she was BLIND. BLAMING the kitchen staff put her tip SEVERLY DOWN instead of ADMITTING "I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEANT." She is NOT BLIND, therefore, she had NO EXCUSE to BRING OUT MY 2 sides of mayo wrong. That's all she had on the plate, considering I asked for the condiments BEFORE THE FOOD CAME OUT. She couldn't even get that right and didn't even apologize. ANY mistake a server can take notice with their EYES is on THEM, NOT what the kitchen staff did wrong. If they plated the wrong side dish on my plate, since you took the order and are bringing out my food, it's up to YOU to NOTICE it's WRONG since YOU WROTE DOWN MY ORDER HOPEFULLY AS WELL AS MAKING THE TIP. Bring it out correctly the FIRST TIME AROUND ONLY if it's something OBVIOUS.

Di Marcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Di Marcy said...

Ok! The one who wrote that message is pissed off.
Yes there are really stupid mistakes, I agree with that but becoming a good waiter comes with experience.
Honestly, I wouldn't like to serve you.
Some mistakes might seem VERY OBVIOUS to you because there's only you & your friend at your table but in a rush, with 15 tables, 1 table needs ketchup, the other water, the other one extra napkins, an extra plate, another beer, punching an order of 8 people, you're at number 6 and the cook screams at you that the plates are ready NOW for your other table while a customer is waiting to pay and 3 groups of four just sat down and you have to run after the buzzboy to tell him to clean the table, etc....try to figure out how to get out of that maze in 10 seconds because nobody wants to wait. ;)
Sometimes, we forget things and it's human.
We're not only carrying plates, it's a hard job sometimes and if a waiter makes a mistake, then he should apologize or have the right approach and there....some waiters & waitresses really don't care.
The right approach is the most important thing and the rest...well, it comes with experiences.
So yes I agree with you in some ways but let me tell you that you're over reacting.

Springs1 said...

"Sometimes, we forget things and it's human."

I understand that. Sometimes though it's because it wasn't even written down or it was written down, but the server didn't verify what was written down.

"but let me tell you that you're over reacting."

When it's YOU in these situations I have been in, you'd feel just like me. It's NOT overreacting that maze in 10 seconds because nobody wants to wait."

"Some mistakes might seem VERY OBVIOUS to you because there's only you & your friend at your table but in a rush, with 15 tables, 1 table needs ketchup, the other water, the other one extra napkins, an extra plate, another beer, punching an order of 8 people, you're at number 6"

You still should VERIFY what you HAND to the customer. We have gotten wrong entrees before from the SAME SERVER that took the order. I mean, really that's not trying to verify what you have in your hand even for 5-10 seconds even. I understand people are waiting, but what GOOD does it to do something if it's done WRONG?

Springs1 said...

"I agree with that but becoming a good waiter comes with experience."

Actually, NO, I have more knowledge than some servers that have a month's experience even. If you aren't much of a customer, how can you know how YOU feel when you are a customer not to treat your customers mean or uncaring? Also, maybe you see bringing out a wrong side dish is the kitchen staff's fault, which I know it's the server's fault if they took the order and brought the food out. You see it very differently when you are a CUSTOMER that you wouldn't dare do such stupid things as a server that have been done to us. I wouldn't bring out completely wrong food to someone or have an entire side dish missing such as what we have had. I'd take the extra time to VERIFY my WRITTEN ORDER BEFORE BRINGING OUT THE FOOD. My point is, I was only counter help at a donut shop as far as serving food to customers, so I have no waitress experience to speak of except on a small level at the donut shop, but I have MUCH MORE KNOWLEDGE than they do even with months of experience. Being a good server needs no experience if you are a frequent picky customer such as I am. If you are a frequent customer that gets everything "as is", you wouldn't be a good server as first like I would. I know what I go through to get my extra condiments and substitutions. My point is, having more experience means NOTHING unless you know what it's like to be a frequent customer.

Think about it like this: Would YOU want to get treated poorly as a customer by your server saying "so" if you told them your food was cold, yet some servers may have that attitude not realizing if it were THEM would they like their server to not care. Get my point? A server that is good is one that UNDERSTANDS what being CARING means, because they want their server to CARE about them when THEY are a customer. Get what I am saying?

An example: My mom always cooked, so when I was much younger like early 20's, we didn't go out to eat much and I lived at home. I wasn't married yet. Anyway, I remember this one lady said her crossant was cold. I had told her something like it should be ok instead of going to the back to get her a fresh one. Today, however, I would NEVER do such a thing to a person. I understand what it's like to be a CUSTOMER, back then, fast food was mostly what kind of customer I was. I was rarely a non-fast food customer. Anyway, I feel so horrible that I did that to think I acted like she was lying, when she probably wasn't, because they did keep those crossants frozen. I, today, and as I did work there longer as well learned that wasn't the way to serve customers. I should have been more caring and definately today, would have told the customer that I would take it to get warmed up and even apologized just because, even if it wasn't my fault since I couldn't touch her food to know it was cold. My point is, you don't need server experience to realize how to serve a customer.

RMalen said...

Okay, first of all. You obviously have NO experience in the service industry. You gotta understand something here, because you seem to have no sympathy for the working-class: servers are human beings. We're not robots. We're going to make mistakes, and we're going to try to be human. This means also means being social. I'd hate to wait on you. Seriously. Why? Because you most certainly don't care about anyone but yourself. So, I'll go line by line, since you LOVE long posts, I hope you read ALL of it, because I took the time to read all of yours.

If a wrong entree comes to you, it doesn't mean your waiter doesn't care, there are many possibilities as to why the wrong entree was brought. It could be the waiter, but it also could be the kitchen, or the food runner. So, it's not always the lack of caring for the customer that the waiter has, or laziness.

Often times, like mentioned before, waiters make mistakes. You forgive and forget if the problem is corrected in a timely fashion. Stop holding grudges and deducting tips from your server because he accidentally forgot that you wanted pickles.

If a server is busy, and has to hold onto a lot of tickets, sure, sometimes the wrong ticket can go the table. You make a laugh, you call the waiter over, and you ask for the correct one. Don't bitch and moan about that.

So, line by line on your "tips to being a good server" which are absolutely ridiculous by the way:

1. Servers should actually aim for 1-minute greet times for tables. Any time spent at the table, the customer feels like it's twice as long because they don't have anything to do.

2. On occasion, if it is a busy shift, the dining floor will run out of utensils until they are washed. Most likely, they are already being washed or sorted, about to hit your table soon.

3. MOST people aren't messy eaters. It's wrong to assume this, as MOST people who KNOW they're messy eaters, will ask for extra napkins anyway.

4. You use the term "up-selling" too loosely here. An "up-sell" is an extra charge that we suggest to make your order better, or fuller. This could mean offering to add strawberry to your margarita, as it's possible that MOST people don't know we can do that.

5. Most restaurants that the servers bring water, or chips & salsa, to the table have that as a PROTOCOL. Greeting the table with water, or bread is very COMMON in restaurants. Managers get on waiter's cases if they do not follow protocol, so we'll risk bringing water, or chips to a customer who may not want them. MOST customers who don't want it, will just politely say "We don't need that, thank you" and forget about it.

6. If a server brings out half the drinks, more than likely the other half will wonder where their drink is or make an ignorant comment like, "are you going to bring my beer?" Comments like that are made by unhappy people. Not people who are content watching everyone else drink while they sit thirsty.

7. The straws I agree with you.

8. If the restaurant is slow, making idle chit-chat can be a way to pass the time, especially if you are waiting the normal ticket-times for your food. If the restaurant is busy, more than likely the waiter won't care to talk to you; just get the business done.

9. You're right. I agree that waiters should write things down.

10. This would be solved by #9. But, because we're human, we forget details at times. So, if you want your order right, you better be happy that your server came back and asked you. We don't WANT to ask you to repeat your order, but we WANT to get it right so you're happy.

11. It may not be your first day, but it may be your first month getting used to the menu. So, just like trying to memorize anything else, occasionally you will forget details, especially small ones. Also, menu changes happen often in most restaurants. Items are added all the time, so even veteran waiters will forget what new items come with.

12. No server should ever offer their opinion unless it's asked for. Period.

13. Also, this is kinda stupid. I mean, you went to Denny's. What kind of service were you expecting? Kid glove treatment?

14. Also something stupid a waiter did. But, not really worth mentioning.

15. What kind of married couple are you, that you don't eat an appetizer together? I mean, it happens all over the world that married couples choose together what appetizer to get. "Hey honey, would you like the Dip, or the Fries?" Common question. Besides, how you order your food determines when it comes. When you say it is when it's delivered. Saying "I want the cheese fries, and then the Spring Mix Salad" will get you just that: fries, then salad. But, if your husband orders an appetizer and then his meal, and you follow up by saying "I'd like the Spring Mix Salad, and I'd like the cheese fries" YES, your server is going to bring it JUST LIKE THAT: Salad with fries. It's NOT the server's fault, it's YOURS for assuming he's a MIND-READER. Also, you obviously don't understand restaurant etiquette, because there is a proper common time-line of ordering, and delivering of food: Drinks, Appetizers, Salad, Entree, Dessert, Coffee. If your husband orders an appetizer, and you order a salad. YOUR SALAD WILL 99% OF THE TIME COME AFTER THE APPETIZER. This is, unless you make mention that you want the salad when his appetizer comes.

16. The world, especially your waiter, IS NOT OUT TO GET YOU. Your waiter didn't LIE to you, so stop being paranoid. She obviously either FORGOT, or she believed that she would be able to time your food properly, so that she can get the condiments out to you beforehand. And to think that you docked your server's tip because of CONDIMENTS!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!

17. Here's what gives me a big clue that you don't have restaurant experience: Two-For-One specials HAVE A POLICY that you bring BOTH drinks at the SAME TIME. PERIOD. If you have a problem with the policy, fill out a comment card. I mean, you're getting FREE ALCOHOL for Godssakes. Quit complaining!

18. This was tough to read because of the run-on sentences, but I catch your drift. Sometimes there is A LOT of stuff going on that your waiter has to do. We try to consolidate our trips, and do as much as possible before going back to the kitchen to put in the orders. So, if it takes an extra 1-2 minutes before your order goes in, suck it up, and don't cry.

19. Most computer systems that restaurants use have a "SIDE MAYO" or a "SIDE RANCH" button. We're not going to type out "Bring out the ranch first, before the entree" onto the ticket to every table. Your side condiments, because you DON'T HAVE FOOD IN FRONT OF YOU, will come with your food. Stop thinking that because you're a special case, that you should set the standard. If you want condiments beforehand, make it a special request to ASK your waiter, or another waiter, to bring you a side of ranch. If I have a customer who orders a burger with a side of mayo, and then yells at me for not bringing the mayo out BEFORE the burger arrived, I'm going to laugh at you.

20. More often than not, unless the condiments come in a bottle that can be brought to the table, the expediter in the kitchen will give them the condiments you desire. Servers aren't going to look in the container, and then hand it back to the expediter to fill it up more. If you dock a tip because of THIS? You really are out of your mind.

21. This is true. The waiter is the last person to see the food before it hits the table. So, if it's their food they're running, then there shouldn't be a mistake. Then you have every right to POLITELY mention that there's something wrong.

22. This is also true. But occasionally - again - your server will forget. They're human. Get over it. Hey... didn't you say earlier that you don't order appetizers with your husband? hmmmm.....

23. Gee, a not-so-vicious comment. I agree, team-waiting is great. But again, if it's busy, sometimes that other waiter isn't going to have time to get it for you, so they'll tell your waiter. And sometimes your waiter will forget. Another clue that you don't have restaurant experience: You don't know how food gets from the kitchen to your table. If a food-runner brings the food out to you, they don't know what you ordered; only what the expediter gives them to run to you. The server may have typed something in wrong. So, if you say something is wrong, they should take it back to the expediter, and have him correct it. Don't blame "the other server" or the food-runner. Again, Human mistakes.

24. I agree that waiters should check back with their customers. It's important to do it often, but not too often so that you're intrusive.

25. Also, I agree. Apologize for the problem and say that you'll fix it right away.

26. "Huge" is tossed around too easily. Wrong entrees is NOT a huge mistake, neither is an overcharge. A "Huge" mistake would be dropping food on you, multiple problems with food, or food items being in your meal that you're allergic to. The manager is NOT going to COMP ANYTHING for you if a wrong entree is brought, UNLESS it takes another 10 minutes for the correct food to be brought out. What's going to happen? The manager is going to say "split off the wrong item, and I'll delete it". That's it. As far as being overcharged? The manager has to fix that problem, too. But it doesn't mean you're going to get anything free from it.

27. This is also true, but it doesn't seem to me that you'd be the type of person who would forgive a mistake, no matter WHO'S mistake it was. What, are you going to dock a tip because of this too?

28. I also agree here. Don't argue, get a manager. That is, unless you're arguing about why you should get free stuff, and we know the policies of the restaurant. We'd rather politely inform you about the policy of the restaurant, because if we say "let me get the manager for you", you're automatically going to think you've won. And when the manager still takes our side, you're going to leave a bad tip because you think you're right.

29. This is also true. Servers should always ask "May I take this out of your way?" before removing anything.

Jesus, 11 more??

30. We don't get a third arm sewn onto us when we accept the job as a waiter. So, we have to do as much as we can each time we go to the table. Either you're going to have your table cleared then get your refill, or you're going to get your refill and sit there with a dirty table. You pick.

31. This is somewhat true. We want to "up-sell" (the proper usage) dessert to you, so we want you thinking about it 3/4 of the way through your meal. Perhaps you decided to stop eating your entree, box it up and get dessert? If we didn't ask, you might have finished your entree, and be full.

32. Calm down, geez. We get it, no means "no".

33.I wonder, did you tell the server about not charging you for that $7 margarita? Probably not. You probably would have said something like "well, that's their fault. They should have known better" and you benefited from it. But then, you'd complain about being overcharged for something. Hypocritical, I'd say. Perhaps that server WANTED you to have a free margarita? As a bartender, I've given away drinks all the time to MAKE YOU HAPPY. Again, mistakes happen. Just be polite about it, and ask the server to correct it. POLITELY.

34. Geez, how many margaritas do you drink? The proper way to say this entire number is "When you feel like your customer is completing their meal, ask something like 'are you guys interested in any dessert, or coffee this evening? Or will that be it for you?'". The server should then have the check readily available if the customer replies "no, that will be it, thank you".

I'm going to get a sandwich, brb.

35. Wow, are you seriously getting irritated over the 5 seconds it takes to write "thank you" on a check? It's generally going to be automatic that the particular server will do that FOR EVERY TABLE. They're not thanking you for your experience, they're thanking you on behalf of the restaurant for your business.

36. Again, PROTOCOLS. Restaurants who have surveys will require their servers to mention them. Just sit there, and listen to the shpiel, or say "we're not interested, thank you". Don't take everything so critically.... Oh, wait. I forgot who I was addressing.

37. Again, to be as effective as possible, we try to consolidate as much as possible when we're on the floor. However, a server shouldn't stop and get food orders for someone when you ask for your check. A quick sweep is a good idea, for refills or pre-bussing is ideal; anything that you can do quickly to help yourself out, and get back to the kitchen.

38. Wow. A short "tip". Awesome.

39. Also a no-brainer. The check is the customer's, so give it to them to do what they will. Keep it, throw it away, make an origami goose out of it. It's all fine.

40. You stiffed a waiter all because he didn't have perfect change to give you $.31? How important is it to YOU that you NEED the $.31? You're spending $36 on a meal, whereas we're working hard for a couple dollars per table. Yeah, realize it: we probably need it more than you do, so deal with it, and incorporate the lousy $.31 in your tip.

Last but not least.

41. Gee, SHOULD we give you the evil eye? Why should you feel guilty? Probably because you KNOW you were an annoying, needy, complaining customer and you don't want to have your server giving you "the eye" for giving a bad tip? You'd rather be walking out the door when they realize that they now have to work twice as hard to make up for your bad tip, so you don't have to look at them with your guilty eyes. You want the upper-hand. Obviously because you parked your high-horse in a handicapped parking spot, because you're much better than everyone else around you.

Most of these things, you assume too much, and you place blame too easily. The only reason you have all these bad experiences is because you GO LOOKING FOR THEM. Maybe if you went into a restaurant other than a Denny's, and went looking for a good time, you'd have one. Don't sweat the small stuff like condiments before your entree, and you'll enjoy your night much better.

Springs1 said...

"Why? Because you most certainly don't care about anyone but yourself."

If that were so true, I wouldn't be willing to wait my turn, but I am. Also, if I were the server in the mistake situations we have had, I would have handled things much differently most of the times. It would have been much more caringly. That should show that I would care about OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES MYSELF and that it's the bad, uncaring SERVERS who ONLY CARE about their tip money.

"If a wrong entree comes to you, it doesn't mean your waiter doesn't care, there are many possibilities as to why the wrong entree was brought. It could be the waiter, but it also could be the kitchen, or the food runner. So, it's not always the lack of caring for the customer that the waiter has, or laziness."

You must have been born under a rock and have NO COMMON SENSE WHAT-SO-EVER!! LISTEN REAL CARFULLY DUMBASS:

The "KITCHEN STAFF" DOESN'T **********BRING************ THAT WRONG ENTRÉE TO MY TABLE, DO THEY? SO HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BLAME THE KITCHEN STAFF FOR "BRINGING" ME A WRONG ENTRÉE? You may be able to blame them for making the wrong entrée if the order was put in correctly, but you not NOTICING that it's wrong IN THE KITCHEN and bringing it to me ANYWAYS, is YOUR FAULT 100%. Remember, WHO AM I TIPPING, THE KITCHEN STAFF OR MY SERVER?

The food runner COULD be at fault if the server put in the order correctly. Still goes against the tip though, because it's PART of the service. Something delivered to the table by someone is part of the service regardless if it's my server or another server.

As far as the SAME SERVER that takes your order and delivers your food to you, YES THE HELL IT DOES MEAN they don't care and are lazy ass. It's "LAZY" to not compare the WRITTEN ORDER with the PLATE OF FOOD. It's like DUH, when a waiter brought me quesadillas but I had ordered bbq chicken nachos.

A picture of bbq chicken nachos:

A picture of quesadillas:

OK, it's like DUH the waiter didn't VERIFY the WRITTEN ORDER. He admitted putting in the order wrong, but still did TWO, count them, TWO mistakes:

1. Put in the order wrong


A SMART server would have noticed that it was wrong in the KITCHEN and not had brought it to our table. He would have came to our table with my husband's burger that he had ordered and told me he had put in the order wrong, so they made the wrong food, so my food would be out as soon as the food I really did order was ready. In other words, he should have done that instead of BRING IT OUT WRONG.


On a message board, a person actually pointed out a good point by stating the kitchen staff doesn't WALK YOUR FOOD TO YOUR TABLE, so OF COURSE it's the SERVER'S FAULT if they WALK YOUR FOOD TO YOUR TABLE COMPLELEY WRONG. The kitchen staff is NOT EVER at fault for my server or another server bringing the customer the completely wrong food since they aren't BRININGING it to the customer. It's possible the kitchen staff prepared the wrong dish even though the order was put in correctly, but the server should be SMART ENOUGH to not BRING IT OUT WRONG. Do you UNDERSTAND YOU DUMBFUCK? You are SO IGNORANT and have NO COMMON SENSE WHAT-SO-EVER to blame the KITCHEN STAFF for me actually RECEIVING AT MY TABLE THE COMPLETELY WRONG FOOD. If the order was put in 100% correctly, then it's the person that ran the food that's at fault for bringing it out wrong whether it would be the server or another server/food runner since they have ways to verify the order either with the written order or the ticket and the server has both. This happened to us that my husband ordered a burger and another server brought baby back ribs, but it turns out, our waitress admitted putting in the order wrong. I couldn't blame the other server in that situation since the order wasn't correct nor could I blame the kitchen staff since they are only going by the ticket and most importantly aren't BRINGING my food to me. I will say you feel servers are BLIND. That they couldn't possibly tell the difference between bbq chicken nachos and quesadillas.

YOU TRULY ACT LIKE A SERVER IS BLIND. That’s what you are basically saying when you say it could be the "kitchen's fault" for me receiving a wrong entrée at my table as if the kitchen staff actually brought me the food instead of my server. I might as well leave my server OUT the EQUATION ALTOGETHER if they aren't going to TAKE ANY EFFORT into making sure they are taking me things as correctly as they possibly can SEE with their EYES without having to touch any part of the food to notice the mistake. Why have the server in the equation then? WHY am I tipping a LAZY worker well for not taking ANY EFFORT into making sure the FINAL RESULT is correct?

"Never, ever take food out that is incorrectly done (I had a waitress rip me a new one for something I goofed up on as a cook and she demanded I fix it then and there - and she was right and I learned)."

See, that's what the SERVER is supposed to do is to NOTICE something is obviously very wrong and get it FIXED IN THE KITCHEN BY THE KITCHEN STAFF BEFORE BRINGING IT TO THE CUSTOMER. I don't care if it is a condiment or a wrong entrée. If another sever runs the food, they can still notice if the food has the correct entrée, correct side dishes, nothing obviously missing or obviously wrong, because they have a TICKET to verify the food with.

"Stop holding grudges and deducting tips from your server because he accidentally forgot that you wanted pickles."

I don't like pickles. If you are talking about if the server forgot my ranch, it's not that the server "FORGOT" it's that the server didn't compare the WRITTEN ORDER WITH THE PLATE OF FOOD. I can hold grudges for LAZY, STUPID ASS SERVERS THAT DON'T PUT FORTH ANY EFFORT INTO GETTING THE ****FINAL RESULT****** TO THE TABLE OBVIOUSLY CORRECTLY TO MY TABLE. It's like DUH, a side of ranch isn't on the plate.

"2. On occasion, if it is a busy shift, the dining floor will run out of utensils until they are washed. Most likely, they are already being washed or sorted, about to hit your table soon."

99% of the times, I have gone to grab the utensils myself. Sometimes I have asked the server. Normally, restaurants don't run out of utensils, but YES, it has happened before to us, which that's not the server's fault if that happens. It is however the server's fault if they serve me food that needs utensils without them such as one time we had side salads, the utensils weren't cleaned yet, the waitress still served us the salads. She had to actually go clean some off for us, but a smart waitress would have only brought out the salads ONLY if we could have had some way of eating it that isn't like a dog or with our hands.

"3. MOST people aren't messy eaters. It's wrong to assume this, as MOST people who KNOW they're messy eaters, will ask for extra napkins anyway."

Actually, kids are messy eaters and lots of families go out to eat, so when kids are involved, you should bring napkins without asking. Even if some people aren't messy eaters, it's nice to have at least 2 extra napkins incase of a spill. It's nice not to have to ask for napkins, because sometimes I don't think about it until I need it, then my server isn't around, because they are serving lots of other customers. It could have been nice if the server would have just brought some extra anyways, especially if someone orders something such as ribs. I find by you saying they would ask for it shows how uncaring you are and how LAZY you are to go get that.

"5. Most restaurants that the servers bring water, or chips & salsa, to the table have that as a PROTOCOL. Greeting the table with water, or bread is very COMMON in restaurants. Managers get on waiter's cases if they do not follow protocol, so we'll risk bringing water, or chips to a customer who may not want them. MOST customers who don't want it, will just politely say "We don't need that, thank you" and forget about it."

Before putting it on the table, the server should be CONSIDERATE enough to say this "Would you all like some chips & salsa" or "Would you all like some bread" or "Would you all like some water." All I ask is to be CONSIDERATE to what the CUSTOMER WANTS BY ASKING THEM instead of just putting it on the table is all. I am NOT saying not bring it if it's required; just ask before you put it on the table is all.

"If a server brings out half the drinks, more than likely the other half will wonder where their drink is or make an ignorant comment like, "are you going to bring my beer?" Comments like that are made by unhappy people. Not people who are content watching everyone else drink while they sit thirsty."

We get servers a lot that think about our thirst by bringing out soft drinks and water, even just this Sunday for that matter, BEFORE the bar drinks. You have an opportunity to get an appetizer order or entrée orders while you visit the table ahead of time like that instead of making the customer wait to order if they happen to be ready to order or at least they could be ready to order an appetizer. Also, why make 4 people wait for 4 cokes when only 1 person wants a pina colada? You could have gone to the table to deliver the cokes and gotten their appetizer order at least by the time the pina colada was done. Servers tell us when they do deliver the non-bar drinks beforehand that the mixed drinks from the bar will be out shortly. You don’t give them a CHANCE to say "Where's my beer", because you say that the bar drinks will be out shortly BEFORE they have a CHANCE to say such a thing by when you are handing out the soft drinks or water or tea or lemonade.

What if a table of 5 orders 4 margaritas on the rocks with salt and 1 coke, so you mean to tell me that one person that only wanted a coke may have to wait 10 plus minutes when you probably would be going to that table anyways to get their food order in the meantime and also what if the other 4 people want waters, then it's also because they are THRISTY also, so you COULD deliver all those drinks BEFORE those 4 margaritas on the rocks are made? You are delaying their food orders quite possibly by not going visit the table sooner. We have been ready to order or ready to order an appetizer by the time the servers came back with the soft drinks a lot of times(not all the time, but a lot of times).

Customers want their drinks as FAST as possible. If that guy that ordered a beer sees it's not there, just tell him "I am waiting on the bartender to get you your beer." Make the other people happy with their thirst, because as I said, you probably would be going to their table anyways and actually make their food come out faster by getting appetizer orders quicker if they order any or possibly get entrée orders quicker, making them leave quicker more than likely(not always, but more than likely) means getting you more tables, so possibility for more tips. The faster you get them their food by getting their order quicker, the faster they can leave, leaving their table for the next party that is seated there.

Thinking of customers THIRST should be common sense, which obviously you are ONLY CONCERNED with getting customers that have lack of common sense that the bar drinks take longer than soft drinks or water or tea or lemonade. Basically you want to risk not getting bitched at instead of just dealing with it. You should be concerned with serving them as quickly as possible, especially drinks. 99.9% of people want their drinks fast. Just go ask ANYONE. Also, if you work at a restaurant that serves free chips and salsa, guess what? Common sense is that salsa is sometimes spicy and that the customer probably would like something to drink. It's like DUH. Making them wait longer for no real reason just because some stupid, uneducated customer makes a remark is ONLY thinking about not getting bitched at, which you are only thinking about YOURSELF HERE, NOT THE CUSTOMERS that are THRISTY and are HUNGRY that they might want to place their appetizer orders right then or even entrée orders.

As far as other people drinking, well you can offer them water if they order a bar drink. 9 times out of 10, people will say "YES", they want some water. If they don't, then it's their own damn fault they don't have ANYTHING to drink then until the bartender finishes preparing the drink.

"But, because we're human, we forget details at times."

I understand, but if you don't write the order down, don't act like I should have to repeat the order AFTER you have left. In other words, my complaint was that the order should have been repeated at the time it was given if the server was unsure about something, NOT come to you after they have left the table to find out some detail that was already said unless it's something that the restaurant is out of, then that's totally different. There really shouldn't be "FORGETTING" when you write down ALL DETAILS and the server should REPEAT the orders so they don't have to come back to the table to interrupt the customer's conversations. The server should have common sense to get ALL DETAILS when the original order was placed such as I cannot count the number of times I have had servers come back to the table to find out if I wanted salt on my margarita when I had ordered it with salt to begin with. I have also have had servers not write down the orders, so they had to come back to say "Did you say such-n-such." Writing down the orders helps tremendously with remembering details.

"So, just like trying to memorize anything else, occasionally you will forget details, especially small ones. Also, menu changes happen often in most restaurants. Items are added all the time, so even veteran waiters will forget what new items come with."

This one shows how LAZY and STUPID ASS you are. Some restaurants have to-go menus even to keep in the server's apron, but even if a to-go menu isn't available, ANY SERVER CAN TAKE A MENU AND COMPARE THE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT THE FOOD COMES WITH, WITH THE PLATE OF FOOD. So if I order chicken tenders that come with honey mustard according to the menu and you are bringing out the food, it's up to YOU to take a menu and compare the written description of the menu to make sure that honey mustard is on the plate. Telling me about "Memorizing and Forgetting" means NOTHING! The customer isn't supposed to know the menu BETTER than their server. If new items are added, then grab a menu and compare the food IN THE KITCHEN BEFORE BRINGING IT OUT, it's THAT SIMPLE. You don't have to "MEMORIZE OR REMEMBER ANYTHING" DUMBASS. That's how STUPID and LAZY ASS YOU ARE!!! If you have a WRITTEN ORDER and the MENU, there's NO NEED TO HAVE ANYTHING IN YOUR MEMORY ABOUT IT, because it's all written there on paper.

You have NO COMMON SENSE. COMMON SENSE WOULD BE IF AN ITEM IS NEW, IT'S UP TO ********YOU********** TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE BRINGING TO THE TABLE. It's in your hands, YET, you have NO CLUE what you have in your HANDS. WTF KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU SERVING SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO CLUE IF IT'S CORRECT OR NOT. HOW STUPID AND LAZY ASS ARE YOU? The customer has probably read the menu, so they know what they have ordered. You need to know what they ordered as well you DUMB FUCK!!! WHY DO YOU THINK THE CUSTOMER IS TELLING YOU THEIR ORDER? I MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE YOU COMPLETELY OUT OF THE EQUATION THEN AND ACTUALLY BRING MY ORDER TO THE KITCHEN STAFF INSTEAD AND PICK IT UP FROM THE KITCHEN, because you don’t GIVE A RAT'S ASS IF THE FOOD IS PLATED CORRECTLY. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SELF-RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS? YOU ARE TAKING THE ORDER TO THE CUSTOMER, SO IT'S UP TO YOU TO GET IT OBVIOUSLY CORRECT. Your customer shouldn't be reminding you of something on the menu. Don't you think that looks BAD when a CUSTOMER KNOWS MORE THAN YOU ABOUT THE MENU AT A THE PLACE YOU WORK AT, I MEAN SERIOUSLY? You don't need to KNOW every single thing if some things are new, because you can grab a menu and compare it to the plate of food along with the written order BEFORE you bring it out to the customer without the condiment.

"13. Also, this is kinda stupid. I mean, you went to Denny's. What kind of service were you expecting? Kid glove treatment?"

We have tipped 20% before at Denny's and have had some decent experiences there as well. This is stupid to say, because at ANY RESTAURANT, I can get a good server or a bad one. Sure, is it more likely to happen at Denny's to get a bad one, sure, but at the same time, there are some servers that have common sense to bring out food correctly to you as far as obvious mistakes go. I can have a smart server that knows how to serve at Denny's. The type of place is really just that and has nothing to really do with the server if they are smart or not.

"15. What kind of married couple are you, that you don't eat an appetizer together?"

First off, 2001 this happened, which we were married in 2002. Second of all, usually we do, but that time I really, really wanted the chili cheese fries and he really, really wanted the onion rings, so we decided any leftovers we'd just take home, it's that simple. We have ordered 2 appetizers only like twice.

"But, if your husband orders an appetizer and then his meal, and you follow up by saying "I'd like the Spring Mix Salad, and I'd like the cheese fries" YES, your server is going to bring it JUST LIKE THAT: Salad with fries. It's NOT the server's fault, it's YOURS for assuming he's a MIND-READER."

NO, cheese fries are listed on the MENU as an "APPETIZER" so it's SERVED as that UNLESS stated from the customer it is wanted a different way, YOU DUMB IDIOT!!

NO, HE's the MIND READER. He ordered onion rings, then his entrée. I ordered chili cheese fries, then my entrée. See how we did it in order? He ordered his appetizer and I ordered my appetizer BEFORE each entrée. HOW can you say it's not the server's fault when the chili cheese fries are listed on the **********MENU************** as an "APPETIZER?" Customers are ordering from the MENU, so if the MENU states that item is an APPETIZER, it will be brought out as such unless otherwise requested not to by the customer.

Just look at this message board of how a SERVER states I would get what I order as it's actually LISTED according to the menu:

"your server does not assume you want your chili cheese fries as an appetizer, they are on the menu as one and presented as one unless otherwise "REQUESTED BY THE GUEST" are totally not understanding what it is to be a guest in a restaurant..menus are constructed for specific is you the guest that must request it otherwise."

So, you see, you are 100% WRONG. I will give you an example:

This is Outback's menu:

Let's say I order The Aussie Cheese Fries, the smaller portion and my husband orders The Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie. Guess what? Since on the ******MENU******* these items are labeled "APPETIZERS", we would both receive them as appetizers unless we requested them to come with our entrées just because we end up ordering 2 entrées.

So, CUT OUT THE STUPID SHIT ABOUT being a "MIND-READER", because the ONLY PERSON that tried to do that was the WAITER. I read the menu, so I knew I was supposed to receive it as an APPETIZER, NOT with my entrée considering I NEVER ONCE SAID I WANTED IT NOT AS AN APPETIZER OR WITH MY ENTRÉE.

In your example, if the customer ordered backwards like that with an entrée salad being first, than an appetizer, I as a server would have questioned what the person wanted first since they would have listed it backwards. With our example, I never listed the chili cheese fries last and my entrée first, I listed it in the order that I wanted it in, so I should have gotten it as such regardless that my husband had ordered an appetizer too. Your example is NOT the SAME thing at ALL as what we ordered. He places his order first by ordering his onion rings(labeled as an appetizer on the menu) and his entrée, then I ordered my chili cheese fries(labeled as an appetizer on the menu), then my entrée. I ordered it in the order in which I wanted it. Your stupid example has NOTHING to do with this situation since I didn't order my entrée first, I ordered my appetizer first, then my entrée. In your example, the customer orders their entrée salad first, then an appetizer. That's 100% TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the situation we went through. I didn't order backwards, so I don't understand WHY you used an example like that. That was just stupid.

What we did is my husband ordered his onion rings appetizer and his entrée IN THAT ORDER, then I ordered chili cheese fries appetizer and my entrée IN THAT ORDER. I didn't do a backwards as you are trying to say. It shouldn't matter if another person at the table orders an appetizer, because according to the MENU, both items were appetizers, so since I NEVER ONCE SAID I WANTED IT WITH MY MEAL OR EVEN CONVEYED TO HIM BY ORDERING MY ENTRÉE FIRST, THEN MY APPETIZER, that it would come out in the ORDER I ordered it in. Just because 2 people order 2 appetizers doesn't mean that they aren't sharing both of them. I actually ate some of his onion rings in the meantime until we asked the waiter where mine was, which by the time then, a bunch of time had passed. So I really don't understand why you think it was ME acting like a mind reader, when the MENU(THE MENU IS THE GOD OF ORDERING) stated the onion rings and chili cheese fries were BOTH APPETIZERS. You don't go by "ASSUMPTIONS" when you serve people. That's the problem with the WAITER. HE ASSUMED everyone is like everyone else and does everything the exact same way all the time. You don't ASSUME ANYTHING in someone's dining experience. I have had servers assume just because I asked for a box, that meant to not even OFFER me a dessert. If anything, it was the WAITER that TRIED TO READ MY MIND BY ASSUMING THAT I WANTED THE CHILI CHEESE FRIES AS NOT WHAT IT STATED ACCORDING TO THE MENU. THE MENU IS THE GOD OF ORDERING. YOU GO BY THE EXACT WORDING WHEN YOU ORDER. I ACTUALLY READ THE MENU AND KNEW CHILI CHEESE FRIES WERE AN APPETIZER. He obviously DIDN'T. He didn't know the menu at the restaurant he worked at, that's really sad, it really is.

Don't tell me we should have told him both appetizers first, because he wanted an appetizer and so did I, so there's no need to do that since the menu stated both were appetizers. He had ordered his appetizer and entrée before me, so that's why he got his as an appetizer. We did order in the order. If I would have ordered my entrée, then my chili cheese fries, then I could understand the waiter being confused, but I ordered it in the order I wanted it. Also, if let's say someone would order it backwards like that, a SMART server would ask "So you want your chili cheese fries as your entrée and your entrée salad as an appetizer?" That's the ONLY way I feel the server should get confused is if I would have ordered it backwards. We didn't order it backwards. It's all about he ASSUMED we were sharing one. You NEVER make assumptions, because that's how mistakes are made, because you don't know for sure. A simple question about if I wanted my appetizer as an appetizer would have been appropriate. I had no clue he would have thought I wanted it with my meal. I am reading ACCORDING to the menu WHAT COURSE IS WHAT. Just because my husband had ordered his appetizer and entrée, then I ordered my appetizer an entrée shouldn’t mean that one should come with my meal if I never requested it to. We are both SEPARATE people, so just because we order 2 appetizers that has NOTHING to do with anything. Let's say we are a party of 6 and all 6 people order appetizers, does that mean that all but 3 wants it with their meal, then which 3? People go according to the MENU when they order, NOTHING ELSE. The server is supposed to be taking down the order according to the way the MENU is laid out, NOT what 95% of people do. An appetizer, is an appetizer, so unless the customer states they don't want it as an appetizer, it should be served as an appetizer the way the **********MENU************ states it is. The server should NEVER ASSUME A DAMN THING.


If that was so true, HOW COME at Macaroni Grill I got my side salad BEFORE my husband's appetizer without him or me mentioning I wanted my side salad first, huh? Your salad should come first, then the appetizer since it needs no cooking since it's a side salad that has no meat to cook. I finished my side salad BEFORE his appetizer even arrived that time. Tell me, WHY shouldn't a side salad come out first before something that needs cooking? Is it because they are afraid that the customer isn't going to finish their salad before the appetizer is ready? At Macaroni Grill, obviously that was NOT their worry there. I was very happy I got my salad first and no one had to be asked, because most people want their food as fast as possible as long as one course doesn't run into the other. My side salad was long gone before my husband's appetizer arrived.

"And to think that you docked your server's tip because of CONDIMENTS!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"

My condiments MAKE my meal taste good, so without them, there's NO POINT to the food being there without them. I don't eat a bite of my food without them. Are YOU out of your mind if you think they aren't JUST AS "IMPORTANT" as the entrée is? Are you out of your mind I will eat my food DRY or without the dipping sauces. Condiments make the food worth eating. Without them, WTF EAT IT? I go to a lot of restaurants specifically because I know they have good ranch or good bbq sauce or good tartar sauce. Don't you get that? It's the SAUCES that make the food taste good. Without them, it's bland and not that great tasting. Condiments are very important to my meals. Like if I get my shrimp entrée without tartar sauce, you honestly think I want to eat it bland? HELL FUCK NO!! If I get my burger dry, do you honestly think I want to eat it dry? HELL FUCK NO!! If I get my ribs without the extra bbq sauce I had ordered, I don't want to eat it with a tiny bit of bbq sauce they put on, because it isn't NEARLY as good by a LONG, LONG, SHOT!! I want to dip my fries in ranch or tartar sauce. I HATE KETCHUP.

"Two-For-One specials HAVE A POLICY that you bring BOTH drinks at the SAME TIME. PERIOD. If you have a problem with the policy, fill out a comment card. I mean, you're getting FREE ALCOHOL for Godssakes. Quit complaining!"

Again, it's called BEING CONSIDERATE by ASKING the customer would they like one drink at a time instead of bringing out both. I have actually requested to have that and the waitress abided by what I asked. She brought out one white russian, then the one that was free after I was finished the first. The customer gets to decide that by the server ASKING the customer if they want both at once. All am saying is OFFER the customer a CHANCE to say "YES OR NO" to the question about if they want both or one at a time is all. BE CONSIDERATE TO WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS, NOT WHAT YOU ASSUME OR WANT TO GIVE THEM. CUSTOMERS RUN THE SHOW, THE SERVERS DON'T. Servers are supposed to follow instructions of what the CUSTOMER WANTS.

"So, if it takes an extra 1-2 minutes before your order goes in, suck it up, and don't cry."

If we wait longer than we should for our food based on that reason, suck it up, you are getting a lowered tip. If you aren't fair to me, WHY should I tip you well? What goes around, comes around.

"Stop thinking that because you're a special case, that you should set the standard. If you want condiments beforehand, make it a special request to ASK your waiter, or another waiter, to bring you a side of ranch."

I have had probably around 10 or so servers VOLUNTARILY without ME REQUESTING THEM TO, brought out the condiments before the food. I never said I was a "special case", because it's up to the server to make 100% sure at least the condiments are correct. I have requested to have condiments brought before the food lots of times before all because of the many problems I have with servers and other servers that run the food making sure they are on the plate. I shouldn't have to request such a thing to get my food delivered correctly though, it should be that the SERVER is supposed to put that extra effort into my service to make sure I have what I have asked like the servers that VOLUNTARILY brought them out beforehand. They did it, WHY NOT YOU? You aren't a special case server either. If they can, you can DECIDE to at least give the customer that offer. Some customers may decide they don't want all of that beforehand, that's why you ALWAYS ASK, to be CONSIDERATE.

"If I have a customer who orders a burger with a side of mayo, and then yells at me for not bringing the mayo out BEFORE the burger arrived, I'm going to laugh at you."

If you forgot it, I wouldn't yell at you for forgetting it with the food, but I would think about that you didn't care enough to even offer to bring them beforehand so you wouldn't forget. In other words, those servers that voluntarily brought the condiments before the food came out decided to make sure they didn't forget. It's up to YOU to wait until the food comes out since the customer didn't request the condiments to be brought ahead of time, unless they would refuse your offer to bring them ahead of time. Usually, anything in life do, if you wait to do it later, there are times where you know you would have remembered it when you were thinking of it, but waiting until later makes it more likely you will forget. It's like it's on your mind NOW when I place my order I want ranch with my fries, if you offer to bring it out beforehand, you can just go get it real quickly and not have to worry about forgetting about it later when maybe you may have twice as many requests as when you took my order to get. Get what I am saying? WHY NOT just bring it out beforehand while you are maybe going to another table anyways to check on some other customers or bring out someone's food you can along the way, have it on the tray, not even making a separate trip? This way, it's GUARANTEED at least the condiments are forgotten about regardless of who takes the food to the customer.

"Servers aren't going to look in the container, and then hand it back to the expediter to fill it up more. If you dock a tip because of THIS? You really are out of your mind."

Are you out of YOUR MIND that you are saying your server is BLIND? I mean seriously, ARE YOU STUPID OR JUST LAZY ASS OR BOTH? The SERVER is making the tip. The expeditor may be tipped out or may not be tipped out, but that's from sales anyways, not from the customer's tip, therefore, guess WHO is RESPONSIBLE for WHAT they *********BRING TO THE TABLE************? THE PERSON GETTING TIPPED IS. So if you are my server and I asked for a side of mayo, which the expo has put not even a half-side of mayo in my container, GUESS WHAT? It's up to YOU, the SERVER; to make 100% SURE you are taking the customer the food CORRECTLY as far as something you can notice without having to TOUCH the food to notice. You act like you are BLIND or something that you cannot notice if it's filled or not. You would tell the expo to FILL THE CONTAINER. It's up to YOU to BRING IT OUT CORRECTLY, NOT THEM. The expo isn't bringing me my food, YOU ARE, YOU DUMBASS!! When someone orders a "SIDE", that's that CONTAINER WORTH, NOT ¼ or ½ filled container. Your server is INDEED RESPONSIBLE for LOOKING at *ALL* OBVIOUS MISTAKES ON THE PLATE making sure ALL THE FOOD IS CORRECT AS MUCH AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN. Let's say I asked for wing sauce "ON THE SIDE" if it's on the food, GUESS WHAT? It's up to YOU, NOT ANYONE ELSE, to get the order DELIVERED CORRECTLY TO YOUR CUSTOMER. They ordered it "ON THE SIDE", so YOU AREN'T BLIND, ARE YOU? You can make sure you are not delivering it with wing sauce on the chicken. Dock the tip because they aren't following INSTRUCTIONS? SURE, HELL YES. The INSTRUCTIONS were given EXACTLY, so if you cannot follow them, what kind of tip do you expect? FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY YOU IDIOTIC FOOL!! WHO CARES WHO PLATES THE FOOD? THE CUSTOMER ONLY CARES ABOUT GETTING EXACTLY WHAT THEY ORDERED. I can understand my server not knowing if a steak is not well done and just medium well, but they can notice if a container is filled all the way or not, it's like DUH, ARE YOU BLIND? YOU ARE A COMPLETE IDIOT!! You obviously feel it's not their job to look into the container, but then you say that there shouldn't be a mistake, PICK WHICH ONE YOU MEAN?

This is an OBVIOUS mistake if the customer orders a side of ranch or a side of ranch comes with the food. The ranch is barley half-way filled. There's NO WAY that if I were the server that I would SERVE that to the customer. I would tell the kitchen staff to FILL it all the way up the container as the customer has ordered it. They ordered a "SIDE", so that's the container, NOT a "HALF-SIDE." You are suggesting that the SERVER IS BLIND as a bat and cannot ******SEE WITH THEIR EYES******** THAT THE CONDIMENT CONTAINER IS NOT FILLED. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND AND ARE REALLY STUPID AS WELL AS LAZY ASS. You honestly don’t want to admit when YOU are at fault for BRINGING it out wrong. It's NOT up to the kitchen staff to BRING me my food, it's up to MY SERVER OR OTHER SERVER/FOOD RUNNER. That's why you don't put trust into another server or food runner and just offer to bring the condiments ahead of time to make sure they customer has at least that not forgotten as well as has enough of what they ordered.

"21. This is true. The waiter is the last person to see the food before it hits the table. So, if it's their food they're running, then there shouldn't be a mistake."

You CONTRADICT yourself HERE you say that there shouldn't be an obvious mistake, but at the beginning you told me that the kitchen staff may be at fault for me receiving my wrong entrée. PICK WHO IS AT FAULT HERE, because you are to STUPID to realize that the SERVER is the person BRINGING out the food, so even if the kitchen staff plated me mac n' cheese even though I ordered a baked potato(this really happened), my server brought me mac n' cheese as one of my side dishes. So if the side dish or entrée is wrong, GUESS WHO IS AT FAULT if they actually go FROM THE KITCHEN ALL THE WAY TO MY TABLE WITH IT WRONG? It's SURE ISN'T THE KITCHEN STAFF, IT'S MY SERVER if they bring the food to me and it's not from another server.

You really contradict yourself here by saying the server won't look into the container, yet, you say "The waiter is the last person to see the food" "There shouldn't be a mistake." You make NO SENSE.

"Then you have every right to POLITELY mention that there's something wrong."

We DO POLITELY SAY IT. It's the SERVERS that don't apologize for some reason. I don’t get that at all as if the kitchens staff actually BROUGHT me my food.

"Hey... didn't you say earlier that you don't order appetizers with your husband? hmmmm....."

I NEVER SAID THAT. You don't know how to READ. Just because we have done it a couple of times where we ordered 2 separate appetizers, doesn't mean we don't order appetizers to share. We MOST of the time order appetizers to share, probably 98% of the times we order appetizers. No one should assume though we don't want separate appetizers. We have had servers actually ask "1 or 2" when we ordered a dessert to make 100% sure we didn't want separate desserts. Those are SMART servers that don't assume "SHARING" is ALWAYS INVOLVED. We have had separate desserts only a few times ever and it was only when the dessert was really small.

"If a food-runner brings the food out to you, they don't know what you ordered"

It's called COMPARING THE TICKET WITH THE FOOD as long as the ticket is correct that is. The food runner or other server has a TICKET in the kitchen they can verify the order with.

"Don't blame "the other server" or the food-runner."

If the order was put into the computer correctly, the blame is on the person BRINGING me my food since they have A TICKET( A WAY TO VERIFY THE FOOD IF IT'S CORRECT OR NOT). A waiter even told me at Applebee's "They are too lazy to read the ticket" when my many condiments were forgotten which were 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of bbq sauce for my bacon grilled bbq sandwich. I truly believe that he put in my order correctly. The waitress that brought out the food that wasn't our server didn't apologize even. It's up to HER to have READ THE TICKET and made sure that those condiments were on my plate as well as my WAITER could have taken charge of his tip by just not trusting someone that isn't going to see the tip from us anyways, by bringing them out BEFORE the food came out. His tip was 12%. He got docked for not even OFFERING to ***PREVENT*** that situation from happening by trusting someone else for his tip that isn't getting tipped, so why the hell should that waitress even care? Guess WHO fixed the missing condiments? My waiter did, which that's how it is 95% of the times this happens. The server that ran the food doesn’t fix it normally. Sometimes they do, but 95% of the time they don't. So if he had to afterwards, WHY NOT BEFORE? I know, because that slim chance you get a server that actually checks the plate for missing or wrong items, you don't want to do the extra work.

If it's a mistake the other server or food runner cannot SEE, meaning they'd have to touch the food to notice the mistake, it could be the main server's fault for putting in the order wrong to being with or it could be completely the kitchen staff's fault.

"say that you'll fix it right away."

Don't just say that, DO IT as well.

"27. This is also true, but it doesn't seem to me that you'd be the type of person who would forgive a mistake, no matter WHO'S mistake it was. What, are you going to dock a tip because of this too?"

If NO ONE apologizes, HELL FUCK YEAH!! I want to hear "Sorry about that." I told people I was sorry when people had RAW FOOD at the donut shop/diner I worked for years ago. Sure as hell wasn't my fault, but I was still POLITE ENOUGH TO APOLOGIZE. Do it for the sake of just being NICE and for the restaurant's sake. It's just being COURTEOUS. If a server apologizes when it's not their fault, I will tip HIGHER than if they don't apologize. It's like DUH, be NICER, and I'll be NICER in the tip. Be mean, and I will be meaner in the tip. I treat you the way you treat me in the TIP, PERIOD.

"And when the manager still takes our side, you're going to leave a bad tip because you think you're right."

Sometimes there are bad managers. If a situation is common sense, WHO cares what opinion the manager has if I know I am right? I have had corporate tell me the manager was wrong one time on an issue that wasn't a server issue. It was a coupon issue dealing with taking off the lesser one ordered vs. the higher priced item ordered. Since the coupon didn't have "Of equal of lesser value", I was 100% correct that I could choose which appetizer was free I wanted. I had made 2 appetizers as my meal is what I did. My point is, there are some BAD managers they don't know what they are doing. I didn't leave a bad tip because of that.

"33.I wonder, did you tell the server about not charging you for that $7 margarita? Probably not. You probably would have said something like "well, that's their fault. They should have known better" and you benefited from it. But then, you'd complain about being overcharged for something. Hypocritical, I'd say. Perhaps that server WANTED you to have a free margarita? As a bartender, I've given away drinks all the time to MAKE YOU HAPPY. Again, mistakes happen. Just be polite about it, and ask the server to correct it. POLITELY."

First off, we get so many free stuff, mostly intentionally not rung up soft drinks so the server gets a higher tip. This is VERY COMMON. Anyway, if you think a customer wants to be inconvenienced by WAITING to get a CHECK FIXED, think again. You also think customers should be their server's baby-sitters. We aren't, so if something is left off the bill, it's up to the SERVER to ring it up AFTER we have left and NOT INCONVENIENCE OUR TIME. If I have to wait for the check to get fixed, it's EXACTLY as if I were to be getting overcharged. It's the SAME EXACT HASSLE and the SAME EXACT WAIT. Guess what the tip will be if I have to WAIT to get the check fixed instead of being able to leave faster, which actually benefits the server for me to leave quicker anyways so the server can make more money. The longer I am there, the longer I am making that server not making more money as far as when there's a wait for a table or it's very busy that is.

For instance, if I would have told just recently about our waitress not ringing up an entrée on our check $8.29 as well as the 2 soft drinks which were probably intentional, instead of the 27% of the original bill(not the discounted) we tipped, if we would have had to be inconvenienced to wait to get the check fixed, we would have tipped like 8%-10% at the most. The check was like $46 and something cents and the original bill would have been with taxes, around $59 and something cents, she received $17. Her tip would have been based on the $46, so her tip would have been at the most $5 I would have gone to. So instead of the inconvenience the server would MUCH RATHER have the bigger tip and ring it up later. It's a NO-BRAINER.

A former co-worker had brought up his wife's entrée not being on the bill. Guess what? He asked her if she would just rather a bigger tip instead and instead of the waitress ringing it up by inconveniencing the customers, she did the RIGHT THING by receiving the bigger tip. I don't know if she rung it up afterwards, that's on HER conscience, NOT the customer's. My point is, ALL SERVERS would rather just take the BIGGER TIP than to get a lower tip because they inconvenienced their customer's time and their own time by making the customer wait to leave by fixing the mistake on their time instead of their own time.

So, that waitress could have paid around $8.75(let's say the with taxes) and still had money left over from the $17 for the tip, much more than just $5. We gave her a bigger tip for the free item, but we didn't tell her about it, it's up to HER to notice it without us intervening.

Also, when we've had not-so-great service, the tip was a bit higher than it would have been, but it was based on the discounted amount due to the fact the service was lousy.

So when you say "hypocritical", I say NO, that's not being "hypocritical" at all that's not wanting the inconvenience of the HASSLE of getting the check fixed and I am 100% sure ANY server would rather me leave a bigger tip than to have me leave hardly nothing all to take OUR TIME away from us that we would want to leave or just finish drinking or eating our desert. It's all about the hassle, NOT about "I got something for free." It took 10 minutes literally to get just a 30 cent overcharge taken care of with sandwich taken half off due to the inconvenience. I would have preferred to not have the half-off and just had gotten the check fixed instead. If you don't present the error, then you get overcharged the next times you order that particular item and other people get overcharged as well. I won't let someone overcharge me. It's nice to have something comped for our inconvenience, but if it takes too long, it's really not worth the free whatever. I don't want the hassle. Getting the check fixed whether it would be an overcharge or an undercharge takes TIME, especially if it's really busy and the manager is dealing with other customer issues. WHO in their right mind wants to baby-sit their server on each thing not rung up and take EXTRA TIME away from leaving just to tell them? I sure as hell don't know anyone that wants that hassle.

"34. Geez, how many margaritas do you drink?"

Sometimes 3 or 4.

"They're not thanking you for your experience, they're thanking you on behalf of the restaurant for your business."

No, they are doing it to GET TIP POINTS to BOOST THEIR TIP. Studies about this are all over the internet that writing thank you on the check gets can get you a bigger tip. It's SELF-SERVING, NOT for the restaurant at all. The server could care LESS about the restaurant, just the money they make is all they care about.

That's just one website I found that shows you they do it for their TIPS, NOT for ANYONE ELSE.

"40. You stiffed a waiter all because he didn't have perfect change to give you $.31? How important is it to YOU that you NEED the $.31? You're spending $36 on a meal, whereas we're working hard for a couple dollars per table. Yeah, realize it: we probably need it more than you do, so deal with it, and incorporate the lousy $.31 in your tip."

You really don't get it do you? 31 cents is not the issue, it's the fact he STOLE. He took the tip AHEAD OF TIME, but it wasn't tip time YET. LISTEN TO THE WORD, YET, YET, YET. We are supposed to get to decide what the tip is, NOT the SERVER. The server has NO RIGHTS to ANY, NOT A PENNY of that money unless the customer says to keep it. He decided upon himself to be too lazy to go to the bar to get the 31 cents. It's up to HIM to get ALL OF OUR MONEY back to us that is ours. You get your EVERY LAST CENT at McDonald's, Wal-Mart, the Grocery store, etc., so just because someone makes tips, all of sudden that means they have rights to the money? HELL FUCK NO IT DOESN'T GIVE THEM RIGHTS TO THE CHANGE.

He stole, so we stole the tip we were going to give him, plain and simple. You steal from me, I will treat you back the SAME EXACT WAY. That was OUR 31 cents, NOT the restaurant's, not his, it was OURS. It's the PRINCIPLE of it. See assumptions COSTS the servers tip. He ASSUMED he was getting a tip. He WAS going to get a tip, but STEALING it BEFOREHAND gets you ZERO for STEALING and being TOO LAZY to get the change you could have gotten if you really wanted to.


Gabe said: "recall a particular server at an Outback Steakhouse keeping 94 cents change we should have received. Typically I have seen them give you say $6 back, when they should have given you $5.94 change. This guy just gave us $5 back. I was like, WTF? Amazingly enough we got the same waiter again weeks later and guess what, we should have got say $5.45 cents back...but again, got only $5 back. Needless to say, he was shorted on his tip both times for being a f**k nut.
I really hate bad service. You would expect better from people in the "service industry".

Even he thought it was presumptuous to keep money without his permission. It's the PRINCIPLE of it that you get your change back everywhere else, WHY if the employee makes tips, they think they can just take it beforehand as if they have ANY RIGHTS to **SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY?**

"so you don't have to look at them with your guilty eyes."

I don't feel "GUILTY" at all considering the tips we give are DESERVED. You deserve what EFFORT you put into our service. You were crappier, you get a crappy tip. I am just tired of the servers that feel we OWE you at the very least 15% no matter what happens. Even a manager at Outback told me over the phone that that's the way servers feel. They feel they are supposed to get it no matter what they do wrong. It's true you know.

I just feel they shouldn't take the credit card receipt with the tip until you leave out of just leaving you have time alone. You can always get the tip after the customer left unless it's the end of your shift, then that's understandable if you get it beforehand.

"Obviously because you parked your high-horse in a handicapped parking spot"

NEVER, EVER, have done that before.

"because you're much better than everyone else around you."

I am smarter than the stupid servers that brought us completely wrong food. I am not better than any of the customers, but the servers, if they did something really stupid, what do you expect?

"The only reason you have all these bad experiences is because you GO LOOKING FOR THEM."

I don't LOOK for them. It's NOT the "ONLY REASON" you IDIOTIC FOOL. The reason is the STUPID, DUMBASS, LAZY SERVERS THAT DON’T VERIFY THE THINGS THEY HAND YOU. I don't go looking for it, I give SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS on what I want, then they don't follow them. HOW THE HELL IS THAT MY FAULT? I told them what I wanted all at one time, so I was even considerate enough not to wait until my food arrived to ask for the condiments, yet, they make it much harder for themselves by not verifying the plate of food to see if the condiments are on the plate. I don't go looking for STUPID ASS, LAZY SERVERS. An example: We ate at a seafood restaurant that's not a chain. I ordered mozzarella sticks as an appetizer adding a side of ranch with it. OUR WAITRESS brings out the mozzarella sticks without the ranch, just the marinara. Instead of apologizing, she doesn't and all I told her was that I had ordered a side of ranch very politely. Then, my entrée had only 2 sides of tartar sauce instead of 3 as I had SPECIFICALLY ordered. The fries were missing that I had ordered(items were ordered separately since the sandwich didn't come with fries). Again, no sorry. Her tip was 12%. Clearly, she wasn't verifying what she was bringing out, nor was she NICE enough to even apologize for her mistakes and probably thinks the kitchen staff was at fault for these issues, because she has no common sense. She brought out all the food, so she should have taken notice of all those things wrong.

Did I go "LOOKING" for those mistakes? NO, it was the WAITRESS that DIDN'T FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. It was the WAITRESS that didn't verify the food. HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BLAME ME? It's not like I forgot to order something or ordered it incorrectly. I ordered everything correctly and didn't forget to order anything. Sorry, but you cannot blame me for the lazy ass waitress that didn't verify what the fuck she was taking to our table. We are only a party of 2 for goodness sakes and it was ONE PLATE of food, with ONE SIDE OF RANCH to verify, but was too lazy ass to verify that even. Not even nice enough to apologize.

"Maybe if you went into a restaurant other than a Denny's, and went looking for a good time, you'd have one."

We go to other restaurants. We don't go to Denny's very often.

"Don't sweat the small stuff like condiments before your entree, and you'll enjoy your night much better."

If I don’t ask for them before my entrée, 80% of the time, either all of 1 is forgotten about. It's not "SMALL" when you enjoy your food ONLY with the condiments. That's WHY I ORDERED THAT FOOD WAS it ONLY TASTES GOOD WITH THE CONDIMENTS. Like hell I want to eat a burger dry. Heavy mayo and tiny bit of mustard is the way I enjoy the burger, not with nothing on it. If I order it with the condiments, extra to the kitchen is a dab and a tiny bit of mustard may be tons of it in my opinion, so I ask for it on the side so the condiments don’t' get soaked into the bun. Once you have too much mustard, the bun is ruined. Too much mustard makes my burgers and sandwiches too tangy. If I don't have enough mayo, then I have to wait to get more, so I'd rather just ask for enough the first time around when I place my order.

Springs1 said...

"i have an idea...before writing about something that you actually have no clue about try waiting tables for a year and see if your perspective on your dining experience changes."


Being a server wouldn't change how I would serve someone, because I would serve someone to try to get the order correct to the customer as much as I can possibly SEE without having to touch the food to see the mistake. Instead of being in a rush only to the customer wait longer to get a mistake fixed, I'd get it correct the first time around as far as something obviously wrong goes.

I would do just as I want my servers to do if I were a server regardless of how many people want this or that. What's the entire point of doing something if it's WRONG? You might as well take the extra effort and time to get it right the FIRST TIME around.

"you may not think it will but i guarantee you it will."

As a customer, NOT THE HELL IT WOUDN'T. What do you think I would feel differently if you are such an expert on how I would feel, huh?

"you and your husband arent the only ones in the restaurant there are other people that are asking for things that the server needs to take care of'

The server has to try to get ALL ORDERS CORRECT, NOT JUST OURS, BUT NOT JUST THEIRS EITHER. I already know 99.9% of the times they have more than just us, but we have had a couple of instances where we were the only customers in the restaurant. It's the fact they are supposed to care about ALL their customer's orders, NOT just everyone else's, but OURS as well. According to you, they are only supposed to care about theirs?

Springs1 said...

"You stupid, dumb cunt. The world needs less of people like you. Help us out. You don't know shit, so stop acting like you know everything about the restaurant. Go work in a restaurant, and THEN I'll think about respecting anything you say. to listen to your uneducated, ignorant howling."

You are very mean, because I PROVED YOU WRONG and you CONTRADICTED YOURSELF in your OWN POST by saying that the waiter is the last person the SEE the food. These are YOUR WORDS, NOT MINE:
"21. This is true. The waiter is the last person to see the food before it hits the table. So, if it's their food they're running, then there shouldn't be a mistake."

So I don't get WHY if you feel that way there, then WHY tell me that a wrong entree from the same server that took the order could be the kitchen staff's mistake then? Also, WHY question me about the amount of a condiment in a container that the server shouldn't have to tell the expo to refill it if you can CLEARLY **SEE** WITH YOUR EYES such as my example in the link of the picture I posted that you could clearly SEE that the ranch was at the most only half-way filled? But then state that the server is the LAST person to see the food, so there shouldn't be mistakes?

If I didn't know "SHIT", then HOW COME I would know exactly how to PREVENT the mistakes that end up getting to us, huh? If I didn't know "SHIT", HOW WOULD I KNOW ALL THESE THINGS? I am MUCH SMARTER than you are to take notice of a mistake BEFORE it reaches the customer's table if at all possible. You even admitted it by saying the food should be right since the waiter is the last person to see the food.

I also don't get WHY you think an APPETIZER should ALWAYS have to be shared? Just because more than one appetizer is ordered has NOTHING to do with the people at the table not wanting both as an appetizer. It doesn't matter if MOST people share it, because as I said before, we have had some servers ASK if we wanted 2 of the same dessert or one, just to make sure we really wanted to share only one. The server isn't supposed to ASSUME ANYTHING, NOT ANYTHING. They are supposed to verbally communicate so mistakes such as the one with the chili cheese fries doesn't happen. A smart server would also ask if the customer wants their salad first. One time, I actually wanted my side salad WITH my meal and before I could say so, our waitress asked me when I wanted the side salad. We had ordered an appetizer to share, so I just had rathered as part of my entree than separate. So in other words, even at times I want my salad at different times, but I was going to tell her I wanted it with my meal, which I just didn't have a chance to, because she was smart enough to ASK FIRST.

"You worthless pig."

I would keep people coming back and requesting to have me as their server because I would BRING their order out as OBVIOUSLY correctly as possible by NOT depending on other people for my tip or more importantly, my customer's happiness. So, NO, I would be worth quite a lot if I were a server in a restaurant. Especially, at every job I have ever had, not once have I EVER called in sick. I have been working since 1998. I also worked double shifts and sometimes more when I worked at the donut shop/diner I worked at back between 1998-2002 off and on. Managers like people that can take other people's shifts for no-shows or people that take off of work a lot.

I would make the company money, because I would provide service that wouldn't have many problems like you would. You would bring out the wrong entree or side dish and you would also not make sure the customer had enough of a condiment. I am not saying I wouldn't make a mistake, but you'd make a hell of a lot more because you wouldn't verify anything.

"Fuck you, and your barbecue sauce."

It's funny how you are so mad that I have proved you 100% WRONG and that you have contradicted your own bitchings in #21 by writing what you wrote. You are a DUMBASS, IDIOT who doesn't know anything. FUCK YOU and YOUR SERVER JOB, because you are too lazy ass and uncaring to CARE about the things you BRING to the table if they are obviously wrong or right. You are too stupid to notice if a plate of food is correct or not obviously. I guess you are blind as a bat?

"I had to go continue writing to you when I read that you said that you would deduct a server's tip because the foodrunner brought out the wrong item. Because the server has no control over what the foodrunner does, you're going to deduct your server's tip for someone else's mistake? Even if that server brought your fucking barbecue sauce on the side, extra napkins, silverware, etc. and gave you PERFECT service, you're still going to deduct their tip because the foodrunner made a mistake?"

WHY should a customer PAY a good tip for POOR SERVICE? The person that runs the food is PART of that service, so it's ONLY FAIR to DEDUCT MONEY. It's NOT the customer's problem if they aren't getting part of their tip slashed, because of the mistake. By deducting from the tip, it actually promotes better service by the server actually bitching the food runner out for bringing the food out wrong, so that way, the food runner doesn't do it again, at least not as often by actually VERIFYING the food. As far as the condiments go, that's COMPLETELY the responsiblity of the server, so if the food runner/other server doesn't have my ranch, that's my server's fault for not bringing it out before the food. Ranch needs no cooking, so they CAN bring it out before the food without having to put trust into another person that won't be seeing any of my tip.

WHY can't you understand that for instance, when I had a baked potato forgotten at Outback from another server that ran the food to me, let's say my waiter did put in the order correctly, NO ONE APOLOGIZED(NOT THE OTHER SERVER and NOT MY WAITER, which is automatic points off for not being NICE regardless of who's fault it is) and I had to WAIT several minutes for it. My service was messed up, because the other server didn't compare the ticket with the plate of food or my waiter put in the order wrong. Either way, my service was crappy, so WHY should I tip well? The tip should be deducted from the food runner's or other server's tip for the mistake if the waiter put in the order correctly. From what I have heard, the food runners/other servers get tipped out based on sales and NOT from the tips. That's NOT the CUSTOMER'S FAULT, so don't make it OUR PROBLEM that your team members don't work as a team. GO TO YOUR MANAGER AND COMPLAIN TO HIM OR HER IF THE FOOD RUNNER/OTHER SERVER SUCKS. This way, this type of shit happens much less often, possible hardly ever. That other server(if the ticket was correct that is) could have easily noticed a MISSING baked potato. Our waiter knew about the mistake. If there would have been an apology, we would have not taken as much off, but there still should be a penalty for a mess up from someone bringing it out wrong to my table.

Even if the waiter put in the order correctly, the other server forgot the baked potato, so the tip should be lowered. It's only FAIR, because my service was not good. TELL ME WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S FAIR TO PAY FOR SERVICE THAT'S SHITTY REGARDLESS OF WHO IN THE SERVICE WAS AT FAULT? Don't make it OUR FAULT that other server isn't getting his or her tip lowered for the mistake. That's the server's problem to get that other server or food runner to do a better job NEXT TIME to work as a TEAM. If I pay well, the next times, I will get some mistakes like that again and again and it won't solve anything if NO ONE KNOWS about the mistake if they think it doesn't bother the customer.

"That goes to show the world that you're an inconsiderate cunt.'

LOOK IN THE MIRROR!! You are so "INCONSIDERATE" of the customer's wants that you aren't willing to LOOK INSIDE a container to see if they have enough of a condiment. You are so "INCONSIDERATE" of customer's happiness that you don't verify the food before you leave the kitchen, then the customer immediately tells you about the mistake YOU could have caught yourself, but you were too LAZY ASS to verify it yourself.

YOU are the person "INCONSIDERATE" here by not offering water for the other customers that would order beer/bar drinks and by bringing out customers drinks that you can before the bar drinks to actually think of customer's thirst.

You aren't considerate when you just bring out 2 for 1 drinks without asking the customer if they would like one at at time vs. both at once.

You aren't considerate of the customer's money and think you can STEAL your tip BEFORE the customer has a CHANCE to tip you.

You aren't considerate, because you feel we should tell the server when we are undercharged to make our time get punished for their mistakes. What kind of person would correct the mistake that was in the customer's favor while they are there? An inconsiderate one.

When you said this, shows how you are INCONSIDERATE of customer's time: "So, if it takes an extra 1-2 minutes before your order goes in, suck it up, and don't cry."

You aren't considerate enough to ASK the customer if they would like their side salad out before their appetizer.

You aren't considerate enough to ask the customer "Are you all both ordering 2 separate appetizers", because instead you like to assume everyone wants the same thing all the time.

You are EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY inconsiderate when you said this: "And to think that you docked your server's tip because of CONDIMENTS!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" As if condiments aren't just as important as the main food or something. YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!! I don't get it why you say the there shouldn't be any mistakes, but then if the server forgot a condiment, that I shouldn't dock them? When you are waiting to eat your food, you will see WHY you dock the server. I have had times where it was like 4-5 minutes sitting waiting to eat my food in front of me, because of INCONSIDEREATE servers like you that are too damn lazy and uncaring to do it before the food comes out.

You aren't considerate enough to ASK before you put free bread or chips and salsa on the table.

See WHO is the "INCONSIDERATE" person here? I have PROVED that you are EXTREMELY UNCARING, LAZY ASS, AND VERY INCONSIDERATE to your customers.

You are just so mad I proved you wrong. That's why you are just fighting back with childish behavior instead of agreeing with me, because you agreed with me in #21. I don't get why you contradicted yourself in your own posts. You really are an IDIOT!! If I was so "uneducated" as you say, I wouldn't see all the mistakes that get to our table and know I wouldn't have done those stupid things that servers have done to us. It's YOU that's uneducated.

You don't know everything. That's why you contradicted your own self. You still never picked which one was correct. I know #21 for a fact is correct. The other stuff you said about the wrong entrees being the kitchen staff's fault is ridiculous and contradicts #21. The amount of a condiment in a container contradicts #21. WHY can't you admit I am right? Oh, wait, YOU DID IN #21. HA HA, WHAT AN IDIOT!!

RMalen said...

OH my God! #21!! #21!!! Blah blah blah.

How many years do you have left in your life? Obviously too many.

RMalen said...

Oh, and on #21, we expect the kitchen to make the food the way we put it into the machine. So we're not going to take the time to stop and inspect every fucking dish that goes to our tables. We don't have the time for that shit. We'll glance at it, if it looks right we'll run it to the table. It's YOUR JOB as the customer to inspect the food and ask the server to fix the problem. Again, MISTAKES HAPPEN. GET OVER IT.

"BLAH BLAH BLAH! NO! IT'S YOUR JOB Blah Blah Blah" Right? Shut up.

I guess the only mistake you make is waking up in the morning.

Springs1 said...

"OH my God! #21!! #21!!! Blah blah blah."

You are just saying that because you got caught in your own CONTRADICTION. So tell me WHY did you say that the waiter was the last person to see the food, so there shouldn't be a mistake, but then write all of these other situations where the mistakes are very obvious that you feel if they are brought out by the server, that it's not their fault? I don't get WHY you wrote #21? Obviously, you must believe it to write such a thing? So WHY are you arguing with me then if you AGREED with me when you wrote that #21 response, huh?

"So we're not going to take the time to stop and inspect every fucking dish that goes to our tables. We don't have the time for that shit. We'll glance at it, if it looks right we'll run it to the table. It's YOUR JOB as the customer to inspect the food and ask the server to fix the problem."

You are telling me in this quote that it IS YOUR JOB: "21. This is true. The waiter is the last person to see the food before it hits the table. So, if it's their food they're running, then there shouldn't be a mistake."

Guess WHO is getting PAID? The customer sure isn't. The SERVER IS, so if they are getting paid by the CUSTOMER to do a JOB, then GUESS WHOSE JOB IT IS? THE SERVER'S JOB!! The customers aren't your BABY-SITTERS looking over the food you are BRINGING to the table.

You DO have time, my servers have the time and I just experienced that at a chain restaurant. I asked for my fries "lightly cooked, not overdone or brown." Our waiter came to us to tell me that they overcooked my fries and that they were making another batch. He didn't BRING it out wrong, he CHOSE to DOUBLE CHECK the order BEFORE he BROUGHT IT TO THE TABLE. If he can do it, SO CAN YOUR LAZY ASS!! There's NO EXCUSE to be as lazy as you sound, NOT ONE EXCUSE!!

It's up to the SERVER NOT TO ********************************BRING************************************ THE PROBLEM TO THE TABLE. If they don't bring the mistake to me, GUESS WHAT, I DON'T RECEIVE THE MISTAKE, so YES, they are in control of a lot of mistakes that get to the table they COULD have PREVENTED. I don't care if a MONKEY PLATES THE FOOD, it's up to the person I am PAYING the tip for to ******************************************************BRING************************************************** IT TO THE TABLE CORRECTLY AS FAR AS WHAT YOU CAN **SEE** WITH YOUR EYES WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH THE FOOD TO NOTICE THE MISTAKE.

You say you don't have time for that "shit", well the servers seem to make the time to bring shit back and forth or go get forgotten items. When it would have SAVED TIME, because A LOT of times there are obvious mistakes with the food. You are so lazy to trust the kitchen staff for your tip instead of yourself. WHAT A LAZY ASS!! Also, we won't make the time to tip you well then if you can't take any EFFORT into ****************BRINGING THE FOOD OUT AS CORRECTLY AS YOU CAN NOTICE WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH THE FOOD TO NOTICE THE MISTAKE********************!!!

Guess what? It's YOUR JOB to check every dish, because YOU are getting PAID to do the job of bringing the food out as correctly as you can notice without having to touch the food. The customer isn't getting paid, so they don't have to do SHIT!!



So when you say it's the "CUSTOMER'S JOB", sorry, but our "JOB" is to be a "CUSTOMER", THAT'S ALL. It's NOT TO BE YOUR BABY-SITTER!! YOU have a job to make sure the correct food is correct that you are bringing out to the customer is truly correct as much as you possibly can without having to touch the food to notice the mistake.

WHY ARE YOU PUTTING FINDING MISTAKES ON US CUSTOMERS WHEN WE AREN'T GETTING ***PAID*** TO DO THAT, YOU ARE, REMEMBER? If anything, when a server brings a wrong entrée to the table, the SERVER should be paying out of their OWN POCKET for being that STUPID to the customer. I mean seriously, we had to double check YOUR ASS, so we did YOUR JOB FOR YOU, so YOU SHOULD BE PAYING US, YOU DUMBASS. WHY WOULD OR SHOULD YOU EXPECT A GOOD TIP FOR BRINGING A WRONG ENTRÉE OUT TO THE CUSTOMER? The customer is paying YOU to do the work, NOT for them to baby-sit your mistakes by telling you the OBVIOUS.

Answer this please: WHY WRITE DOWN THE ORDER IF THE **END** RESULT IS VERY OBVIOUSLY WRONG? WHY BOTHER? Putting the order into the computer is only the FIRST step. Bringing out the food obviously correct is the Second step if you bring the food out and took the order that is.

Also, with condiments, there's no real reason you can't just bring them out ahead of time by OFFERING the customer that option. You DO NOT have to put 100% trust into someone that isn't going to be earning a tip from the customer. If you don't want customers to take off points off the tip for another server forgetting condiments, you can PREVENT the mistake from happening.

YOUR JOB IS TO PREVENT THE MISTAKE FROM GETTING TO THE CUSTOMER. If you noticed no ranch on the appetizer plate I ordered when you wrote down I ordered ranch, then if you were smart, you would tell the kitchen staff it's missing instead of BRINGING it to my table without it. It's on YOU to BRING IT FROM THE KITCHEN TO MY TABLE if you bring the order out that is. So if you bring it without the ranch, it's 100% YOUR FAULT. YOU FORGOT TO BRING IT FROM THE KITCHEN. If you took the order and brought me my food, it's up to YOU not to forget my side dish or bring out the CORRECT side dish. I don't care WHO THE FUCK PLATES OR COOKS THE FOOD if the mistake is so obvious that you can notice a mistake within less than 5 seconds without having to touch the food.

"BLAH BLAH BLAH! NO! IT'S YOUR JOB Blah Blah Blah" Right? Shut up."

You have no way of proving it's my job. I have ways of proving it's YOUR JOB, so that's why you are telling me to shut up, because the TRUTH HURTS, DOESN'T?

"Obviously, you didn't go to college because no four-year university would ever give a dumb bitch like you a degree."

I have an associates degree. Do you even have a 4-year degree yourself? Also, what you don't seem to understand is that ANYONE can be a SERVER. NO EDUCATION NEEDED FOR THIS TYPE OF JOB. So you can be all the book smart you want to be, but that has NOTHING to do with you have COMMON SENSE and NOT BEING LAZY ASS.

"Or have you just gone senile in your old age?"

For information, I am 31yrs old. I am still pretty young. Servers STILL card me sometimes, because I look young for my age.

"Just because you live in a city doesn't mean you're not a redneck. Because you worked in a shitty donut shop and diner, eat at chili's all the time, and order shitty American food all the time makes you a redneck."

I don't see how it does from these definitions?

"The food at restaurant chains is NOT better, because they use cheap ingredients that are bought in bulk. Obviously you have no palate for food, because all you eat is Classic American. Just like a redneck."

EVERYONE has DIFFERENT TASTES. What does liking certain foods have to do with being a redneck? So in other words, all the people that go to Chili's or any chain restaurants are rednecks?

Cheap food can be good. My husband and I actually feel pasta roni, which is a DOLLAR a box plus tax, taste better than Olive Garden Pasta. You act like because someone likes food that is cheap, that makes you better than them. Liking certain foods has NOTHING to do with being better than someone else. That is just personal preference, that's all.

Also, we are FAR away from poor, which one of the definitions has that a person that is a redneck can be poor. We have our brick house paid for. We have 3 vehicles paid for. We got money to go out to eat every single weekend. Sometimes, the final check is around $60 plus the tip, sometimes more, sometimes less at a lot of the restaurants we go to.

"Better food is AT "fancy" restaurants."

That's YOUR OPINION and you are entitled to it. It's NOT A "FACT" that it's better; it's YOUR OPINION that it's better. I feel in MY OPINION, fine dining restaurants are not as good. I am entitled to my own opinion.

"And you're not tipping for the entire restaurant's service. You're tipping for your SERVER's service, you dumb cunt. Noone else receives that tip except your server. You can't place blame on someone when someone else fucks up. That's out of their control, and that's what you're doing when you don't tip your server. You're placing blame on them, you stupid inconsiderate redneck."

Customers ARE tipping for the "RESTAURAN'T'S SERVICE", because if another server BRINGS food or drinks to the customer, THAT IS A VERY MUCH PART OF THE CUSTOMER'S SERVICE!! The food runners/other servers get tipped out of SALES, so they ARE getting some of the money that you get tipped with in a way, unless the customer doesn't tip you anything.

You say "That's out of their control."

What's OUT of their control about BRINGING out the correct side dish, correct entrées, to notice anything missing that is obvious such as a side dish or condiments or sauce/dressing that's supposed to be not on the food, but on the side? NONE, NOT ONE, of those situations are out of their control IF the SAME SERVER that took the order BRINGS OUT THE FOOD. They also can notice a burnt piece of bread or any other food if the burnt piece is visible without having to move the food to notice the mistake unless the person ordered it burnt. The server can notice a roach ON TOP of the food that isn't covered up by anything. The server can notice if bacon is very crispy if it's to where the server can see it such as by pancakes on a plate. Bacon that is soggy looks flat compared to crispy bacon that looks wavy. You can tell usually just by LOOKING at bacon if it's crispy or not if the customer ordered it crispy.

It's funny how in the first post you said "kitchen staff" could be one of the people at fault for a wrong entrée: "why the wrong entree was brought. It could be the waiter, but it also could be the kitchen." It's actually IMPOSSIBLE, YOU HEARD ME, IMPOSSIBLE for the "KITCHEN STAFF" to be at fault for MY SERVER OR ANOTHER SERVER/FOOD RUNNER (*********************BRINGING**************************) ME THE WRONG ENTRÉE!! The kitchen staff may have cooked the entire wrong entrée, but my server should be SMART enough to tell me about the mistake instead of BRING it out to me COMPLETELY WRONG. The REASON WHY I **RECEIVED** a wrong entrée was because of the SERVER. Now, it's possible if another server or food runner runs the food to me, they can bring a wrong entrée to us. We have had that happen before due to that server went to the wrong table, quite a few times before. The server cannot control that, but it's still an INTERUPTION of the SERVICE. It's still PART of the service regardless. The ONLY, ONLY, ONLY, ONLY way the kitchen staff could be at fault for BRINGING me a wrong entrée is if someone in the kitchen staff BROUGHT me my food. You must not have ANY COMMON SENSE to speak of. It's IN YOUR CONTROL TO *********BRING*********** ME MY FOOD CORRECTLY IF YOU ARE BRINGING ME THE FOOD IF YOU TOOK THE ORDER YOU HAVE WAYS TO VERIFY IF WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND IS THE CORRECT ENTRÉE OR NOT.

What's out of their control:
1. Food runner/other server brings out the wrong food when the ticket was correct. Even though another server brings out the food wrong, that server is still PART of the customer's service. If you have time to chit-chat with a friend, you have time to run your own table's food. If you are stuck taking a table's order when the food is ready, then you have no choice but to let some other server bring out the food. All I am saying is, some servers want to just play around instead of serving. Maybe you aren't one of those, I don't know?
2. The cook cooking the steak or burger medium well instead of well done or just the opposite as long as the order was put in correctly.
3. The cook (which I have had this happen at Applebee's) didn't boil the pasta enough, so some was still hard and chewy.
4. Cold food 99% of the time is NOT the server's fault. If it's the server's fault, they forgot to go get the food while it sits in the
window. Most of the time, it's that the kitchen staff didn't warm up the food enough. I just recently had a bowl of crawfish bisque that my waitress brought out to me and it was luke warm. Guess what? She isn't going to stick her fingers in my food to tell me if it's hot enough, so how could I POSSIBLITY blame her. She was still nice enough to profusely apologize even though it wasn't her fault at all.
5. Wrong burrito filling as long as the order was put in correctly. My server isn't going to cut into the burrito or chimchanga to find out if it's correct or not.
6. Pickles or even diced onions under a bun where the pickles cannot be seen unless you move the food when the order was put in correctly.
7. Food taking a long time when the server put in the order as soon as they possibly could(unless someone's food or drink was ready or there was some mistake to contend with) and either the server or some other server brought out the food as soon as it was done.
8. Raw food that's not cooked enough that's not obvious such as raw chicken tenders

There are probably more situations out there, but those are some. My point is, ANY mistake the server can catch themselves is their fault. If the server cannot catch the mistake unless they would have to touch the food to see the mistake and they put in the order correctly, they ARE NOT AT FAULT.


SamanthaBaker says: "What exactly is the job of a waitress/server then? Just someone who writes down an order and then carries your food to you? Sorry, but I think the waitress is responsible for seeing you are taken care of (drink refills, etc) and also making sure your order comes to you as you ordered it. That's a part of her job. You are almost saying any "mistakes" the waitress makes doesn't matter, because it's all basically the managers responsibility.

SamanthaBaker Also says: "Have you never been to a restaurant and asked for "no sour cream" or "no mayo" or something? If they bring it to you with sour cream or mayo, are you happy?"

Nightowl scrapper: "Now, just a minute, why is the waitress/waiter not responsible to see that the customer gets what they ordered the way they ordered it? Are we supposed to jump up and go discuss a problem with the kitchen staff? Seems to me that would be extremely inconvenient, awkward, and in some states, illegal for a customer to march into the kitchen and ask for a food order to be corrected. If I want my kid to go complain to the kitchen staff, why, I might as well stay home and cook it myself "

Doesn't this person make a GOOD POINT?

CamiCar says: "And if a server is wise, s/he will realize that the food not being served to order will affect his/her tip."
Shouldn't this be a bit of COMMON SENSE which YOU DON'T SEEM TO HAVE?

Jenettycakes76: "AS A FORMER OUTBACK SERVER (many moons ago).... YES - it is the responsibility of the front of the house (server) AND back of the house (kitchen) to serve/prepare the correct meal. When the server gets the table's food (usually from the Manager), a carbon copy of what he/she wrote down comes with it (this is to ensure the order of the food is placed on the tray accordingly - like seat A - F, position 1 - 6). If you request no pickles, regardless of where they are served on the plate, then you should have received no pickles. Again this is a combo of the kitchen & server to make sure you do not receive them. Which it seems wasn't followed through in your case."

So just LOOK at the people, even a FORMER OUTBACK SERVER, states it's the responsibility of the SERVER(if it's the same sever that took the order) to BRING the food to you without the mistakes such as pickles on a plate. If it's another server, they can only go by the ticket, so if the ticket is wrong, that's the main server's fault.

If another server runs the food, they SHOULD VERIFY the tickets with the plates of food to make sure they are correct as far as obvious mistakes go. It's called TEAMWORK.

"Noone gives a shit what a little bitch like you says, so when you go into a restaurant"

If that were so, we wouldn't have servers chit-chat with us. We also wouldn't get free things from bad service from managers at times nor we would get free things not rung up on PURPOSE from the servers, because not everyone will give back in the tip if things are given for free, but we will. BTW, I am NOT A "BITCH." I am just telling it like it is.

"You can't place blame on someone when someone else fucks up."

You can place blame on the person BRINGING out the food with OBVIOUS things wrong, because the kitchen staff isn't getting tipped, so they AREN'T RESPONSIBLE for GETTING THE ORDER ****BROUGHT**** CORRECTLY TO ME, MY SERVER or if another server is involved, as long as the order was put into the computer correctly, it's up to the other server to bring it out as correctly as they possibly can without having to touch the food to notice a mistake or mistakes.

HOW can you blame the "KITCHEN STAFF" for me RECEIVING a WRONG ENTRÉE OR WRONG SIDE DISH at my table when they aren't BRINGING me my food, MY SERVER OR ANOTHER SERVER IS.

"Unfortunately, you can't fix ingrained ignorance like yours."

Unfortunately, you can't make a LAZY ASS person understand when this person is just TOO LAZY to TAKE ANY EFFORT in their job.

"40. You stiffed a waiter all because he didn't have perfect change to give you $.31? How important is it to YOU that you NEED the $.31? You're spending $36 on a meal, whereas we're working hard for a couple dollars per table. Yeah, realize it: we probably need it more than you do, so deal with it, and incorporate the lousy $.31 in your tip."

Submitted by Michelle Apperson on Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:14 am
"LOL Ok, so getting good service is hard. Tonight I took my mom and son out for dinner and we had good service. No complaints, he earned a great tip.....UNTIL.....*dun to dun dun* he asks me would you like your change? UGH! First of all, how did he know I put cash in there unless he was stalking me, second of all, I put a $50 bill in there on a $27 tab, YES I want my change. Total was $27. 69 Ok, he brings back billfold thingy, and I first noticed I had $12 in ones and two fives. TWELVE ones! WTH? He gave me plenty of small change to leave a nice tip. My change change, the coin part, I should of gotten .31 cents also, it wasn't in there. Was it to much to ask to count out my change exactly? Upmft. He in my book STOLE my .31.
I realize its .31 cent, its the principle. The audacity! OMG! So he went from a $6.00 tip to , you got it......31 cents. And he only got that because he stole it. If your a server...please don't do this.....I was so disgusted, I should of complained to manager, but I get so angry, I hate complaining, I hate being bitchy, so I just left. What would yall of done?"

Her change happen to be shorted exactly 31 cents too. Just look at how she felt like the server STOLE, just as I did. As she said, it's the PRINCIPLE of it that you cannot take SOMEONE ELSE'S CHANGE WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION.

"we expect the kitchen to make the food the way we put it into the machine."

That's the problem, you put 100% trust into people we aren't tipping. What a LAZY ASS IDIOT!! It's YOUR JOB TO TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT KIND OF TIPS YOU MAKE BY TRYING AS MUCH AS YOU CAN TO PREVENT MISTAKES FROM GETTING TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE. You should NEVER, EVER, EXPECT your co-workers to work as a team if you don't have to put trust into them. Just like condiments being brought out by the food runner. There's not much team work with that issue at ANY restaurants. You don't have to put your trust into another server to bring me a side of ranch. YOU can do it YOURSELF. EARN YOUR TIP by PREVENTING MISTAKES FROM GETTING TO THE TABLES, because you cannot blame the kitchen staff for YOU FORGETTING TO BRING OUT CONDIMENTS OR MISSING SIDE DISHES when YOU TOOK THE ORDER AND BROUGHT THE FODO OUT, THAT'S ON YOU 100%!!


HollyE said...

I have a couple of questions for you.

- What qualifications do you have which give you the authority to assess a server's skills?

-Do you take into consideration what else may be taking up your server's time?

Example: I was the closing server at my restaurant a couple nights ago. I was the only server on and had several tables. A group of six teenagers came in and took at least ten minutes to order their food. It would have been rude for me to leave in the middle of their order, but as a result I got behind with my other tables. I apologized and got refills and took care of the other customers' needs as quickly as I could. I often wonder if, in situations like these, my other customers assume I am off "chit-chatting".

-Also, sometimes people will ask for refills while I am passing out food. In large parties sometimes people will ask for refills as soon as I am done taking the food order, before I have a chance to put it in the computer. I always politely inform them that I will come back for refills as soon as I put their order in. Would you be satisfied with this response? Incidentally, while on the topic of refills, I know that customers would most likely enjoy a beverage with their meal. If the glass is empty when I bring your food out, I will set down your food, and then ask about refills. There is no need to inform me when I first arrive at the table; I can see that your glass is either low or empty. I never stand around “chit-chatting” and while I acknowledge that some servers do, it is not fair to assume that if you suck down your soda in 2 minutes it is not immediately refilled simply because your server is slacking off. We do have other tables.

It is not policy at many restaurants that tips are split with expos and other servers. Everyone, with the exception of the servers, receives at least minimum wage as their hourly pay. Most places require that servers tip out the bartenders, but no one else.

-I once had a young man tell me that my paycheck would still be the same whether he tipped me or not. (He was joking; I don't remember the context of the conversation though.) I just cashed six weeks worth of paychecks and the total deposit was $31.86. Do you ever inform the servers as to the reason why you have given them a tip of less than 15%? There have been several times when seemingly happy customers have left me small tips. With no idea why this occurred, I am often left wondering what I could have done to improve my service; or if they were just short on money that day. I would genuinely appreciate it if a customer would let me know what I did to cause them to have a less than wonderful experience.

-Is it truly that offensive if a server asks if you would like change? Sometimes, if I am in a hurry, I feel that my time could be better spent getting a refill or checking on an order, rather than getting someone .35 change. I find it rude that a customer would have little enough respect for my time to ask me to do that, when usually they just leave it on the table anyway. I am capable of acknowledging the .35 added to the tip without actually seeing it there.

Also, is it common knowledge that the restaurants hardly pay servers at all? Most of the time I get "no check" checks, we make $2.13 an hour and taxes from our tips are taken from there. You frequently referred to servers as "stupid" when a mistake, which is obvious to you, goes unnoticed to them. (Coincidentally, many of the grammatical errors in your original posting were obvious to me, but may not have been to you. I understand that you could have been in a hurry, or had a bad English teacher and it does not necessarily mean that you are stupid.) Have you ever considered that, we too, have lives outside of our job? I know that it is our job to get the food to customers in a timely fashion and ensure they have an excellent dining experience, but don't you ever make a mistake, or have a bad day at your job? It doesn't make you stupid, it is just a mistake. I am paying my way through college as a server. I am taking 18 credit hours and participate in athletics as well as other campus opportunities. Sometimes, at the end of the night, after I have been at school all day, and had grumpy tables all night, I simply cannot be understanding and overly apologetic that you did not get your condiments exactly as you desired. This could be seen as a weakness on my part, but as servers we deal with a lot of people; it seems like, who come in looking for us to make a mistake. We are still human beings and we can only be insanely courteous for so long before we are just exhausted and have to take it down a notch.

While you say we have time to "bring back and forth obvious mistakes" -We have to make time for that. Although we might have been rushing to get your food to you so we can take another table's order; we will have to get further behind in taking their order so that we can fix yours. It is not an ideal situation for anyone when food goes out incorrectly. The kitchen gets behind, other tickets take longer, we get behind on our other tables and the customer is unhappy. It has to be done though, if a mistake is made.

I hope that I have not offended you. I am simply curious as to whether the customer ever considers the servers point of view, or feelings for that matter.
-P.S. At least at my restaurant, we are told during training to write “Thank You” on the bills.

Lindsday said...

Hello Springs1...

Would you be willing to post a photo of yourself? I am just wondering what you look like.

Oh, and just one little thing: you know what used to irritate me most when I worked as a waitress? My rude customers. Obvious, I know. Rude people do tend to irritate.

BUT! And here's the rub, Springsy; what do you think was the reason those particular rude customers annoyed me? I’ll tell you why, it was because they were almost always less educated than I am. I can no longer count how many people ordered things they did not care for because they did not correctly read the menu (because - I suspect - they COULD NOT read the menu correctly... too many big words), and then blamed me for their unhappiness.

I don't know what the connection is exactly, but I must say: there is a definite correlation between a strong sense of entitlement and a mediocre mind.

Can't wait for your response, gorgeous. Mwah.

Springs1 said...

"My rude customers. Obvious, I know. Rude people do tend to irritate."

What does this have to do with me? I am NOT a "RUDE" customer. It's actually a lot of servers that are RUDE to me. I once ordered 4 sides of ranch with a side salad, because I was also using the ranch for something else, which the server said "You know it's not a big salad." THAT'S RUDE!! You don't tell me your damn opinion about what is big or not. It WAS big to me. I just simply NICELY explained to him I wanted the ranch for the mozzerella sticks. I shouldn't have to EXPLAIN MYSELF NOR should what they say change my mind. It's rude to try to change someone's mind like that when they are ordering. Just take down what I say, plain and simple. If you are confused, then ask, but don't try to act like you know how much I want or don't want.

A LOT of servers don't apologize when they mess up. Don't you find that to be RUDE? I have many of times even said "Thank you" when they got the mistake fixed, STILL NO SORRY. How about that for RUDE? It's NOT ME, it's THEM!! Not all servers, but a lot of them don't say they are sorry when they mess up.

"I can no longer count how many people ordered things they did not care for because they did not correctly read the menu (because - I suspect - they COULD NOT read the menu correctly... too many big words), and then blamed me for their unhappiness."

You have got things SOOOOO COMPLETELY OPPOSITE! The thing is, I KNOW THE MENU BETTER THAN A LOT OF SERVERS. I am not kidding you. At a restaurant, there was a martini menu that had descriptions of the drinks. One was called "Strawberry Shortcake Martini." The menu stated it had vanilla puree, a crusted rim glass, strawberries, etc. The STUPID, DINGBAT waitress that was there for 2 months the hostess told me, brought me a glass with chocolate syrup and NO CRUSTED RIM as well as the drink was wrong with no vanilla puree in it. I knew the menu better than she did to know it was wrong.

One time I went to Denny's and my husband ordered their cheese fries which come with ranch and even have a PICTURE menu on the table even. The DUMBASS waitress brings out the cheese fries without the ranch when NEITHER one of us said that we didn't want it.

My point is, if anything, I READ the menu, it's the STUPID, LAZY ASS servers that didn't, that did stupid mistakes like that to me.

One time, they had a temporary menu due to after Katrina hit at a particular restaurant. The menu stated this chicken tenders appetizer came with BBQ SAUCE. The server that ran the food didn't have the bbq sauce on the plate and it even came with fries which the menu didn't mention. I had also added honey mustard, which wasn't there either. My point is, I READ THE DAMN MENU YOU BITCH!! It's THEM IDIOTS THAT DON'T, that do these things to us.

I sometimes order "I want to add a side of ranch" to mozzerella sticks, which on the menu state comes with marinara. I cannot count how many times stupid idiot servers "ASSUME" it's a "SUBSTITUTION", when the marinara COMES with the mozzerella sticks that are in the price of the item. If I said I didn't want the marinara or if I said I wanted "this instead of that", that's one thing or said I wanted to substitute an item, but just stating you want another condiment has NOTHING at ALL to do with not getting what is stated on the menu it comes with. Especially considering most restaurants don't charge for extra condiments, so you would think the server would give you what you are paying for if you didn't state you didn't want the condiment it came with.

My point is, QUIT ASSUMING YOU IDIOT BITCH! I KNOW THE MENU BETTER THAN THESE IDIOTS THAT SERVE ME, FOR REAL!! To come to the table with chocolate syup lining the glass for a strawberry shortcake martini is STUPID without the drink even and then to top it off, to not even take the effort to COMPARE the MENU DESCRIPTION with the drink, which she could have noticed no crusted rim, was LAZY AND STUPID of her. I know the menu better than them. HOW ABOUT THAT!!!

"Would you be willing to post a photo of yourself? I am just wondering what you look like."

It's not your business really. I am 5'0" tall and keep my weight around 92 or so, depending on if it's the weekend or during the week. On the weekend, I will be around 95 or so. That's all the information I will give. What do you look like?

Unknown said... must eat at taco bell..i work in a fine dining restaurant and i would never ask a customer if they wanted water...i just get it. i would also never repeat my order back to them...thats what they do at taco bell...bad tips on how to be a good server

Springs1 said...

"i would never ask a customer if they wanted water...i just get it"

WHY? Are YOU DRINKING IT? Do you realize that you are truly "ORDERING" for a customer by doing that, because NOT EVERYONE WANTS WATER. I personally do NOT want an extra glass I will not drink. I go out to drink other things besides water like soft drinks, tea, margaritas, etc.

You aren't supposed to ORDER for someone WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION!! WHY do you think you have ANY "RIGHT" TO MAKE A DECISION THAT IS ONLY THE CUSTOMER'S TO MAKE? NOT EVERYONE WANTS WATER, just as EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, which means you ALWAYS ASK if the customer wants ANYTHING!! I don't care if it's just water.

You act like it's a grave sin to ASK a customer a question, when you could SAVE yourself TIME by not WASTING IT by going get glasses of water that are UNTOUCHED. One time, at a mexican restaurant in another state, me, my husband, and his friend went to dinner. The waiter brought glasses of water when he greeted us. GUESS WHAT? I NEVER ONCE TOUCHED, NOR WANTED THE DAMN WATER!! I don't go out to eat to drink boring water. I want something that has TASTE when I go out. I drink enough of boring water at home. That waiter WASTED HIS TIME putting ice and water in my glass for NOTHING!! WHY do you want to risk doing something for nothing and WHY do you want to OVERSTEP? WHY do you think it's **YOUR** DECISION to DECIDE IF THE CUSTOMER WANTS WATER OR NOT?

" i would also never repeat my order back to them...thats what they do at taco bell...bad tips on how to be a good server"

NOT SO YOU DUMBASS!! I have had TWICE servers "ASSUME" at Chili's and Bennigan's that just because I said I wanted "2 Sides of bbq sauce" that meant I wanted NO bbq sauce and that I wanted the bbq sauce "ON THE SIDE", but I NEVER said I wanted the bbq sauce "ON THE SIDE", I said I wanted "2 SIDES of bbq sauce", so if they would have simply REPEATED my order, they would have NOT MESSED up by delivering me NO BBQ SAUCE on the ribs, dry as a bone. I NEVER said that I wanted the ribs without bbq sauce, NOR did I say I wanted the bbq sauce "ON THE SIDE." It's pathetic that now I have to tell them what ALREADY comes on the ribs which is bbq sauce that I do want the bbq sauce on the ribs.

My point with that story above is if you don't REPEAT the person's order, you might not understand what THEY MEAN and ASSUME they mean what YOU INTERPRET as what they mean. EVER had someone say they wanted a burger and listed the things they did want, but on the MENU it may state that it comes with let's say pickles. I would definately ask the customer if they wanted the pickles or repeat to them "You ONLY WANT lettuce, mayo, onions, and tomatoes?"

YOU ARE A DUMBASS TO SAY THIS IS LIKE TACO BELL!! Don't you want to make 100 MILLION PERCENT SURE YOU ARE GETTING IT RIGHT? That's why mistakes happen, because of servers like the ones I said about the ribs, because in THEIR MIND, they thought I meant "ON THE SIDE", which I know I remember at least ONE of those 2 times I said "EXTRA bbq sauce" even when I ordered, possibly both times, can't remember. Having sides of bbq sauce has NOTHING to do with wanting the bbq sauce "ON THE SIDE ONLY" and NOT as "EXTRA", but to them, they thought it was "none on the ribs."

YOU ALWAYS WANT TO REPEAT THE PERSON'S ORDER TO MAKE 100% SURE YOU ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!! Some people order non-specific. I did order specific, it's just that they thought it was "ON THE SIDE" instead of "2 sides" as I specifically ordered. I order from the MENU, so the menu stated I got bbq sauce automatically on the ribs, so I didn't know that they would ASSUME this when these times happened. I shouldn't have to tell them I want bbq sauce on the ribs just because I order some sides of bbq sauce. That's just stupid. That's why you need to REPEAT THE PERSON'S ORDER SO YOU WON'T GET THINGS LIKE THAT HAPPEN!! Are you born under a rock or what? SO WHAT if they repeat your order at taco bell? If they do(I can't remember since I don't go there very often), they are at least TRYING to get the order as CORRECT AS they possibly can. Are you TOO LAZY and UNCARING to do that or what?

Also, you could miss something they said. Do you realize how many times the servers have either forgotten about something I asked or just didn't hear me because of a LOUD restaurant?

"bad tips on how to be a good server"

NO, it's GOOD TIPS, because me and my husband have lived through things that we shouldn't have had to go through with messups, because of ASSUMPTIONS.

Once, a waiter assumed because me and my husband both ordered appetizers and entrees, that I wanted mine with my meal. I knew we'd just take home the leftovers, which I didn't want the onion rings, which he didn't want the chili cheese fries, so we ordered 2 appetizers and 2 entrees. The DUMBASS waiter could have repeated our order to know "You want the both appetizers as appetizers." He didn't and when we asked about it after a long time waiting for mine and my husband got his, the waiter was like "I thought you wanted it with your meal", I was like "I NEVER SAID THAT." See how if he would have REPEATED our order, how things wouldn't have been so messed up? YOU ARE REALLY DUMB NOT TO REPEAT ORDERS AND GIVE GLASSES OF WATER TO PEOPLE THAT MAY NOT WANT THEM!!

It's YOU that's the BAD SERVER!! I would make 100% of what I was doing if I were the server BEFORE I decided to do it whether it would be the food orders or the glasses of water. I wouldn't waste time if the customers don't drink the water. That's just STUPID and a TIME WASTER as well as those glasses have to be cleared off and cleaned. What a WASTE!!

duTiFul said...

I agree with most of your tips for being a good server. And in a perfect world it would work exactly like that. Unfortunately, corporate suits and MANDATED rules are in place in most casual dining restaurants. ( I am using casual dining because most of your experiences seem to come from those types of establishments). I have worked in the food service industry for almost 10 years, as everything from a fast food cook, to a server at a casual dining restaurant , to a bartender at a sports bar, to a FOH manager at a fine dining restaurant. These rules are there BECAUSE it in fact does make the restaurant run smoother. Suggestive selling is almost always mandatory BEFORE and AFTER a guest orders something. Some items are REQUIRED (i.e free bread, free chips and salsa) to be brought before the meal. If those items are not brought, it contributes to food cost and inventory surplus. In the upper tier of restaurants WATER IS MANDATORY, period. If the guest doesn't want it, then the server simply takes it away. With extra condiments, most restaurants (ESPECIALLY IN THE CASUAL DINING GROUP) require the server to ensure the guests realizes how much they are ordering, because MOST restaurants don't have a reliable way to track extra dressings or sauces. Again that falls back on the corporate bigwigs that hand down the edicts on what servers do. What most of the general public assumes is "half-sides" is in fact "full-sides". The ramekins that are used to hold the condiments are intentionally bigger (I don't know why, ask the CEOs upstairs) than what amount of dressing/sauce they are holding. It's stupid yes, but I have seen and fired servers for OVERPOURING sides. In general, servers are required to drop the check once boxes are required unless told differently. This is the restaurant's way of turning tables and getting people in and out of the door without being overly rude about it. Server manicuring their tables will 9/10 be back with refills if they see the glass is empty. Manicuring tables is the servers way of checking on the table without asking all of the stupid questions that most inexperienced servers ask. SERVER ARE REQUIRED TO INFORM THE GUEST ABOUT THE SURVEY. Servers are at times made to collect the tips if they are at a shift change or are required to clock out due to over-time.

Yes servers do need to check over their food before it is brought to the table. I myself have been guilty of not doing that. Yes servers should write down all orders. Again I am guilty of not doing that. SERVERS THIS IS FOR YOU. TEAMWORK IS ESSENTIAL IN A RESTAURANT, YOU MUST USE IT AT ALL TIMES.

springs, you bring up good points, but several of your "tips" just DO NOT work in a everyday restaurant. ESPECIALLY one that is a large national chain.

Hope you have great day and be sure to tip your server or bartender.

p.s. I'm going to ask what EVERY server that reads this or will read this is thinking. You're black aren't you?

Springs1 said...

Ken (LoD)
"Some items are REQUIRED (i.e free bread, free chips and salsa) to be brought before the meal."

It's not required not to (((ASK))) the customer BEFORE actually putting it on the table. In other words, let's say I am your waitress and I have chips n' salsa when I greet you, I would ASK you if you would like some chips n' salsa instead of serving you something without YOUR permission to do so. It's called being CONSIDERATE.

Also, places like Outback 99% of the time, servers do NOT greet with bread, so they have EVERY opportunity when getting drink and possible appetizer orders to **ASK** if the customer would like some bread. Some people could be on the Atkin's diet or a diet or just don't like pumpernickel bread. You NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU ASK!! NO QUESTION IS STUPID, NONE!!

"If those items are not brought, it contributes to food cost and inventory surplus."

At times, my husband and I have gone to a restaurant just for drinks only at a TABLE or BOOTH, which at times have declined the chips n' salsa, which they took it back. In other words, you can ****ASK***** BEFORE the food is put on the table.

"In the upper tier of restaurants WATER IS MANDATORY, period. If the guest doesn't want it, then the server simply takes it away."

That's why the server can simply *******ASK********* their customers if they would like water WHILE it is on the TRAY instead of putting it on the table. It's called being CONSIDERATE once again.

"With extra condiments, most restaurants (ESPECIALLY IN THE CASUAL DINING GROUP) require the server to ensure the guests realizes how much they are ordering, because MOST restaurants don't have a reliable way to track extra dressings or sauces."

Most customers DO realize how much they are ordering and if it is a whole lot, I would expect just as just recently I went on a vacation to Mississippi where they have TGIFriday's and the waiter told me he'd have to CHARGE me, which I told him that's fine. See, I don't mind being charged. I have once paid $2.50 for (5) condiments at .50 cents a piece. I was happy, that's all that mattered. I ordered, so I SHOULD pay for it, you know. Shorting the customer makes the customer mad and not want to come back. There's a nice way to do it to just tell me if they have to charge me or whatever is the truth, which THAT WAS the way to do it. Some servers don't know HOW to do it. The example in my blog I talked about the 2 servers telling me it's not a big salad and one of them did it BEFORE I could even tell her what the rest of what I was ordering which is some of the things I wanted to dip the ranch in. There's a way to do it and NOT a way to do it. If your manager will not let, I have just recently about 2 months ago had a waiter at Red Lobster told me his manager wouldn't let him bring out that much when I ordered a bunch of condiments. Just BE HONEST, don't try to change my mind. That's MUCH NICER than to tell me YOUR OPINION about how big the side salad is to ***YOU***, which to me at Bennigan's and at Chili's, they were BOTH BIG side salads to me. It's to one's OPINION as to what size of food something is. That's in the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER.

"What most of the general public assumes is "half-sides" is in fact "full-sides"."

THEN WHY do they have different measurements for mayo vs. ranch? 99% of the times I get ranch, I get it sometimes OVERFILLED almost dripping out or just the tiniest bit away from being completely full, like past ¾.

The FULL SIDES is the ENTIRE condiment container.


The last one isn't as filled, but it's NOWHERE NEAR HALF.

My point being here is MOST restaurants FILL ALL THE WAY OR JUST ABOUT ALL THE WAY UP.

So what you are saying is NOT TRUE, because as you can see even on a CHILI'S MENU that the condiments are FILLED or EXTREMELY CLOSE to filled beyond 3/4 even.

"It's stupid yes, but I have seen and fired servers for OVERPOURING sides."

I would rather ****ANYDAY**** for the servers to tell me they will have to charge me for that much or that their manager won't let them like I had at Red Lobster(I had that at Olive Garden also last year same type of situation) than to not get what I want WHEN I want it so my food doesn’t get cold before I get a chance to eat it the WAY I ENJOY IT!! Don't overpour, just give me extra. For instance, I just recently had a waitress at Red Lobster where I had ordered 4 BIG sides of tartar sauce and she was a SMART WAITRESS by bringing out 8 SMALL containers to EQUAL 4 BIG ONES. See, the time before this, when I had the waiter tell me that his manager didn't let, but I just went 2 weeks ago and had NO PROBLEMS getting the amounts I ordered. Anyway, my point is, GIVE MORE than what was asked if they cannot fill it all the way. For instance, if someone orders 1 side of mayo and you know that they don't fill the container, you can get them 2. Do you understand there's no need for overfilling if you can get the amount that was ordered by just simply bringing an extra side of some extra sides to EQUAL WHAT WAS ORDERED? If your manager ask, tell them they ordered 2 if they only ordered one, because it's the GOD'S TRUTH, because ONE HALF PLUS ONE HALF EQUALS ONE! So 2 halves is ONE.

"The ramekins that are used to hold the condiments are intentionally bigger"

If that were so, then WHY when I get ranch, it's FULL AS CAN BE at most restaurants? The reason why they are made bigger is so you don't SPILL IT as easy. Think about it, it's just like a certain size cup, you don't fill it so up to the top that it ends up coming out the sides, especially not at places like I find Sonic Drive-in always shorts me I find a lot more than the top they could have put it to. It's not that they are trying to short me, it is that they don’t want it to spill easy.

"In general, servers are required to drop the check once boxes are required unless told differently."

If that were so true, I'd have this happen more often, but if anything, honestly I have had it happen around 5 times over the course of my entire lifetime. My husband and I go out just about EVERY WEEKEND, twice a weekend at least, sometimes more. We have been doing this since we met in Nov. of 2000, so think HOW MANY EXPERIENCES we have had.

You act like you cannot ASK if the customer wants a DESSERT or anything else at that time or something. YOU CAN STILL ASK IF THAT WILL BE ALL instead of ASSUMING. You would be told differently if you would INQUIRE about the stuff that will be next. The customer shouldn't have to baby-sit their server by assuming they are going to assume "ASK FOR THE CHECK, THAT MEANS CHECK TIME TO THE SERVER." I shouldn't assume my server will do that. THE CUSTOMER RULES WHEN IT'S CHECK TIME by MY SERVER ASKING ME IF I WOULD LIKE A DESSERT OR SOMETHING ELSE OR THE CHECK.

I know during LUNCH TIME, they may be required to drop off the check early, but at dinner time, NO, just because someone asks for a box has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHECK. Sometimes people are full, but if anything, at times we have decided to order dessert and an after dinner drink as well as some refills on our soft drinks even though we asked of a box.

Servers ARE NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT REQUIRED TO NOT ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION TO UPSELL BY ASKING IF THEY WANT A DESSERT OR ANYTHING ELSE!! THAT'S STUPID OF YOU TO SAY SUCH THING!! Servers have offered dessert before just because we asked for a box. This is stupid to say this.

You aren't required to drop our check off without ASKING US if we are ready for the check, because that's BULLSHIT!! If that were the case, EVERY single time we asked for a box prematurely, we would automatically have servers bring us checks, which most of the time, that doesn't happen. If anything, at times when we asked for boxes, the servers did ask if we wanted a dessert or coffee. It's NOT A CRIME TO FIND OUT WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS WANT!! YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET FIRED TO ASK QUESTIONS. That's part of your JOB!!

"This is the restaurant's way of turning tables and getting people in and out of the door without being overly rude about it."


"Manicuring tables is the servers way of checking on the table without asking all of the stupid questions that most inexperienced servers ask."

Sorry, but NO QUESTIONS ARE STUPID, because NOT EVERYONE WANTS A REFILL OR THE SAME DRINK AGAIN. You ask the question so you don't look stupid and waste your time. If anything, the stupid servers ASSUME. The SMART servers FIND OUT BEFORE THEY END UP DOING THINGS FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and WASTE A WHOLE LOT OF TIME as well as MONEY.

There ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS!! I don’t care if you see the person's drink almost empty, YOU ASK, because they might want something else. My husband once at Chili's ordered a diet coke, then a refill of diet coke, and then he asked for a glass of water. See, sometimes people don't want the same drink or maybe don't even want a refill. Thankfully, that server was VERY SMART not to ORDER for her customers and ASSUMED what the customer MIGHT WANT.

I change drinks at times from coke to dr. pepper to tea, etc. My husband once had ordered a cup of coffee then a diet coke. 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT DRINKS is my point. That waitress would have overstepped and been 100% WRONG if she would have tried to pour more coffee or gave him a fresh cup.



Guess what? We have been going to Chili's frequently since 2005 and I would say MOST of the servers don't tell us about the survey. They STILL WORK THERE, so it's not that required, is it? They weren't fired for it.

"Servers are at times made to collect the tips if they are at a shift change or are required to clock out due to over-time."

The server should state that it's the end of their shift as to why they are asking to take the booklet with the tip.


MOST DON'T!! That's the problem. 2 times at 2 different restaurants, asked another server that brought our food for a refill, which one LIED and the other told me "YOUR SERVER WILL GET THAT FOR YOU" which she NEVER ONCE RELAYED THE MESSAGE. WHY? "THAT'S NOT MY TABLE ATTITUDE IS ALL AROUND!! Servers don't get that if they get another table's refills that another server that runs their table's food will do the same for them. It's called TEAMWORK!!

Teamwork is VERY LACKING when other servers run the food to our table. Once, at Applebee's, the 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of bbq sauce weren't with the bbq chicken sandwich. I know my waiter put the order in right, I can just feel it considering he did come by and saw me not eating. He told me "They are too lazy to read the tickets." I really believe he was telling the truth, because I cannot see him not to have put at least one of the condiments on the ticket, you know. I HATE WHEN OTHER SERVERS RUN THE FOOD TO OUR TABLE!! I know they have to bring it out hot, but what good does it do if it's wrong?

"but several of your "tips" just DO NOT work in a everyday restaurant. ESPECIALLY one that is a large national chain."

They DO if you ASK WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS LIKE A LOT OF CARING SERVERS DO OUT THERE FOR US!! The good ones don't assume even when you have ordered a dessert that it's check time, because for me, sometimes it isn't, because I usually order another mixed bar drink.

There's NO REAL REASON WHY YOU CANNOT ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU DO THESE THINGS, NONE!! That way, you will SAVE TIME and GET WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS, which gets you a BETTER TIP by doing exactly as the customer desires.

"be sure to tip your server or bartender."

I DO TIP. The only times we have stiffed is if the service is extremely horrible, which is a rarity. We have tipped 25%-30% before LOTS of times.

"You're black aren't you?"

NO, I am VERY MUCH WHITE!! Color has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!! Just this Saturday for lunch, we had a black waitress. She was WONDERFUL. I have had many black servers that have apologized when they messed up and some white servers that didn’t be as nice. Color means NOTHING!!

Springs1 said...

One more thing I forgot:

"Suggestive selling is almost always mandatory BEFORE and AFTER a guest orders something."

There's ways to do it without changing completely what the customer is ordering. If the customer states a specific food or drink, it's ok to ask if I want to ADD anything, but to try to change the item is NOT OK in my book. There's a nice way and a RUDE way. A few servers have done it the RUDE way to me.

duTiFul said...

Like I said, springs, I agree with almost all of your ideas. The problem with this is that, like I said, if corporate people were to come into a restaurant and see servers doing the things that servers have done to you (i.e free items NOT dropped off till you ordered them, OVERPOURING of sauces, ect. ect.) more than likely, that server would be let go at the end of the shift. Most managers and servers understand that the system in place is flawed and severely FUCKED UP, but there is NOTHING that we can do about it. The people above us DO NOT listen to the suggestions that are in place, because these "techniques are tested and proven to be effective". Most of us will agree with you. It's bullshit, but there's nothing that in reality can be done about it. If you feel it is a large enough problem write to one of the chains that you have the problem with and tell them what you feel would make the experience better, because I GUARANTEE they value your opinion MUCH more than they value mine.

Like I said, ASKING is the smart thing to do, but you will have servers that (inexperienced as you said) have been told that it is part of their "steps of service", and that they must do it. The ones that are experienced do ASK.

"THEN WHY do they have different measurements for mayo vs. ranch? 99% of the times I get ranch, I get it sometimes OVERFILLED almost dripping out or just the tiniest bit away from being completely full, like past ¾."

Honestly, that's because someone got lazy when portioning sides out. Sides should NEVER be above 3/4 full. EVER. In almost EVERY restaurant I've worked in that's been the spec. If you are getting more than that, it's because someone is not doing something according to company spec. Yes I agree that the sides should be fuller, but you need to take that up with the company. The pictures are NOT the same in the menu as the pictures they have in the back of what condiments are "SUPPOSED" to look like. The company tells you one thing and tells us another. Sorry.

"Servers ARE NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT REQUIRED TO NOT ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION TO UPSELL BY ASKING IF THEY WANT A DESSERT OR ANYTHING ELSE!! THAT'S STUPID OF YOU TO SAY SUCH THING!! Servers have offered dessert before just because we asked for a box. This is stupid to say this."

My apologies I assumed you were talking about dropping a check after the dessert had been ordered or at least offered and boxes were asked for. **waits for angry flame from waspy mcwasp about assumming**

Yes it is rude to drop the check as soon as possible. I agree. AGAIN not MY rules. THE RESTAURANT IS THERE TO MAKE MONEY. EVEN SERVERS ARE THERE TO MAKE MONEY, THE QUICKER THEY TURN TABLES THE MORE THEY MAKE. IMHO if servers were paid a base rate + tips, you wouldn't see this trend as much.

"Guess what? We have been going to Chili's frequently since 2005 and I would say MOST of the servers don't tell us about the survey. They STILL WORK THERE, so it's not that required, is it? They weren't fired for it."

Yes it is that required, I know of 3 people off hand that have received FINAL written write ups and 2 that have been terminated for NOT informing the guests about the QSI surveys. Those people in that Chili's, just haven't been caught yet. The survey's are randomly printed out usually 1 in every 10 checks rang in throughout the restaurant.

"I HATE WHEN OTHER SERVERS RUN THE FOOD TO OUR TABLE!! I know they have to bring it out hot, but what good does it do if it's wrong?"

Again, write the company. That is 100% across the board restaurant standard.

"NO, I am VERY MUCH WHITE!! Color has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!! Just this Saturday for lunch, we had a black waitress. She was WONDERFUL. I have had many black servers that have apologized when they messed up and some white servers that didn’t be as nice. Color means NOTHING!! "

Your entire demeanor sounds and reacts like an angry black woman. Think about that. Color shouldn't mean anything, I myself am mixed, but it does.

The majority of servers out there are GOOD HONEST HARD WORKING PEOPLE. They are just trying to get through the day without having to deal with too many people who are dicks or bitches. That's it. Yes servers should put the guests FIRST. But alot of times servers have been so ran down by people TREATING THEM like they are 2nd class citizens they just don't care anymore, but the money is too good to do something else. That's the sad truth of it.

Have a wonderful evening and come back and see us!

Springs1 said...

"(i.e free items NOT dropped off till you ordered them,"

I NEVER ONCE said they couldn't come to the table with the free bread or chips n' salsa, I said they should simply **ASK** if the customer would like some WHILE THEY ARE ON THE TRAY BEFORE PUTTING THEM ON THE TABLE!!

"OVERPOURING of sauces, ect. ect.) more than likely, that server would be let go at the end of the shift."

As I said before, the servers give me MORE SIDES TO EQUAL the sides if they can't do that. A LOT do it and STILL keep their jobs just to let you know that DO give me FULL SIDES(I have requested sides to be filled ALL THE WAY UP before at Chili's and the servers did it for me).

My point is though, the ones that do what corporate wants don't OVERPOUR. They simply give me MORE SIDES instead as the Red Lobster waitress did recently a couple of weeks ago.

"The pictures are NOT the same in the menu as the pictures they have in the back of what condiments are "SUPPOSED" to look like. The company tells you one thing and tells us another. Sorry."

Then they are FALSE ADVERTISING and if I knew I was bringing a HALF-FULL side, I would automatically put into the computer 2 sides so I could give the customer WHAT AMOUNT they are PAYING FOR. If it's an extra condiment that is not charged, I would give them what they ordered by giving more sides to equal the amount they asked for.

"Yes I agree that the sides should be fuller, but you need to take that up with the company. The pictures are NOT the same in the menu as the pictures they have in the back of what condiments are "SUPPOSED" to look like. The company tells you one thing and tells us another. Sorry."

NO, because they are supposed to get the AMOUNT I ASKED FOR and the ONLY way it sounds like they can do that is to give MORE SIDES to EQUAL the AMOUNT I asked for, just as the Red Lobster waitress recently did for me. She did LITERALLY give me 8 small(these were the tiny containers) sides to equal the 4 BIG sides I asked for.

So honestly, there's no reason EVER why a customer should have to BEG to get the amount they want.

At a certain chain I will not name that we won't be going back to, I have had NUMEROUS problems the 4 times or so we have gone with the mayonnaise. I have even gone to the length to have a TYPE ORDER and had specifically had INSTRUCTIONS with it UNDERLINED/BOLDED as well as told the waitresses also that I wanted 2 sides of mayo FILLED ALL THE WAY UP. Those times I specifically have asked if I could get them BEFORE my food arrived, which THANK GODDNESS I did that, because it was like pulling teeth to get them to get the amount I asked for. This one waitress brought out just the mayo by themselves and all I had was literally ONE FULL SIDE(2 HALF-SIDES). She asked if this was enough and when I said I had ordered it to be filled ALL the way up(IMAGINE MY PISSED OFF MOOD CONSIDERING SHE IS NOT BLIND). Her response RUINED HER TIP by telling me "THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN." I couldn't believe she blamed the kitchen staff for something SHE COULD SEE HERSELF! She DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. It's PATHETIC that I had to BEG. I guess I should order 4 sides and possibly waste? I know that the server is not at fault for not filling them up, but she WAS 100% AT FAULT for not bringing me out 4 HALF-SIDES or the very least, 3 half-sides. I had, while she was gone, filled up one container with both containers she had brought me, meaning she didn't LISTEN to when I was ordering, I guess?

I had another time at the SAME restaurant a waitress that when I said I wanted the mayo filled all the way, she's like "It depends on what the kitchen measurements are." THAT PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!! I said "It shouldn't matter what the kitchen measurements are and showed her the ranch that I had on the table that was COMPLETELY FILLED that I wanted it to look like that. We ended up getting a different server for most of the rest of the service, NOT THROUGH OUR CHOICE, but through her own choice, because I guess she thought I was hard to deal with, but you NEVER TELL a customer you cannot get what they want. If there is a problem that she couldn't get the amount I asked for, she should have went to her manager to ask that and said NOTHING to me, just took my order down. WHY can't the server be honest like other ones that state they cannot give me that much or they will charge me? I'd rather them do that than to REFUSE to give me what I asked for. By my begging, there was MORE WASTED MAYO than if they would have just completely satisfied my request the first time around. BOTH TIMES WASTED MAYO, because they gave me a lot extra than what I even ordered.

I have complained to managers, even corporate, which the manager keeps saying that he is not making them not give a lot and that since I did ask for it filled, that he agreed I should get it since I asked for it like that. He did agree that most people don't want that much, so that is why they don't normally give that much, but if I am asking for it, I had even told corporate the first time I complained that I would be willing to pay for it. I don't get what is wrong with those idiots. CHARGE ME, then I will have a good time. I shouldn't have to bring my own mayo, because it is a lot of trouble and it's messy. I think it's INSANE that I had only ordered 2 FULL sides of mayo and they couldn't just simply tack on an extra 50 cents or so to my bill. Then EVERYONE, including the server's tip, would have gone well.

My point is, those servers COULD have brought me MORE SIDES to EQUAL WHAT I ASKED FOR. They ended up doing it, so WHY make me beg?

"My apologies I assumed you were talking about dropping a check after the dessert had been ordered or at least offered and boxes were asked for."

A few times or so, we have had servers assume we didn't want a dessert or at least OFFER us a dessert or that we were completely finished.

The dessert being ordered doesn't mean you should drop off the check either. You should find out AFTER the customer has finished their dessert if they want something else. This has happened a few times also. A couple of times we got delivered our check during eating dessert and once with the dessert. ALL those times I ordered bar drinks afterwards. The server should simply ASK if the check is wanted BEFORE PLOPPING IT DOWN IS MY POINT.

"The survey's are randomly printed out usually 1 in every 10 checks rang in throughout the restaurant."

FYI, Chili's has their surveys on EVERY CHECK and have been doing this at least since 2005. I know, because we have gone there SOOO MANY TIMES.

I will agree, most restaurants do it randomly.

"The majority of servers out there are GOOD HONEST HARD WORKING PEOPLE."

I have to 100% DISAGREE that most servers are "HARD WORKERS." Even you said it yourself that you don't check over the food. THAT IS NOT A "HARD WORKER" IF YOU JUST HAND THINGS OUT WITHOUT VERIFYING WHAT THE HECK IT IS!! A "HARD" WORKER IS A SERVER THAT TRIES THEIR VERY BEST!! I would say it's a (((RARITY)))) to find a "HARD WORKER" that TRIES THEIR BEST!

The hard workers TRIES THEIR BEST to make sure what they are bringing to the table is as correct as they can notice with their eyes. If you don't do that, you aren't working hard, PERIOD!! If you just hand things without verifying them, that's MCDONALD'S as far as I am concerned. I am only talking about obvious errors, not something the server cannot notice with their eyes and would have to touch the food to notice the mistake.

As far as honest goes, I will say most are honest, but there have been a few rare that we caught that haven't been honest, but that's very rare. Quite a number of servers have admitted when they messed up majorly.

"TREATING THEM like they are 2nd class citizens"

This is a 2-way street you know. The servers that don't apologize or give you attitude or blame the mistake on someone else when it's their fault definitely makes me not want to treat them as nicely, such as sometimes not saying "Thank you" when they brought me things, because I am so pissed off at them.

You still never said anything about upselling after someone places their order if you agree with me or not about that some ways of doing it are rude?

duTiFul said...

"I have even gone to the length to have a TYPE ORDER and had specifically had INSTRUCTIONS with it UNDERLINED/BOLDED as well as told the waitresses also that I wanted 2 sides of mayo FILLED ALL THE WAY UP."

If you are that aggravated at the service at particular establishment to have to go and type shit up so you don't get your panties in a wad, IT'S PROBABLY A GOOD IDEA TO NOT GO BACK TO THAT PLACE. That's insanity by definition. "Repeating the same action but expecting a different outcome."

I'd would honestly intentionally screw up the food just so you would have to wait for it longer, if someone was pretentious and self-righteous enough to do that shit.

I go agree that there are some servers that get annoying when it comes to upselling. But that still does not give you the right to be a bitch to them. Period.

Springs1 said...

"I'd would honestly intentionally screw up the food just so you would have to wait for it longer, if someone was pretentious and self-righteous enough to do that shit."

That is SOOOO MEAN. What kind of person are you? I wouldn't do that to ANYONE. I wasn't MEAN to the server until she decided to: A. BLAME THE KITCHEN STAFF EVEN THOUGH SHE IS NOT BLIND by telling me "THEY don't know what you want" and didn't apologize B. Could have TRIED to get it right by simple LOOKING at the containers and told them she needed another one or to fill them.

The only thing I said mean was that "I ordered them filled all the way up" in NOT a nice tone, because I was pissed off at the fact that she had only brought me 2 containers and couldn't even bother to LOOK at WTF she was BRINGING ME EVEN. Can you BLAME ME, LOOK AT HOW SHE TREATED ME? She decided to not LOOK at the ONLY 2 sides of mayo that she was bringing out. As I said before, I had asked her to bring them out ahead of time, which she had brought the mustard and ranch first, then made a separate trip after for the 2 sides of mayonnaise. Anyway, the fact that ALL she had in her hands was the 2 sides or mayo, you would think she'd ********CARE*********** to bring out what AMOUNT I ordered. Especially since I helped her out by typing out my own order, so she had LESS WORK even.

When you BLANTLY decide to not do as I want, then WHAT kind of tip do you expect? The entire idea of a tip is so you can SATISTFY YOUR CUSTOMER, NOT YOURSELF!!

I have been giving written/typed orders since 2005 and has worked EXTREMELY WELL I might add. Just Friday, I went out to eat by myself due to the fact that my husband couldn't take another day off before I have to use up my vacation days, so I took it off. Anyway, the waitress, JUST LAST FRIDAY told me "That's a good idea. I just gave it to the cooks and just rung up the burger without the specifications." She said something to that affect basically. In other words, I am MAKING IT EASIER for them. Don't you get that?

By doing this, HELPS so the server:

A. CAN HEAR ME(there have been times when servers didn't hear what I have said due to a loud restaurant)
B. They won't have to write anything down as far as the food goes, so that's LESS WORK for them.
C. They can make sure they have all the details on the paper, because since I typed it, obviously, it's EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT!

Why do you feel that's "SELF-RIGHTEOUS" to want your order CORRECT? WHY do you feel there is something wrong with TRYING to get your order correct? I am desperate to want things to go well, so being that I have complicated orders, it makes the MOST SENSE to do this.

Here is a typical burger order and you tell me if you want to WRITE all the shit down:

Burger with cheese – Medium Well
ONLY: 1. Lettuce
2. Onions
3. Bacon –Extra, Extra Crispy
2 sides of mayo
1 side of mustard
1 side of ranch
1 side of tartar sauce(sometimes I ask for bbq sauce or sometimes not any other sauce)

Fries –NO salt, lightly cooked(not overdone)

If I order an appetizer as well or we get bread, I will ask for ranch or remoulade sauce or both to go with the appetizer as well.

Don't you want you order right? I would rather them get it right and spend 25%-30% on the tip, then for them to get it wrong, wouldn’t you? Having it written/typed out definitely makes things EASIER for the server. They don't have to look at their scribble that they may not be able to read as well.

I don't get why you think there is something wrong with this method of giving a food order? I don't see ANYTHING wrong with HELPING OUT THE SERVER!! I don't get why you think I should not be irritated when servers don't do as you ask, then they want a good tip, you know?

I don't get why you think I am doing something wrong by giving them a typed order? That's actually HELPING THEM OUT. As I just said, I just had a waitress last Friday that told me how cool it was. It's TEN MILLION TIMES EASIER for ME to REMEMBER what I want(YES, sometimes I have forgotten to say things before such as wanting my bacon crispy, details like that) and TO BOOT it helps the server out, so it's a WIN, WIN situation. I don’t get how you think it's rude to do this? Yes, I am assuming it might get messed up, but considering it's a lot of stuff I am asking for, shouldn't I assume that maybe another server may mess up, not even mine since I am not tipping another server. That time the waitress brought out the mayo I was talking about, the MANAGER ran my entrée to me, NOT HER. I seriously doubt a manager cares about the server's tip, I mean seriously. Once, at another restaurant, I got ran the completely wrong side dish from a manager, which I am willing to bet the waitress put the order in right. He served me fries when I ordered potato salad as my side dish. Anyway, my point is, I am NOT doing ANYTHING WRONG by giving my typed order. I explain the order. I don't just give them the order, I actually READ it to the server. It HELPS OUT ME AND THE SERVER.

WHY do you think I shouldn't think I am a "BETTER" person than SHE is since for starters, didn't get what I SPECIFICALLY READ HER(TYPED OUT EVEN) and secondly, didn't even have the COMMON DECENCY to say she was sorry, and thirdly that she BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE FOR ******HER STUPID BLIND IGNORANT ASS****** BRINGING OUT THE WRONG AMOUNT!! It's not like she was bringing out other things on the tray, it was ONLY the TWO SIDES OF MAYO, which happened to have them with one half-way, the other a tiny bit over half-way, which I ended up combing them, only truly made for ONE side of mayo. You think that's "NICE" to have BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE FOR HER FUCK UP? YOU NEVER BLAME SOMEONE ELSE IF YOU TOOK MY ORDER AND BROUGH OUT MY FOOD FOR SOMETHING YOU CAN EASILY TELL JUST BY *((((LOOKING))))* AT THE DAMN CONTAINERS IF THEY ARE FILLED OR NOT!! If your manager won't let, TELL ME WHEN I PLACE MY ORDER or BEFORE bringing out the condiments. Don't give them to me, then blame the kitchen staff for YOU NOT GIVING A DAMN ABOUT HOW MUCH I SPECIFICALLY ORDERED. You think that it was "NICE" of her to INTENTIONALLY bring out the wrong amount and INTENTIONALLY BLAME SOMEONE ELSE, then even not apologize? I have apologized when customers had raw food at the donut shop I use to work at years ago, meaning I had a HEART for customers even though I couldn't break the food open to know if it was raw, so I STILL SAID I WAS SORRY.

LOOK at HOW I WAS TREATED? I was VERY NICE until then. I asked her NICELY that I would really appreciate it if she could bring the condiments ahead of time, because I have problems getting condiments with my meal. She was fine with that. I say "THANK YOU" ahead of time even lots of times, because they tell me they will.

WHY should I be nice to someone that doesn't ((((((CARE)))))))) about what they are ******BRINGING********* to my table when it's NOT a mistake, it's just not caring? As I said before, this wasn't a mistake, because if it was, she would have apologized and definitely not blamed the kitchen staff by telling me "THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN." I TOLD the manager how she told me that. I couldn't believe she said "THEY" when the truth is "****SHE*****" didn't know what I meant, even though I had literally READ her the typed order and had the (FILLED ALL THE WAY UP) in BOLD RIGHT BY EACH CONDIMENT. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO GET CONDIMENTS CORRECT, especially when she was bringing out only 2 at the time since she brought out the ranch and mustard before that? It's RIDICULOUS when you have the GALL to PUT BLAME ON SOMEONE ELSE WHEN ****YOU***** DID IT!! She could have easily have given me 4 HALF-SIDES if they didn't let and TOLD me they wouldn't fill the containers. I just figure if I ask for 4, if they do fill them like the ranch, I would be wasting a lot and I don’t want to waste like that. I may also get charged for wasting and it makes the prices go up, so I don't want to waste.

I don’t get why you think I should go to a restaurant, possibly forget some details or/and risk even more so getting my order wrong by when I TRULY have seen a number of servers in the many years since late 2000 decide to NOT WRITE DOWN THE CONDIMENTS(thinking it's not important, then forgetting), but write down the entrée. I have SEEN the servers do that shit as if that part is meaningless. Once, I ended up telling a waitress "Can you write that down, it's important", which she did since I asked her to since she originally was only writing down the entrée orders and she even was nice enough to bring them out ahead of time without me asking as well as an extra side of tartar sauce for my fried shrimp which was cool. I shouldn't have had to ask her to write that part down. Do you understand WHY I would rather not take the chance that will happen, so they will have EVERY DETAIL I want? Once, I had asked if a waitress could write the orders down, which she REFUSED, and OF COURSE, GOT THINGS WRONG, like DUH. Anyway, I get so worried when I see servers not WRITING DOWN ORDERS and have had things forgotten due to that. Once, a waitress forgot a whole appetizer order because she didn't write anything down. That's why I put my happiness into MY HANDS by TRYING MY VERY BEST to make the servers know my order.

Once, a waitress didn't take the written orders and she messed up on a BUNCH OF THINGS. She wondered why I bet that her tip was like 11%. I want to try to make my order come out right with no problems if possible. The more I ask for, the harder the order is to get right.

All I want is my order right, WHY is that such a "BAD, EVIL" thing to you to HELP OUT MYSELF REMEMBER and MY SERVER not have as much WORK by them not having to write down things? I hate writing down things personally. It IS WORK. WHY do you think some servers don't write down the orders? It's not just because it may be faster, but it's also because it's WORK to write down stuff.

MOST servers don't take offence at the written order. If anything, they LIKE it because they don't have to WRITE DOWN A THING and this way, in a LOUD RESTAURANT, they don't have to try to HEAR what I said. They may hear "ON the side" and I said "EXTRA SIDES OF BBQ SAUCE." This way, they don't have to do as much. I'd rather them get it right, than them say "I NEVER SAID THAT" when it's right on the paper what I ordered.

The main point is, I feel that particular waitress acted like she could care less as to what amount she was bringing me, then actually wants us to care as much about her bills she has to pay. CARING IS A TWO WAY STREET!! To blame someone else for HER BRINGING me out the wrong amount when even through pictures on the internet, I could tell the difference between WHAT I would serve a customer and what I wouldn't, boggles my mind. WHY can't servers just admit fault when THEY are at fault? They'd get a much better tip instead a crap one like she did for not taking credit for the mess up. To not even apologize is just plain wrong. Make a customer get mad and have to EXPLAIN AGAIN THE ORDER as if she didn't have it already TYPED FOR HER is WRONG!! I shouldn't have to keep REPEATING my order when I gave her all the things she needed. The server should TRY to get EXACTLY, EXACTLY, what the customer has ordered as far as obvious things go. She won't know if my burger is cooked medium well instead of well done, but she would know if my sides of mayo are filled or not filled. Do you understand my frustration at these UNCARING EXCUSES FOR HUMAN BEINGS? You just bring out what amount I asked for the FIRST time around. Common sense should tell the server that if I specifically asked for the condiments FILLED ALL THE WAY UP, then obviously you don't hand me HALF-FILLED condiments or you give me more if they won't let you. To have that specific part about them being filled in ALL CAPS AND BOLD she tell the server it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that part. I read the order to her and I gave it to her. It's not my fault that she didn't care about what amount she was bringing nor did she care to admit she was 100% at fault for not giving me what I asked for. If the server can't, the server should ask their manager of what to do, whether it is to tell the customer they can't have that much or that if they want that much, they will get charged extra. The 50 cents I don't care about. ALL I WANT IS TO ENJOY MY FOOD and the ONLY, ONLY, ONLY WAY TO TRULY ENJOY 99% of the food I order is ONLY, ONLY, ONLY WITH CONDIMENTS. It shouldn't be this much SHIT to go through to get 2 FULL CONTAINERS OF A CONDIMENT. The server shouldn't be blaming someone else for THEM NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH with the specific order that I gave them.

I sometimes don't have a written order, but sometimes I do, it depends on how much I want to order and if I know what I want before I get there. I started with a typed/written order, because I have had too many problems with either servers not writing down orders or parts of the orders(usually condiments)(usually getting them wrong when they don't), they write it down but cannot decipher their own handwriting(which if it's typed, there's no problem reading that), and I have also sometimes forgot to ask for something. Once, I forgot to order something, which since the server already put the order in, it was too late and I am not about to be the type of person that will change an order, because that is irritating to the server. I ate the food, but I was miserable, through my fault though since I didn't remember something. It helps for me to have a written order.

Can you tell me WHY you think it's wrong for me to give a typed order? You don't see it actually HELPS the server? Do you realize that I have had much more luck with the typed orders than without, because the server knew EVERY DETAIL instead of either not writing down every detail or not HEARING me or misunderstanding me? It's EASIER this way, it really is, for EVERYONE involved.

"I go agree that there are some servers that get annoying when it comes to upselling. But that still does not give you the right to be a bitch to them. Period."

I NEVER, EVER, have bitched at them for that. If anything, I said it nicely. I just said "I'd rather have such-n-such" whatever it was that I ordered. WHO said I "BITCHED" at them? I know they have to upsell, but they don’t have to do it AFTER you said what you wanted by CHANGING the item or the AMOUNT you ordered unless it's giving you a better deal(such as a dollar more but you get 4 more ounces of margarita, then I would think that would be helpful since most alcohol prices aren't even listed at a lot of restaurants these days). I did have a waitress once tried to convince me to get a full rack of ribs instead of a half-rack, which that is different, because for one, I see on the menu the price/portion differences and the fact that she was PUSHY about it saying "Come on", just like that. THAT was irritating. The amount of food someone is ordering shouldn't be asked as to if they want the bigger portion. With that situation, I don't find that helpful, because a few more ounces to intake is very different than another half rack of ribs, you know? I feel if the customer knows what they want to order without asking for the server's help or opinion, then don't put your opinion into my order unless it is to add something such as a side salad or whatever. I understand they have to upsell some, but with that type of situation, definitely don't be pushy ever and don't change the amount someone orders when it's a much bigger portion of food. With the margarita, if you get a few more ounces, it's not a huge of a price difference usually and also, not as much drink as with the food. I truly think people know what they want to order unless they ask for your opinion. Servers should butt out of the customer's order except for additions, making sure they got the order right by repeating it, and if they get confused with something to clear up the confusion.

Once, I had ordered an orange flavored margarita called an "El Guapo." Anyway, a waitress once AFTER I placed my order, asked me if I would like the "TOP SHELF MARGARITA for just $7" or some price like that. Anyway, the top shelf margarita is frozen(in a machine)(I wanted mine on the rocks) and the main thing is, it was a regular margarita, NOT an orange flavored margarita. Anyway, I just said "I'd rather the El Guapo" to her. I would have liked to have said "I want what I said I wanted already." She should have not offered anything after I had placed my order, because they were 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT margaritas and I do find that RUDE as well as a TIME WASTER. Trying to change my order makes me mad, because it was OBVIOUS I KNEW WHAT I WANTED. I understand to upsell, but do it when you say "Hi, my name is such-n-such, I will be your server, "Would you all like to start off with a Top Shelf Margarita for just $7" as OTHER SERVERS DO, which this way, she wouldn't have been aggravating by trying to change my order. You don't find that to be RUDE the WAY she did it? The more time you waste, the more your tip goes down. I wouldn't had minded before I ordered, because then she wouldn't have been trying to change my mind. I have only gotten literally maybe around 5 servers out the years upsell like that. A few have asked if I wanted to add something, which is fine, because that's an ADDITION, NOT CHANGING the ENTIRE PRODUCT such as if I order a burger, don't try to sell me a chicken sandwich. Both are sandwiches just like the margaritas, but both tasted ENTIRELY DIFFERENT just as the margaritas.

Once, I had a waitress that was like to my husband "Come on, you had a dessert last time." Her tip went down by trying too hard by being so fucking pushy. Just let the customer say "YES OR NO." Trying to convince them is AGGREVATING as all hell. He ended up getting a dessert, but the way she did it was not right as far as I am concerned. I would NEVER be that PUSHY if I were as server. I'd ask, then that's it. Whatever answer they give me is what THEY choose without ME interfering with THEIR DECISION.

Ask if we want a dessert, we say no, that means NO. If the customers have finished eating their entrées, then say they want the check, DON'T OFFER A DESSERT, because they want to go, like DUH!! I cannot stand when you say you want the check and some servers are SO STUPID as to ask that when you are TELLING THEM BY SAYING "THE CHECK" that you are FULL!!! You are ANSWERING that question by saying "IT'S TIME TO PAY NOW", by asking for the check. There shouldn't be any asking; because it's COMMON SENSE the customers don't want anything else if they ask for their check. Especially, if they had an appetizer to share and an entrée each.

Do you see now what I mean that the WAY they do it can be considered RUDE? I wouldn't push a customer to make a decision based on what I think they might want. I would let THEM decide, plain and simple. I wouldn't also asked AFTER they have ordered if they would like

There are ways to upsell without being a PUSHY, ANNOYING SERVER by just simply LISTENING to what the customer says. If they ask for the check before dessert time, don't even try to offer them a dessert. If they say they want a half-rack, don't try to make them want the full rack. If they want a certain margarita, don't make them take a totally different one. Get what I am saying?

Springs1 said...

"looking past a few mistakes"

The thing you don't understand is, MOST of these things aren't truly "MISTAKES", even LoD ADMITTED he has been guilty of NOT VERIFYING things. It's only a true "MISTAKE" when you overlook or miss something when you truly did ***TRY*** to get things right. If you don't bother to try, it's called LAZINESS and being UNCARING. It's not a mistake if you don't put ANY EFFORT into TRYING to prevent a mistake. It's one thing to forgot something, it's another to not even LOOK at what you are bringing to the table if it's even the correct food.

I don't look past people that don’t give a damn. They want you to pay them, but then they want to act like this is a fucking McDonald's drive-thru.

I look past REAL mistakes. I look past people that actually ADMIT when they are at fault and APOLOGIZE for their mistakes. For example, a waiter told us he forgot to put our appetizer order in and even wrote it down. We had ordered it when we ordered our drinks. Anyway, he PROFUSLELY APOLOGIZED "I'm SO SORRY" TWICE at least, possibly more and even offered us a free appetizer. NOW THAT WAS DEFINITELY A WAY FOR US TO LOOK PAST THE MISTAKE AND GIVE HIM A DECENT TIP. I had told him we had ordered plenty of food, that we would rather just get something off the bill. He got the manager to take $5 off the bill. His tip was BEFORE the discounted amount, 16%. I look past mistakes when servers MAKE-UP FOR THEIR MISTAKES AS I WOULD!! TREAT OTHERS AS IF THAT WERE YOU!! HE DID, so HE GOT A DECENT TIP. If he would have not apologized and not offered us nothing, he would have gotten a BIG FAT ZERO. Do you understand how he decided to do the "RIGHT THING" by just admitting he messed up and TREMENDOUSLY TRIED to make-up for his mistake, which NO SERVERS DO THAT THESE DAYS, for real? MOST don't even say they are sorry and some don't even admit they messed up when they did.

"but instead of being appreciative"

I am appreciative of HIM. That has NOTHING to do with other people pissing me off.

"point out all the negatives."

Don't you want things to go perfectly if possibly? We have had MANY of times things go TOTALLY 100% PERFECTLY before LOTS of times.

"list off all the mistakes"

The mistakes aren't as bad if the servers OWN UP to their mistakes by apologizing and actually do take a good EFFORT to have TRIED their best. Also, if they try to make-up for a big mistake(such as forgetting to put in an appetizer order or putting in a wrong entrée) through monetarily, they show they are REALLY sorry so then we show how thankful we are that they CARED by giving them a decent tip instead of a bad one.

It's not just about the mistake itself, but HOW YOU HANDLE IT MEANS EVERYTHING!!

"why don't you try telling her she has a really pretty smile and see how much better your service is."

NO, I don't feel right doing that and I think the server would get creeped out if I said that to a total stranger. If they know me, maybe, but only when she wouldn't be busy. I don't want to hold up other people just as I don't want them holding up me.

"Maybe you've been too busy telling yourself "I shouldn't have to be nice to this person to get them to do their job" to realize it's a two way street you're on."

You don't seem to get it: I AM VERY NICE!! I say "Thank you" and ask NICELY for things like "Could you possibly bring the condiments before the meal." "Can I get another coke?" I say "thank you very much" at times as well and even say it before hand if it's a lot of stuff such as the condiments being brought out ahead of time.

You think I am mean, but I respond to what the server does, which a lot of the times I hold in what I want to say, but sometimes I do tell them something back if they look like they didn't even try or try to blame someone else.

"You really do get what you give."

I give my order nicely. I say "Thank you" when they bring me ANYTHING(except on RARE occasions when I am really pissed at them for not apologizing when they messed up). I have said "Thank you" even without a "SORRY", which I think that's sad that I was the nice person, they weren't. I said "Thank you" when they brought my forgotten ranch, which they end up not saying they were sorry THEY FORGOT IT. So you are WRONG, it's THEM that is giving me MEAN service. It's MEAN to not say you are sorry when you mess up, especially if I have said "THANK YOU" when you brought me the forgotten ranch.

"When I wait tables, I won't charge a nice table for drinks."

We have gotten PLENTY of FREEBIES just to let you know, because we are NICE and REGULARS. Is it FAIR? NO, it's not. If your manager doesn’t know about that, you are STEALING from the company by underinging items, do you realize that? If your manager knows, that's fine. I don't feel it's fair that Jane Doe because she's a regular customer, she gets her table's coke's comped, but Joe Schmoe that is a new customer has to pay for his. You are being UNFAIR. THE ONLY REASON WHY PEOPLE SHOULD GET FREE STUFF IS BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING THAT GOES WRONG!! They shouldn't be getting stuff just because they are regulars.

You may say, that I am taking the freebies, but ask yourself, WHO WOULDN'T? Also, I cannot physically make the server them up.

If I were a server, there's NO WAY I would EVER be UNFAIR from one customer to another. Jane Doe has to pay for her drinks just as Joe Schmoe even if I had the manager's permission to, because it's just not right. I would only give away free stuff if something went wrong. That's, to me, the ONLY REASON freebies should be given. Being a regular shouldn't mean you get a free this or that.

It's nice to know that you are an UNFAIR EXCUSE for a human being!!

EVERYONE SHOULD GET TREATED AS EQUALS when it comes to charging customers. If something goes wrong, that's different. I am talking about "JUST BECAUSE" you want to give them something for free is not right, it just isn't, even if you have your manager's permission.

If you don't have your manager's permission, you are a STRAIGHT UP THIEF!!

"If I really like you, I might even have the house comp your dessert."

It's nice to know you are UNFAIR to certain customers. Do you have the RIGHT to "COMP" something? Are you paying for it out your OWN POCKET? I seriously doubt YOU are paying for it yourself.

We get soft drinks not on our bill on purpose MANY OF TIMES. Servers do that to increase their tips.

Do you think you have a right to decide what you charge or don't charge if you don't have your manager's permission to do so?

"Meanwhile, I'll let the whiny, ranch-mongering bitch stew--kissing her ass just isn't worth the extra three bucks."

WHO said I was "whiny" or being a "bitch?" I'd rather you not comp me a DAMN THING and get my order OBVIOUSLY RIGHT the FIRST TIME. I think ANYONE would rather not have something for free than to get their order wrong. It's not worth the $4-$5 in savings. WHOOPIE, a whole $5, but be miserable with bad service. You can ring up everything and give me my correct order instead. NOTHING is worth the bad service. I'd rather pay a $100 check even and not have ONE THING comped than to get bad service; WOULDN'T ANYONE? NOTHING is worth the HELL of bad service. I don't care what you comp me. I'd rather not have the damn comp if that means that you aren't going to ***AT LEAST TRY**** to get my order right.

"I shouldn't have to be nice to this person to get them to do their job"

I NEVER THINK THAT WAY. It's actually THEM that think "WE OWE YOU at least 15%-20%" no matter what happens. They think that they don't have to own up to their mistakes by apologizing.

I am NICE. The few times I haven't been, it's been THEM not being nice first. The waitress that brought out the 2 half-sides of mayo wasn't nice, because through her ACTIONS she was bringing me not the amount I had asked for, then tried to blame the incorrect amount on the kitchen staff instead of owning up to her own mess up. She could have apologized if she wanted to. She could have decided to take her tip into her own hands and gotten me the correct amount of mayo I had ordered. She wasn't nice that she didn't care, so WHY THE FUCK SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT BEING NICE TO HER? YES, it's a TWO-WAY STREET. I was nice to her, she wasn't nice to me. So then, in turn, I wasn't as nice to her by making sure I didn't thank her when she fixed the situation by bringing more mayo. I shouldn't have to BEG TO FUCKING GET SOME MAYONNAISE, that's PATHETIC!! LOOK AT HOW SHE TREATED MY ORDER, LIKE SHE COULD CARE LESS ABOUT ****WHAT SHE WAS DELIVERING TO ME SINCE IT WAS SOMETHING THAT SHE COULD EASILY TELL JUST BY LOOKING IN THE CONTAINERS****!! She treated me like crap, SO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT BACK?

LOOK at the way you treat me. If you don't TRY your best, WHY should I treat you like a person? You aren't treating me like I am one with feelings? Especially, not apologizing, giving free stuff only to SOME people just cause, etc.

Springs1 said...

LoD and Pozzedneghole

The fact that 2 waitresses at this restaurant REFUSED to get what I wanted the very FIRST time around, shows me it wasn't(or in one case, wasn't going to be a mistake)

As I said before, the waitress that said "They don't know what you mean" had told me when she immediately brought the sides or mayo "Is this enough." So do you both see she **INTENTIONALLY** brought out less? This wasn't a mistake by a long shot.

The other waitress that said to me "It depends what the kitchen measurements are", flat out REFUSED to satisfy what I asked for by not even thinking of asking the kitchen staff "This lady said she wanted the containers filled" or putting into the computer 4 sides of mayo half-filled, which would have equaled the amount I ordered.

In both of these situations, the servers REFUSED to get the AMOUNT ORDERED. In both situations, I should have been told that their manager may not let them bring out filled mayo containers, but that they could bring out more to equal that amount. I should not have been served not enough and the waitress to have the gall to serve me LESS than what amount I asked for INTENTIONALLY. The other waitress that flat our refused should have not EVER have refused a customer's request and asked her manager about it instead by simple taking down the order, THEN had gone to ask about it. In other words, if corporate wants to limit the amount in the containers, then don't make the customer be mad at YOU for corporate. Admit, just as the Red Lobster waiter did, that he couldn't bring out that much. Admit to me the truth.

At a restaurant called Landry's Seafood. We went twice and will NEVER go back. Not only because I found the food sucked the couple of times we went, but what the manager told me over the phone.

I had ordered 4 sides of ranch with my side salad. The waitress we had only brought out 1 big one and 1 little one. Anyway, I didn't say anything when she brought it, because I thought I'd try to make due, but I knew it wasn't enough when I placed my order. Anyway, so I had to sit there and wait until she came back. Then, I had to wait until she came back with it, with NO APOLOGY OF COURSE.

My point of that story is, the manager told me he made the servers not bring out a lot if a person asks for a lot. Instead of being trained(it's common sense to me, no training needed) to TELL the customer they weren't allowed to bring that much, this waitress let me think it was HER not getting the order right.

I'd rather just be let known, because MOST restaurants aren't PENNY PINCHING like that. Chili's, Applebee's, and Outback, I hardly EVER had problems where the servers CAN'T give me the amount I asked for, except ONCE at Applebee's. At Chili's and Applebee's I ask for the condiments to be filled all the way and guess what? NO PROBLEMS to speak of. They don't care about the pennies. They want their customers to come back, because they were satisfied. It's not like every restaurant is like this.

I didn't ask for the ranch at Landry's to be filled, because since I asked for 4, I figured I'd get a good amount if they didn't fill them, which as I said, in mostly all restaurants, I get the ranches FILLED. It's mayo that I guess since it's harder to fill a container when something isn't liquid; I guess that's why they don't fill them? I have, however at Applebee's, ONLY ONCE the MANY, MANY, MANY times we have been there, asked for mayo, but didn't ask for them to be filled all the way, which she brings out like a tablespoon worth in each container and asks if that was enough, because she said the measurements were different for mayo. I find that to be so weird. Ranch gets filled, but mayo, no. I have had the ranch filled, but not the mayo once at Denny's I remember as well. I don't get WHY mayo is treated ANY DIFFERENTLY than ranch?

Anyway, my point is, the 2 servers at the restaurant that had the major mayo issues I have been talking about, INTENTIONALLY decided to REFUSE to give me what I asked instead of asking their manager or asking the kitchen staff to either fill them up or give me more sides.

Pozzedneghole, when you say "MISTAKES", you are talking about people that put ***EFFORT*** into their job, which LoD said he didn't at times. Mistakes are when you really CARE about your customers and your tip to CHECK OVER WHAT you are BRINGING to the table. I have overlooked things, I am not perfect(NO ONE IS), but at least I would TRY if I were a server. I would take the extra seconds to look at containers to make sure they were filled. I would verify the customer's order instead of just bringing out stuff. I probably will miss something once in a while, but at least I would TRY to get things right.

You both expect the customer to care about your tip, but then don't bother to double check what you are handing them? You have to CARE in order for the customer to care back. Pozzedneghole, you said it's a TWO WAY STREET, well, it IS, because when you bring out things KNOWING or REFUSING to get the order right, then not even apologizing when it's brought out OBVIOUSLY wrong, you aren't being very nice, are you? Those servers were MEAN. You don't tell me you cannot get the amount I asked for. You do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT TAKES TO GET WHAT I ASKED! If you have to charge me, so be it, but don't make me not enjoy my food because you want to listen to corporate. Your money is dependent on if your customer is happy or not. If I were in a situation at those restaurants that didn't let the servers bring out the amount that was ordered, I would TELL the customer this and I would ASK the manager about the situation instead of FLAT OUT REFUSE. That's just WRONG to refuse to get what the customer asked for. It's mayo, especially on 2 containers worth is truly not THAT MUCH. If I were asking for 6 sides of mayo, I can see that could be an issue, but ONLY 2, that really shouldn't be that huge of an issue not to be able to get that for your customers.

My point is, these servers weren't making mistakes. They weren't being NICE to their customers to tell customers those type of excuses, especially the one that blamed the kitchen staff "They don't know what you mean." WHY blame someone else? It's just like if I order a bowl of bisque, don't bring me a cup. That happened to my husband. It may be the same item, but the amount is NOT the same. In that case, the containers are different sizes, but it's the same concept.

I can tolerate the mistakes, but I cannot tolerate LAZINESS, BEING UNCARING, NOT TO TRY YOUR BEST, BLAMING SOMEONE ELSE FOR SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED YOURSELF, and most of all, FLAT OUT REFUSING TO GET WHAT I HAVE ASKED FOR without telling me a GOOD REASON such as YOUR BOSS WON'T LET YOU. I don't care what the kitchen staff does, because they didn't hire you. I care about what your BOSS wants. If you tell me that your manager doesn't let you, that's VERY DIFFERENT than the kitchen staff workers. As far as the waitress that said "It depends on what the kitchen measurements are", if she knew she wasn't allowed to give full containers of mayo, she could have told me she would give me 4 small sides to equal 2 big ones instead of flat out REFUSING to get what I asked for. WHY would I order the burger if I wanted a dry burger? I might just as well go to fucking McDonald's if that's how some restaurant owners want to be. If you cannot get the amount I asked for, then TELL ME by saying your boss won't let you, NOT the kitchen staff won't fill them up. They ended up filling them up, but WHY did I have to BEG to get the amount I wanted? That's just stupid. Do they really think since I asked for the condiments ahead of time that I will magically know if I have enough? I wouldn't know until I would start eating if I would have enough, even then, I wouldn't know until I would be almost finished. That's stupid to try to PURPOSELY NOT bring out the amount I asked for. It wasn't a mistake, was it? What gets me mad is the REFUSAL, the blaming someone else, and the INTENTIONALLY asking me if it was enough when I had specifically asked for them to be filled ALL the way up. What moron goes to the table and ask a stupid question like that, then BLAMES the kitchen staff for HER not following exact instructions as was told the FIRST TIME AROUND? She was STUPID!!! You don't take the blame off of you if I could see the mistake and I didn't touch the containers when you took my order and brought it out, I mean seriously.

Pozzedneghole, you talk about mean, well look at the way that waitress treated me. She was MEAN to not apologize, to intentionally not bring out the amount I ordered, and to blame someone else for HER not doing as I asked. That was mean, plain and simple. You expect me to be nice to someone that did that to me? It was intentional that she came to me asking such as retarded question "Is this enough." HOW STUPID can you be if I have BOLDED IN ALL CAPS (FILLED ALL THE WAY UP) and then not listen to the instructions I read to her?

The fact that she blamed someone else pissed me the fuck off. She brought it to the table, it was HER FAULT she brought out the wrong amount. The kitchen staff didn't take my order, nor are they getting tipped, since this was an obvious thing that was wrong. HOW in the world can the kitchen staff be at fault for HER BRINGING out the wrong amount when she could clearly see those containers weren't filled? You cannot blame the kitchen staff for YOU REFUSING to FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!

As far as LoD is concerned, he has stated he has been guilty of not verifying the food, which that's what I mean by the SERVER being mean first. When you don't verify the food, you are PROVING to me you don't CARE about my happiness, so WHY should I can as much about your tip then? You treat me like you could care less what comes to the table, so WHY should I treat you as nice in the tip or even verbally if you didn't take ANY EFFORT to verify what you handed me? You show you don't care, WTF should I? You want your customers to care about your bills you have to pay when it comes tip time, right? Well, it all boils down to caring about your customers during their dining experience if they get their things correct. If you don't bother to TRY, then what do you expect? It's kind of like an average person that has to study to make good grades for a test. There are some people that don't have to study, which I am only talking about students that have to study to make better than a "D" or an "F." If you don't study or cram an hour before the test, do you think you will make an "A" if it's a real hard test?

YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE IN ANY SITUATION!! You put FULL AMOUNT OF EFFORT, then APOLOGIZE if you mess up. You don't put ANY EFFORT, WHAT KIND OF TIP DO YOU EXPECT? Honestly, most mistakes are because the servers don't check over their co-worker's work and are not truly THEIR MISTAKES, but actual acts of LAZINESS and being UNCARING about their customer's happiness.

Once, our waiter had on a tray a bunch of entrées. It was only me and my husband. I had ordered a non-complicated order(very rare I do that) and my husband ordered crawfish au gratin with a baked potato. As he was handing out the tray, I was watching, because I was hungry and our waiter gave me mine. Then, he put in front of my husband FRIED SHRIMP WITH FRIES. My husband had told him he didn't order that. The waiter admitted he grabbed the wrong entrée from the kitchen, so he didn't even verify the entrées in the kitchen as well as I saw he didn't ONCE take his pad of paper with the written orders to verify WHAT ENTRÉES WENT WITH WHICH TABLE. Since he profusely apologized twice and fixed the situation right away, we still gave him 17%. The thing was, he was STUPID. He put NO EFFORT, ZERO, into getting my husband's entrée to his table correctly. He just BLINDLY HANDED OUT SHIT!! He should have made sure before he left the kitchen he had both of ours or even just brought out ONE TABLE AT A TIME their entrées instead. The main thing though is that he should have made sure BEFORE he put the wrong entrée in front of my husband that he would have verified WHAT ENTRÉE WENT WITH WHICH TABLE. WHAT A LAZY, UNCARING IDIOT!! We should have tipped less the more I think about it, because that was SOOOOOOOO PREVENTABLE, it's not funny. This was not that difficult to distinguish between the 2 entrees and side dishes. He didn't ONCE put the (((((((((((((EFFORT)))))))))))))))) to make sure he was delivering the correct food. My point is, when servers do like that just like LoD said, what do they expect back? They are acting like this is a McDonald's drive-thru, so WHY act like we should tip well for giving us "FAST FOOD SERVICE."

IT'S NOT A "MISTAKE" IF YOU DON'T TRY YOUR BEST, IS IT? Then, expect to get paid well, that takes the cake!! You deserve the amount of EFFORT you put into things. There are some customers out there that aren't fair, but WE ARE!! I cannot do anything about the cheap asses, but I can be fair about the lazy and uncaring servers by not tipping them as well. I treat them the EXACT WAY they treat me. Not admitting fault when it is your fault will definitely not get you a good tip. Being honest and apologizing will get you a much better tip than to be mean by blaming someone else.

You should ALWAYS act like ((THIS IS YOUR FOOD, DRINKS, CHECK, ETC., DO YOU WANT YOUR SERVER TO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUFF WHEN ((YOU)) GO OUT TO EAT?)) If you want your server to care, care about others when serving. I bet your tips will increase with you getting the orders right the very first time around as far as the obvious errors go. Show you care, I feel most people will care back. I cannot do anything about the cheap asses of the world. We are not those type of people.

My point is, you cannot complain about a bad tip if you didn't put forth EFFORT into the job to get a good tip, can you? It's sort of like complaining you get fired from a job, because you played around, for example. If you decided to play around, what do you expect? If you decide not to verify which entrée goes to which table, what kind of tip do you expect if you hand out the wrong entrée when you took the customer's order? What goes around, comes around.

Springs1 said...


"No I don't care really. As long as my drinks are kept semi filled, my food doesn't smell like dead cat filled with tuna, and the server doesn't cuss me out, or hit me, I still tip."

That's YOU, but the rest of "NORMAL" society DOES!! They want their order right the FIRST TIME AROUND and a CARING SERVER that WILL(unlike the likes of your lazy ass) take their WRITTEN ORDER, then compare it to the plate of food by doing a check off list.


Onion rings
2 ranches
1 mayo
1 mustard

For that plate of food, you'd go down the list and check off what you see and if you see something missing, you tell the kitchen staff "This lady ordered a mayo and a side of mustard, let's say if those are missing. See, you are TOO LAZY AND DON'T CARE about ANYONE ELSE'S TIME OR FOOD, so WHAT KIND OF MONEY DO YOU EXPECT TO MAKE? Do you expect to make a good tip for crap service? You get what you gave. You didn't look at the food and compared it to the written order, so what do you expect?


As I have stated before, I worked at donut shop/diner for over 2 years off and on between 1998-2002. I dealt with mean customers as well as nice ones. I dealt with people that wanted me to be ok they didn't have all the money and short my register at times. I dealt with people that honked the horn in drive-thru being assholes. Once, I had a lady that knocked on the drive-thru window saying "WHERE ARE MY BURGERS", which this place COOKED THEM TO ORDER. I HAVE GONE THROUGH BAD CUSTOMERS and I have also LEARNED that I would do a few things differently if I had to do it all over again. A couple of times at least, since it was DRIVE-THRU(meaning just about 99% of the time, never got a tip through drive-thru of course, but it has happened a few times), I handed some customers(not many, like maybe 2 or 3 that entire time) the wrong box, because I didn't look into the box. Guess what? That was SO STUPID, even if I wasn't making a tip, BUT, that was just like a typical fast food drive-thru service, so what did they expect, you know?

When you are dining in a restaurant though, the service shouldn't be so FAST as to not check over things, because for one thing it's NOT FAST FOOD and secondly, the server is supposed to **EARN** their tip by GETTING THINGS RIGHT AS MUCH AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN SEE THE FIRST TIME AROUND!!

What do you mean "People like me?" I SAY THANK YOU WHEN THEY BRING ME THINGS UNLIKE A LOT OF THE SERVERS OUT THERE THAT DON'T APOLOGIZE WHEN THEY BRING THAT FORGOTTEN ITEM, even though most of the time, I DO say "thank you" to them even when they don't apologize and I ALWAYS say "thank you" when they don't bring a mess up definitely. I don't say "GIVE ME", I say "Can I get another coke?"

It's THEM that's MEAN, NOT ME!! The few times I lost my cool, it was THEM that started to be mean first. You are mean to me, what do you expect back?

"Have you ever watched the movie "Waiting"? If not I suggest you PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to it. Especially the woman who bitches because her entree was brought out too early and it interrupted her salad. THAT'S YOU!! AND THAT'S WHAT WE DO TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU!"

NO, sorry dude, but I have seen the movie 2 times and part of it a third time. The reason why I am NOT that lady is:

1. I NEVER have complained about my food coming out too early. I even actually LIKE it better if my entrée comes when I am eating my salad or appetizer, because I'd rather that, than to wait 50 minutes for my entrée, you know? Sure, I'd rather it not come out that way, but I'd rather that ANY DAY, than to wait almost an hour for my food. Food coming out early is truly not a big deal. I could care less. That just happened at Red Lobster recently, SO, I ate a little of my hot food and ate part of my side salad at the same time. SO WHAT, you know? That was the waitress that gave me the 8 small sides for the 4 big sides of ranch.

2. I don't INSULT servers like that or EVER and as far as what the waiter was concerned, the extra gravy the lady asked for, well we saw on the movie he just brought out the food and didn't compare the ticket to the food, which he COULD HAVE NOTICED(if the ticket was put in correctly) at least SOME gravy on the plate and extra gravy on the ticket. The lady had NONE on her mashed potatoes, so that was an OBVIOUS mistake even if he didn't take the order, he had a ticket to go by, so unless the ticket was wrong, he shouldn't have left the kitchen without it. The gravy being gone if that were me, all I would have done would have been to say "I ordered some extra gravy." THAT IS ALL, ALL, ALL!! Then, I would have said "Thank you", even though the server probably wouldn't have apologized for forgetting it.

3. As far as the steak goes, you cannot tell the difference just by looking at it if the steak is "medium" or "medium rare", so unless the waitress put in the order wrong(I would not fault her unless she admitted fault), I would have had to CUT INTO MY STEAK first to see if something was wrong. Then, I would have asked the waitress NICELY : "Could I get my steak cooked a little bit longer?" I would have even said "THANK YOU" if she would have taken it back, because it wasn't her fault more than likely. SEE HOW NICE THAT IS? You don't know me at ALL!!


"I don't care how nice you are too people, the ones you piss off and bitch to are the ones that will fuck up your food. DON'T FUCK WITH PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOUR FOOD! Or are you too GODDAMN STUPID to realize that?"

You are the one that is too STUPID to understand what YOUR JOB IS!! You ADMITTED TO ME:

"Yes servers do need to check over their food before it is brought to the table. I myself have been guilty of not doing that. Yes servers should write down all orders. Again I am guilty of not doing that."

If you don't do those things, then WHAT KIND OF TIP AND RESPECT to do you EXPECTING BACK? You aren't TRYING and act like you don’t give a damn about anyone else, but yourself, so what do you expect?

I not too stupid to realize it. I am NOT a person that will get that happen, because I am NICE!! I think everyone, once a rare occasion has lost their cool. I personally, have only done that twice, which those waitresses I got FIRED, which I am PROUD OF, because they were RUDE to me FIRST!

Also, do you APOLOGIZE when you make ANY mistake? I ALWAYS APOLOGIZED even if it wasn't my fault at the donut shop like when a guy got raw chicken tenders or a lady that received raw donuts. I was STILL NICE.

My husband last year got a waitress that forgot one of his side dishes, a baked potato that didn't apologize at ALL. He NICELY just said that he ordered a baked potato, nothing mean or anything. SO you are WRONG, it's NOT US, it's those mean servers out there.

WHY is it that servers want YOU to be NICE, then they aren't?

Just Monday, I had a vacation day, so me and my husband went out to eat. Our waitress came with our food(no condiments, since they were brought out ahead of time), so it was just my burger, potato salad, and my husband's salad. The waitress, I could see before she even put down my food, that my potato salad wasn't on the tray. I didn't be as nice as usual as to say: "I ordered a potato salad", because I am TIRED OF SERVERS LIKE YOU THAT DON'T CARE AND ARE TOO FUCKING LAZY ASS TO COMPARE THEIR WRITTEN ORDER TO THE FOOD!! I said it just like this: "Where's the potato salad?" Instead of being HONEST, NO SHE FUCKING LIES!! She tells me that she wanted to bring out our stuff while it was hot and that the kitchen staff didn't have it yet. GIVE ME A BREAK! I called the manager and he 100% AGREED that she LIED. SHE NEVER APOLOGIZED, so HER 8% tip she FUCKING DESERVED. If she would have been HONEST, her tip would have been 13% at the most, but MUCH HIGHER than what she got for lying to me.

See how she was SO MEAN? She was MEAN FIRST by NOT COMPARING THE WRITTEN ORDER WITH THE FOOD, because for only 2 people, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU MISS A POTATO SALAD? If I were in a larger party, I can see, but 2 people, that's ridiculous to get that wrong. I know we all make mistakes, but I feel she didn't make a "mistake", because she just didn't verify the food LIKE YOU AT TIMES have ADMITTED YOU DID. See how UNCARING she was not to even ***TRY*** to get the order correct? You expect someone to be nice to you, but then you aren't nice to them.

GET THIS: I EVEN SAID "THANK YOU" WHEN SHE BROUGHT THE POTATO SALAD, but OF COURSE STILL NO SORRY THOUGH!! I am just sick of the servers acting like they are BLIND!! You can see if a side dish is missing for ONLY 2 people very easily if you give your BEST SHOT!! WHY not just verify all the food and NOT be EVER guilty of not doing that? WHY NOT TRY TO MAKE THE BEST TIP YOU CAN POSSIBLY MAKE AND MAKE CUSTOMERS HAPPIER? I know why, YOU DON'T CARE AND ARE TOO LAZY TO DO THAT.

I bet she would have lied NO MATTER HOW I WOULD HAVE TOLD HER I ORDERED A POTATO SALAD, because people want to cover the ass and would rather not get a bad tip, which is SELFISH. She should have thought about the CUSTOMER'S FEELINGS by APOLOGIZING instead of LYING, but she didn't.


NO, I am NOT LIKE THAT!! Are you there at my table? Then I suggest you SHUT UP about something you know NOTHING ABOUT!!

My point is, you cannot expect people to be nice to you if you aren't nice to them. I NEVER would do like the waiting lady. I say "I ordered a side of ranch" or whatever it is they messed up.

See, in the waiting movie, the waiter apologizes, well he shouldn't have, but that's the way I feel when I say "Thank you" for the missing or wrong item/items and my server doesn’t apologize. You would think you are being nice, they could say "Sorry about that." I am the ONLY PERSON BEING NICE is my point, so NO, that's NOT ME!! If anything, you are the type of server I had on Monday that didn't apologize and blamed the kitchen staff for YOU forgetting my potato salad. See, if I would have been her, I would have admitted I forgot it. I would have said "Sorry about that", I'll be right back." Then, I would have said "I really sorry about that" when I would have brought the potato salad. See, it's THE SERVERS TODAY THAT AREN'T NICE!! I don't care if the customer would have said "Where's the such-n-such", because I know I would have forgotten it and it was MEAN FIRST of me NOT TO COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDER TO THE FOOD.


You say you don't care, well, I still say you'd rather have it right the first time around. You just won't admit that, will you? I DON'T KNOW ANYONE THAT WANTS THEIR FOOD WRONG!! You may find a person or 2(RARE) like yourself that doesn't care, but MOST DO! Otherwise, there wouldn't be MANY COMPLAINT LETTERS IN CORPORATE and complaints in restaurants to the managers all the time, now would they?

I am so SICK of the servers not being HONEST for one thing and not verifying the WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE BRINGING TO THE TABLE!! WHY do you not verify the food? Is it laziness? Is it being uncaring? WHY NOT VERIFY THE FOOD? WHY make yourself have MORE TRIPS to get things right when you could SAVE TRIPS? You may think it's usually right, but for my orders, it's not usually right, so I doubt other people don't have problems either, you know. Especially when another server runs the food out. I have had maybe one or two OTHER servers that ran the food(meaning not my server) that when things were forgotten or wrong, they apologized. It's sad that even if you aren't my server, you can APOLOGIZE for either not reading the ticket or overlooking the missing/wrong item.

The reason why I said "Where's the potato salad" is because if the customer can tell by just looking on the TRAY, I think that's bad. That really shows that she didn't ONCE TRY HER BEST or CARE about her customers. What did she expect back? The manager was surprised I left a tip at all for her lying just to let you know. She could have had a stiff, but I felt the service wasn't that bad to leave nothing. 8% was for LYING to me. You don't LIE! I'd rather you tell me the truth, because I wasn't born under a rock not to know that a burger takes longer to cook than PRE-MADE potato salad. She treated me like I was stupid telling me that shit.

LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE BRINGING TO THE TABLE and COMPARE THAT WRITTEN ORDER WITH THE FOOD!! You want people to be nice to you, you have to be nice to them by **CARING*** if WHAT you are delivering is obviously right or wrong. Caring starts with the SERVER. You decide if you want to risk making an obvious, preventable mistake or not, because it not only affects the tip, but it also affects other people as well.

Springs1 said...

"God you're dumb. Truly dumb."


"Yes servers do need to check over their food before it is brought to the table. I myself have been guilty of not doing that. Yes servers should write down all orders. Again I am guilty of not doing that."

YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU DON'T **WRITE DOWN THE ORDERS AND EXPECT TO REMEMBER EVERYTHING**! NOW THAT'S STUPID!! Also, after writing the order down, you decided not to compare the written order with the food at times KNOWING your tip is dependent on HOW MANY MISTAKES ARE MADE!! THAT'S STUPID!! Even I was stupid to just not look in the box, but the reason why I didn't the few times I did that, was because it was DRIVE-THRU that is supposed to be fast as you can possibly do something. When you rush, I shouldn't say "mistakes happen", because I didn't truly make a mistake, it was more like a NO EFFORT on my part to get it right. I wouldn't say I was too lazy, more like thinking about that drive thru(sometimes even when it was out to the street) gets backed up, we needed to get it moving, so that's why. I should have verified the box and if I had to do it all over again since back then I hardly ever was a customer and now I am a VERY FREQUENT customer, I would NEVER do that. I know what it feels like to get the wrong thing, so even if I didn't make a tip, I wouldn't do that. That WAS STUPID OF ME to not look in the box. In a non-fast food restaurant though, things don't have to move as quickly as fast food restaurants and tipping is involved to make it an INCENTIVE to TRY to get the order obviously brought out correctly unlike drive-thru situations.


"I hope to God you NEVER procreate. EVER."

I hope you wouldn't if you don't already have kids, because you wouldn't TEACH your children that WORK IS WORK and that you have to WORK HARD for your money, NOT BE LAZY LIKE YOURSELF!! You would teach your children that when they get a job, it's ok not to TRY THEIR BEST. So I HOPE NO SERVERS FROM YOUR HOUSE SERVE ME, because they would be TOO LAZY to write down my order and TOO LAZY to VERIFY IT as well.

Don't you get that a "CARING", "NICE" server actually TRIES their best? They actually CARE if the order is obviously right or not by WRITING DOWN the orders and COMPARING the written orders to the plates of food. If it looks like you don't care, then WHY should someone give you RESPECT by being NICE to you? You weren't nice to them by not caring if you got their order correct. If anything, you were VERY UNCARING.

"Guess what, you don't know us at all."

I sure do, I know YOU as being lazy and uncaring. You ADMITTED that you don't write down orders even, which is the LEAST you can do to TRY to get the order correct. Then, you admitted you didn't check over the food with the written order to see if ALL the components were on the tray and if things APPEARED correct or not.

I bet you are the type of server that blames the kitchen staff for things that YOU brought out obviously wrong, am I right? I bet you don't even APOLOGIZE when something goes wrong that's your fault.


I can list the things I did that were CLOSE to the same thing, just on a MUCH SMALLER level:

1. I took the customer's orders from booths or tables or the counter.
2. I filled and refilled their drinks(whether it would be soft drinks, tea, coffee, hot cocoa, etc.)
3. Brought them their food and condiments if any were asked for.
4. Brought them some extra paper boats(that's what they called them) if needed
5. SOMETIMES brought them their check and change, depending on if they wanted to pay at the register like Waffle House or Denny's.

Do you see at least SOME similarities? These things SERVERS DO IN NON-FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS, they TRULY DO!! We served regular food items like regular sized burgers, kastle type of burgers, chicken tenders, pork chop sandwiches, bbq'd beef sandwich, gravy biscuits, croissants & biscuits(with the regular stuff like egg, sausage, bacon, ham, cheese), fried chicken sandwiches, and grilled chicken sandwiches. My point is, we served more than just donuts, coffee, and pastries. We also had to deal with king cake orders during mardi gras season as well, which wasn't really service there, but just to mention that we had extra work during that time of the year that other states don't have that don't have mardi gras like Louisiana does.

There were plenty of people that ate inside. NOT EVERYONE got to-go orders or went through drive-thru. I would say the majority of the sales was drive-thru, but they did have A LOT of people that dined in.

"But please continue to make comparisons."

As I said, there ARE SOME SIMILARITIES. It's the TRUTH!!

"I've worked in fast food, and you couldn't get me to go back to that job for all the money in the world."

I NEVER actually have. I made tips on top of minimum wage and got raises as well. During the week, tips would be anywhere from $10-$40, most of the time $20-$25 an 8 hour shift. On the weekend, I was lucky to come home with $10, because we had to split the tips with 4-6 people. It was better than fast food, because I always got 40 hrs and most of the time worked over 50 hours a week, sometimes more. Sometimes I worked 60-65 hrs a week depending on if they hired anyone else and people quitting.

To make more money than minimum wage was better than fast food work. If you think about it, an average of $100 or so more a week I got, sometimes more, sometimes less. Usually in the winter I made more, because in the summer, not only did we have co-workers not in school, but we also didn’t have as many customers in the summertime as in the winter.

"You are a CUNT."

You are just calling me that name, because you are mad that I AM RIGHT and you are WRONG!! You hate that you admitted you should have written down orders and compared the food to the written orders. YOU ARE ONE UNCARING, LAZY ASS!! You called me a name, yet, you talked about TEAMWORK, but you are too lazy to compare the ticket to the food for another server you are running food for. This is what you said: "TEAMWORK IS ESSENTIAL IN A RESTAURANT, YOU MUST USE IT AT ALL TIMES." WHY say that and then not do it yourself? At least I learned from being a customer I wouldn't hand a box without looking inside even without a tip EVER AGAIN. You haven't learned a thing.

If you really meant that, YOU WOULD DO IT YOURSELF!! What a HYPOCRITE telling people to work as a team, then NOT DO IT YOURSELF!! WHAT AN IDIOT, LAZY ASS YOU ARE!!

"springs, you bring up good points,"

WHY did you say this in your first post to me and not be very MEAN and COLD-HEARTED? If I made good points, then WHY NOT compare the written order or if you aren't the server, the ticket to the FOOD? WHY NOT WRITE DOWN THE ORDERS ALL THE TIME, EVERY DETAIL? WHY BE THAT UNCARING AND LAZY, YET, you want to make the MOST MONEY YOU CAN and YET, you think I am a mean bitch, but think about how MEAN it is that you aren't being nice enough to CARE about ***WHAT THE FUCK IS IN YOUR HANDS YOU ARE BRINGING ME as far as something OBVIOUS goes***!! A mistake is one thing, but YOU ADMITTED YOU DON'T WRITE DOWN ORDERS AT TIMES AND DON'T VERIFY THE FOOD, so WHY do you expect RESPECT? That bitch waitress that didn't apologize got WHAT THE FUCK SHE DESERVED when she LIED to me about my potato salad being missing. It's not like this was a "MISTAKE", this was HER NOT CARING ABOUT HER CUSTOMERS, then expect her customer's to CARE about HER MONEY when it comes tip time. YOU HAVE TO CARE ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMERS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO CARE ABOUT YOU as much. YOU ARE TO STUPID TO KNOW THAT OBVIOUSLY and you have the NERVE to call me "DUMB." LOOK IN THE MIRROR!! It's STUPID NOT TO WRITE DOWN ORDERS AND TO JUST BRING OUT STUFF YOU HAVE NO CLUE OF WTF IT IS!! THAT IS STUPID!!

"Period. I made over $1500 a week serving. Obviously I was doing something right. Obviously my guests didn't think I was LAZY or STUPID. Obviously I'm a VERY GOOD FUCKING SERVER."

You don't realize this, but you could have made MORE!! I tipped 28%-30% for servers that got EVERYTHING CORRECT and PREVENTED errors like one time a waitress at Chili's that VOLUNTARILY decide to ask me if she could bring the 2 sides of mayo, 1 side of mustard, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of bbq sauce out BEFORE the food, because she said to me "They won't have all of that." SHE was I would say the SMARTEST WAITRESSES I have EVER HAD and one of the most NON-LAZY SERVER I have ever had. To see that she TOOK CHARGE of her tip like that and CARED about her customers, she got 28%. See, if she would have made mistakes, of course the tip would have been lower, DUH!!

If you were a "VERY GOOD SERVER" you wouldn't have admitted to me that "Yes servers do need to check over their food before it is brought to the table. I myself have been guilty of not doing that. Yes servers should write down all orders. Again I am guilty of not doing that."

You could have made MORE MONEY, don't you get that?

Don't you get that a "VERY GOOD SERVER" would:

A. ***ALWAYS**** WRITE DOWN ORDERS(even the servers that have excellent memories, it's always a just in case type of thing you know)
B. ***** COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDERS TO THE PLATES OF FOOD(if you are the same server that took the order)
C. ****** COMPARE THE TICKET TO THE PLATES OF FOOD if you didn't take their order

The reason why I would NEVER rely on tickets if it's the same server bringing out the food, is because we have had mess ups with wrong entrées, because the servers admitted they put in the orders wrong. Therefore, MOST LIKELY THEIR WRITTEN ORDER WAS CORRECT. One waiter actually told me "I pressed the wrong button", the thing was, he did 2 mistakes, he not only put the order in wrong( he pressed quesadillas, which I ordered an appetizer as my meal(bbq chicken nachos) and he actually didn't COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDER TO THE PLATE OF FOOD **BEFORE** he looked like an IDIOT at our table. All we said was "WE didn't order that." We were confused and he didn't even apologize at first. I had to go up to him to ask just like this NICELY "So what happened." That's when I got a tiny sorry(instead of "SO SORRY" since it was a MAJOR FUCK UP) and that he pressed the wrong button. The thing was, he didn't CARE about **WHAT** item he was BRINGING TO OUR TABLE to not verify the written order. He didn't call a manager over nor did we, so no comp. Left zero tip, because of HOW HE HANDLED IT, NOT for the mistake itself. See, I shouldn’t have to GET UP TO KNOW WHY I didn't have my food, but my husband did. Secondly, I should have IMMEDIATELY got a SORRY. Thirdly, if I would have been the server, I would have told my manager so the customers could have received a comp or something, because I WOULD CARE, see, YOU, I bet that would be YOU as a server that wouldn't give a shit about RUINING SOMEONE'S OUTING. My husband was just about finished his burger when mine came out. The entire point of dining inside is to EAT TOGETHER you know.

My point is, a "GOOD SERVER" does ****WHAT EVER THE FUCK IT TAKES TO GET ORDERS OBVIOUSLY CORRECT TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE****!! I had a waitress at Chili's I would say in the past year or so that was VERY GOOD, because she REPEATED our orders with all the details, wrote everything down, the works. WHY don't you want to make the MOST money you can make? Work is work, so WHY NOT TRY to VERIFY THE ORDERS to make situations like "WAITING" not happen NEARLY as often? YOU CAUSE YOUR OWN SITUATION IF THE FOOD HAS OBVIOUS MISTAKES IF YOU ARE THE SERVER THAT TOOK THE ORDER AND BRINGS OUT THE FOOD!!

You expect someone to be nice to you, but then LOOK at how some of these servers are to us. The waiter that brought out the quesadillas for instance didn't seem to care much at all and I NEVER ONCE said ANYTHING MEAN. This was in 2003 or so. I remember it as if it were yesterday, because anyone that's mean like that, I cannot get out of my mind EVER!! You press a wrong button, you should say you are sorry without me having to GET UP to get an apology or even more so, an EXPLANATION as to WHY I didn't have my food, but my husband had his. I wasn't MEAN. All I asked was what had happened. I didn't say anything at the table other than we didn't order that.

I will tell you a story of a CARING server that forgot to put our appetizer order in. He comes to the table and admits he forgot. He PROFUSELY apologized at least twice and offered us chips n' salsa(which was a real menu item, not free). Just the fact that he showed he cared, was amazing compared to what we had with the quesadillas situation. What happened was, I had told him I would rather have something off the bill instead since we honestly ended up not even eating everything and weren't going home right after either to bring it home. Anyway, at first our waiter came by to say that the manager wasn’t going to let him get the appetizer comped that was forgotten, which then I said "Even just a coke off the bill would be fine, we just don’t want more food." He ended up getting $5 off the bill. Look how much EFFORT HE PUT INTO OUR SERVICE MAKING UP FOR HIS MISTAKE. His tip was 16% of the bill BEFORE the discount. See, a "CARING" server will end up making up for their mistake at least some, which in this case was A LOT than if he would have not apologized or didn't take off anything off the bill, he would have gotten a stiff. WHY? It's called being caring and TREATING OTHERS AS YOU'D LIKE TO BE TREATED IF THAT WERE YOU!! If he wouldn't have been able to get something off the bill, he still could have paid out of his own pocket a coke for us. I bet he wouldn't have though, because nobody cares about anyone these days expect themselves. Anyway, if he couldn't have gotten a comp and wouldn't have given us $2 or whatever it was for the coke, his tip would have been 10%. WHY? He wouldn't have paid for a coke himself as it wasn't the manager's fault he didn't put the order in right away and I did see this waiter hug a lady. He was probably more worried about talking to the lady he knew than his job and THAT'S WHY the situation happened in the first place. Now, if the waiter would have given us $2 for the coke, he would have gotten 23% or so. WHY? Because NO ONE DOES THAT, because they are so selfish these days, that even when I have had overcharges of 30 cents, the servers couldn't have just gave me 2 quarters and saved TIME for EVERYONE involved getting the bill fixed, so $2 so the server can take a loss, since they don't know I will be fair, they won't risk it.

I just treat servers the EXACT WAY THEY TREAT ME!!

"Put yourself in my shoes for one minute."

EVERY SINGLE TIME I GET AN OBVIOUS MISTAKE AT THE TABLE, I DO!! I always think to myself that they should be able to handle 2 customers, especially if the condiments are brought out ahead of time, so when the food comes out, there's much less to verify.

I put myself in the waitress's shoes that forgot my potato salad and I know I would have NEVER LIED, because I am a NICE person. I would NEVER lie like that. Customers aren't stupid(at least some aren't). I would have IMMEDIATELY said I was sorry. I would have NEVER decided to bring out the food without comparing the written order to the food to begin with.

I always think about that I wouldn't blame someone else and I would apologize if I would mess up. Then I compare it to how THEY reacted. Once, in a few months ago, went to Outback, ordered a margarita with salt. The stupid, BLIND waitress ONLY brought out the margarita without salt on the rim, because the soft drinks were brought out already(I ordered a soft drink as well). Instead of doing what **I** would have done would have not even decided to bring that out and would have told the bartender to put salt on the rim, that the lady ordered salt. If I would have brought it out without salt, I would have IMMEDIATELY said "Oh sorry", then said I was sorry when I came back with the mistake corrected. What she did was say to me with NO APOLOGY when all I said was "I ordered salt on the margarita" "HE DIDN'T PUT ANY ON THERE and left." She didn’t apologize when she came back. Do you see that she was only bringing out ONE, count, ONE DRINK to the table and couldn't get it right as well as didn't admit fault for her ***BRINGING**** out the drink wrong? THAT IS A MISTAKE WITHIN ITSELF!! I am tipping my waitress and the waitress will tip out the bartender out of SALES, NOT out of a percentage of my tip. Also, if a customer doesn't tip, the server still has to tip out the bartender, so that really truly means I am ONLY TIPPING MY SERVER!!

I ALWAYS PUT MYSELF IN THEIR SHOES!! I would have APOLOGIZED for forgetting the salt, but her blaming it on the bartender caused her to have a BELOW 15%. If she would have simply APOLOGIZED, her tip wouldn't have even been affected for such a small mistake that was fixed almost right away and it's not like food, because when the food arrives, you want to eat your food hot and also if it's something like a side salad that's missing ranch, you don't want to wait too long to eat, because then you can have it run into the entrée. So, with food, it's different, because I do find just about most times, I wait 2-3 minutes for the condiments, whereas, I waited 30 seconds-40 seconds for the salt to be fixed. The fact that she blamed the bartender for *******HER FUCKING BRINGING IT OUT WRONG as if she were BLIND*********, caused the tip to go down instead of being HONEST and APOLOGIZING as any DECENT HUMAN BEING WOULD DO, such as MYSELF if I were in HER SHOES!! I wouldn’t DARE blame the bartender for something you can *SEE* on the rim of glass. That was just laziness and stupid on her part.

"I've had the meat temped BEFORE it left the window before, just to MAKE SURE it was cooked right. Guess what? THE MOTHERFUCKERS STILL BITCHED."

I TRULY WOULDN'T have bitched and only have sent a steak back once when we were in a large group of people, which we weren't paying for the meal, someone else was. I didn't bitch at her. Honestly, I couldn't tell until I CUT IT OPEN. She may have been at fault, but when it's something like that if the server doesn't admit fault, I don't fault them for it. Once, at Chili's I ordered my burger with only lettuce and onions only with cheese. My waitress delivered the burger with pickles and tomatoes, which she COULDN'T SEE, so I didn't send it back, although it tasted like pickle juice(YUK) some and I still tipped 20%, because I don't know if she put in the order wrong or not and will assume she did put it in right since she didn't admit fault. I didn't bitch. I just told her about the mistake since she didn't know, since she didn't LIFT UP MY BUN TO FIND OUT since it was a CLOSED FACED sandwich and the fact that sometimes even, pickles can be underneath the burger patty, so the server still couldn't see pickles sometimes on an open-faced burger or sandwich even.

I RARELY EVER ORDER STEAKS, because I am NOT BIG ON STEAKS!! Once in a blue moon I will order one, which I would say maybe once or twice a year, honestly.

I have NEVER had to send back a burger to be cooked more, EVER!!


NO, NOT ALL as long as the server put in the order correctly of course:

1. Raw food can't be known by just looking at it.
2. Steak that's not one extreme to another such as red vs. black(I did see a RED steak once at Outback being brought to someone, which it looked RARE and disgusting in my opinion.
3. If it's something the server cannot see that they'd have to TOUCH the food to see the mistake such as a pickle under a bun.
4. A wrong burrito filling.
5. If the main server put in the order 100% correctly, but the other server gets something obviously wrong such as the entrée, side dish, things missing that the other server can see without touching the customer's food, and things such as bbq sauce "on the side and none on the ribs", but the other server brought it out with bbq sauce on the ribs, which it may or may not have the side of bbq sauce, although that side of bbq sauce could have been brought out by the server, so it's really just the bbq sauce on the ribs that would be NOT the original server's fault that took the order if they put in the order correctly.
6. As long as the order was put in correctly: If the food takes a long, long time to cook and the server put in the order as quickly as they fairly possibly could(meaning no one else's food was ready before putting in my order that had ordered before me or requested something before getting my order that needed fixing or not mistakes that another customer has) and as long as my server can deliver my food in a timely manner(if they can bring out my food that is), it's not their fault. If another server runs the food out and my server is truly in the middle of getting an order, that's not their fault. If the server is chit-chatting away and my food is ready, then it would be their fault they are letting it get cold.

"That's bullshit and you know it."

That is why I NEVER ONCE SAID that and I listed things that weren't the server's fault. MOST things ARE the server's fault that they decide to bring the food out obviously wrong.

"You imply that you KNOW when the server makes a mistake and the kitchen makes a mistake. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT? Please tell me. YOU DON'T. You just assume. And well that just makes an ass out of you."

Are you THAT STUPID? Were you born under a rock?

1. The server can input the order wrong into the computer or FORGET TO PUT AN ORDER IN as well, which the server can ADMIT they did that, which we had servers that did.
2. The server can bring you the wrong food.
3. The server can forget to bring something from the kitchen to our table such as a side dish or ranch or even an entrée
4. The server can bring out something wrong that is very obvious such as the customer states "NO bbq sauce on their ribs, just on the side", then bring out the ribs with bbq sauce on them and no side of bbq sauce. That's not the kitchen staff's fault my server didn't get the mistake fixed before they brought me the food wrong, is it? YOU TOOK THE ORDER AND ARE SUPPOSED TO ***EARN YOUR TIP*** by getting the mistake fixed anyways, so WHY NOT DO IT BEFOREHAND so the you can make a good tip and not have as many trips to the table as well as not have the customer be pissed off? It's YOUR JOB TO FIX THE MISTAKE, WHY NOT DO IT AHEAD OF TIME? Your job is to make the best tip possible, not take NO EFFORT into **DELIVERING** the food obviously correctly.
5. Containers or bottles of condiments as well as extra pickles, raw onions, or pico de gallo can always be brought out BEFORE THE FOOD IS READY, so you cannot blame ANYONE ELSE for YOU forgetting those since they need no COOKING involved and take less than 5 minutes to get to me.
6. If my server delays putting in my order for something that can wait that is unfair like bussing a table or going to get other table's orders instead of immediately putting the order into the computer if the customers didn't call their server over(meaning VOLUNTARILY GOING TO ASK HOW THEY ARE DOING), that's intentionally delaying someone's food which IS the server's fault that I am waiting longer for my food.

NO ONE is making the server decide to DELIVER the food with obvious things missing or the completely wrong food, except the SERVER!!

***Don't you get that bringing out the wrong food or some obvious mistake that you don't have to TOUCH the food to notice it **IS A MISTAKE WITHIN ITSELF that the server BROUGHT THE FOOD/DRINKS FROM THE KITCHEN/BAR TO THE CUSTOMER'S TABLE?****

This is a picture of Applebee's Quesadilla burger and apparently this person ordered ranch with their fries. Let's say they order a side of mayo as well. If I were the server, I would have offered to bring out the ranch and mayo out ahead of time. Let's say the customer didn't want me to and declined my offer. Let's say I am lucky enough to run the food to that customer. I would take that written order and compare it to the food(because I DEFINITELY need to write down things, I would forget) to the plate of food. They don't have the mayo in the picture; therefore, let's say the mayo is missing. I would tell the cooks that I would need a side of mayo **BEFORE*** I would deliver the food. See, I wouldn't bring it out and then the customer would have to remind me they ordered the mayo unlike YOU would do. If let's say I would overlook the mayo, I would IMMEDIATELY say " I'm Sorry" and get it, then apologize after as well by saying I was sorry, because it would have been *********ONLY MY FAULT **I** FORGOT THE MAYO FROM THE KITCHEN TO MY CUSTOMER'S TABLE****** CONSIDERING THE KITCHEN STAFF DOESN'T BRING ME MY FOOD and it's an OBVIOUS ERROR that an entire container is missing. If it's a DUH mistake without having to touch anything and my customer can notice it without having to touch anything, so could have my server, NO EXCUSES!! WHY tip well if you are just delivering anything you want to and not CARING about what it is? That's fast food cashier's that do that. We aren't talking about fast food here. I even noticed one time I remember at the donut shop some customers dining inside at the counter ordered it was either fried or grilled chicken sandwich, which I knew just by LOOKING at it, it wasn't correct and sent it back. You may say, that's so different, because you had less customers, but the couple of times we have been the ONLY CUSTOMERS, we had obvious errors. This wasn't during closing time, once was mid-afternoon and the other was around 5p.m. at a non-chain restaurant that was Mediterranean. I will agree you have more stress than I did, but the concept was the same that the food on the plate was either obviously correct or obviously incorrect that I was going to put in front of the customers.

You have to remember: THE KITCHEN STAFF NOR DOES THE BARTENDER DELIVER MY FOOD/DRINKS, therefore, if there is an obvious mistake that you don't have to TOUCH a thing to notice the mistake, that's YOUR FAULT for BRINGING IT OUT LIKE THAT if you took the order that is. I am not tipping the kitchen staff or the bartender. YOU are tipping out the bartender out of SALES of all things, NOT a percentage of the tip I leave or don't leave.

Remember if your customer can see the mistake without touching their food, so can YOU if you took the order!! If you didn't take the order, the only thing you can go by is the ticket, so if the ticket is wrong, that's 100% on the original server. If the ticket is correct though, you should take some EFFORT to compare that ticket to the food so when you deliver it, it has the obvious things correct. At least TRY. We all overlook stuff at times, but just like servers like yourself, it's more that the servers aren't TRYING to do their job correctly, because they don't care and are TOO LAZY to do their job! Not writing down orders is being LAZY, plain and simple!! I don't care if you have the greatest memory, you can prevent yourself from messing up if you at least TRY. There is not guarantee in writing down orders, as with the case of the quesadillas/bbq chicken nachos, but it's a START in the right direction. The FINAL RESULT IS THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS though if it's obviously correct or not if you bring out the food and took the order that is. If you didn't take the order, the final result should match the ticket as much as you can possibly notice without touching the food.

Don't you get that it's MEAN of the server not to CARE about WTF they are BRINGING to the customer's table? Obviously, you think I am mean, well look at how they are by sometimes blaming others when THEY are 100% at fault for BRINGING me the food wrong or without the item or items and not apologizing even when a "Thank You" was given. Even when no one was mean and the customers were nice as pie, no apology. Just look at how you are TREATING US by not taking ANY EFFORT into making us not have the OBVIOUS MISTAKES!! YOU NEED TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR as to WHO is the mean person here!!

WHY can't you answer the question: "DO YOU APOLOGIZE FOR EVERY MISTAKE YOU MAKE?"


If you don't apologize and blame someone else, don’t expect people to be nice to you when you aren't nice to them. If you don't write down the orders and/or don't compare the food to the written order(bringing out your own food)/tickets(if you are bringing out some other server's food", then YOU are the person NOT BEING NICE FIRST! DO YOU GET THAT OR WHAT? You've got to care so the customer cares more about your money. Also, you've got to care so the customer won't be mad at you. Act like you care about someone else besides yourself.

duTiFul said...

WHY can't you answer the question: "DO YOU APOLOGIZE FOR EVERY MISTAKE YOU MAKE?"


Yes and No.

If it's an honest mistake I've made, WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T I ADMIT IT?


Look I'm sorry you've had shitty service in the past I really am, but to try and group all servers into one fucking category is fucking stupid. Plain and simple. You don't know us. Never will know us. You see it only from the guests viewpoint.

GO TAKE A SERVER JOB FOR JUST 1 WEEK and see if it doesn't change your view on the whole thing. If it doesn't, than by all means keep feeling the way you do.

I care about my guests 1000% more than my money. I've paid for guests food out of my own pocket when the restaurant wouldn't, I've tracked guests down when they've left something at the table and gone home. Hell I've gone as far as to get regulars refills when I'm just coming in to grab something to eat OFF THE CLOCK.

Believe me, you wouldn't last 1 week in the job. Like I said, if you don't believe me, try it. But of course that will NEVER happen, because some people just want to bitch to bitch and that's all there is to it.

You have to remember: THE KITCHEN STAFF NOR DOES THE BARTENDER DELIVER MY FOOD/DRINKS, therefore, if there is an obvious mistake that you don't have to TOUCH a thing to notice the mistake, that's YOUR FAULT for BRINGING IT OUT LIKE THAT if you took the order that is. I am not tipping the kitchen staff or the bartender. YOU are tipping out the bartender out of SALES of all things, NOT a percentage of the tip I leave or don't leave.

I know it is this way in some restaurants, but in most of the ones I work at, I was able to choose whether I tipped the bartender out or not. And the bartender was doing a shitty job, guess what. He got a shitty tipout.

Springs1 said...

"If it's an honest mistake I've made, WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T I ADMIT IT?"

Because I feel by you admitting you sometimes didn't write orders down and sometimes didn't check over the food, that you would be uncaring like some of the servers I have encountered that weren't nice and caring.

If you would have told me that you write down all the orders and actually check over the food, I would have thought you were a caring server and not have thought such a thing, but doing the OPPOSITE of what is RIGHT, makes it seem like you aren't caring and nice, that you would do so such a thing.

"but to try and group all servers into one fucking category is fucking stupid. Plain and simple. You don't know us. Never will know us. You see it only from the guests viewpoint."

I am NOT grouping all servers together. I have had servers at Chili's and Outback that I have requested time and time again, 99.9% of the times, giving us the BEST service they possibly could and they got 25%-28% tips.

The fact is, I am grouping You into the UNCARING and LAZY category, because you admitted "Yes servers do need to check over their food before it is brought to the table. I myself have been guilty of not doing that. Yes servers should write down all orders. Again I am guilty of not doing that."

If you really are a "VERY GOOD SERVER" as you claim, you wouldn't shell out advice such as this: "TEAMWORK IS ESSENTIAL IN A RESTAURANT, YOU MUST USE IT AT ALL TIMES." Then, choose not to do it YOURSELF! It's kind of like preaching don't smoke, then smoke yourself. USE YOUR OWN ADVICE by checking over the food and always write down the orders. WHY not give it a try? CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY? WHY would you not want to? Is it laziness, being uncaring, or trying to rush like fast food restaurants do or what?

I will ALWAYS see it from the customer's point of view, because I am a customer A LOT, VERY, VERY OFTEN! I couldn't see it from the server's point of view, because this isn't fast food to rush so much not to verify what is in your hands and to not write down orders. They act like it's fast food or something. Anyone would rather their server take extra 30 seconds or so to make sure their order was obviously correct than to bring it out obviously wrong.

"GO TAKE A SERVER JOB FOR JUST 1 WEEK and see if it doesn't change your view on the whole thing. If it doesn't, than by all means keep feeling the way you do."

NO, I still will know what it's like when I am a customer. That's not going to change my way of thinking. Especially, trying to get obvious mistakes when you only are bringing out 1 or 2 items to a table. I can see servers messing up and getting mixed up if I were in a party of like 5 or more or even 4 people, but only 2 people, the server shouldn't be bringing out for instance a margarita without salt if that is the ONLY thing in her hand when I had ordered salt.

I won't change my view of what it's like in that customer's seat, so it wouldn't change a thing. You act like I have never dealt with customers bitching at me before. Yes, it was on a much smaller level, but still, I know what it was like to have people bitch at you when it wasn't your fault.

"I care about my guests 1000% more than my money."

If that were entirely true, you wouldn't have admitted that you didn't check over the food or write down orders at times. A server that cares 1000%, puts forth the effort ALL THE TIME, NOT just when you feel like it or when it's not busy.

A caring server does it ALL(write down the orders and verify the food they bring out to their customers).

"I've paid for guests food out of my own pocket when the restaurant wouldn't, I've tracked guests down when they've left something at the table and gone home. Hell I've gone as far as to get regulars refills when I'm just coming in to grab something to eat OFF THE CLOCK."

I will agree here that you have gone BEYOND the CALL OF DUTY for these situations that most people wouldn't. The thing is though, if you do ALL OF THAT, WHY be too LAZY to WRITE DOWN THE CUSTOMER'S ORDERS AND VERIFY THE FOOD WITH THE WRITTEN ORDER? You do all of that, even VOLUNTEERING YOUR TIME to get refills for people that won't be paying you at that time(probably will give you more money the next time possibly for doing that if they are fair). So explain to me WHY not write down orders and compare the written orders or tickets to the plates of food? I would like to know WHY you don't? If you are so "CARING" as you CLAIM to be, then PROVE IT by STARTING TO TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE about TEAMWORK and starting to realize you know it was wrong to not write down the orders as well as verify the food. Actually start writing down ALL orders and verifying ALL food orders, even if it's NOT YOUR TABLE you are bringing food to. If you are all into "TEAMWORK" as you are PREACHING to other servers, then when you deliver food that isn't one of your customers, you can STILL go by the ticket(which may or may not be correct) and make sure the food is obviously correct. Also, do you get refills or other request that you can get yourself even if it's NOT YOUR SECTION? I am just curious, because once at Outback, we were delivered our entrées from another server and that server actually OFFERED(THAT'S SO RARE TODAY) to get us anything else like refills. THAT IS WHAT IS TEAMWORK!! Even if it's not your table, you offer to get them any condiments they may want, extra napkins, refills, or order another bar drink. Teamwork is doing what that server did that even though our server didn't bring out our food, that server decided to not just "SERVE-N-RUN" like 99% of them out there do, because they aren't getting tipped, because at most of the chains, it's other servers running each other's food(no food runners). I truly don't know about if Outback has food runners, but I know that Chili's and Applebee's for a fact doesn’t have food runners and it's just other servers running each other's food. In other words, because there's no incentive to do more work, because they aren't getting tipped from that table, most have the attitude "It's not my table." So you see more and more of servers SERVING-N-RUNNING than you do servers bringing out the food and staying for a brief few second to ask if there is anything needed or wrong. MOST DON'T work as a team and if you have a request to get a refill, they IGNORE you, because they aren't your server, although, they WERE "SERVING" me food or drinks that they came to my table, you know.

You paying for customer's food is a rarity and you NEVER see servers do that these days, EVER, so I DO COMMEND you for doing such a thing. I also COMMEND you for VOLUNTERRING your time off the clock to do work, which you NEVER see servers do these days either. As far as customers leaving things behind on the table, to me, that's just an act of kindness that EVERYONE should do, which most servers wouldn't bother to care, so I COMMEND you on that as well.

***I just don’t get why you do all of that, but don't write down orders and verify the orders?***


1. Comparing the tickets to the plates of food even if it's NOT your table(which I know you admitted you didn't sometimes, but do you do EVER even if it's not your table?
2. Have you EVER offered or declined or at least gave a request to the server if you brought out food to customers that asked for something else or if something was wrong?

If you haven't done ANY of these things or you don’t do them all the time, YOU AREN'T 1000% CARING as you CLAIM and you aren't following your OWN ADVICE to work as a TEAM. WHY don't you start taking your OWN ADVICE if you want to continue to claim you are such a caring and good server?

I would like to know if you ever ignored a request for something that wasn't your table? I have had this happen before and I have had things forgotten that the other server didn't fix. I also want to know do you make the original server fix a small mistake instead of YOU doing it such as MOST of the time for some WEIRD REASON, MY SERVER fixes the missing condiments instead of the other server that ran the food to me? WHY wouldn't the server that ran the food to me just fix it and WHY is it put on the original server if this other server brought out the food, WHY have this other server if they aren't going to do the ENTIRE JOB? Once in a blue moon, I will get another server to fix a mistake, but in general, the other server that ran the food doesn’t apologize if there is something missing or obviously wrong and doesn’t usually fix the mistake. They usually go to my server to tell them the problem, which I don’t get? WHY not just WORK AS A TEAM instead and not bother the original server if they are at another table or going to get something for another customer when YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF? I understand you won't make any money off of fixing my missing condiments or offering a refills/anything else, but it can come back to you if EVERYONE WORKED as a team. Some other server would do that type of thing for you and you would do it for their tables.

** I just want to know if you actually take your own advice you are spewing out that if you actually WORK as a team by offering to do work for other tables not in your section?*** Example: When you would bring us our food even though you aren't our server, you would offer us refills or anything else we need or if there is an obvious mistake, that YOU would handle fixing it without the original server's help? Do you do that sort of thing, being that you claim to be so caring? If you don't, don't say you are a GOOD, CARING server then.

** I also would like to know if you apologize for an obvious mistake even though it may not have been on the ticket if you aren't their server when you bring out food that has obvious stuff wrong?*** In other words, if you ran my food to me without my ranch, would you apologize even if you weren't my server out of being NICE? It may not be on the ticket even, meaning, NOT your fault, but would you still be nice enough to apologize? Do you do that, honestly? MOST other servers don't apologize when obvious mistakes are brought to us, because it's NOT THEIR TABLE, so they don't care. It's not their tip on the line.

"Believe me, you wouldn't last 1 week in the job. Like I said, if you don't believe me, try it. But of course that will NEVER happen, because some people just want to bitch to bitch and that's all there is to it."

I have an office job I work 40hrs at and my husband has a good job as well, so I don't need to work another job, nor do I want to go find another job. As far as finding a server job goes, I would do very well, but I would make mistakes as everyone does and would at least TRY MY BEST. I wouldn't start serving if I didn't know what I was serving and that includes knowing bar drinks. I know some, but I don't know all the drinks.

"I was able to choose whether I tipped the bartender out or not. And the bartender was doing a shitty job, guess what. He got a shitty tipout."

My point was with mentioning this, is that if the bartender made an obvious mistake(like no salt on the margarita or white russian vs. black russian(happened once to me), which there is a COLOR DIFFERENCE, hence the names(white and black), that since the CUSTOMER is the person tipping ONLY YOU(NOT THE BARTENDER), it's up to YOU, that's right, YOU to get the obvious mistake fixed **BEFORE** you BRING it to my table wrong. The time I didn't have salt at Outback that I was talking about on my margarita, I noticed it before she left the table. That shouldn’t happen. A GOOD, CARING server would have told the bartender "This lady asked for salt on her margarita glass." The server would have corrected the mistake before it became a mistake in the customer's eyes, because it would have gotten delivered correctly. Now, if another server ran the margarita without the salt, it wouldn't have been my server's fault.

With the white russian vs. black russian situation, the waitress didn't know her alcohol. I am sorry, but even if you don't bartend, you need to know WHAT you are serving. This was at Houston's, which is more expensive than the other chains like Chili's or Applebee's, so one would think better service. Anyway, I had ordered a white russian made with Kahlua and Absolut Vodka. Our waitress comes with a glass that's dark and clear, a black russian. I ask her "This is a white russian?" She at least apologized, but I have ordered white russians like that for YEARS and NEVER had that happen before, because the servers KNEW what a "white russian" was. I didn't think I'd have to say "Put cream or milk in it" when that is what makes it "WHITE" hence the name. Also, that a server would bring out a drink dark, when the name of the drink is WHITE is rather retarded as well. I am assuming that the waitress got confused and said to the bartender(or put in the order wrong) I wanted a drink made with kahlua and absolut vodka, not a white russian since she didn't know what she was bringing me, but you never know, maybe both of them didn't know what the hell they were doing, but I seriously think it was the waitress that was uneducated about bar drinks.

My point is, I don't care if it's the bartender's fault or my server's fault for not making the drink correctly, the fact is some mistakes can be caught by the server if they end up bringing out the drink.

I am just curious if you gave the bartender a shitty tip, because you brought out an obvious mistake that was costly in the tip or did you notice the mistake before it got to the customer as well as got it fixed and because of the longer wait, you gave him a shitty tip for messing up, altering your tip by the length of time the customer waits for their drink? *or* Did you lower the tip due to the longer wait and the mistake if you caught it beforehand? In other words, WHY did the bartender get the shitty tip out? Is it because your tip got altered due to A LONGER TIME or due to you not checking over an obvious error or BOTH?

Please make me understand why you say you are a caring, good server, but claim to not write down orders and verify food? That's the OPPOSITE of what a caring, good server would do. You don't see that?

duTiFul said...

Ok I know this may come as a shock to you springs, but those servers that you get all the time at Chili's and outback, I would almost bet my next month's paycheck on the fact that they do not check over their order EVERY TIME. Or compare it to what they wrote, EVERY TIME. I had said that I had been guilty of it. EVERY SERVER HAS BEEN.

1. Comparing the tickets to the plates of food even if it's NOT your table(which I know you admitted you didn't sometimes, but do you do EVER even if it's not your table?

Yes I do. I have even gone as far as to make the kitchen recook food if it didn't look presentable (much less if it was right)

2. Have you EVER offered or declined or at least gave a request to the server if you brought out food to customers that asked for something else or if something was wrong?
If a guest asks me to do something I do it. Whether it's my table or not. If I drop food at another server's table and their drinks are low, I will either a) get them the refills myself or b)if I'm weeded, make sure the original server knows they're low on drinks.

Again don't act like you know me.

To the point of the bartenders. I will give them a shitty tipout if a)I have to make the drinks myself b) I catch the error, and it was rang in correctly c)they're slow about making the drink d)they're a bitch about making the drink. Those are my rules. And guess what? It works. I hold the bartender to just as much responsibility as I hold myself to.

However, when I'm out eating, I know what it's like to be weeded. Let me repeat that, I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. On both sides of the coin. Both of my parents had worked as servers before they found their careers. They raised me to tip well know matter what. At the VERY MINIMUM 15%. So when you say 20-25% that's in actuality my baseline. I've left 50 bucks on a $25 meal before. Once you work in the industry you'll begin to see that basing the tip on a percentage of the total sales is a load of horseshit that lazy people came up with to make life easier on the cheap assholes out there.

Again don't assume you know me.

Springs1 said...

"Ok I know this may come as a shock to you springs, but those servers that you get all the time at Chili's and outback, I would almost bet my next month's paycheck on the fact that they do not check over their order EVERY TIME. Or compare it to what they wrote, EVERY TIME. I had said that I had been guilty of it. EVERY SERVER HAS BEEN."

HOW do you know that first of all? Second of all, the fact that you don't do it all the time proves you are NOT 1000% caring server as you claim to be. When you tell me you will check over EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY thing you serve, then I will feel you are 1000% caring server, but until then, you aren't, because ***I**** WOULD treat all my customers as if that were ****ME***** in the customer's seat.

I have had a waiter we like a lot that told me my fries were too overdone and CHOSE not to serve me the fries, because he KNOWS how I like my fries. Do you realize that he took the EFFORT to check the plate? Maybe he doesn't do it for ALL his customers, but he sure did it for US EVERY SINGLE TIME, probably because he knew we'd pay him well if he put more effort than for an average customer. Some customers no matter how perfect the service is only tip 10%, because they are cheapskates or they won't ever go higher than 15%. I feel he did check over the food every single time we had him.

A tip to me, should be looked at as an INCENTIVE to put forth the effort needed to do the job well. I could understand if we tipped 10% for perfect service or good, decent service that he wouldn't bother to check the plates and I would completely understand, because he would be treating us as we would be treating him, but since we don't do that, that's probably why we get the MORE EFFORT than most servers do for other customers.

"Yes I do. I have even gone as far as to make the kitchen recook food if it didn't look presentable (much less if it was right)."

Then WHY don't you do it ALL THE TIME? EVERY CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT!! You shouldn't just decide to be lazy for some customers no matter how busy you are or tired you are.

"If a guest asks me to do something I do it. Whether it's my table or not. If I drop food at another server's table and their drinks are low, I will either a) get them the refills myself or b)if I'm weeded, make sure the original server knows they're low on drinks."

That's WONDERFUL, I am impressed, but I still don't get why you are guilty of not checking over the orders at times if you do all of that for customers that aren't even tipping you, but don't do it for your own tables?

"Again don't act like you know me."

I am NOT! I am going by that you have been guilty of not checking over food before delivering it. If you do that ONCE, you aren't as caring as you claim to be. A CARING, GOOD server NEVER delivers food without verifying the written order/ticket(if you aren't the original server). If you go through getting refills for customers that aren't tipping you, then not check over the food, I DON'T GET? Either you are 1000% CARING or you aren't, pick ONE? Either you ALWAYS CHECK OVER THE FOOD AND NEVER BE LAZY & UNCARING or you ONLY DO IT WHEN YOU WANT TO? PICK ONE, either you are 1000% caring or you aren't! WHY not be CARING ALL THE TIME?

"I hold the bartender to just as much responsibility as I hold myself to."

That’s good. WHY not take responsibility for ALL ORDERS being delivered instead of just when you want to? As I said before, being a customer SO OFTEN has taught me that I would NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER NOT COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDER OR TICKET TO THE PLATE OF FOOD!! I WOULD NEVER DO THAT NO MATTER WHAT, EVER!! I know how I feel when my order is obviously wrong, so I wouldn't do it to someone else on PURPOSE as you do.

"However, when I'm out eating, I know what it's like to be weeded. Let me repeat that, I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. On both sides of the coin."

I understand, but doing things wrong doesn’t get you ANYWHERE!! You might as well take some extra time even if you are THAT BUSY and make sure things are right instead of wrong. I DON'T CARE HOW BUSY IT IS, I would NEVER BE GUILTY OF NOT VERIFYING THE FOOD I WOULD BE DELIVERING IF I WERE A SERVER, because I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A CUSTOMER and would NEVER DO THAT TO SOMEONE AGAIN like I did with the drive-thru situations, even though that was not as time consuming, but I am a customer that KNOWS what it's like. I absolutely HATE getting my food obviously wrong as often as it happens. It's not like it happens once in a while, it's A LOT!

"They raised me to tip well know matter what. At the VERY MINIMUM 15%."

I will in my next post since it will be pretty long, send you stories on when we have stiffed servers. I would want to see what your opinion would have been. You probably won't agree with me, because you have the attitude that servers should always get 15% at least that they are ENTITLED to this the way you write, which they aren't entitled to that, it should be EARNED!! I know if I am in a large party, I may have to tip a certain percentage, but 9 times out of 10, I am not in large party to have that happen. I also never would use a coupon that would mandate automatic gratuity, because I feel since we have been through overcharges before so often over the years, that if I was made to pay a certain percentage, I couldn't adjust the tip, so I would rather pay the entire price than to risk having to pay a server well for doing a shitty job. The coupon is NOT worth it. It's not about the money, it's about being FAIR. If the service is crap, the tip should be crappy. There shouldn't be this "TIP WELL NO MATTER WHAT." So you think the server can be rude and ignore you the entire time, then still get 15%? NO WAY! What's the point of tipping if it's not an INCENTIVE to TRY YOUR BEST?

Can you please answer this question:

**WHY, WHEN ANOTHER SERVER BRINGS OUT THE FOOD OBVIOUSLY WRONG(missing condiments, missing side dish, etc.) that MY SERVER fixes the mistake, NOT the server that ran the food MOST of the time?**** I don't understand that, I really don't?

Just yesterday, went to a chain restaurant, the other server brought out my ribs without my 3 sides of bbq sauce, but they did have the mayo for my fries I ordered. This other server just said it would be out in a moment, but NO APOLOGY as usual? WHY? I just simply said "I ordered 3 sides of bbq sauce?" I should have received an apology and that server should have fixed the mistake, NOT my server. My server did apologize. WHY didn’t that other server fix the mistake? WHY is it like that most of the time when another server runs the food with mistakes? Can you tell me why? I don't get it?

Springs1 said...

These are some stories where we stiffed servers and I'd like to know "WWLODD" (WHAT WOULD LOD DO)in these situations AS A CUSTOMER, NOT AS A SERVER? Just curious your take. We don't hardly ever stiff, but when it's deserved, it's deserved. TIPS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE EARNED, NOT A RIGHT!! They aren't supposed to get a tip NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS in a small party.

Then, you could tell me what you would have done as a server if you want, but I more want to know as a CUSTOMER, what would YOU have done if that would have been YOU at the table with a significant other?

I had a waitress at Chili’s. She wrote down my order, but SHE brought out my food with the most OBVIOUS things WRONG. I ordered “Grilled Baby Back Ribs with honey bbq sauce on them with substituting the bowl of cinnamon apples that the ribs came with it for extra fries, 2 sides of honey bbq sauce, 1 side of ranch, and 1 side of mayo. She comes out with the BIG BOWL of cinnamon apples on the plate with only my side of ranch as well as NO extra fries and has the audacity to ask me when she brought out our food “So what did you order” when she WROTE IT DOWN. That was just showing how VERY LAZY she was NOT to REREAD the order. She probably STUPIDLY threw the paper away. The manager told me she printed the ticket correctly. WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO TO PRINT A TICKET CORRECTLY IF THE FOOD IS WRONG? The ticket being correct doesn't matter if my food is wrong, I STILL have my food wrong. It's like whose fault is it for making my food wrong is NOT the issue; it's that the food is WRONG that's the issue. Bringing it to me like that makes the server look like a complete IDIOT when that BIG BOWL is on the plate and she took my order. If another server takes my food to me, that's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT situation, but when it's the SAME SERVER that takes the order there should be some *EFFORT* to make sure my food is taken to the customer correctly as far as OBVIOUS mistakes go. It's like NO EFFORT on her part to make sure I had EXACTLY what I ordered. It makes me mad that they can’t REREAD the order BEFORE they take it to me. I NEVER got ONE apology from her, NOT ONE. I had reported this situation to the manager due to the fact that I had a margarita I had waited for a half an hour, so that’s why I reported her to begin with. Turns out they were out of shakers that the Presidente' margarita came in, so there was a mix up. The bartender made my margarita in the wrong glass. The bartender never told the server about the situation nor did she find out about it within a reasonable amount of time, therefore, I ended up getting my margarita from the manager after waiting literally a half an hour for it(9:02p.m.-9:35p.m.) way after me and my husband were done eating. Someone else apparently ended up getting the margarita that was mine. The waitress NEVER ONCE apologized for all those mistakes. Backtracking here, at about 15 minutes(9:18pm.)waiting for my margarita she asks if I had been brought it, which I told her no, but I couldn't help myself, I told her about all my complaints, because I was really getting SICK of her horrible service without ANY APOLOGIES. I had to ask for utensils TWICE. I told her about that I had to ask for utensils twice and she replied "That's the hostess's job" right to my face. I ended up reporting her to corporate and she got fired. Yes, I STIFFED the bitch, DESERVABLY SO. She could have gone to check on my margarita after the 10 minute mark(9:12p.m.), NOT almost 15 minutes which is what she did. My husband and I were WELL finished our meals even with the mistakes she made by the time my margarita arrived. That was one of the RUDEST waitresses I've EVER encountered. If she would have said she was sorry at least once even, I probably wouldn't have been so pissed off. Some servers are really UNCARING and MEAN.

This story is one of the few times when I lost my cool. WHY? The not apologizing honestly is what made me lose it.

Cooks make mistakes and the server is supposed to KNOW WHAT they are taking to the customer that it is correct as far as what they can see without touching someone’s food. If I order a burger and you bring me a steak, the excuse would be “The cook cooked it wrong”, well WHY (((BRING)))) it to me WRONG? My point is, it frustrates me to see a server brings out the wrong food when THEY took the order if it's in plain sight that it's wrong that they don't have to touch someone's food to see the mistake. WHY write it down just so you can put it into the computer? There are *2*, count them, TWO steps to the process unless a food runner is involved. The cook may forget something or not cook the correct food, but the server took the order, so they should not BRING something that is incorrect that they can actually **SEE**, that is. The big bowl of cinnamon apples, she could SEE OBVIOUSLY as well as my missing condiments. I sat WAITING to eat my food, because I like to eat my fries with my ribs like MOST people do when they eat a hamburger, NOT to eat the fries by themselves and I also like to eat my ribs with MUCH MORE bbq sauce than the tiny bit that put on the ribs. I also eat my fries with ranch and mayo as well, so bringing it out wrong did me NO GOOD, because I sat WAITING to eat my food with it in front of me. It FRUSTRATES me that servers DON’T *TRY* to get the orders correct.

I bet you would have still tipped anyways, because you think we OWE YOU mentality, am I right?

Next story:

I also had a waitress overcharge me by pressing a wrong button. My husband and I both had entrees, which I added a salad to my entree, my husband didn't. The salad was $1.99 if you add it to an entree and it was $3.50 without an entree. The waitress charged me $3.50. This restaurant was not a chain, it was a local small restaurant, which only had literally 1 party of 2 besides my husband and I as well as one person at the bar, that's it. Now I go up to her to ask her why the salad was $3.50 and she goes "It's whatever is in the computer", so I have to show her the menu. This was my FIRST AND ONLY TIME THERE, BUT I KNEW THE PRICES BETTER THAN SHE DID, WHICH IS TRULY SAD, IT REALLY IS. The fact is, the computer price DOESN'T MATTER, because if the menu states a certain price, well that's the price the server has to charge me, NOT what price is in the computer even if this would have been a wrong price on the menu issue. I HATE, DESPISE, that attitude that the computer only matters as if the ADVERTISED PRICE ON THE MENU DOESN'T MATTER. When customers order things off of a menu, they go by the price that is listed, NOT by a COMPUTER SYSTEM. Anyway, she had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO VERIFY THAT CHECK, BUT DECIDED TO BE LAZY. She didn't even ask for them to comp something which I feel she should have since it was HER mistake, not a wrong price in the computer, but it was COMPLETELY HER mistake for pressing the wrong button. My finalized check was "add house salad to entree" instead of just "house salad" as the first check had. Only thing she said was as she was handing me the corrected check "Sorry about the mistake." No "So sorry" as I feel she SHOULD have. This was over a dollar mistake, actually $1.51 to be exact, plus extra taxes and extra tip percentage that the higher check amount would have made her tip. Sorry, but I stiffed her because she HANDLED it as if she couldn't POSSIBLY be at fault when I went up to her. Telling me "It's whatever is in the computer" is EXTREMELY RUDE and it's also putting the blame on a computer, which even if the price was wrong such as (let's say the menu states $4.99 and the computer charges $4.49), it would still be on *HER* to notice that, NOT for the customer to have to notice it. I DON'T CARE what's in the computer; it's what's on the MENU that the customer sees, so that is what counts, NOT what's in the computer. See, if that would have been ME as the server in that situation, I would have automatically looked in the menu to INVESTIGATE the situation instead of blaming a computer. I would have also apologized RIGHT AWAY by saying I was “so sorry “ as well as asked the manager to comp the salad for the longer wait. I couldn't fathom saying "It's whatever is in the computer" to someone, because people are SMARTER than computers. We can catch errors better than a computer. Think about spell check. If I write "Their" and "There", the computer will not catch which "There" or "Their" I meant. We as human beings have the POWER to make sure the computer has the correct price by double checking the check. I feel her *attitude* about the situation is what made me not tip. If she would have been NICER about it, then I DEFINATELY would have tipped her at least 10%. Sorry, but we actually go out to eat every weekend just about, which we have been overcharged over 25 times LITERALLY since 2001 so I am really TIRED of showing the server PROOF that they overcharged me when honestly *THAT SERVER* COULD HAVE made sure they were charging me correctly. They make MORE money if the bill is higher too which is a higher overcharge than the exact amount. Like the $1.51 was like having approx. $1.75 taken from us due to not just taxes that are more but also percentage of tip more. I am just TRULY TIRED of DOUBLE CHECKING SERVERS for what *THEY* are supposed to be doing, NOT THE CUSTOMER! What really got her no tip was NOT the MISTAKE, it was her LAZY ASS, UNCARING, ATTITUDE. She acted as if she couldn't POSSIBLY be WRONG by telling me it's whatever is in the computer. THAT IS SOOO MEAN. The computer price really doesn't matter, because I am ONLY responsible for the price listed on the MENU, NOT the computer price since I NEVER ORDERED FROM THE COMPUTER! It was just her attitude about it as if she was too LAZY to even try to find out by asking her manager. Instead, I had to show her on the menu where it had that the side salads were $1.99 with an entree as if I worked there or something. Trying to prove a menu situation whether it would be price or food related to a server should NEVER, EVER happen, because that server WORKS THERE, I DON'T. The main reason that I stiffed her was that she acted like she didn't even want to investigate what I was asking, which was why the salad was $3.50. She wants a tip, but doesn't care about her CUSTOMER'S MONEY, FUCK THAT SHIT. She DESERVED her NO TIP.

Do you think when I asked her "Why is the side salad $3.50" that it was nice of her to say "It's whatever is in the computer" to me? If I would have been her, I would have NEVER said that and would have looked at the menu to see WHY. I would have never blamed a machine, EVER!! I would have IMMEDIATELY apologized when I would have seen I was wrong instead of saying NOTHING as she said to me. I understand she apologized, but too little, too late, because her ATTITUDE showed she didn't mean it. Blaming a computer for HER pressing the wrong button(which that's what it was), INFURIATES ME!! Especially considering customers don’t order from computers, therefore, the computer price means NOTHING. If the price would have been wrong in the computer, a nice, non-lazy, and caring server would have taken the effort to compare the menu to our check. Then, would have gotten their manager to fix the situation so we wouldn't have been overcharged, but that wasn't what happened. SHE PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON! You would think someone would be nice after showing her proof of what the menu stated by apologizing, but NO, a lot of servers out there only care about themselves, NOT as if that was their money.

I bet you would have still tipped, because you think we OWE ALL servers no matter what they do or how they treat us, am I right?

Next story:

Have you EVER had 5 or more mistakes in ONE dining experience? My husband and I have, which we left zero tip. The waitress was rude because she kissed her boyfriend bye and told him bye while she was getting my drink order interrupting me ordering my drink, but even if she didn't do that, sorry, but I can only take SO MUCH before I feel the server ISN'T TRYING AT ALL AND DOESN'T CARE AT ALL ABOUT HER CUSTOMERS. My husband's soft drink was wrong(root beer instead of diet coke) which she even told my husband root beer and he said "No, diet coke" when she brought it to the table(this happened because she was TOO BUSY kissing her boyfriend and chit-chatting), appetizer came with our entrees instead of as an appetizer, pickle with a toothpick on top of the bun(VISIBLE TO THE SERVER’S EYES)(ordered without pickles), cheese fries were supposed to come with ranch according to the MENU(ANOTHER VISABLE mistake on her part, because NO RANCH was there, NO mayonnaise was brought for my burger as I ordered. Backtracking here, when she had came back with my husband's soft drink she repeated the wrong margarita I ordered which means she didn't even put the order in yet for the margarita which I had to repeat my order again to her due to her worrying about her precious boyfriend instead of doing her JOB. She should have ALREADY PUT IN THE ORDER FOR THAT MARGARITA, ((((BEFORE))))) coming back to the table with the soft drinks. I also ordered the burger with no tomato, which there was a slice of tomato(the manager told me she didn't print the ticket correctly so that mistake was on her). Normally you can't see a tomato so I normally don't blame the server for things the server can’t control, but I could that time, because the order wasn’t put into the computer correctly) and the mayo packets I asked for when I ordered weren't there(ANOTHER VISIBLE MISTAKE). Sorry but when you have THAT MANY MISTAKES, YOU AREN'T TRYING YOUR BEST, YOU JUST DON’T GIVE A CARE! I don't feel that's even worth 10% tip. You didn't go through the bad experience, so you have no idea how it felt. It was aggravating to have to keep repeating my order constantly for things she wrote down and can you believe she wasn't going to write it down the food orders? I had to ask if she could please write the order down. I can't imagine what our meal would have come out like if she wouldn't have written it down. It would have been more screwed up more than likely. I feel that's a ZERO tip for not trying. 1-3 mistakes that are small is tolerable, but getting to the 5 mistakes area is a VERY BAD I feel. To begin with, she showed us lack of RESPECT by INTERRUPTING me ordering my margarita for her to kiss her boyfriend and chatted for a moment. I even get better service at MCDONALD'S than that. It's sad, but TRUE. At least the McDonald's cashier is NOT trying to kiss her boyfriend bye while taking my order. I feel you be rude to me, no tip for you. Also, you would have thought the waitress would have said she was sorry for interrupting me, which she DIDN'T. She did say she was sorry for one of the mistakes, but that's about it. To mess up so many times on drinks, is just really not trying at all. Having to ask a server to write orders down after they had made mistakes is RIDICULOUS as well. Even if she wouldn't have been rude to us at the beginning with the kissing her boyfriend issue, we would have still left nothing, because there were too many mistakes that were COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE. She really acted as if she could care LESS about her customer's happiness. If you went through this experience, I truly think you would have left nothing too. A server is NOT supposed to be INTERRUPTING you ordering to kiss someone. That is just SOOOO DAMN RUDE and a person like that doesn't have any manners to speak of.

Do you think kissing your significant other is appropriate when taking a drink order? To me, that's just as rude as a customer being on their cell phone or the customer ignoring their server. We didn't call over a manager. I just sent a letter to corporate instead. We wanted to just leave it was so horrible.

Next story:

A waiter at Applebee's in 2003 overcharged my credit card around $11 because he rung up the WRONG table. He could have been making us pay the HIGHER bill, so his friends at another table could pay a LOWER bill. He NEVER apologized ONCE and when I went up to him, which I interrupted him getting drink orders(because this was MAJOR overcharge), he IGNORED me, so I IGNORED his tip. It's PATHETIC when the CUSTOMER has to go get the manager instead of the SERVER getting the manager as he SHOULD HAVE. Then the waiter went around the computer where my husband and I were as the manager was returning my money to my credit card getting ready to rering OUR REAL bill, the manager asks "So what they ordered” to the waiter. The waiter blurted it out from MEMORY basically EVERY SINGLE THING WE ORDERED, which to me PROVES he did it on PURPOSE. I did tell the manager I felt he did it on purpose, but he didn’t believe me that he did it intentionally. I didn't get a sorry from the waiter then either. It's pathetic that he didn't even apologize when he was watching our correct bill being rung up by the manager. I was SO PISSED. There are people that WILL do it on purpose. Some will put things on your bill you never got. Yes, it COULD have been a REAL mistake, but at LEAST have the COMMON DECENCY to be NICE ENOUGH to APOLOGIZE for my INCONVENIENCE. The manager at Applebee's I don't believe he apologized and DEFINATELY didn't give us ANYTHING for free for our overcharge or INCONVENIENCE. Our bill was $36 and something cents and the credit card receipt conveniently was brought without the check with $47 and something cents rung up. I was about to write $6, then I realized RIGHT, RIGHT AWAY, the amount was WAYYYY OFF. The ONLY reason why I interrupted someone else's dining experience was because this was a MAJOR overcharge and there's NEVER a reason to make a customer wait over an overcharge such as that. I wasn't about to wait a long time to get this fixed and we shouldn't be punished by keeping us hostage to get to pay our bill because of this waiter's careless or I feel, theft. See, if I would have been the server in that situation, I would have told the party that I was serving that I overcharged a customer, definitely profusely apologized for the interruption, and that I would be right back. I would have IMMEDIATELY apologized to the customers I overcharged instead of no apology. I would have gotten a manager to fix the situation and asked the manager to comp something for the customer's inconvenience, which of course he didn't do. See, I would have (((CARED)))) about my customers, NOT been like that to expect the customer to CARE about my tip if I didn't CARE about them. What goes around, comes around. HE STOLE from me, I STOLE HIS TIP. Instead of $6, he made NOTHING. He also would have made $2 extra dollars from the extra taxes and extra tip percentage from the higher check, NOT just $11. So really, I got overcharged around $13 in a sense, because more taxes and tip would have been paid. The higher the check amount, the higher the taxes and tips under normal situations. Would you have tipped a server that would have IGNORED you when you told him the credit card amount was wrong he charged? He completely IGNORED ME. It wasn't like I was interrupting someone else's dining experience to ask for a refill, this was for a HUGE OVERCHARGE, so I have EVERY RIGHT to EXPECT the server to INTERRUPT the party he was serving to get my check fixed. I personally WOULD have if I would have been the server, because ANY and ALL MISTAKES SHOULD COME FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT SITUATION HAPPENS, MISTAKES SHOULD ALWAYS BE TOP PRIORITY OVER EVERY THING ELSE. I couldn't fathom treating a customer like he did to me. I am willing to bet he was wanting for us to pay for his friend's higher check, so his friends could give him the money, so he would have made literally around $13. For a server not to APOLOGIZE ONCE for such a huge overcharge, which all I said was that my credit card receipt was wrong. It wasn't like I was mean to him or rude. To not apologize for such a HUGE mistake and to be that mean, you are for sure going to get NOTHING.

It’s the UNCARING, UNFEELING WAY HE HANDLED THE SITUATION. I don’t EVER interrupt someone else’s turn unless I have a mistake. I also feel he did it on purpose, because he only handed back the credit card receipts, NOT the check to make damn sure we didn’t remember the amount of our check. WHO in their right mind would not notice a difference between around $36 check and on my credit card slip was charged $47? I’m NOT STUPID, neither is my husband. Our waiter ran off so quickly that we didn't get to tell him when he delivered the credit card receipt and my credit card back, which is why I had to go interrupt him. I wasn’t about to wait LONGER to leave because of *HIS* mistake, if it was a mistake.

I honestly think the waiter was trying to pull a fast one. Get one friend to pay our lower check and us to pay the friend's higher check, this way, he'd get free money as well as at the very least, $2 extra in the tip as well. It's not like I was mean, so WHY wouldn't have he apologized? All I said to him "This is wrong." He may have thought I was being rude to go up to him when he was at another table, but if that were YOUR MONEY, I bet you would have done the same. Maybe you would have given the benefit of the doubt, but if I would have been the server, I would have interrupted the table I was at to fix the mistake. Mistakes come first, PERIOD!! I would have apologized to the table I would have been at and actually told them I overcharged a customer. I would have been completely honest. We should have gotten a comp for an overcharge so high, but NOPE, NOTHING! NOT EVEN AN APOLOGY OF A SORRY!

I don't feel I was rude going up to another table when he was at another table, because you cannot replace our time we lost and it was rude not to compare our check to what he as charging us and not give our original receipt back to us that WAS OURS. I don't feel it's rude if someone has a mistake to interrupt us. Once, at a Chili's, we were going to order our entrées when she brought our drinks, then before she could get the orders, a lady called our waitress over that was at another table complained about her steak. I 100% UNDERSTAND that takes PRIORITY over our turn since she had a mistake. My point is, maybe you think I was rude to the customers to interrupt their dining experience, but that much of an overcharge is too much for me to also think it was just a mistake. I really, honestly think he was trying to steal. Even if he thought I was rude to interrupt him, he still should have apologized for overcharging us that much, but he didn't. I couldn't believe he was able to recite what we had when the manager asked what we had had. I feel for him to know exactly what we ordered and no apology, proved to me he did it intentionally, which I told the manager, which he ignored that theory of course, because it wasn’t HIS MONEY.

I bet your opinion of the situation is that I should have waited "my turn" to tell him about the overcharge? I bet you think I was rude interrupting someone else's service? I don't feel I was, because as I said, when that was US when it was "OUR TURN" we were interrupted and I 100% understand that a mistake SHOULD take TOP, TOP, PRIORITY, because also with that lady's steak situation, her side dish or dishes would be getting colder by the minute, so it's only fair our turn got interrupted as well. No, she didn't go up to our table, but she called our waitress over while our waitress was at our table. I bet you would have thought it was non-intentional and still tipped anyways, am I right?

I would like to know just like "WWJD" WHAT WOULD LoD DO in all of these situations? Would have you tipped or what amount would have you tipped? How would you handle the situations and would you have called over a manager in certain ones? Do you ALWAYS THINK "NO MATTER WHAT" THE SERVER DESERVES A TIP or 15% tip, even if they INTENTIONAL TRY TO STEAL FROM YOU OR INTENTIONALLY BE LAZY?

I am just curious if you TREAT PEOPLE THE EXACT WAY PEOPLE TREAT YOU and if you think servers should get paid NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO and NO MATTER HOW RUDE THEY ARE TO YOU? Do you always have the attitude "NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS" that you will tip or tip 15% after reading those situations we went through? Have you ever stiffed a server before?

duTiFul said...


I'm not going to give you an answer on whether I would tip and how much I would have tipped. What I will say is that you're the type of person who is NEVER HAPPY WITH ANYTHING.

The waiter apologizes in one story. It was too late.

The waiter makes an honest mistake in another story. You think they were trying to screw you out of money.

You go to a server in the middle of him waiting on another table?! I would have completely ignored you till the table was done ordering. That's just as "RUDE" and "MEAN" as EVERYTHING you've said about the servers so far. Not only are you screwing the server on his tip from your table, but now you're messing up his money on this new table too. BE FUCKING PATIENT. I usually treat guests that yell at me across the restaurant or come up to me while I'm with another table with more contempt and give them WORSE service no matter what. That's just having fucking public etiquette. Which you apparently have none of.

A waiter gives you poor service. YOU GOT THEM FIRED. Seriously?

Take a step back for a minute here. Do you work? If you have an off day do you just get fired on the spot? I highly doubt it.

I've said it before you're the type of person I HATE waiting on. You ask for 12 million things, and if one of those things aren't right, there goes the tip. You are the type of person who is honestly LOOKING for a reason to not tip. I don't care what you say about it, you're actions are the same thing I've seen for the last 12 years in the service industry. You truly need to take a step back and look at it from a server's eyes.

As a customer, learn to not be so goddamn annoyed about EVERY FUCKING THING that goes wrong. I agree that the meal should go as smoothly as possible and that the server should do everything in their power to make it that way. But if they don't? Or something happens and it "RUINS" your whole dining experience, deal with it. What you tip is what you tip. I really don't give a fuck because I'm not waiting on you. However, I feel sorry for all the people that have and will wait on you. Because as nice and friendly as they are to your face, I'll bet they dread when you come in. I know I would. No matter what you tip. Sometimes it's just not worth it.

Let me let you in on a trade secret. In every one of your stories you fit a stereotype that most servers have about people. And that is of a demanding bitch, who is going to screw you the first chance she can get. And yes as servers we make judgments on people as soon as they walk in the door and from the minute they open their mouth to order. We have to. We need to know, based on past experiences who is more likely to leave a good tip, and who is not. Those that are, we'll take better care of, and who to let just chill while we're taking care of the "guaranteed" money tables. Now yes, there are sometimes exceptions to the "rule" but it doesn't happen enough to warrant the low percentage tables getting all our attention.

That's another reason I live good tips no matter what. I know how the system works. As a server, if I leave a good tip for someone else, the odds of me waiting on that person and them tipping me good, is pretty high. Not only that, but I'm 25, there's a stereotype about me. I do my best to break those. That way when I go into the restaurant again, maybe the server will recognize me, and the tip, and give me better service. If not, then yeah, you get the typical 2-3 dollar tip.

Look I'm sorry you seem so bitter about life in general, maybe some Valium or Prozac might help you. Maybe even some Xanax. Nest time your in one of your favorite restaurants, ask one of your servers. I'm sure they've got some to be able to deal your ass.

Springs1 said...

"What I will say is that you're the type of person who is NEVER HAPPY WITH ANYTHING."

If that were so true, WHY MANY OF TIMES, we have given 25%-30% if we weren't happy, huh? Obviously, if we go out to eat as often as we do, WE ARE HAPPY A LOT OF THE TIMES!!

"The waiter makes an honest mistake in another story. You think they were trying to screw you out of money."

First off, if it was an "honest mistake, he would have STOPPED in the middle of the table he was at by APOLOGIZING to them just like this: "Sorry, I overcharged this lady by accident, so I have to fix the mistake I made, so I will be back in a moment, I am VERY SORRY." Something like that would have occurred, because that's what **I** PERSONALLY WOULD HAVE DONE!! You said "Put myself in my server's shoes", well I sure did that day.

Secondly, he would have APOLOGIZED to me at SOME POINT, which he had ALL the time in the world while he was watching the manager fix the mistake.

Thirdly, he wouldn't have known our orders by MEMORY ALONE to be able to RECITE what we had if he had messed up.

Fourthly, he would have given back our actual CHECK, NOT just the credit card receipts. He did that so we wouldn't remember the amount. We aren't stupid, you know?

It wasn't an "HONEST" mistake; he PURPOSELY charged the wrong table on my credit card.

If he wouldn't have done it on purpose, he would have came out with SOME apology of some sort when I wasn't mean AT ALL to the waiter. He also would have taken care of it as soon as he could have, NOT making ME go to a manager to fix HIS FUCKING FUCK UP!! That's NOT OUR JOB, that's HIS JOB to get it corrected since we are PAYING for SERVICE HERE. This is NOT FUCKING MCDONALD'S!! He also definitely would have given back our original check and took some EFFORT to verify the amount before giving it to us.

WHY do you think EVERYONE IS HONEST? I know when overcharges have been on purpose, you can tell. MOST overcharges ARE honest mistakes(some are actually the server not verifying the check and not actual mistakes, but HONEST that they didn't mean to overcharge me with intent).

Not giving us our check back to me says it all. Sure, at times, servers for some WEIRD REASON didn't return our check, but DID charge the correct amount. This time though, you could very well see the reason. He wanted to make 100% SURE we didn't verify our check with the credit card receipt total. He ASSUMED, because MOST people don't look at their bill(even saw once a guy not ask for a check, just gave the credit card to a waitress), that we wouldn't have noticed. It's the TRUTH whether you believe me or not is YOUR STUPID SELF! I KNOW HE DID IT ON PURPOSE! Everything was fine until that happened. I even ordered a pasta dish that time, so I neither one of us ordered a complicated dish.

I did have a waitress once at Bennigan's in 2004, intentionally overcharge my credit card due to reporting her to a manager for her poor service. She stupidly stapled the check and the credit card receipts together. She said "It's the computer" when I told her the amount was wrong. NO APOLOGY OF COURS! The overcharge was around $4 and something cents the overcharge. She at least gave both receipts, but was still trying to hide it by stapling them together. She was made because I called a manager on her. She wasn't at another table when I told her about it like the Applebee's waiter.

The thing with the Applebee's waiter, I don't get because we didn't have ANY PROBLEMS DURING OUR SERVICE? I don't get WHY I couldn't have received a SORRY for the mistake itself REGARDLESS if I went up to him or not interrupting him.? Shouldn't I have a RIGHT to INTERRUPT HIM if he isn't going to come back to our table and for SUCH A HUGE AMOUNT? This wasn't 50 fucking cents, this was DOLLARS! This was the ONLY TIME I EVER INTERRUPTED A SERVER!!

If the overcharge would have been 50 cents, I would have waited. DOLLARS like that, NO FUCKING WAY!! I will NOT WAIT! I truly feel like he was INTENTIONALLY DOING THIS being that he didn't return our check, just our credit card receipts. It REALLY LOOKED SUSPICIOUS. I shouldn't have to wait. My credit card receipt and credit card was given back BEFORE he went to that table, so it was STILL OUR TURN since it was such a HUGE overcharge that he wasn't going to come back to the table again to find out about. I'll be damn if you want to sit for 15-20 minutes to get something like that settled? Maybe you don’t mind waiting, but MOST PEOPLE WOULD for that huge of an amount.

"You go to a server in the middle of him waiting on another table?! I would have completely ignored you till the table was done ordering. That's just as "RUDE" and "MEAN" as EVERYTHING you've said about the servers so far. Not only are you screwing the server on his tip from your table, but now you're messing up his money on this new table too."

For one thing, this wasn't just a side of ranch missing or something or even if my entrée was completely wrong I would have waited until he came back. This was when we were ready to LEAVE, AFTER the service was over with and he wasn't going to more than likely come back EVER to the table since we PAID. There are a FEW RARE CARING servers that come back after you have paid to see if we needed something else the times I was finishing my last mixed drink or after we finished our dessert, but those servers are EXTREMELY RARE, because most of the time, you pay, they don't come by, PERIOD, EVER! Once in a while they may come back to get the credit card holder with the credit card receipts, but most wait until you have left.

Secondly, I wouldn't have completely ignored you if I would have been the server. I would have handled a MAJOR MISTAKE BEFORE getting people's drink orders, which is what it looked like he was doing. THAT IS THE MORAL, RIGHT THING TO DO! It's not "MORALLY RIGHT" to IGNORE SOMEONE SAYING THEY WERE CHARGED WRONG ON THEIR CREDIT CARD! WHY would you completely ignore someone that YOU overcharged? I don't think that someone's money should wait to get fixed, PERIOD!! That's a MAJOR, MAJOR FUCK UP!! You want your customers to care about YOUR MONEY, well you need to care about theirs. Especially, it wasn't like he was going to come to our table anymore since the SERVICE WAS OVER WITH!! Don't you get that or what? We would have sat there for 20 minutes or so most likely, don't you realize that? I shouldn't have had to get a manager myself since HE did the fuck up. I also wanted to know what to tip if he was going to apologize or not as well as try to fix the mistake by getting the manager for us, which he didn't.


His new table should take the back burner, because the table that he was just at had a MAJOR MISTAKE that made them be held HOSTAGE not to be able to LEAVE THE RESTAURANT. You act like this was 50 cents or something. Although, we'd still have the same hassle and wait, but I DEFINATELY would have waited for that small amount, but for almost $11, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME THAT I WILL WAIT FOR THAT MUCH MONEY to be taken INTENTIONALLY!! It really looked to me like he was going to give our check to a friend so they could pay the lower bill and we would have paid the higher bill. WHY would have he not apologized even when he was with me and the manager fixing the situation? He COULD HAVE AT THAT TIME. He chose not to, so FUCK HIM!! He PROVED HE DID IT ON PURPOSE ringing up another table on my credit card by not giving back my check(which we have a RIGHT TO A RECEIPT) and because he didn't apologize NOT ONCE.

"I usually treat guests that yell at me across the restaurant or come up to me while I'm with another table with more contempt and give them WORSE service no matter what. That's just having fucking public etiquette. Which you apparently have none of."

You don't get this, obviously. If this was ANY other type of mistake, I would have WAITED MY TURN, but this was when YOU ARE READY TO LEAVE AND THE SERVER ISN'T GOING TO COME BACK EVER, MORE THAN LIKELY TO YOUR TABLE!! It's NOT THE SAME as someone coming up to you to tell you their steak is not cooked enough or their ranch is missing or even an overcharge on their check(because the server WILL COME BACK to see the overcharge).

I went up to him while I he was at another table, because it DOES LOOK VERY INTENTIONAL. Not giving us back our check, just the credit card receipts looks suspicious. The fact that it was for such a HUGE AMOUNT, I wasn't about to just get the manager, because then the waiter wouldn't have known about the situation and he would have thought I would have stiffed him for no reason if this was truly an honest mistake, which it really wasn’t. I wanted to see what the waiter would do to see HOW WOULD I TIP OR IF I WOULD TIP.

As I said before, if someone would do that to me, I would have IMMEDIATELY INTERRUPTED THE TABLE I WAS AT TO FIX THE OVERCHARGED CREDIT CARD BY GETTING A MANAGER. I would apologize to the new table before and afterwards. They'd understand if that were THEIR CREDIT CARD and if THEY would want to leave. They would know the server isn't going to go to see if something is wrong. WHY PUNISH OUR TIME? We had already been punished enough for the overcharge itself, WHY take LONGER?

"A waiter gives you poor service. YOU GOT THEM FIRED. Seriously?"


"Do you work? If you have an off day do you just get fired on the spot? I highly doubt it."


Let's say someone steals, don't you think you can get fired "ON THE SPOT?"

Also, some of the situations may not have been ONLY FROM ME, but MY COMPLAINT was the LAST STRAW. I just HELPED the servers get fired.

"You ask for 12 million things,"

YOU SOUND LIKE A LAZY ASS!! Man, if you don't want to work, do something else!! You sound EXTREMLEY LAZY! SO WHAT if I ask for lots of things, that's YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY ASSHOLE!!

"You are the type of person who is honestly LOOKING for a reason to not tip."


I don't look for reasons to tip, they come to ME you DUMBASS!! I don't make the server forget my potato salad like that waitress did last Monday. SHE DID IT TO HERSELF by not comparing the written orders to what she was bringing us. It's not like she had lots of condiments to bring, they were already there ahead of time, which were the mayo and mustard BOTTLES(no sides, which are easy to deal with) and the ranch was already there when she delivered the bread and drinks. Did I make her make up a story that the kitchen didn't have it ready? NO, I didn't make her not apologize for HER forgetting it.

Do you see WHERE I AM COMING FROM? I am NOT making these people do stupid, lazy things. A real mistake is one thing, but 95% of the time, it's due to laziness that they didn't check over what they were bringing to the table. Also, to LIE to a customer is NOT COOL! You be HONEST!!

So tell me HOW am I looking for reasons not to tip or for reasons not to tip well if THEY are doing the things wrong? I am not going to just let go of something if the server doesn't apologize. If they do apologize, do their ACTIONS MATCH the apology. The way I get better service at the restaurants I frequent is BECAUSE they know if they do a really good job, that their tip will be very good and if they do a lousy job, their tip will be not so good. If they don't have an INCENTIVE to do a GOOD JOB, WHY have the tipping system the way it is? WHY wouldn't they just put it on the bill then like New York restaurants with a service charge or when they have large parties that have automatic gratuity added? Since we don't have that, we have a choice to up the tip when the service is wonderful and to lower the tip or give no tip if the service is not good.

It's just like you were saying your "GUARANTEED" tables is all you care about. That's why tipping no matter what is not a good idea, because you won't try to give good service. You know they will tip WELL NO MATTER WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCK UP!! I will not do that. I would rather have WONDERFUL SERVICE instead and pay 30% than to give you 10% or nothing. That's not worth saving money.

**** Don't you get it's not about the MONEY?******* It's about getting treated like a human being with feelings and TRYING YOUR BEST NOT TO MAKE MISTAKES! If you don't try, that shows you don't care. If you don't apologize when you do mess up, that shows you don't care. I would rather have things go well or if there is a small mistake, it's taken care of quickly and I get an apology for it, then pay you what we really owe you 18%-30%, because I am including the mistake in there, since I am not listing the mistake, I cannot say what I would or wouldn't tip.

"You truly need to take a step back and look at it from a server's eyes."

I DO. If I would have been the server in the situation with a customer that went up to a table if I had overcharged them almost $11, I would DEFINITELY have interrupted the "NEW TABLE" and gotten the mistake fixed by the manager. I would have DEFINATLEY would have PROFUSLEY(SO SORRY) apologized AND ASKED THE MANAGER TO COMP SOMETHING!! If the manager wouldn't have, I would have given $2 out MY OWN POCKET for their longer wait to leave. I would have apologized to the new table before and afterwards for the interruption, but they would understand an almost $11 overcharge would take priority over them. I also would have returned the customer's check to them, because customers have rights to a receipt ANYWHERE you buy something.

See, I looked at it from if I were a SERVER. YOU LOOK AT IT AS IF YOU COULD NEVER HAVE THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. YOU LOOK AT IT AS BEING SELFISH such as "WHAT ABOUT THE NEW TABLE'S MONEY I'M FUCKING UP" instead of worrying about the customers you just overcharged. WHAT A SELFISH ASSHOLE!! I TRULY HOPE ALL YOUR CUSTOMERS STEAL $11 from you and see how it feels. You should have been worried about the customers you would have just overcharged FIRST, since YOU WOULD HAVE OVERCHARGED THEM and they were supposed to be able to leave. If anything, by making us wait longer to leave, that meant less money for him due to less tips since we would have been waiting there longer for him to come back instead of what happened, which was that I ended up going to a manager to get it fixed. It would have been in his best interest to get us out faster. You know how many blogs I see about servers complaining about customers being "table hoggers" that they want to be able to turn the tables faster to make more money?

"And yes as servers we make judgments on people as soon as they walk in the door and from the minute they open their mouth to order. We have to. We need to know, based on past experiences who is more likely to leave a good tip, and who is not. Those that are, we'll take better care of, and who to let just chill while we're taking care of the "guaranteed" money tables. Now yes, there are sometimes exceptions to the "rule" but it doesn't happen enough to warrant the low percentage tables getting all our attention."

WHY wouldn't you want to *TRY YOUR BEST AT **ALL*** YOUR TABLES***? Now, if you know certain customers that never tip or tip 10% for good service, I can see treating them with the least amount of service, but if you don't know such as this is their first time there or you know certain customers that tip based on their service that they WILL PAY YOU WELL IF YOU DO WELL, WHY NOT TRY YOUR BEST and get MONEY FROM ****ALL****** YOUR CUSTOMERS?

"As a server, if I leave a good tip for someone else, the odds of me waiting on that person and them tipping me good, is pretty high. Not only that, but I'm 25, there's a stereotype about me. I do my best to break those. That way when I go into the restaurant again, maybe the server will recognize me, and the tip, and give me better service. If not, then yeah, you get the typical 2-3 dollar tip."

I treat servers the EXACT WAY they treat me in the tip. I think ALL people should, including yourself, because just because let's say someone serves you that you tipped well, that doesn't mean when you are serving them they will DO THE SAME. You KNOW that's the truth. Some people are out JUST FOR THEMSELVES. In other words, they may want a really good tip, but they don't tip well themselves. They also may not remember you possibly if you only came in once into that particular restaurant.

"And that is of a demanding bitch, who is going to screw you the first chance she can get."

NO, as I said before, I will treat you the EXACT WAY you treat me. See, you wouldn't have been willing to interrupt that table for a customer's overcharge of around $11. See, if he would have done what I would have done which was to interrupt the table I was at to fix the mistake, profusely apologize, and either gotten at least a coke comped or gave me $2, his tip would have been 16% or so. See, it's ALL in the WAY YOU HANDLE IT. I should be able to interrupt him considering MY SERVICE WASN'T FINISHED YET since HE made the mistake as he thought and more than likely was never going to come back to the table.

I don't "DEMAND" like say "GET ME THIS", I ASK for something, I don’t DEMAND IT!! I have asked some servers just like this "Could you possibly bring the condiments before the meal, I would really appreciate it?" That's NOT DEMANDING, that's ASKING NICELY. "Can I get another coke?" That's another example. I say "THANK YOU" when they bring me things.

He didn't apologize; don't you think that shows he did it INTENTIONALLY? The interruption has NOTHING to do with apologizing for the wrong amount he charged on my credit card.

"The waiter apologizes in one story. It was too late."

It was a waitress. It wasn't about even if the apology was before she would have gotten stiffed. WHY? Because she blamed the COMPUTER for HER PRESSING THE WRONG BUTTON and NEVER ONCE decided to look at a menu. I had to pull out a menu to show her. As I said, one other couple she had, plus one person at the bar, that was it. She could have had time to notice this and could have tried to act like I wasn't just asking her a question to sound cheap. She acted like she couldn't have possibly made a mistake by not looking a menu and telling me right after I asked her why the side salad was $3.50, she said to me "It's whatever is in the computer." Instead, she could have opened up a menu and looked as to why, at least TRIED instead of been uncaring and lazy as she was. HER ATTITUDE GOT THE STIFF!! She was uncaring and mean, so that's the type of tip she received back, uncaring and mean. She didn't care about our money, not even enough to take a menu open to find out WHY the side salad was $3.50.


NOT when it comes to a server INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO STEAL and when it's time to go, it's time to be able to leave. It's not like he would have been back to our table to ring up the check, he already rung it up. We aren't supposed to be held hostage while he serves others. We were supposed to have been able to put the tip, sign, and leave, but instead not only did I have to get the situation fixed myself, but I didn't get an apology even. NO, NOT with that amount of DOLLARS overcharge, which was INTENTIONAL. He would have given back our check if it wouldn't have been. He punished our time, which was RUDE himself. You talk about rude, look at it from our point of view. We had no apology, no comp, no help to get it fixed from our waiter, and he didn't interrupt the table he was at to fix the mistake, which he SHOULD HAVE. I WOULD HAVE if I WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SERVER, because I would have CARED about OTHER PEOPLE besides MYSELF AND MY TIP FOR THE "NEW TABLE", unlike the likes of YOUR SELFISH ASS!! If the new table tip low because of that, HE DESERVED THAT, although I doubt it affected his tip at all on that table since he didn't help me. If he would have helped me, so what if his tip would have been lower for table!! ALL YOU SEE IS DOLLAR SIGNS AS CUSTOMERS INSTEAD OF HUMAN BEINGS THAT WE ARE!! You have the nerve to call yourself caring, then act like the only table that matters is the new one that he was at. You are a real piece of work. He sure didn't care about our money, did he? WHY should we be so concerned with HIS? What goes around, comes around.

"Not only that, but I'm 25,"

I am 31yrs old, I will be 32 this month just to let you know I have more EXPERIENCE of LIFE than you do, so I do know a lot more about going out to eat than you do.

"Nest time your in one of your favorite restaurants, ask one of your servers."

I have MANY OF TIMES and I have asked NOT TO HAVE CERTAIN SERVERS as well.

duTiFul said...

"There are a FEW RARE CARING servers that come back after you have paid to see if we needed something else the times I was finishing my last mixed drink or after we finished our dessert, but those servers are EXTREMELY RARE, because most of the time, you pay, they don't come by, PERIOD, EVER!"

LAWL! Guess what? I'M ONE OF THOSE SERVERS! You think I'm dumb, lazy, and selfish. Like I've said before, I'm not. I've moved up in my career BECAUSE I'M NOT.

I don't know how many more times I've got to say it. SERVER'S A PEOPLE TOO!! You hold them to honestly too high of standards. Yes the order should come out right. I'm completely agree with you. SOMETIMES IT DOESN'T. Is it that big of a deal really? I mean, is it going to fix the current problems this country is going through? Is it going to cure world hunger? ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING DIE? No, none of those things are going to happen. SO WHO CARES?!

You've got such a high opinion of yourself that you can't see that you're really just another Waspy McWasp that we have to deal with on a daily basis. WE'RE TIRED OF YOU PEOPLE. Like I said before, all I've seen you do on this blog is bitch about how horrible you dining experiences have been. Thing go wrong, who gives a fuck?

And yes I'm 25. And guess what? Because I'm "the typical college kid" I have a stereotype on me that you yourself confirmed.

So here's where I stand on this topic now. You have your views (as utterly ridiculous as they are) and I have mine (as utterly ridiculous as they are). We're not going to see the other person's view. EVER. Soo I bid you adieu. And I hope I NEVER NEVER NEVER have to wait on you.

Unknown said...

How to be a good server in a restaurant...HMMM...You have never been a server. Here's how the game is played. The rules of serving are as follows. Ask your local manager they will tell you.
1. Greet customer
2. take drink order while upselling
3. bring drinks and take food order
4. bring food
5. Check back in 2 bites
6. after done with 1/2 the meal ask about dessert.
7. Drop check
Yes they seriously grade you on your service. If your too slow you get bad marks. If your too fast you get bad marks.
The rules are not made to be just for you. They are made for "everyone". If you want to be catered to you need to go to a high class place to get what you want.
Yes the computer does dictate the price because as a server you can't automatically change the price and the manager has a lot more to deal with then the prices. Which are set by corporate and can only be changed by corporate. IF a manager changes a price he/she has to justify it to corporate with about 8 pages of paperwork.
Before you think you can do a server's job I suggest you learn the rules.

Springs1 said...


"The rules of serving are as follows. Ask your local manager they will tell you.
1. Greet customer
2. take drink order while upselling
3. bring drinks and take food order
4. bring food
5. Check back in 2 bites
6. after done with 1/2 the meal ask about dessert.
7. Drop check"

For one thing, you neglected to mention REFILLS, which are a MAJOR PART of service. That's how stupid YOU ARE!

Another thing, we've ordered LOTS of times when we were GREETED our food orders appetizers and/or salads and/or entrees. Things don't have to go in that order smarty pants.

Another thing, we've had CARING servers come to the table to get our food order even if the bar drinks we ordered weren't ready yet.

As far as being done 1/2 way with the meal, that's only happened a couple of times out of the past 9yrs we have gone out to eat just about every weekend. They are caring enough to wait until we are FINISHED eating to decide if we are full or not or if we ask for a box, that we find out what's for dessert ourselves by asking.

What about checking up on the customers 1/2 way through the meal to see if they need refills you IDIOT, NOT a DESSERT!! You are STUPID!! NO SMART SERVERS ASK ABOUT DESSERT MID-MEAL, NONE!!

There's a whole lot involved in bringing food. Just because you bring it from the kitchen doesn't mean you are bringing me the correct food or didn't forget something. You neglected to mention that though.

"If you want to be catered to you need to go to a high class place to get what you want."

I get what I want from GOOD, CARING servers ANY RESTAURANT I go to.

It's not the restaurant, it's the SERVER that is either caring or not caring about their customers.

"Yes the computer does dictate the price because as a server you can't automatically change the price and the manager has a lot more to deal with then the prices. Which are set by corporate and can only be changed by corporate."

WTF are you acting like I am stupid? I KNOW THIS ALREADY YOU IDIOT! I have LEARNED this through price overcharges over the years. I always knew that the servers couldn't adjust the prices, because I am not an idiot. I also had my first job at a donut shop about 10yrs ago, so I worked with a register that I couldn't just adjust the prices, LIKE DUH, I didn't have the authority to do that!

The situation is, a CARING server would take the EFFORT to notice the wrong price by comparing the customer's check to the menu and if they found an overcharged price on the customer's check, they would go to their manager to get it fixed so it WOULDN'T GO TO THE CUSTOMER!! The point is GET THE MISTAKE FIXED BEFORE IT REACHES THE CUSTOMER! It doesn't matter if it's a side of ranch that the kitchen expo didn't plate or a wrong price, you can get it fixed ********BEFOFE********* you hand it to ME! You personally of course can't fix it yourself, but you sure can tell your manager about the problem, which he or she will fix the situation and then when the check is fixed, then you hand it to the customer. That way, the customer won't be overcharged. We are PAYING for SERVICE HERE, so this is not like McDonald's or a cashier at Wal-Mart. Also, at stores, prices change every week just about, which restaurants it's usually a few months or so before price changes at the very earliest. Also, at stores, you'd have to got the physical shelf for each item, which would be insane. As as server, it's very fast to check a booklet called a MENU(less than a minute to check 5-8 items let's say for 2-3 people depending on if every item has a price such as some restaurants don't list soft drink prices and some even don't list alcohol prices either.)

Also, for instance at Taco Bell once, I was overcharged 40 cents, which was 20 cents more per burrito I ordered. Do you think I blamed the cashier? OF COURSE NOT, I am NOT PAYING FOR HER SERVICE, JUST THE FOOD ONLY, unlike at a non-fast food restaurant, I AM PAYING FOR SERVICE! Get the difference?

Also, you seem like you know so much, not every restaurant is that big to have a corporation. Some restaurants are just local, one location only.

"Before you think you can do a server's job I suggest you learn the rules."

Before you think about go back to work again, I suggest you learn a huge amount about serving, because you left out the BIGGEST THING, REFILLS that have the server coming to the table more than just what you mentioned, YOU IDIOT!!

You didn't mention checking over food and drinks for obvious mistakes either. You are STUPID! You think you know-it-all, but you are FAR FROM IT!! I know more about the menu at some restaurants than some servers do. It's sad, it really is.

Springs1 said...

"IF a manager changes a price he/she has to justify it to corporate with about 8 pages of paperwork."

The managers ALL took off the overcharges, NOT by adjusting the price you idiot, just by subtracting whatever amount overcharged at the end. That's how stupid you are!!

As far as the managers having paperwork, this has nothing to do with the servers or the customers. WHY mention that when it doesn't matter?

We recently had an overcharge a fine dining restaurant, which they had a drink menu that had $10 for the margarita, which I ordered it as is. The check came, it was $12. The lazy, uncaring waiter told me "It must be a misprint." I wanted to ring his neck(not literally, but you know what I mean). IT'S NEVER A MISPRINT. It's that the price was never changed in the computer or the old menu was still there or both. Either way, no server can legally charge me $12 when it was $10. They did adjust the subtotal WITHOUT changing the price, just to let you know how stupid you are!! That waiter could have seen that before we did since we had NEVER been to that restaurant before, but HE WORKED there. What a lazy, uncaring idiot!!

I am not talking about fixing the problem when I come back again. I am talking about fixing the problem WHILE I AM THERE. I may not come back or order that item or it might be fixed the next time if I do come back.

Springs1 said...

"wow, you are the worst possible guest to wait on!"

That's because you are too LAZY ASS to serve me. You wouldn't want to do more work even if it meant a huge tip, because you are too lazy to want to do all the work.

I am smarter than some of these idiots that serve me. Some blame the kitchen staff when I noticed 2 seconds it was wrong when they put the food in front of me without touching a thing.

"your the typr of person that gets spit in thier drink and even worse in thier food. and you deserve it."

NO, YOU DO DESERVE IT for being so MEAN!! I would NEVER tell someone that if I didn't know them unlike the mean likes of you!

NO ONE deserves spit in their food, because it's **ILLEGAL** YOU IDIOT BITCH!!

"it's not the end of the world, it's a fucking side of ranch, or 5 in your case."

I am pretty sure EVERYONE in this world gets mad about SOMETHING that is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, even YOU!! Why can't you just admit that, huh?

"these are just people trying to make an honest living."

That's not true for most. They just care about the tip and not about the customer, that's the problem. Some have tried to intentionally overcharge us and was caught.

Also, you act like customers that aren't servers aren't making an honest living. My husband and I both work making an "HONEST LIVING." NOT EVERY SERVER IS HONEST. We had a waitress that lied by acting like it wasn't her fault *SHE* forgot my side dish(potato salad) with my entree by making an excuse up that she was waiting to bring it, which I can't even remember the stupid excuse she made. Instead of (APOLOGIZING), NO she didn't admit fault. That's NOT "HONEST" is it? Making an "HONEST LIVING" IS BEING HONEST with your customers. I saw she didn't even have it when it was on her tray even. That's how stupid she was to LIE to me.

For lying, she got her 8% and the manager said she was lucky she got a tip at all according to HIS opinion. If she would have been NICE about the mistake and HONEST, her tip would have been 13%. If she would have profusely apologized such as saying "I'm so sorry about that", she would have recieved 16% for being extra special nice and acting like she CARED instead of being an UNCARING BITCH that she was.

"a lot are parents that need flexible schedules or college students. shame on you for being such a cold hearted, judgemental, ignorrant person."



These servers that are parents *CHOSE* to be parents. If they can't handle this job, there are plenty of other jobs out there that they can do.

I can be judgemental, because that's the reason why we get to decide to tip. I can **JUDGE** the SERVER'S PERFORMANCE YOU NITWIT!! WHY do you think we have a *CHOICE* TO TIP OR NOT(unless the restaurant requires you to tip due to being a large party or service charge.)? Most of the time, it's only me and my husband, so we don't have to worry about the mandatory amount to tip and we can decide what amount the server **DESERVES** by their PERFORMANCE and HOW THEY HANDLED MISTAKES if they made any.

My point is, the entire point of the tip is to be JUDGEMENTAL!! Most customers judge their servers on a scale from 20% up or down based on performance. That's the name of the game, being a judge. Judging your own server, which will be the score they will get as a tip. You are an IDIOT!! That's what people do you idiot, they JUDGE their server on HOW they did by tipping them a certain amount based on their service they were provided. You are really stupid!! I hope you get spit in your food just as you told me, YOU BITCH!! FUCK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

I can really understand your view points, since you seem to have gotten some very poor customer service. I just hope that you don't automatically assume every experience is going to be bad, the same way waitstaff is going to try to not assume that you're going to stiff them from the moment you walk through the door. :)

Springs1 said...

"I just hope that you don't automatically assume every experience is going to be bad, the same way waitstaff is going to try to not assume that you're going to stiff them from the moment you walk through the door. :)"

NO, if I thought that negatively, I wouldn't go out to eat.

"I can really understand your view points, since you seem to have gotten some very poor customer service."

At least you understand. I treat servers the EXACT WAY they treat me. I feel, even a small mistake such as forgetting a side of ranch for instance, the server should APOLOGIZE, just simply say "Sorry about that." Their tip would be higher than when most servers don't for small mistakes like that. They don't realize if they are NICE about a mistake and of course fix it as quickly as they can, by them showing they CARE, the customer would be MUCH MORE FORGIVING in the tip. If you are nice, I will be nice. If you are uncaring and mean, I'll be mean in the TIP(not verbally).

I couldn't fathom not saying I was sorry when I messed up at the donut shop I worked at about 10yrs ago, which I didn't always get tipped. Especially through drive-thru, but I still was nice enough to apologize when I messed up and even times it wasn't my fault such as raw food.

We all make mistakes, but I really hate when servers don't try their best. Basically, making the mistake to begin with could be prevented if they gave it their all, but I am finding a lot of servers out there don't. That is what is frustrating. I expect that my server knows what entree they are bringing me since THEY are bringing me my food. I can see another server not caring about if it's the correct food, because they aren't getting tipped from me, but if my server brings out my food, I don't get why they don't care about what they bring out a lot of times? I know they are in a rush, but this is NOT fast food that you can't take 20 seconds(less than that even to notice if it's the correct entree at the very least) to make sure things are obviously correct. I know we all miss things from time to time, but most of the time, the servers don't check over the things they hand you for very obvious mistakes. THAT IS WHAT IS FRUSTRATING!!

Also, if they would be nice when a mistake happens by apologizing and fixing the situation quickly, they'd get more money from mostly all customers, because I do feel being nice helps at least somewhat.

I am just frustrated that servers don't think like CUSTOMERS as if that were *THEM*, like they'd really want to for instance wait 15 minutes to get a coke for a only a party of 2 when you see your server had time such as bussing a table or checking on other customers. I understand I am not the only customer, but you shouldn't make ANY CUSTOMER wait 15 minutes to get a coke. Even if you had to go to the bathroom, I'd ask a co-worker if they could get the coke at the very least. I don't like waiting just like anyone else, so I don't get WHY servers don't understand what it's like to be a customer, when I am pretty sure we all have eaten out at a non-fast food restaurant at some point and time. We are all customers at a store at some point and don't like waiting. We are all customers(mostly, of course not everyone eats fast food) at fast food restaurants that when you are hungry or thristy, do YOU like waiting? It's just common sense, but yet, last week, went to eat a FINE DINING restaurant. Had 4 people, which is including myself in the party. We had to wait almost 20 minutes to get a coke and tea. We asked twice and no apology even. The manager told me over the phone he didn't know WHAT he did wrong. I told her it's common sense if you forgot something, you know what you did wrong. I don't understand servers that do that sort of thing. The wine was brought out WAYYY BEFORE a coke and tea. WHY? I don't get why take soooo long to get a coke and tea? Those should have been brought out BEFORE the wine, NOT even with the wine, and certainly not after the wine. Also, not apologizing gets you a much lower tip. I asked to have ranch with the bread. Instead of offering to bring it out ahead of time, another waiter brought out the bread without the ranch. Our waiter didn't apologize either. I don't understand WHY a server wouldn't act like it was THEM they were serving? As if they really like waiting? They might not mind waiting, but it's sure is nicer to get your coke even a minute faster. I don't know people that truly love waiting, do you? Yet, I get service like this at times. I don't get it, I really don't? I couldn't imagine serving someone like that by not apologizing and taking forever for their soft drinks/tea/water that I would have 100% control of, which in most restaurants,(the manager told me they did have a soda station for the servers) they have soda stations for the servers so no depending on anyone for that type of stuff. I have changed syrup myself for soft drinks at the donut shop, it didn't take but 30 seconds if that even. I don't know in a big restaurant how it is, but it shouldn't take more than 3 minutes to do that when the syrup is out even. Making us wait all that time to get something to drink(not counting water, since yes we did receive water from that other waiter since this was a fine dining restaurant)that you ordered, makes no sense to me. I would say 2 cokes should take no more than 5 minutes, yet, we have waited at restaurants 16 minutes before just to get them even. I don't understand why SOME servers are so uncaring and lazy today. I would be busting ass if I were a server getting refills and first set of soft drinks/tea/water/lemonade WAYYY BEFORE any bar drinks if I could beat out the bartender of course. A customer shouldn't be waiting 10 minutes for a coke, even if you are in a party of 10, unless the customers are ordering stuff or asking lots of questions. I would say from the time you place your coke orders, it doesn't take 10 minutes from there to get 10 cokes, it just doesn't. Some exceptions to that would be hot food is ready or bar drink is ready or you had to go to the bathroom or someone has a mistake with something or customers call you over. In general though, customers shouldn't be made to wait 10 minutes for cokes. If you are in party of like 20, maybe I can see that taking that long even if no other things happen in between.

I guess my point is, can you tell me why A LOT of servers out there DON'T apologize for their mistakes and WHY most don't act like they are EVER customers? They don't apologize, because they don't want to admit fault for their tip to go down, but customers with common sense KNOW WHO is at fault a lot of the times, so it's best to just apologize to get a better tip.

I just really want to know WHY don't they act like THEY are EVER CUSTOMERS? I guess the world of servers that are uncaring are just that lazy. I am not saying ALL, but it seems like a lot of servers are these days. I couldn't fathom making someone wait for a coke a long time or not apologizing for a mistake. I just wish servers would act like it's their food being wrong, their wait time for their coke, etc. WOULD THEY LIKE IT IF IT HAPPENED TO THEM?

purplegirl said...

Okay ... I've been debating about saying anything, but I feel like nothing said to you is really registering. But there's one thing I feel the need to point out. You mentioned in one of your longer comments about not getting enough remoulade sauce for your crab cakes at Applebee's.

Here's the thing: I worked at an Applebee's when they had those crab cakes, two or three years ago. And you're far from the only person to complain about the half-filled ramekin of remoulade.

What you need to understand with corporate restaurants is this: everything is pre-measured and pre-weighed for inventory reasons, and some of those things your server just plain does not have access to. The remoulade was a perfect example (and god, was I glad to see those damn crab cakes go because of it!). The corporate specifications called for one ounce of remoulade, which is half of a small ramekin. This was pre-measured and pre-portioned by the prep cooks in the morning, and kept on the cooks' side of the line.

When someone ordered the crab cakes, the cooks would pull out one of their pre-portioned sides of remoulade and put it on the plate. Now, if I was very lucky, the manager wouldn't be in the kitchen, the expo wouldn't be a tight-ass, and the cooks would be immediately obliging--and then I could ask for another portion and add it to the plate. Unfortunately, I think that happened once. What usually happened when I would ask for more to fill the ramekin is that I would be told by cook, expo, or manager, "That's the spec, take it out and if they want more come back."

So then I'd have to trek out to the table with the crab cakes, and 9/10 out of ten, go back to the kitchen, confirm my customers wanted more, and get that point across to manager, expo, and cook, which usually took a couple minutes of yelling over fryer sizzle, people yelling, and dishes clanging in the wash. It wasn't like ranch, where we could just pour out any amount we wanted and go about our business. It was the same way with gravy, alfredo, hot wing sauce, etc.

Obviously, this is not the case in every instance. Obviously, when you ask for more your server should jump right on it. But the thing is that despite your idea of servers as uncaring slackers, we know damn good and well which side our bread is buttered on. We *want* to make you happy. We *know* that's the only way we're getting a tip. But particularly in a corporate restaurant setting, we're bound by certain rules and sometimes we can't circumvent them. Sometimes the best we can do is go back to the kitchen and tell the tightwad manager that yes, the table would like some remoulade.

Springs1 said...

"When someone ordered the crab cakes, the cooks would pull out one of their pre-portioned sides of remoulade and put it on the plate. Now, if I was very lucky, the manager wouldn't be in the kitchen, the expo wouldn't be a tight-ass, and the cooks would be immediately obliging--and then I could ask for another portion and add it to the plate. Unfortunately, I think that happened once. What usually happened when I would ask for more to fill the ramekin is that I would be told by cook, expo, or manager, "That's the spec, take it out and if they want more come back. Sometimes the best we can do is go back to the kitchen and tell the tightwad manager that yes, the table would like some remoulade."

This is NOT the best you can. You don't get I have had for instance, just late last year, a waiter at Red Lobster that told me he couldn't give me that much ranch-4 sides of ranch, that his manager wouldn't let him. If your manager is a tightwad, you need to let your customer KNOW AHEAD OF TIME they will NOT GET THE AMOUNT THEY ORDERED, all because of the MANAGEMENT, NOT YOU!! He did, WHY didn't you tell your customers they would not only not receive the amount that was stated "A SIDE", which is a ((CONTAINER WORTH)), NOT a "HALF-SIDE."

"Crab Cakes
Two delectable crab cakes served with black bean corn salsa ad a side of tangy remoulade sauce. $9.99"

This is the closest I can find to their real menu they had.

If you KNOW that they wouldn't let you, WHY wouldn't you be HONEST enough to TELL YOUR CUSTOMER THEY WOULDN'T RECEIVE A FULL CONTAINER WORTH unless they asked for more? The Red Lobster waited did, WHY NOT YOU? Do you think you will get fired for telling the customers that? He STILL WORKS THERE BTW!! Being honest with your customers would have helped TREMENDOUSLY!1 Considering the customer is ***PAYING**** for a FULL SIDE, that's just WRONG to hand them the wrong amount without letting them KNOW the AMOUNT THEY WERE GOING TO RECEIVE!!

It's kind of like knowing that the price is a dollar more on the customer's check than the menu price, but you don't tell the customer and overcharge them anyways only for them to find the error themselves. Then, leave you a bad tip for not finding and taking care of the mistake with the manager YOURSELF without THEIR HELP.

Even if a manager would state that they couldn't change the price if let's say the menu price was wrong, as a server it would be WRONG to intentionally STEAL from the customer, therefore, I PERSONALLY would have put the dollar in myself to save my tip from being zero to a decent size tip. In other words, you KNEW you were cheating the customer out of the AMOUNT they were PAYING FOR and ORDERING, so it was WRONG of you to give them less. If you would have just TOLD your customers you would be giving them a HALF-SIDE to being with, you could have brought out a FULL AMOUNT when the food was ready or even BEFORE the appetizer came out to ENSURE they got the amount they PAID FOR!! Even if someone ordered extra, they still should get the amount they ordered. You know what they ordered, YET, don't OPEN YOUR MOUTH TO TELL US it's NOT YOUR FAULT(even though it WAS your fault, because by letting us know WHEN WE ORDER, WE CAN ASK FOR MORE THEN since we KNOW we won't get the amount we were supposed to get), WHY? CAN YOU TELL ME WHY?

Quit putting the blame on management and LOOK IN THE MIRROR at YOURSELF!! A server should TELL their customer they aren't allowed to bring out the amount that the menu states, due to the MANAGER.

"What you need to understand with corporate restaurants is this: everything is pre-measured and pre-weighed for inventory reasons, and some of those things your server just plain does not have access to."

You have access to getting it when it's ordered by telling the customer they will NOT receive the amount they are PAYING FOR, therefore, if the customer wants more, they can ask for more THEN by YOU asking if they want MORE or if THEY end up asking you first, that's fine too. You find out AHEAD OF TIME, NOT WHEN THE FOOD IS READY AND GETTING COLD!! Are you that UNTHOUGHTFUL OR WHAT? At least that Red Lobster waiter told me the TRUTH that he couldn't bring out that much, because his manager wouldn't let him. You could tell your customers why they have to deal with things that appear to be mess-ups that you did, when they aren't things that you are allowed to give the first time around without them asking for more.

It's just like some places require the check to be given before the customer is finished their entrees, which most caring servers tell their customers they are REQUIRED to give the check then. It's so the customer doesn't feel rushed to finish eating, but at the same time, if they want to leave right away, they have their check already.

SERVERS SHOULD TELL THEIR CUSTOMERS IF THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO SOMETHING ****BEFORE***** THEIR FOOD ARRIVES!! If you have to tell them they cannot get more until you see the customer needing more, at least you LET THEM KNOW WHY THEY HAVE TO WAIT TO EAT THEIR FOOD INSTEAD OF THINKING YOU MESSED UP AND DIDN'T CARE ABOUT IF THEY WERE HAPPY OR NOT!! You are an IDIOT to not think about you could be HONEST with your customers. You aren't going to get fired, because that Red Lobster waiter 2 months later I went and saw him. I asked not to get him, because I knew he told me that, while no other servers refused to give me the amount I wanted by them NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES. I am not saying you should not follow the rules. I am saying a server should TELL their customers if they cannot get the amount they ordered and/or even paid for. You should LET THE CUSTOMER KNOW for instance if a product is down-sized even. LET THEM KNOW THIS SO THEY WON'T HAVE A COW WHEN THE FOOD COMES OUT NOT THE WAY THEY HAVE HAD IT BEFORE OR EXPECTED IT TO BE!!

TELL THE CUSTOMER THAT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO SOMETHING!! THIS IS COMMON SENSE!! I would like to know WHY you didn't have the DECENCY to TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS? It's better for business if you do, because the customer will want to come back if their service was good compared to if they thought their server didn't get their order right. I'd rather know what is going to happen than to get my food wrong. Wouldn't anyone?

Just let me know WHY you didn't TELL your customers that they would not receive the full container worth?

purplegirl said...

First of all, please don't equate remoulade sauce to morality. All this "why didn't you have the DECENCY" stuff is ridiculous. Secondly, I'm simply trying to offer you an insight as to how restaurants operate; please don't call me an idiot.

Now, for your question of why I wouldn't tell my customers the exact amount they'd be getting. It pretty much boils down to the fact that "side" is a vague term that tells you next to nothing about what to expect. The corporate office determined that x number of dollars is the cost of two crab cakes and one ounce of remoulade. Nobody was getting cheated. It was a side of remoulade; we just didn't have a portion cup it fit perfectly in. Most people understand that "side" is a subjective term, and simply ask for more if they want it.

And even though people frequently asked me for more, nobody freaked out about it. I had more people angry with the ridiculously small size of the crab cakes themselves--so after about a week of this, when people ordered them, I absolutely did warn them.

But overall, I would not tell people up front, nor when they asked for more, that it was because of corporate policy that their "side" did not completely fill that particular side cup. Most people interpret that sort of thing as a lazy server simply passing the buck and saying anything to appear blameless--whether it's said before or after. So I just smiled and said I'd be back with more right away, and that never caused me trouble.

After nearly ten years doing this job, I know what works and doesn't work with 99% of people. I'm not going to tank my tip with 99% of customers by appearing to be a sniveling excuse-maker right off the bat, just to address the 1% who are looking for a reason to be angry.

I'm curious about something; why do you have nine blogs with one post on each?

btighe said...

"I wish servers would be like that waiter that we gave 16% to. There's not too many servers that will go through that much trouble to make up for their mistake, because a lot of them don't even say they are sorry, much less ask their manager to comp something."

I wish you realized that 16% is not a good tip, it's not even a mediocre tip, it's a pretty lousy tip and while I understand that this particular server's service wasn't 100% as he made some sort of mistake that you docked a random tip percentage for, the fact that you *wish* other servers would strive to achieve that 16% mark makes me glad that you stick to chain restaurants and you'll never come into mine, as in my restaurant tip percentages average 20% and personally averages 23%. If someone tipped me 16%, even if I had made a mistake and apologized for it (or even comp'ed something)I would assume that person is pathetically cheap and probably shouldn't be eating out in restaurants if they haven't yet acknowledged that tip percentage should be well above 15% unless something went terribly terribly awry (not like having an unrequested soda refill brought to the table).

Also, your fascination/obsession with what a "SIDE" constitutes is unnerving. I feel as though you're convinced that a ramekin is the be all equivalent of a side and should be at every restaurant. Have you considered that perhaps restaurants just don't have a million different perfectly sized portion containers for all your condiment needs? You don't need the same amount of ranch when you want to dip your appetizer sized order of Super Texas Awesome Fries as you would mayo for your Unbelievably Giant Mondo Burger. The restaurant probably just doesn't have two different sized containers for what they understand a side to be, thus the not full containers.

I can agree with a lot of your qualms regarding incorrect food coming out, and can also acknowledge that once I stopped working in those terrible chain restaurants you love so much, 99% problems went away and I do agree that it is because there are too many people trying to get mediocre food out to the customers at a rate so quick nobody has time to notice or care whether the food is correct or well made. Now that I work in a locally owned restaurant where the owner is also the head chef, all the food comes out perfectly every time (almost). I am the only one that delivers my food to my table and thus the only one to blame if there is a mistake. I acknowledge that and have at times purchased meals *MYSELF* (as in not through a manager comp) when I have made a mistake. And for the record, that rarely ever is rewarded with a decent tip, as most people don't tip on what they ordered and ate, just on what the final bill comes to. And I'm only saying that if you get something comp'ed that you still devoured the entirety of.

Anyway, I'm sorry you've had such terrible experiences dining out. I feel as though if I had such experiences, I'd think twice before going out again. I do, however, go out with a server's mentality and understand that mistakes are made, ticket times run long, sides are forgotten and still generally tip well because homegirl that forgot my side of honey mustard (I'm not a fan of ranch) still only makes $2.63/hr, is probably trying to pay rent/tuition/loans/bills etc and $1 or two more from me to raise her tip percentage from 19% to 20% will make her day, may get me better service next time I'm in there and does little to affect my piggy bank.

Take care!

Springs1 said...

"First of all, please don't equate remoulade sauce to morality. All this "why didn't you have the DECENCY" stuff is ridiculous."


Wouldn't YOU as a customer want to be told your appetizer is DOWNSIZED or LESS than what the pictures on the menu show what a container of a condiment looks like? I sure want to know so I don't get the food and then have to wait to eat to get some more of the condiment it comes with, all because my server didn't TELL ME. That's just mean and uncaring. That's not very considerate.

I got the crab cakes lots of times and honestly only remember there being a problem once with no having enough just to let you know. Not that it matters, but just to let you know.

"Secondly, I'm simply trying to offer you an insight as to how restaurants operate; please don't call me an idiot."

For you to had to go back many of times to get more suggest you ARE an idiot for not finding out at the beginning to make LESS TRIPS and make the customer happier by getting things correct the very first time around. If your manager told you that you had to wait until the food arrived to find out if that wanted more, then that's different, but it sounds like as long as the customer says they want more. What if the customer asked for extra like I did at the beginning? How would you handle that? Would you have told them you couldn't or that they would have to wait until the food arrived to see if they wanted more? If you could have gotten it through the customer's request when they ordered, then they wouldn't have had to wait for more and you wouldn't have had to make more trips, so that's why I called you an idiot, because if you could have done that, that's stupid to make extra trips for no real reason. Get what I am saying?

WHY you wanted to make more trips if you could have simply TOLD them about the amount they were receiving? That is STUPID of you to risk wasting lots of time, not only for you, those customers, and your other customers as well to just simply tell one sentence worth.

"The corporate office determined that x number of dollars is the cost of two crab cakes and one ounce of remoulade. Nobody was getting cheated. It was a side of remoulade; we just didn't have a portion cup it fit perfectly in."

How come ranch for instance in most restaurants are COMPLETELY FILLED? WHY if it's rance it gets filled, but remoulade, no? The customer wouldn't know that, that's why you should have TOLD THEM!! A "SIDE" is the **FULL CONTAINER WORTH, NOT THING LESS, NOTHING MORE**!!

If I get a full side of ranch, why not a FULL side of remolade sauce?

The containers should ALWAYS BE 100% COMPLETELY FILLED REGARDLESS of what kind of condiment is in there.

This is a picture of an Applebee's appetizer, possibly current or in the past, but either way, it's a "SIDE"(I am guessing "Bleu Cheese dressing").

Considering in the picture a "SIDE" is a FILLED CONTAINER, that's what is supposed to be served, NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS, but the FILLED CONTAINER!!

Also, for customers to complain about this to you, should suggest that some people wanted a normal amount, not a less than half-side or half-side. The containers that they had the remoulade sauce in were the SMALLEST containers Applebee's has. Also, shouldn't it be common sense since I had asked for 2 sides that I wanted the FULL CONTAINERS, like DUH, WHY would I ask for extra, then give me about the same amount as ONE SIDE? That's just stupid. It's common sense if someone ask for 2 sides, they don't want just a little bit to add up to just one. If that was the case, the customer wouldn't have asked for extra, now would have they? DUH!!

These are some appetizers at Chili's. Do you see the fact that the containers are filled or just about full? A side is just that, a SIDE. The CONTAINER WORTH, NOT LESS OR MORE THAN THAT!!

The triple dipper shows the 3 sauces FILLED, NOT HALF-WAY FILLED, ALL THE WAY FILLED!! If you took that appetizer to me with the containers half-way filled, I'd send you back to get what I am PAYING FOR and what I ORDERED!! Even if the crab cakes didn't have a picture, which I don't remember if it did or not, when a menu states it comes with something, just as the picture of the wings had a *(CONTAINER WORTH*), well any customer EXPECTS that they will get a ((CONTAINER)) WORTH OF THE CONDIMENT THE ITEM COMES WITH, NO LESS AND NO MORE THAN THAT!!

WHY when something comes with ranch, you said "It wasn't like ranch, where we could just pour out any amount we wanted and go about our business", well any CONDIMENT should be just as ANY OTHER? That's what the menu promotes in their pictures of the containers. They don't have less than half-filled containers or half-filled containers. At the very least, in the pictures, they have it just about filled. It doesn't matter what condiment it is, the customer is ordering something that they are PAYING for, so you were VERY (DISHONEST) to not **TELL THEM AHEAD OF TIME THAT THEY WOULD NOT BE GETTING THE FULL AMOUNT. It's STEALING. It's kind of like you purposely giving me 4 pieces of chicken instead of 5, knowing I am paying for 5, but YOU DECIDE to do it anyways without LETTING ME KNOW SOMETHING!! That's just MORALLY WRONG!! You know that's the truth!!

"It pretty much boils down to the fact that "side" is a vague term that tells you next to nothing about what to expect."

Actually, it does, by the fact that they have PICTURES on condiments on their menu, let's you know what AMOUNT they put in the containers for the food they serve. So, NO, it's NOT a "VAGUE" term by a LONG SHOT!!

You go by the MENU when you place your order, NOT by what the corporate or manager's consider a side, because a side is a CONTAINER WORTH just as they show on the menu.

Even if you look at this big picture of this appetizer, you see that the containers are definitely over half-way full and just about filled up. THAT IS WHAT A *((SIDE))* IS ACCORDING TO APPLEBEE'S, because in their MENU, they picture THAT AMOUNT for their appetizers that the customer is supposed to receive, NOT HALF OR LESS THAN HALF SIDES!!

By you serving people wrong, when you said "9/10 out of ten, go back to the kitchen, ", then that means you knew you were doing something WRONG, by giving LESS than what the customer is paying for, therefore, WHY NOT TELL THEM? You could have SAVED YOURSELF EXTRA TRIPS BY telling the manager that the customer asked for them FILLED UP by YOU ASKING THEM if they wanted it like that.

"Nobody was getting cheated. It was a side of remoulade; we just didn't have a portion cup it fit perfectly in."

NO, they WERE CHEATED if they were given some afterwards and not to have had to pay for the full amount they were supposed to get the first time around, YES, they were cheated.

Secondly, you honestly think Applebee's didn't have enough money to buy some portion cups worth that was only one ounce? Give me a break!!


"so after about a week of this, when people ordered them, I absolutely did warn them."

About the remoulade sauce being only an ounce or about the crab cakes or both?

"Most people interpret that sort of thing as a lazy server simply passing the buck and saying anything to appear blameless--whether it's said before or after."

NO, that's not true if you OFFER them to bring more and even offer for them to get their remoulade sauce AHEAD OF TIME so they know how much they are getting to see if they want more or not? If anything, that's CARING, NOT being lazy.

You should have told the customers something like this: Our manager mandates that the remoulade sauce be only an ounce, would you like more than that and if so, can I bring it out ahead of time so you know if that will be enough for you so your food won't get cold waiting to eat your food?"

See, I would be **CARING** unlike the likes of you!! I would do all of that ahead of time if it would be ok with the customer, because that way, the customer wouldn't have to sit and wait to eat their food like I have MANY OF TIMES in restaurants before. It's frustrating to wait when your food is in front of you, but you ONLY LIKE the food with the condiment or condiments your ordered.

If you gave me a half-side or less than half-side, that shows that you don't care and got my order wrong. That also shows that you didn’t care about what you brought me if it was right or wrong. You think it shows you aren't lazy, WRONG!! If anything, by you bringing out less than the amount I should be getting according to the other menu pictures of the containers that are filled or just about filled, you look VERY LAZY that you didn't take ANY EFFORT TO **COMPARE THE FOOD WITH THE MENU AND WRITTEN ORDER**! You think that people will think you are lazy to tell them before about it, WRONG!! If anything, if you actually would have tried to OFFER them the OPPORTUNITY to get the container of remoulade sauce BEFORE the food was ready, that would show how much of a CARING person you would be, by making sure they have their sauce WHEN the food arrives, NOT AFTER the food arrives making them wait to eat their food the way they like it. I find that when the waitress brought me a half-side of remoulade sauce when I ordered 2 sides, she appeared lazy to not have noticed for starters a missing container and secondly, that the first container wasn't even filled. Also, it's common sense if someone asks for 2, they want MORE than one ounce, like DUH!!

'So I just smiled and said I'd be back with more right away,"

Did you apologize for getting their order wrong? You did get their order wrong, because the PICTURES on the menu show the containers FILLED(or just about filled enough that one would consider the container filled). You also knew that they were supposed to truly get a full container morally and legally because they were PAYING for that container worth in the price of the item.

"I'm not going to tank my tip with 99% of customers by appearing to be a sniveling excuse-maker right off the bat, just to address the 1% who are looking for a reason to be angry."

You wouldn't be if you would have offered to bring out the condiments AHEAD OF TIME, that way, they would see how much it was and 9 times out of 10, probably ask for more, which you could get more or if the food was ready, bring it out then. That way, NO WAIT TO EAT THEIR FOOD!! THAT IS BEING CONSIDERATE AND CARING, which YOU TRULY AREN'T!!

I bet you never once apologized for bringing out less than what was expected by the customer? You know what was expect that it kept happening, WHY wouldn't you have told them about the situation so they could order more THEN, instead of after they have their food in front of them? You are really uncaring!! I would request not to have you, because you wouldn’t care about your customers being happy.

"just to address the 1% who are looking for a reason to be angry."

NO ONE is looking to be angry. They just want the amount they are PAYING FOR AND ORDERED!! If they see that a container worth on the menu on several items, shouldn’t that mean ANY item gets a FILLED CONTAINER(whatever the size container, but FILLED)?

This site shows the pictures of the items, which just about all the items have the containers filled or just about filled. WHY would a customer think they were getting LESS than the container worth?

So I am NOT looking for a reason to get angry. You would have made me angry bringing LESS than what I am SUPPOSED TO GET since I am PAYING for it in the price of the item and ALL the other food items have FILLED OR JUST ABOUT FILLED CONTAINERS, WHY THE REMOULADE SAUCE IS ANY DIFFERENTLY SERVED BY YOU? You made the decision to not ask if the customers wanted more **WHEN THEY PLACED THEIR ORDER**!!

"I'm curious about something; why do you have nine blogs with one post on each?"

WHY NOT? WHY do you have yours interlinked? 2 of them aren't about servers. The rest of them I have one on each page, because it makes the most sense. Separate topics and the many comments makes more sense to have them separated.

WHY do you have yours altogether? It's not like there's a law stating I cannot do mine differently. I find it more organized this way and I never did it your way before. I don't want to either.

Springs1 said...

"I wish you realized that 16% is not a good tip, it's not even a mediocre tip, it's a pretty lousy tip"

NO, a lousy tip is 10%. A mediocre tip is like 13%. An average tip is 15%. A little above average tip is 18%. A good tip now-a-days 20%. Better than good 21%-24%/ Above average service 25% or higher. 30%(which is the highest I have ever tipped, for servers that treat you like a queen(which is rare, only 4 times that tip was ever given. 25%-26% we have given LOTS of times and that is the God's truth!!

How can you it's lousy when if he wouldn't have done anything to make-up for it(apology, money off the bill), he would have got A BIG FAT ZERO? I would consider that LUCKY he got OVER 15% if I would have been him considering I would have done a major mistake like that forgetting to put in an order.

"while I understand that this particular server's service wasn't 100% as he made some sort of mistake that you docked a random tip percentage for, the fact that you *wish* other servers would strive to achieve that 16% mark makes me glad that you stick to chain restaurants and you'll never come into mine, as in my restaurant tip percentages average 20% and personally averages 23%. If someone tipped me 16%, even if I had made a mistake and apologized for it (or even comp'ed something)I would assume that person is pathetically cheap and probably shouldn't be eating out in restaurants if they haven't yet acknowledged that tip percentage should be well above 15% unless something went terribly terribly awry (not like having an unrequested soda refill brought to the table)."

Something terribly went awry, HE MADE US WAIT TWICE AS LONG FOR OUR APPETIZER AND ENTREES YOU IDIOT!! That was a MAJOR ERROR, not like just forgetting my ranch or getting coke instead of dr. pepper. Do you understand that forgetting to put an order in can RUIN people's outings? Obviously, you cannot understand, because it's NOT YOU PERSONALLY GOING THROUGH IT. If I would have been the server, I would have considered myself LUCKY not to have been STIFFED OR ONLY RECEIVED 10% if I was the server. I don't think like you that **WE OWE YOU MENTALITY** NO MATTER WHAT YOU FUCK UP!!

A TIP IS ********EARNED*********, NOT A RIGHT!!

A person isn't cheap to tip you OVER 15% for making a MAJOR MISTAKE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU APOLOGIZE OR GET COMPED, you cannot make up their ********TIME*********, NO MATTER WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO!! You could get the entire meal comped, but that doesn't make up someone's time. Maybe a couple wants to see a movie, which because you forgot to put their order in for their food, they were late. You cannot make up that time then, no matter what you do, you cannot make-up their time they lost.

I would be honest with myself if I were a server unlike the likes of you that thinks we OWE you no matter what you fuck up 20% or higher!! I wouldn't expect 20% on a mistake of ANY KIND, NO MATTER WHAT THE FUCK IT WAS, even a forgotten ranch. I would expect to be docked, WHY NOT YOU? At least I would be HONEST with myself that people should be FAIR with me when they tip me if I did something wrong. They shouldn't just COMPLETELY 100% FORGIVE ME NO MATTER WHAT!! If they did, it would be nice, but I truly wouldn't have truly EARNED and DESERVED IT!!

"Have you considered that perhaps restaurants just don't have a million different perfectly sized portion containers for all your condiment needs?"

Then the servers need to tell you it's not the normal portion that most think they will be receiving instead of being uncaring about it.

"You don't need the same amount of ranch when you want to dip your appetizer sized order of Super Texas Awesome Fries as you would mayo for your Unbelievably Giant Mondo Burger."

Actually, you are WRONG, if the item comes with the side and even the menu has a PICTURE of what I am supposed to receive like Chili's does, if you brought me a HALF-SIDE, that's on YOU that brought it out WRONG, NOT ANYONE ELSE!! If you couldn't bring out the full amount, TELL ME!! Don't make me think I will get what the menu shows or states if I am not getting that by not telling me anything.

"The restaurant probably just doesn't have two different sized containers for what they understand a side to be, thus the not full containers."

It doesn't matter if it's ranch or remoulade sauce, the CONTAINER worth is what is ordered. Applebee's and Red Lobster have the same sized small containers for condiments. If the restaurant wanted to give less, they would have BOUGHT some smaller portioned containers. It's not like these restaurants aren't making money.

If ranch is filled, remoulade sauce should be served the same in the container. While it may not be the same sized container, they should have the container FILLED. If they don't want to fill a container, they need to get smaller ones or the server TELL their customer the amount they are going to be receiving since it's way less than the norm considering purplegirl had all of those people tell her they wanted more.

"I am the only one that delivers my food to my table and thus the only one to blame if there is a mistake."

Only obvious mistakes. I couldn't fault you if my steak is medium instead of medium well if you put my order in right or if my chicken tenders are raw. I am just letting you know that I don't always blame the server for all mistakes, because sometimes it's not their fault.

"And for the record, that rarely ever is rewarded with a decent tip, as most people don't tip on what they ordered and ate, just on what the final bill comes to."

I tip on a discounted bill if the service was bad. For instance HYPOTHETICALLY, if the waiter would have not profusely apologized, just a tiny apology and not had offered anything for free. Also, let's say I would have called the manager over(not him) and THE MANAGER would have comped something on his own(not by the waiter asking for it), I would have left the tip on the discounted amount. WHY? Look at the way I would have been treated. I would have had to get the manager and a tiny sorry, so if there would have been no effort to make-up for the mistake since it was only his fault, he would have deserved what he put into our service, which wouldn't have been much of anything.

To me, if that would have happened, that would have showed he didn't care, so why should have I cared much about his tip? What goes around, comes around.

Tipping 20% would send him a message "I can forget to put in an order again with these customers and still get paid 20%, so I won't even TRY MY BEST." WHO would try their best if they know they already got the money already? Just about NO ONE would.

If you had a chance to take a $20 bill or work for an hour to get the $20, which one would you choose? Which one would any sane person would choose? I doubt you'd want to work for $20 if you could just simply take the $20 without working for it, am I right?

The tip is supposed to be an INCENTIVE to GIVE GOOD SERVICE!! It's not supposed to be something you receive no matter what you mess up.

"because homegirl that forgot my side of honey mustard (I'm not a fan of ranch) still only makes $2.63/hr, is probably trying to pay rent/tuition/loans/bills etc and $1 or two more from me to raise her tip percentage from 19% to 20% will make her day, may get me better service next time I'm in there and does little to affect my piggy bank."

For starters, if homegirl that forgot your side of honey mustard didn't care enough to APOLOGIZE, WHY should you tip her 20%? Once, a waitress forgot my ranch and instead of no apology as most servers never do for a condiment or condiments missing, she said "I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THAT" and fixed it IMMEDIATELY! Tipped her 20%. Not because of what her financial state might or might not be, but because of **HOW I WAS TREATED AS A HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS**!! She treated me with RESPECT!! SHE **CARED**, SO I CARED BACK!!

It doesn't matter if they are paying for whatever, because customers have bills too and some customers are servers as well.

As far as you getting better service goes by doing that, probably not, because they know you will PAY UP 20% NO MATTER WHAT THEY FUCK UP WITH YOUR MEAL OR DINIING EXPERIENCE IN GENERAL!! If anything, they know you will pay no matter what, so they will not worry about if your food has obvious errors or your time, etc. As I said above, most sane people would take the $20 bill and not work for it if they could instead of work for it, so WHY do you think by FORGIVING HER for her mistake with no apology(just assuming that, because mostly all servers don't apologize for forgotten condiments in general) and making you wait 4 minutes to eat your food is going to make your service better when she's going to do the SAME THING NEXT TIME? Do you think there's any incentive to do better when you tip 20% no matter what? Tipping is like bribe, you do well, more money, you do not-so-great, less money. It's a simple as that. You can control your service a bit more by tipping according to the mistakes in your service instead of ignoring them. I would any day rather have wonderful service without problems and pay 30%, than to pay 10% or nothing. The entire point of being there is to have fun, not to be miserable. The 30% is well worth a server that treats you like you are gold. The money is not the issue that I have a problem with, it's the SERVICE that I want fixed. I want the numerous problems to go away and have a CARING server that will try their very best. It's not worth saving 20%-25% or higher to save money, because the entire point of going out to eat is to be happy. If I am not happy with my service, WHY should I pay someone well that made me MISERABLE OR MAD OR PISSED OFF? DO they honesty care about my bills? WHY should I care about theirs as much if they don't care about my service?

I don’t get why you think about their financial situation? Is the server thinking of OURS? I THINK NOT, SO WTF SHOULD WE THINK OF THEIRS? What goes around, comes around. I tip based on the service. The mistakes and how they are handled as well. The servers don't care about our bills, so why should we get that personal to care about their bills?

"does little to affect my piggy bank."

If that were so, WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT 16% difference to a 20% difference, huh? WHY SAY 16% is a lousy tip if that's only 4% less than 20%(norm for good service today). WHY wouldn't you consider 10% to be lousy like MOST NORMAL SERVERS out there?

If a person's bill is $50 at 16% is $8, which 20% is $10, which that IS WHAT YOU SAY IS "$1 or two more from me", so you just **CONTRADICTED YOUR ARGUMENT HERE**!! You said an extra dollar or TWO. IT DOES AFFECT YOUR PIGGY BANK, because you wouldn't be fucking COMPLAINING about that 16% is a "LOUSY" TIP if TWO dollars wouldn't affect your piggy bank just a LITTLE, NOW WOULD YOU?

If the two dollars doesn't affect your piggy bank much, WHY FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT A 16% tip on a $50 check of instance? Those 2 more dollars would have made it 20%, which DOES ADD UP, yet, you say that it doesn't affect your piggy bank, but then complain about 16%, I DON'T GET THE COMPLAINT HERE?

"the fact that you *wish* other servers would strive to achieve that 16% mark makes me glad that you stick to chain restaurants"

WHY? I treated him the ******EXACT******* WAY HE TREATED US!! I saw during the time we were waiting for our appetizer BEFORE he ended up telling us he forgot and that was before we asked about where it was, that he **HUGGED** someone at a table. NOW, if you have time to do something like that, you have time to DO YOU FUCKING JOB!! I don't feel sorry for him and would NEVER consider tipping 20% knowing that he had time to PLAY AROUND by hugging and chit-chatting instead of worrying about our food. He also didn't get my mayo right. I asked for 3 sides, he brings the equivalent of 2 sides, because I combined all three into 2 containers worth. Thankfully, I asked for the mayo to be brought beforehand, because he got that wrong also.

You don't seem to understand there were OTHER ISSUES besides that, that got him that tip.

If you have time to HUG, you have time to DO YOU FUCKING JOB and NOT IGNORE YOUR CUSTOMERS by worrying about just yourself!1

I treat servers in the tip they EXACT, EXACT, EXACT WAY they treat me. If they don't apologize, much more points off than if they would have been NICE about the mistake by being CARING instead of UNCARING. If they take a long time to fix a mistake(not counting stuff they cannot control), that takes points off also.

I would count my lucky stars if I would have been that waiter to have received above 15%, because we were pretty forgiving. We could have just left him 10% no matter what he did or even stiffed him. We were nice enough to consider that he went through some hoops to make-up for his mistakes instead of none like most servers would do. We considered how **NICE AND EXTREMELY APOLOGETIC HE WAS** as well. That doesn't mean he deserved 20% as if he never made a mistake consider it was a MAJOR MISTAKE, NOT like just forgetting my ranch. WHY do you think we should have tipped 20%? Do I want servers to do that to us AGAIN? That just PROMOTES bad service by letting them know **NO MATTER WHAT YOU FUCK UP, YOU WILL GET 20%**! I will not treat servers like they were the best if they weren't by tipping them 20%, because that's just not fair to customers to do that. They weren't happy with their service, so WHY should they pay 20%? They aren't obligated to tip a penny in only a party of 2 as we were, so WHY should you be so **UNGRATEFUL** as to say that 16% is lousy? You are SO SELFISH to say such a thing and VERY UNGRATEFUL to what you do receive. I bet he was happy he got a decent tip(at least 15%, which we tipped 16%). I bet he was worried he would have received 10% or maybe nothing even.

You cannot make-up someone's time they lost no matter what you do. It's just not possible. Even if he would have gotten the entire meal comped(which most of the time, restaurant managers don’t do that), but let's say he would have, 18% would have been the highest I would have gone, because as I said, you cannot make up OUR TIME WE LOST!! Also, the fact that I knew he had time to hug and chit-chat with someone he knew showed me he was more worried about playing around than his customers. We treated him the way he treated us, PERIOD!!

Your attitude is selfish that a 16% tip is lousy. I know lots of people that tip 15% and that's the highest they go. You should be grateful you receive a tip. Some customers don't tip no matter what you do, so be grateful you receive better than 10% even. I wouldn't be happy getting 12% as a server, but if I deserved it by making mistakes, well, I deserved it. WHY should I get tipped 20% for giving someone lousy service? That's not fair. 18%-20% is for good service today as far as the norm goes. If the service wasn't that good, any server should be GRATEFUL they received just about that amount and not 10% or nothing at all. I don't get why your selfish attitude and that you act like $2 isn't important when you tip, but when someone else tips you, it's the end of the world if they don't give you that $2 more on for instance a $50 check to make it 20%. WHY you think $2 is not important in one situation, but the other it is? That's why I said you contradicted yourself, because that is what you did. Is it because you want people to pay you the way you pay them, even though the way you pay them isn't FAIR, because they didn't *EARN* that 20% for a mistake that they didn't apologize for or/and didn't fix right away? Is it because you don’t care if your service is bad, which means everyone else has to be happy with lousy service?

I just don't get your selfish attitude. I would be happy getting 16% if I forgot to put a couple's appetizer order into the computer. I would thank them for being FORGIVING, because some people would have tipped 10% even though they got a comp and tipped on the after the discounted amount. A TIP IS EARNED, NOT A RIGHT!!

If you don't think customers should dock their server's tip for mistakes, maybe you should work in a different profession? People should treat people as they were treated, because that's the FAIR WAY. You do it the UNFAIR way by always forgiving. That's why customers get lousy service, because of people like you that tip 20% or more no matter what the fuck happens. MAKE THEM EARN THEIR TIP BY TIPPING ACCORDING TO THE SERVICE!

purplegirl said...

I'm going to stop beating my head against a wall; you obviously don't want to listen. You have no experience working in a restaurant, and are unwilling to listen to people who do, who are trying only to explain to you how things actually work and the reason behind them.

You have your mind firmly locked; to you, I'm a lazy, dishonest idiot because of something out of my control (i.e. the size of ramekins and the amount allocated by corporate). To you, my years of serving experience, customer service experience, and management experience mean nothing, because YOU see things a certain way.

Since you've again called me indecent, dishonest, and an idiot, I have no qualms telling you that you come across as an incredibly arrogant jackass. I don't understand how one person be so oblivious when so many people here and on Ribeye's blog, and god knows where else, have tried to explain to you how the real world works and why your "solutions" wouldn't work. I won't waste my time further because you obviously refuse to listen.

Also, I wasn't criticizing your blog setup; I was merely curious.

btighe said...

I don't understand how you can continue to lambaste me for being "selfish" when in -I'm sure- the same breath you were stating that you shouldn't care about their financial situation...isn't it unselfish of me to care about my server's well being?? You're just an angry elf who thinks she is oh so perfect, and would treat every single situation that has ever arisen perfectly, and fairly, and justly, and never ONCE screw that up...if only we could all live on such a pedestal.

purplegirl said...

Okay, I'm game.

"WHY NOT? ANY DECENT SERVER THAT WOULD BE **CONSIDERATE AND THOUGHTFUL** WOULD TELL THEIR CUSTOMERS WHAT THEY ARE RECEIVING IF IT'S LESS THAN EXPECTED, which as you told me 9 times out of 10, it sure was LESS than expected. "Of something that they can't get more of for free, absolutely. That's why I started warning people about the size of the crab cakes. Nobody ever freaked on me about the amount of remoulade sauce--they simply asked for more if they wanted it. Reasonable people understand that a "side" is different things to different people, and also that not every meal is going to match up perfectly with the picture in the menu.

Now, if somebody asked right at the start for extra sauce, I would enter that in the computer, and then they would get two of the cooks' portions. If they wanted more after that, I'd go back to the kitchen.

But say I went to pick up the food and saw the half-filled ramekin, and asked for more because I thought it was insufficient (but in that case I'd be deciding what the customer wanted, which is another thing that grinds your gears). I would be told to take the food out, and come back for more if the customer asked for it. That's just how restaurants control cost on certain items.

"If you took that appetizer to me with the containers half-way filled, I'd send you back to get what I am PAYING FOR and what I ORDERED!!"You got exactly what you paid for; as I already pointed out, corporate had worked out the cost for two crab cakes and one ounce of remoulade. The fact that you expect every container you get to be filled, regardless of the size or the contents, isn't something we can control for. When you asked for more, you got more than you paid for, in fact.

"WHY when something comes with ranch, you said "It wasn't like ranch, where we could just pour out any amount we wanted and go about our business", well any CONDIMENT should be just as ANY OTHER?"My point was that ranch is on the server's side of the line and can be taken freely. Remoulade was not, because it was a higher price item.

That's just MORALLY WRONG!! You know that's the truth!!If following the rules of my job makes me morally wrong, then I suppose I'm guilty. If not wasting my customers' time by breaking down every menu item by its contents and quantities, instead of trusting that they aren't idiots, then I guess I'm guilty of that too.

"Actually, it does, by the fact that they have PICTURES on condiments on their menu, let's you know what AMOUNT they put in the containers for the food they serve. So, NO, it's NOT a "VAGUE" term by a LONG SHOT!!"
If, in fact, there was a picture of the crab cakes with a brim-full ramekin, then perhaps. I don't believe there was; the appetizer sample usually dominates their appetizer menu. However, various sides are pictured throughout the menu, of various sizes--nobody expects the size to be uniform between all items for that reason.

"Secondly, you honestly think Applebee's didn't have enough money to buy some portion cups worth that was only one ounce? Give me a break!!"They could have, yes, but it wouldn't have been very cost effective in the long run, and Applebee's is allllll about penny pinching. Also, this implies that if you had received a tiny cup that was completely full, you wouldn't have been upset. It's the same amount, so I really don't understand why you care so much about a line in an arbitrary cup.

purplegirl said...

"You wouldn't be if you would have offered to bring out the condiments AHEAD OF TIME, that way, they would see how much it was and 9 times out of 10, probably ask for more, which you could get more or if the food was ready, bring it out then. That way, NO WAIT TO EAT THEIR FOOD!! THAT IS BEING CONSIDERATE AND CARING, which YOU TRULY AREN'T!!"Most people would not want their condiments ahead of time, except perhaps bottled things. Who wants their ranch to get lukewarm instead of fresh and cold? Also, if you already have some of the sauce, why would you feel the need to wait until you had all of it before you began to eat? If it had been forgotten entirely, sure! But if you have some already, what's the problem with starting to eat?

"You are really uncaring!! I would request not to have you, because you wouldn’t care about your customers being happy."You know nothing about me. You're extrapolating from one simple, specific incident, and you are completely wrong.
I chase customers out into rain and snow to give them leftovers they forget. A regular's daughter once left her coat, and I took it home with me to deliver to them at church. I've had people who request my station at every serving job I've ever had, and I'm not talking about family or friends.
I routinely get compliments from guests, conveyed to both me and my managers. I routinely get complimented by managers and coworkers. Every day I help coworkers provide better service by sharing my menu knowledge and service tips. When I have a customer with celiac disease, I personally go to the fridge and freezer and read every label of every ingredient of what they'd like, to check for things that have gluten. Etc., etc., etc.
Am I perfect? Hell no! I'm human, and I screw up. Just the other day, I made the worst mistake I've ever made: I completely forgot to ring in two medium well steaks for 35 minutes. I was horrified, and after getting the cooks on it, I went to the table and apologized profusely, offered them salads on me, told them it was all my fault.
Yeah, I screw up sometimes. But for you to call me uncaring is inaccurate and baseless.

"I KNOW I HAVE HAD SERVERS BRING OUT CONDIMENTS AHEAD OF TIME MANY OF TIMES WHEN I ASKED THEM IF THEY COULD DO THAT!!"If somebody asked me to bring their condiments ahead of time, I absolutely would. Nobody has ever asked me to, but if they didn't I wouldn't hesitate. Also, if somebody had said to me "the last time I ordered the crab cakes, I only got a half side cup of sauce. Can I please have a full cup?" then it would have been done. I never said I didn't comply with customer requests, you just came up with that on your own.

"You still never answered my questions if you *APOLOGIZED* for getting their order wrong? You did, because you KNEW it was WRONG to give them less. You KNEW that they weren't supposed to get that little bit in your heart of hearts."You know nothing about my "heart of hearts". And no, I did not apologize for delivering the amount included by default in the price of the meal. If someone asked for extra and I forgot to bring that extra, I would have apologized. Two totally separate circumstances.

"Then, how come when I have asked servers to bring the condiments ahead of time and some I even specified "fill it all the way up", 95% did EXACTLY as I asked them to and I ended up receiving my food without any problems with the ***AMOUNTS OF CONDIMENTS I ASKED FOR**?"You said it yourself: You asked for things ahead of time and specified amounts. 100% should've done as you asked in that situation. That is far from common practice, however. Most people are content to wait until they get their food, assess the amount of condiment given, and ask for more if they'd like it.

I'm going to ignore you calling me a selfish bitch, because I really am not trying to be nasty or argue with you. Some of the things that bother you, I completely agree with.

purplegirl said...

For example, I would never short a customer even a penny of their change. If I owe them 48 cents, that's what they get. I might give them an even 50 cents if I don't want to make their wait for me to get coins, but that's out of my own pocket.
Also, I don't take dirty plates to tables with me unless I get called over by a customer while carrying something.
You've obviously had some poor service, and that really sucks. I was just trying to illuminate to you one particular situation that your server might deserve a little slack, even if that person doesn't take the time with every menu item to verify the amount of everything is what you'd like.

Unknown said...

There are a few things i dont exactly agree with. i can understand bringing things to the table that the customer didnt ask for specifically because it causes clutter. but water? at the restaurant where i work, we automatically bring popcorn and water out. if the customer has a problem with it, they can shove it up their ass. i bet who ever wrote this article is uptight and a bad tipper!!! rot in hell!

Springs1 said...

"You're just an angry elf who thinks she is oh so perfect, and would treat every single situation that has ever arisen perfectly, and fairly, and justly, and never ONCE screw that up...if only we could all live on such a pedestal."

I NEVER said I wouldn't mess up. I said I would do my VERY BEST to treat people fairly and do my job correctly. OF COURSE I would mess up, we ALL DO!!

"that you shouldn't care about their financial situation..."

I am just saying that by you saying we should think about server's bills that they don't think of OURS either. It's a 2-way street of caring and your thinking is ONE SIDED!!

Also, you never said anything about the CONTRADICTING yourself by saying 16% was a low tip, but a dollar or 2 more wouldn't break your piggy bank, so WHICH IS IT, will $2 more break your piggy bank or will you view $2 less dollars a "lousy" tip as you said in your last post?

You don't make sense by saying one thing, then saying another. Either $2 is going to be a huge deal or it's not going to be. I don't think 16% is a bad tip even if the service had some flaws. I think that is a decent amount. 10%-12% and of course lower is a bad tip. I don't understand why you are so UNGRATEFUL to receive a tip. People tip what they want and some people aren't as fair as me and my husband. Prime example, my parents. They had wonderful service at Outback(nothing went wrong and the waiter even got her some extra chocolate syrup due to her telling him there wasn't much last time), they tipped UNDER 15%, because they are cheap. They don't go out to eat much, but when they do, if it's a low bill such as at Waffle House, they sometimes have tipped over 15% due to a small bill(such as the entire bill is $13). If I couldn't afford to tip correctly, I would get take-out, fast food, or cook. I am at least FAIR when I tip. I have friends of mine that tip 15% that's it. Once, I was so embarrassed, which we went to eat at Chili's, the tip on their check(separate checks we got), was $2.88, because that was 15%. If I would have tipped 15%, I would have left $3. It was very good service, so I left over 20% that time on our check. Another couple that we with one time were cheap also. They got a free appetizer and good service, still left a quarter less than 15% about. They felt it was very good service, so it wasn't just my opinion.
Continued next post.

Springs1 said...

My point is, BE NICE enough to point out that I was FAIR and I AM VERY FAIR when I tip, unlike the cheapskates of the world. Can you just admit that 16% would a nice tip for him forgetting to put in our appetizer order?

My husband and I had another time our appetizer order was forgotten, but at a different restaurant, Macaronni Grill. Our waitress didn't write down anything and took the entire order(drinks, side salads, appetizers, and entrees). Needless to say, she forgot something, our appetizer. Our entrees got delivered from another server. When she got there, she put her hand over her mouth when she was notified from the other server that we never got our appetizer instead of immediately saying "I'm so sorry" as I PERSONALLY WOULD HAVE!! She asked if we still wanted it, which we said yes. NO comp, no calling a manager or anything. She did say just "Sorry about that" instead of "SO SORRY" as she should have when she brought out the appetizer while we were eating our entrees. Anyway, we even had a $5 card that was good off of $20 or more, which we tipped 9% of the DISCOUNTED AMOUNT! WHY? 1. TOO LAZY TO WRITE DOWN OUR ORDERS(they do LET YOU, because we went there after that and the servers DID write down the orders) 2. No profuse apology(so sorry) 3. No sorry when she found out, just when we received the appetizer. 4. NO asking the manager to comp the appetizer or at least a COKE off the bill 5. Even if the manager didn't want to comp something, SHE could have saved her tip by paying for at least a COKE off our bill(as you said a dollar or two won't break you). So since she handled the situation so poorly, she got a poor-ass, UNCARING tip! I HATE servers that don't care like that and are too lazy to write your orders down. There's no way I could remember all what we ordered from memory. I even had to ask her what came in the side salad, because side salads descriptions aren't on the menu and they aren't on most menus either. I am glad I asked her, because she said it had olives in it, which I hate olives. So that probably messed her remembering everything too. We ordered all at once due to waiting 40 minutes for a table, so we had time to find out what we wanted before we got seated. That was our first time there. Other times after that, our servers wrote down our orders. I ordered 1 coke and a margarita with salt on the rocks for me. My husband ordered a glass of wine. We both ordered side salads, which I asked her what came in it and specified 3 sides of ranch with it as well as I may have added onions to it if it didn't come with it. Either me or my husband ordered the appetizer. We also ordered 2 entrees. We figured we'd take some home if we couldn't finish it all. Anyway, my point is, isn't that a HECK of A LOT to try to remember all at ONCE without writing anything down?

My point is, we could have left ZERO, but I think the tip was fair.

Can't you just be GRATEFUL for getting 16% for service that had a major issue in it? At least that is a decent amount unlike 10%.

Springs1 said...

"Now, if somebody asked right at the start for extra sauce, I would enter that in the computer, and then they would get two of the cooks' portions."

WHY couldn't *YOU* ASK if they wanted their container filled by telling them before that something like this: "The remoulade sauce is only one ounce, would you like more than that?" WHY NOT SAVE YOU TRIPS? They are ASKING YOU FOR MORE BY YOU ASKING THEM, by saying YES to the question.

"You got exactly what you paid for; as I already pointed out, corporate had worked out the cost for two crab cakes and one ounce of remoulade."

NO, the menu has pictures of their containers that are filled or just about filled. NO ONE expects less than half that tiny container they use, which since you worked there, you know what tiny container was used.

Knowing 9 times out of 10, customers asked for more, WHY not PREVENT that situation by YOU ASKING THEM IF THEY WOULD LIKE MORE THAN ONE OUNCE by saying "Just to let you know, the portion size of the remoulade sauce is only ONE OUNCE, would you like more than that?" WHY not have done that instead of the walking back and forth wasting time crap? That wasted time for other customers you served as well that you could have been at their table getting their refills, check, etc.

"The fact that you expect every container you get to be filled, regardless of the size or the contents, isn't something we can control for."

NOT TRUE!! Put into the computer 2 containers worth and when you get them both, pour one into the other. Magic, you have a full container. You might say you'd get in trouble, but HOW would the manager know what the heck the customer ordered?

"When you asked for more, you got more than you paid for, in fact."

When I asked for extra that was more than the container worth, I know I got more than I paid for. If I would have only gotten the container worth, to me that's the amount I paid for considering the pictures in the menu show containers of condiments filled or just about filled all the way up.

"If following the rules of my job makes me morally wrong, then I suppose I'm guilty."

NO ONE made you not ask if they wanted more!! That would be still following the rules.

"If not wasting my customers' time by breaking down every menu item by its contents and quantities, instead of trusting that they aren't idiots, then I guess I'm guilty of that too."

Obviously, you must think they were idiots for 9 times out of 10, your customers asked you for more remoulade sauce, obviously, they aren't idiots, they went by the MENU PICTURES AND any other times they go to restaurants or that restaurant, they get a full container worth normally. It's not that they are idiots, it's that they are going by what they normally receive and believe that is what amount they will receive. I don't think there's anything wrong with letting them know considering you said 9 times out of 10, they wanted more, so it wasn't a waste of time as you said. You proved that by telling me that 9 times of out 10 people wanted more remoulade sauce. If one person only wanted more, I'd agree some, but most people wanted more, so it's wouldn't have been a waste of the customer's time if MOST wanted more remoulade sauce.

"However, various sides are pictured throughout the menu, of various sizes--nobody expects the size to be uniform between all items for that reason."

They expect to get ENOUGH to eat their appetizer with and obviously, most didn't get enough. Everybody does expect to get *ENOUGH* of the condiment and a "NORMAL AMOUNT" that they normally always get with an item at a restaurant.

"Also, this implies that if you had received a tiny cup that was completely full, you wouldn't have been upset."

Not at the server, just at the cheap restaurant.

I and the rest of the normal dining public go by the NORM of the amount they normally receive in the containers. Most of the time, we don't receive half-filled condiments in general.

Springs1 said...

"Most people would not want their condiments ahead of time, except perhaps bottled things."

That's why you would simply ***OFFER**** to bring them out ahead of time, if they say no, then don't do it. I want things out ahead of time, because they are forgotten SO MUCH. The NUMBER ONE thing that is mostly forgotten is my condiments. Just about a month ago, another server brought out my ribs with fries, no 3 sides of bbq sauce that I had ordered and no sorry from the other server that didn't read the ticket more than likely or the server could have not put in the order right. I am just tired of getting my condiments forgotten, that's why!! I want to be able to eat my food HOT without having to sit several minutes LITERALLY(which I have waited literally 5 minutes in the air conditioning) to get a side of bbq sauce that CAME with the food at Denny's for instance.

I beg to differ. I think most people want their condiments ahead of time. Some servers have voluntarily without me asking brought them out ahead of time, which some didn't ask if it was ok to do so, others did. My mom for instance, would rather not wait to eat her food and just get it ahead of time.

"Who wants their ranch to get lukewarm instead of fresh and cold?"

Honestly, it doesn't bother me any and it doesn't get warm in the air conditioning, it really honestly doesn't. Also, if it's an appetizer, which we were talking about an appetizer, it's not going to be that LONG waiting for an appetizer normally to have it get cold.

Some people wouldn't mine like me. That's why you would simply ASK if the customer if it would be ok. Some servers have asked if it was ok to bring the condiments ahead of time. Once, at Chili's, a waitress asked me if it was ok to bring all of what I asked for ahead of time. She didn't just bring it, she got PERMISSION FIRST, as she should be considerate and thoughtful.

Springs1 said...

"Also, if you already have some of the sauce, why would you feel the need to wait until you had all of it before you began to eat?"

Because it GETS FORGOTTEN ABOUT SOOOOOOOOO MANY TIMES, it's not funny. Especially when another server runs the food, sometimes none of them are there. My husband and I went to Applebee's, which this is one time years ago that I will tell you about. Our waiter took our order, which he wrote everything down. I truly believe he put the order in correctly. A waitress brought out our food with NONE of the condiments(2 sides of mayo, 1 side of ranch, 1 side of mustard, and the bbq sauce on the side) with the bbq grilled chicken sandwich w/fries. No apology from the waitress. The waiter said to me just like this "They are too lazy to read the ticket." I believe him. What INCENTIVE does the other server that won't be making the tip from us have to CARE to get the order OBVIOUSLY right? They don't, so that's why a lot of times when other servers run our food, we have had problems. Sometimes, it has been the server putting the order in wrong, but that was rarer.

There has been plenty of times when our own servers(not another server) forgot to bring the condiments out when they brought us our food. I have this happen so often it's not funny. An example, ordered mozzarella sticks adding a side of ranch to it at a local seafood restaurant. Our waitress brings the mozzarella sticks with just the marinara. No sorry of course and we weren't mean about it either, so don't think that. Ordered a shrimp po-boy(which is a shrimp sandwich with 3 sides of tartar sauce and a side order of fries. She delivers the food without the fries and only 2 sides of tartar sauce with NO SORRY. My point is, this happens REALLY VERY, VERY, VERY OFTEN, so at times, I ask for the servers to bring out the condiments ahead of time. I don't all the time, because I do feel at times, especially when it's only 1 condiment, that they should earn their tip and try to get it right all on their own without me trying to make it come out right. I hate asking that, because I don't want the server to hate me for making them do an extra trip either. I just cannot trust that my order will be brought out correctly. I try to HOPE, but a lot of times it just doesn’t come out right. If the servers would ask if they could bring the condiments ahead of time, NO ONE(regardless of WHO brings out the food) would forget.

One waitress at another local seafood restaurant asked if she could bring out the tartar sauce and ranch ahead of time by saying she didn't want to forget. She was smart, because she didn't want to forget that stuff unlike most servers that don't seem to care if they forget by not trying NOT to forget to being with by doing like HER. She did ASK if it would be ok to bring those condiments out ahead of time just to let you know.

We have been going out to eat since late 2000 just about(not every, every, but pretty darn close) weekend, sometimes 2-3 times a weekend at times even, so we have had SOOO MANY experiences. The number one thing that I have the MOST problems with is the condiments. I don’t want to wait to eat my food when it arrives, because I don't have my ranch or mayo or whatever. I want to be able to eat my food while it's hot or if it's a salad, when it arrives.

Springs1 said...

"Also, if you already have some of the sauce, why would you feel the need to wait until you had all of it before you began to eat? If it had been forgotten entirely, sure! But if you have some already, what's the problem with starting to eat?"

If you gave me for instance one side of mayo instead of 2 sides, there's NO WAY I'd start eating, because that's not NEARLY ENOUGH. That's why, because the food isn't going to taste very good to ME if it's not exactly the way I like it and ordered it. I even ask for extra at McDonald's when they don't give me enough mac sauce, I ask if they can give me more than what they gave me already and they do. I don't want to start eating if I don't have enough. Another example would be shrimp sandwiches(which we call po-boys here). Usually they are 8" long on French bread or 12". I usually get the 8". If I have just one side, that's NOT ENOUGH to START EATING, because I also like to dip the fries in the tartar sauce as well, so all my food needs the condiments and if it's not enough, I won't enjoy it, that's why. Shouldn't it be COMMON SENSE as to why I wouldn't want to start eating the food? Also, if I don’t have my ranch, even if I have everything for my burger, I want to eat my fries with ranch, so if I don't have that, I don't want to start eating my burger just yet until my ranch arrives. Everything has to be as I ordered for me to start eating(unless there is enough of something to start eating, which most of the time there's not).

"I completely forgot to ring in two medium well steaks for 35 minutes. offered them salads on me,"

Just curious how much they tipped you if you remember? That was VERY NICE for you to pay for their salads, NO SERVERS pay for our stuff EVER when they mess up. They always depend on the manager if they want to get something comped. Most don't ask their manager for comps either.

"I never said I didn't comply with customer requests, you just came up with that on your own."

I don't get why you couldn't ask them just ask some servers had asked me if they could bring out the condiments ahead of time? They did it, why not do that? Could help to not get them forgotten and help your tip.

"And no, I did not apologize for delivering the amount included by default in the price of the meal. If someone asked for extra and I forgot to bring that extra, I would have apologized. Two totally separate circumstances."

I think you should have, because as you said 9 times out of 10, people asked for more, so don't you think if they asked for more, they were **EXPECTING** MORE the FIRST TIME AROUND? You got their order wrong, because the menu has pictures of containers filled or just about filled, so NO ONE in their right mind would think they'd get so little bit. WHY should a customer think they'd get a little bit when normally containers are filled or just about filled?

It's not 2 separate circumstances, because you knew that most people thought they were going to receive a full container worth, so by knowing that, you KNEW you were cheating them out of what amount they ordered. If you were able to get more afterwards, why not have asked when they ordered if they wanted more than one ounce so you wouldn’t have had to get more afterwards and could have gotten it with or before the food was ready?

Springs1 said...

"You asked for things ahead of time and specified amounts. 100% should've done as you asked in that situation. That is far from common practice, however. Most people are content to wait until they get their food, assess the amount of condiment given, and ask for more if they'd like it."

I don't think they feel that way, because people don't want to wait to eat their food. It's a pain in the ass to wait while your food sits and wait to get more when you could have gotten more before your meal arrived. Then, you'd already be eating already.

Most people wait until the food arrives to order condiments, because they probably don't think about what they need until the food arrives or maybe they don't know how big a certain item is to know if they wanted a lot and I guess worry about wasting the server's time as well as condiments.

The thing is, NOONE MADE YOU NOT ASK *THEM* if they wanted more than the 1 ounce!! You could have easily asked them considering MOST(you said 9 times out of 10) wanted more, because it wouldn't have wasted time for most people.

You could always offer to bring condiments ahead of time just as the other servers that have voluntarily done for me.

"Some of the things that bother you, I completely agree with."

Like what? I'd really like to know? For real!

"For example, I would never short a customer even a penny of their change."

I know you mentioned this. I am glad you see it from my point of view. It's not the cents I would honestly want(unless I had very horrible service), it's the principle of it that customers get to decide the tip, not our servers. By them taking it ahead of time, really makes them appear lazy(not to go to the bar) and not caring about our money. Part of the service when the customer pays with cash is getting the change unless the customer says to keep it. We never pay with cash, so we don't have this happen anymore. We only had it happen once, because in 2004 they had gift certificates at the particular restaurant we went to, which now-a-days, most restaurants have gift cards, so giving change is not an issue with gift cards like it was back in the older days.

"I'm going to ignore you calling me a selfish bitch,"

I am sorry I called you that. I just get passionate about what I am talking about and it just gets me mad when servers seem selfish and/or uncaring about their customers, because they want our money, but then don't treat us as people too. We have feelings just like you do and honestly I bet if you would be a customer receiving a "side" of something, you would have probably been disappointed in the amount of dipping sauce you had too? Maybe you aren't a condiment person, but I am, so for me, that's what makes the food good. I even ask for ranch with bread and before they took remoulade sauce off the menu at Outback(which was this year), I asked for their remoulade sauce to dip the bread in. I am a condiment freak. I love to eat my food with dipping sauces. That's just how I like my food. I am not a mean person. I just want good service with a CARING server. If I would be a server, I would try my best to be as caring as I could and let the customer know what's up if most people want more sauce. I wouldn't let them receive and then ask if they wanted more. That's uncaring to me. I know how it feels to wait to eat your food without the amount you EXPECTED to get of the condiment, so I wouldn't do that to someone else is all I am saying. I would tell them about the small amount and offer if they would like more, so that way, NO EXTRA TRIPS considering you said that if I asked for more to begin with when I ordered that you'd have no problem bringing that amount out that I asked for. SO that's why I called you an idiot, because I think it's stupid of anyone, even myself, to make yourself more trips if you can easily find out with ONE simple question if they would like more than one ounce. It would have saved time considering most people asked for more.

Springs1 said...

"but water? at the restaurant where i work, we automatically bring popcorn and water out. if the customer has a problem with it, they can shove it up their ass. i bet who ever wrote this article is uptight and a bad tipper!!! rot in hell!"

You are one MEAN EXCUSE for a human being!! Even if you have to bring water automatically, you can ***ASK THE CUSTOMER BEFORE YOU PUT IT ON THEIR TABLE*** so it doesn't "CLUTTER" their table. I don't want water 9 times out of 10 and water should be something you should be able to say yes or no to considering it's an item that is ORDERED!! It's a drink and if you aren't drinking it, what's it to you? So I should have to take water, because you have to give it me? I don't, and I should have the CHOICE by YOU BEING THE CONSIDERATE HUMAN BEING BY ASKING FIRST!! Your job is to satisfy the CUSTOMER, NOT YOURSELF!!

WHY you said to "rot in hell" over because I don't want water and that I want to be asked? I am the CUSTOMER, shouldn't have A RIGHT to not want a glass of water in my service, on my table?

POPCORN? How weird, I never had that one brought out. You should ask your customers BEFORE putting it on their table out of CONSIDERATION and COMMON COURTESY!!

purplegirl said...

Hi again Springs.

I understand your point of view on the remoulade sauce thing; at the time I was a lot more terrified of managers than I am now, so I wouldn't have risked their displeasure by offering to give away costly condiments (in their eyes). If it ever comes up again, the half-filled container thing, we'll see what happens.

I'm sorry your condiments get forgotten so often; I can see why that would be frustrating, and why you'd ask for things ahead of time. I personally wouldn't ask people if they'd like their sauces ahead of time because I trust my coworkers at my current restaurant; it's very rare that cook, expo, and food runners all neglect to notice something. Because of that, taking the time to offer would take up customers' time unnecessarily, and taking things out ahead of time would take up my time that would be better spent getting refills etc. If I worked in a restaurant where people were lazy non-ticket reading idiots, I'd either make sure I was there to check and run the food or would indeed take things ahead of time.

My customers with the steaks I forgot to ring in tipped me $4 on $40, which is four dollars more than I deserved in that instance. The rest of their service was perfect, but forgetting their food that long was ridiculous and I didn't expect or want anything from them.

As far as your points I agree with:

-The money thing, as we already covered.

-Not taking dirty dishes to tables, which I think I saw you mention on one of Ribeye's posts. I've been known to do it occasionally, if I've already loaded up my arms when someone calls me over. I might stop if I have one empty drink glass in my hand, but 99% of the time I won't stop if I have dirty dishes.

-You have a post about servers being responsible for incorrect charges, and I agree with that to an extent. For example, charging someone for an a la carte side instead of a with entree side is the server's responsibility. If there's a happy hour special, servers should notice if the computer is ringing it correctly.

Also, from an academic standpoint, it's the server's responsibility to check each item's price. I just know it would be quite time-consuming in practice for a server to check every item against the menu. With all the responsibilities a server has, we more often than not trust the computer system to have the correct values plugged in.

Say I have a table of six. Let's estimate ten seconds per price check, between getting the menu, finding the item, checking the price. It would add a minute to the time somebody else might be waiting on a refill or more sauce or an initial greeting. Part of serving is managing the overall speed of every customer's time there, and sometimes we have to prioritize and hope that the system is right. You mention in your post that if we have time to write on the check, we have time to do other things; that's a three second process, though, often done while walking out of the kitchen.

Again, if I worked in a restaurant where I couldn't trust that, I'd find a way to make the time.

-I agree that any mistake should be accompanied by an apology. Unfortunately, a lot of people feel like if they admit responsibility they'll be penalized for the mistake more than if they just ignore it. I've never understood that; "I'm sorry" is the first thing that comes out of my mouth when I realize I've made a mistake.

-Menu knowledge is also very important; there's no doubt I can give better service knowing as much as I do about our menu. That said, I occasionally still forget a lemon or something.

-I agree servers should always write everything down. Although I will admit that if I have a single person who orders a meal with no modifications, and I'm not busy, I sometimes won't. Not a good habit to get in to.

purplegirl said...

-I don't ask people if they want change, because I think it sounds presumptuous. I'll just smile and say "I'll be right back with your change" unless something about their demeanor tells me otherwise. For example, last night I had a check of $20.62, and the customer counted out to me a twenty, a five, and sixty-two cents, and seemed final when she handed me the book. In that instance, I politely asked her.

-When I have a mix of bar drinks and fountain drinks, I don't wait for the bar drinks more then fifteen seconds.

-I agree that taking your glass back to refill it, leaving you with no drink, is the wrong thing to do. Not only because it leaves the customer with no beverage, but because there's the potential for things to get mixed up and for the customer to end up with someone else's used glass--disgusting.

-I also hate the freaking survey crap, both having it read to me and doing it myself. The only time I will take up peoples' time explaining the survey is if my manager is in earshot!

Sorry for the multiple comments; I keep getting an error message saying I've used too many characters.

Springs1 said...

I will write more tomorrow. Went to grocery shopping and with work, chores, etc., didn't have much time to write, but I will this weekend definately.

Just letting you know I am going to write back.

purplegirl said...

What, you have a life? No way! :)

Springs1 said...

"unless something about their demeanor tells me otherwise. For example, last night I had a check of $20.62, and the customer counted out to me a twenty, a five, and sixty-two cents, and seemed final when she handed me the book. In that instance, I politely asked her."

I personally would have NEVER "ASSUMED" the change was mine even though without her saying so. She might have wanted the $5 for herself and wanted to give you $4 in ones to get rid of her ones. That is VERY POSSIBLE!! Think OUTSIDE the circle!! Things are not ALWAYS what they APPEAR to be. In your mind, she was tipping you, which if I was to have done that, I would have wanted to get rid of my one dollar bills. I also, since I had a waiter take our 31 cents change without our consent, that if I EVER pay with cash or paper gift certificates again, I will ALWAYS get the change, even if I leave it on the table to see if I have a thief or not. That part will determine the tip and of course how long they wait to return my change or if they refuse to return it. I would NOT have EVER have asked such a thing. You should have just said "I'll be right back with your change, which in turn, she may have said "Just keep it."

I am not sure if you know the story, but I will tell you. In 2004, my husband and I bought $100 worth of gift certificates, which you got $20 free during Christmas time. We used 2 of the gift certificates on me and my husband gave the rest to his friends. Anyway, our bill after we ate was $34.69, which we have him the (2) $20 gift certificates, because that's the denomination we were given in, which was twenties. Anyway, our waiter came back with just a $5 bill, no 31 cents he owed us. I went up to him around the kitchen area, because I was pissed off. I just asked him where the rest of our change was. He did say he was sorry, but no "SO SORRY", because it wasn't his money. It's not the cents that pissed me off, it's the fact that we weren't going to tip him $5 even, maybe $4.50 or $4.25, because the service wasn't so great. He didn't get we had some cash on us as well that we had for the tip and weren't counting on the change from our check. We would have kept the $5 bill. He wasn’t that attentive we had felt and we just weren't satisfied with his service. Go figure, around 6 months later, very good service, 20% on the credit card. Normally, now-a-days, I actually request not to get a bad server either by asking who is going to be our server or just telling the hostess or host before I get seated.

My point is, I wasn't going to tip him $5, so he shouldn't have presumed the coin change was his, but he did anyways and we STIFFED HIM completely instead of $4.50. He got stiffed, because he STOLE our money. Even if it's one penny, I think a server should return it. I'll be honest here, I wouldn't have thought it was as big of a deal if it was only a penny as most people wouldn't, but I still would want my penny back. It's the principle of the situation that money is ours until either we say so or we leave.

Springs1 said...

So, were you right about the lady that she wanted you to keep the change? I would have been pissed, because that, to me, doesn't sound like someone is giving you the change as it's yours already. It sounds like someone just wants a $5 bill instead of ones back to get rid of her coin change and ones. You don't see where I am coming from? Usually people give you coin change to get a larger bill FOR THEMSELVES, NOT for their server. That is the truth. She could have had several one dollar bills and tipped you $5 in one dollar bills instead of the $5 to get rid of the ones. Customers did it quite a number of times at the donut shop. I just feel don't act like we owe you money, EARN it by going to get the change by simply stating "I'll be back with your change" and if the customer says to keep it, then keep it. If they don't say anything, go to get the change. They may tell you to keep it before you even have a chance to say that you will be back with their change.

I had people A LOT at the donut shop I worked at years ago, give me coin change and even more dollars so they could get a larger bill, NOT to tip me!!

"-Not taking dirty dishes to tables, which I think I saw you mention on one of Ribeye's posts. I've been known to do it occasionally, if I've already loaded up my arms when someone calls me over. I might stop if I have one empty drink glass in my hand, but 99% of the time I won't stop if I have dirty dishes."

My gripe wasn't about that at all. It was about if let's say I order something and the server decides to pick up dishes instead of getting it, I find that to be the RUDEST THING and WASTING OUR TIME OF ALL THINGS!! For instance, if I want our check and we have our dirty dishes, honestly, get me my check and THEN you can take the dirty dishes when you bring it back. It SAVES time for both of us, because we get our check faster to look over it quicker and we can leave quicker. The dishes can be gotten right after. I don't need to wait for my server to make a trip to the kitchen to bring our dirty dishes before getting our check if we have asked for it that is.

A good example that really happened and we tipped 15%, but I really wish we didn't that time, because I feel I was too lenient. A waitress at Chili's once years ago, came to get our dirty dishes after we had just finished our entrées. She asked before she grabbed our dirty dishes if we wanted a dessert, which we ordered 2 refills on our soft drinks and I ordered a margarita, no dessert. Instead of going to put in my margarita order and getting our soft drink refills before the margarita was even ready, NO, she puts our dirty dishes on a table across from us and starts piling more dishes. She continues to buss the table as well. BTW, NO wait for a table at the time, which this was around 11p.m., they close at 12a.m. She didn't have to delay our drinks. She was rude to have done that. I don't want to risk getting spit in my drink or something, so I didn't ask her if she could stop to go do as we asked, but I feel next time, I might just TRY to ask politely if the server could stop. I bet she wouldn't have though. The rest of the service was good, just that really bugs me when someone makes cleaning up ahead of a customer. When I was at the donut shop, if one of the 2 booths were dirty, but let's say a couple walked in and sat at the counter, I wouldn't worry about picking up those dirty dishes first. I went to serve the customers and then after I didn't have anymore customer request, I cleaned up the booths. I know they have some corporate policy "Hands full in, hands full out" as far as the kitchen goes, but at this Chili's, they even have a soda station not in the kitchen. It's nearer to the bathrooms than the kitchen. I feel she could have just grabbed one dish if she was required to bring something to the kitchen instead of actually taking some minutes to buss the table even.

Springs1 said...

Purplegirl- Continued from last post about dirty dishes.
I just don't know ANYONE that truly likes waiting. Some people may not mind waiting, but most people don't like waiting period!!

If I would have been the server, I would have taken the dirty dishes and put them on the dirty table that had some already instead of wasting a trip to the kitchen. I would have gone to put the order in for the margarita and then I would have gone to get the soft drink refills. Then, during the time I was waiting if there were no request from anyone else, I would have then pilled up the dishes and bussed the table. Then, I would have gone to see about the margarita if it was ready to bring the customer. That would have been the **CONSIDERATE** way to serve someone. It's kind of like if you went to McDonald's, but the cashier ignored you to keep cleaning, would you like it? I bet you wouldn't. People want to get their stuff in a timely manner, not counting appetizers running into entrées, because that's a different situation that normally people would not want to happen to be that rushed with their meal. I am talking about wanting something to drink should take priority over dirty dishes and bussing a table.

"-I agree servers should always write everything down. Although I will admit that if I have a single person who orders a meal with no modifications, and I'm not busy, I sometimes won't. Not a good habit to get in to."

NO, not a good habit.

"With all the responsibilities a server has, we more often than not trust the computer system to have the correct values plugged in.

Say I have a table of six. Let's estimate ten seconds per price check, between getting the menu, finding the item, checking the price. It would add a minute to the time somebody else might be waiting on a refill or more sauce or an initial greeting. Part of serving is managing the overall speed of every customer's time there, and sometimes we have to prioritize and hope that the system is right. You mention in your post that if we have time to write on the check, we have time to do other things; that's a three second process, though, often done while walking out of the kitchen.

Again, if I worked in a restaurant where I couldn't trust that, I'd find a way to make the time."

You say if you couldn't trust the computer system, but how do you know that there wasn't a wrong price? MOSTLY ALL customers do NOT check the prices of their check. I KNOW, I have talked to people and even once have seen a man with a woman just give his credit card to pay without the check even(VERY STUPID AND TRUSTING MAN(I don't mean done on purpose stuff more as much, I mean we all make mistakes, so there could be something not right on the check, so it's smarter to take the time to look over your check). My boss said she never looks at her bill. There have been times where my sister-n-law(works as a waitress sometimes and a bartender sometimes), where customers would double tip not noticing the automatic gratuity. I could not imagine not looking over my bill.

My point is, customers may not have known the price was wrong and since you don't check it, you wouldn’t have known either. I guess my point is, HOW do you truly know you can trust the computer prices if you NEVER TRIED TO CHECK IT?

Springs1 said...

Purplegirl- Continued from last post about dirty dishes.
I just don't know ANYONE that truly likes waiting. Some people may not mind waiting, but most people don't like waiting period!!

If I would have been the server, I would have taken the dirty dishes and put them on the dirty table that had some already instead of wasting a trip to the kitchen. I would have gone to put the order in for the margarita and then I would have gone to get the soft drink refills. Then, during the time I was waiting if there were no request from anyone else, I would have then pilled up the dishes and bussed the table. Then, I would have gone to see about the margarita if it was ready to bring the customer. That would have been the **CONSIDERATE** way to serve someone. It's kind of like if you went to McDonald's, but the cashier ignored you to keep cleaning, would you like it? I bet you wouldn't. People want to get their stuff in a timely manner, not counting appetizers running into entrées, because that's a different situation that normally people would not want to happen to be that rushed with their meal. I am talking about wanting something to drink should take priority over dirty dishes and bussing a table.

"-I agree servers should always write everything down. Although I will admit that if I have a single person who orders a meal with no modifications, and I'm not busy, I sometimes won't. Not a good habit to get in to."

NO, not a good habit.

"With all the responsibilities a server has, we more often than not trust the computer system to have the correct values plugged in.

Say I have a table of six. Let's estimate ten seconds per price check, between getting the menu, finding the item, checking the price. It would add a minute to the time somebody else might be waiting on a refill or more sauce or an initial greeting. Part of serving is managing the overall speed of every customer's time there, and sometimes we have to prioritize and hope that the system is right. You mention in your post that if we have time to write on the check, we have time to do other things; that's a three second process, though, often done while walking out of the kitchen.

Again, if I worked in a restaurant where I couldn't trust that, I'd find a way to make the time."

You say if you couldn't trust the computer system, but how do you know that there wasn't a wrong price? MOSTLY ALL customers do NOT check the prices of their check. I KNOW, I have talked to people and even once have seen a man with a woman just give his credit card to pay without the check even(VERY STUPID AND TRUSTING MAN(I don't mean done on purpose stuff more as much, I mean we all make mistakes, so there could be something not right on the check, so it's smarter to take the time to look over your check). My boss said she never looks at her bill. There have been times where my sister-n-law(works as a waitress sometimes and a bartender sometimes), where customers would double tip not noticing the automatic gratuity. I could not imagine not looking over my bill.

My point is, customers may not have known the price was wrong and since you don't check it, you wouldn’t have known either. I guess my point is, HOW do you truly know you can trust the computer prices if you NEVER TRIED TO CHECK IT?

Springs1 said...

"It would add a minute to the time somebody else might be waiting on a refill or more sauce or an initial greeting."

Now, this part I don't like. So someone else's service is **MORE IMPORTANT** than OUR MONEY? Sorry, but every customer's check should be JUST as if that were **YOUR** TIP MONEY!! If you want our money, **CARE** about our money, otherwise, don't expect a good tip unless the overcharge is 5 cents or something like that.

Other people's refills and greets can ***WAIT THEIR TURN*** until you know the customer's check is correct. Just Saturday, went to a new restaurant we never have been to. This restaurant has been around about more than 6 months, but I don't even think a year yet. I ordered a breakfast type of entrée for lunch, but you didn't get side items as a combo type of meal, you had to order things separately. Well, the eggs are listed as $1.49, which I got 2 of them. Our bill had $3 charge for eggs. Our waitress should have apologized for not noticing it before us, but she did she never noticed that before. I was thinking "OF COURSE, because you didn't *TRY* to." I wish I could have said that to her. Anyway, we tipped her 15%, but she could have had 19%(asked for 2 ranches, only gave me one). Because it was only 2 cents overcharge, she got an average tip 15%. She did pretty well otherwise. I didn't like that after she rung up our check that she decided to keep the check. I don't get it WHY servers keep our receipts? Just because we have the credit card receipt has nothing to do with not getting back the restaurant receipt that is owed to us, which is called our check. I am so tired of finding wrong prices. This year alone, there's been several price overcharges. Can you tell me WHY sometimes servers KEEP the customer's check as if it was THEIR CHECK? I HATE when servers keep my check. I like to keep it for the main reason, so I can know who to get or not to get again, because months from now, I will NOT remember that server's name more than likely. I like to keep the check also, so I can see what I got last time. Once, my husband had asked what he got last time, which by looking at the receipt, we found out without having to try to rack our brains to remember when we couldn't remember anyway. I also like to have our receipt from the restaurant itself, NOT just the credit card receipt.

The thing I hate about prices overcharges is that servers think they aren't responsible for finding it, but we are **TIPPING YOU ALL TO FIND THE ERRORS***, because that's part of the job is to get your bill correct. I understand the manager has to be involved, but find the error and go get the manager to fix it so I don't receive the overcharge. I feel care about my money, then we will care about yours when it comes tip time. It's no fun to have to price check EVERY FUCKING ITEM ON OUR BILL, but we do!!

I understand that it's more likely than not that the prices are correct that you feel you are wasting valuable time, but you have to understand that if you want your customers money, you have to care about their money too, NOT JUST YOURS!! You don't have to wait until the very end you know. Check it right after each item is ordered instead of waiting until the end.

Refills and more sauce aren't more important than the customer's money, they are *EQUALLY JUST AS IMPORTANT* as someone's money. Initial greeting can be "I'll be with you all in a moment." The customers that requested their check should get their full turn by having their server care enough to check the prices with the check. I bet you never once tried to notice if a price is wrong, am I right?

Springs1 said...

purplegirl-continued from price overcharges discussion.

On vacation this January, we went to Mississippi. We went to a restaurant that was a fine dining type of restaurant. This restaurant had a certain thing where you can get different meat samples and a salad bar for $39.95 a person, so we paid pretty high for our food and drinks. A margarita on their drink menu was $10, but on our bill was $12. I mentioned to the waiter "The margarita is $10, not $12." Instead of being nice by saying "I'm sorry I overlooked that, let me get the manager to fix it." NO, he blamed the ***MENU**** of all things by saying "It must be a misprint." I WANTED TO RING HIS NECK(not literally, but it made me SO PISSED OFF)!! THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A MISPRINT!! We are consenting to the price when we order and if the computer price is over the price we ordered, well, we didn't order from the computer. When he came back I was so furious, because I saw NO COMP being that was $2, NOT 2 cents, 2 DOLLARS!! So I told him that we didn't order from the computer and that the price on the menu only counts. He said he was sorry(which was his second sorry(NO "SO SORRY" OF COURSE) and "I got it fixed", then walked off. What a JERK!! The reason why I told him that was because of the MISPRINT comment. I HATE WHEN SERVERS DON'T ADMIT FAULT AND HALF-ASS DO IT by saying "I'm sorry", but then saying it's a misprint to blame the menu, so I feel which is it the menu or a LIVE HUMAN BEING that we are tipping for the service he was providing us? He got 11%. I cannot stand a server, especially at a fine dining restaurant; blame the menu instead of himself. I would have personally got the manager to fix and asked if he could comp a COKE off our bill at least. If he would have just been a bit nicer by not blaming the menu and admitting fault(profuse apology(so sorry), even without a comp, 13%. With a comp and of course being nice by admitting fault(so sorry), 18%. He knew why he got the tip he got. That was so mean to say "I fixed it" as if it was NO BIG DEAL, because it wasn't **HIS FUCKING 2 DOLLARS YOU KNOW**, NOT TO MENTION MORE TIP AND TAXES DUE TO A LARGER BILL AMOUNT!! HE FUCKING PISSED ME OFF WITH THAT MISPRINT COMMENT!! YOU NEVER BLAME SOMETHING ELSE OR SOMEONE ELSE IF YOU COULD SEE THE MISTAKE YOURSELF(which on a check, the server can hopefully READ, so there's no way it's someone else's fault unless another server or manager hands us our check, which is a rarity that happens). What made his tip 11% was the misprint comment. Saying you're sorry, but then blaming the menu. It is true that we DON'T order from the computer, so I don't care if the computer price has $20 for a margarita, it's what the menu has, PERIOD, that counts. To think, BEFORE the overcharge, we were going to tip him 25%. Just think of the money he lost by being really uncaring and VERY LAZY to check our check BEFORE he handed it to us, which honestly didn't have much to check. We both got the $39.95 deal. All the desserts were the same price $7. My husband's wine he had to check and my margarita. I ordered a white russian with my dessert, which of course was not on the menu to check. So he really didn't have too much to check really and we had reservations for 5p.m(which we had to wait 10 minutes to get seated due to that they open at 5p.m., so they weren't ready for us yet). It was probably around 6p.m. or a little after by the time we left I am guessing, so it wasn't that busy that he couldn't have MADE the TIME to check it over.

My point is, I am SO SICK OF GETTING OVERCHARGED, which this year and last year were the most times we have gotten wrong prices I find it seems.

Springs1 said...

Don't you agree that it's just totally rude for him to have said it was a "MISPRINT?" That's just something you don’t say to a customer, because even when I go to a store, if the price on the shelf is the price, that's why I decided to put it in my basket. The price on the shelf is what matters, NOT the computer price. I don't get why MOST servers don't look at it that way? LAZINESS and BEING UNCARING comes to mind. Mostly, they only care about their money, not the customer's money.

It's sad that that was our only time and first time in that restaurant, but I knew the margarita price BETTER than the waiter did. That's sad, that really is. I don't expect him to memorize the price, but I expect him to have verified the check with the bill, especially considering a fine dining restaurant you would think "BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE", but that just PROVES bad service can happen ANYWHERE!! I know everyone makes mistakes, but this wasn't a mistake. He didn't compare the check to the menu, because when I told him the margarita was $10, he acted surprised and wouldn't have blamed the drink menu.

"-Menu knowledge is also very important; there's no doubt I can give better service knowing as much as I do about our menu. That said, I occasionally still forget a lemon or something."

I find I know the menu better than some servers that have served me, which REALLY makes them look bad. I can understand forgetting things, but some of these issues I have had were times where you know good and well the server didn't compare the menu to the item if they didn't know it. I have had more problems than not with a local chain restaurant that we have around here that has a martini menu with descriptions of the drinks.

On our vacation in January, we went one day to TGIFriday's, because there is none around our area anymore. Ordered the nachos which come with salsa(

"Crisp tortillas topped with bacon–infused refried beans, spicy nacho meat and cheese. Served with salsa, guacamole, sour cream and topped with jalapeños"

The waiter was so stupid. I ordered some ranch and bbq sauce added to it. I also said I didn't want jalapenos. This was even at 11a.m. in the morning. We were the only customers when we walked in even, which this was a weekday. He brought it out, NO SALSA and JALAPENOS ON TOP!! 2 DUHS!! Anyway, I made sure my sauces were there, but by the time I noticed the salsa wasn't there he walked off. He came by due to another server telling him we needed him, which I told him that this is supposed to come with salsa. He comes back and tells me they are out. See how there are UNFEELING, UNCARING servers I deal with. He didn't even apologize either. I didn't even mention the jalapenos and just took them off because it would have delayed our entrées, but it didn't taste as good as it could have. It would have been nice if he would have KNOWN THE MENU and been **CONSIDERATE** enough to have told me before about them being out of the salsa. He works there, so he should have known the menu better that I did. I deal with this type of shit at times with servers that don't know WTF they are serving you or WHAT it comes with.

Springs1 said...

"My customers with the steaks I forgot to ring in tipped me $4 on $40, which is four dollars more than I deserved in that instance. The rest of their service was perfect, but forgetting their food that long was ridiculous and I didn't expect or want anything from them."

That's good that you are VERY UNDERSTANDING and VERY SYMPATHETIC to act like this was *YOU* that this happened to. I cannot believe a server sees bad service through the eye of a customer, because most servers think just about their tip(which is being selfish) and EXPECT a tip no matter what happens. Most servers don't think like you. You act like if that happened to you, which most servers don't act that way. They just want the money and that's it, but if that was THEM, they'd think entirely differently about tipping their server if that happened to THEIR FOOD.

I feel you deserved something, 10% at least, ONLY because you took it upon YOURSELF to PAY for something instead of asking the manager to comp something. In other words, NO SERVER even has taken CENTS out of their pocket to cover an overcharge or a dollar even nor did ANY of the servers ask their manager to comp something for overcharges, so to me, if a server PAID from THEIR MONEY to make-up for their mistake, I sure wouldn't stiff the server. That would be wrong, because we all mess up and forget things, so since you paid for something out of your own pocket, probably literally LOST money even with the tip I am assuming with having to tip out the other co-workers, that to me shows how CARING you were with these customers. NO SERVERS DO THAT!! That's why in the situation that I was writing to btighe, that the waiter offered a free chips n' salsa(which was an appetizer on their menu, NOT for free). I think that was totally stupid for him to have offered that, because we already had an appetizer coming that we had ordered. It would have made more sense to offer a free dessert or try to get something comped off the bill due to him forgetting to put in our appetizer order into the computer. Anyway, my main point is, MOST servers DO NOT do what you do and pay for something out of their own pocket. I have NEVER ONCE had a server, EVER, PAY out of their OWN POCKET to take something off our bill when major mistakes happened, EVER! So I truly PRAISE you for doing such a NICE thing for those customers. MOST servers that would have done something like that would have not cared and not gotten anything comped at all.

How do you feel about refills without asking? I like for the server to ask me or I can ask, but I rather them ask me, because it shows they care about your thirst and are observant as well as caring about IF or WHAT you want to drink.

Springs1 said...

How do you feel about ASSUMPTIONS? Great example: Once a waiter assumed because we ordered 2 appetizer and 2 entrees, since my husband had ordered his appetizer and entrée first, then I ordered my appetizer and entrée second, that I wanted mine with my meal. I NEVER had told him that and this was actually in 2001, before we were married even, so I didn't have a whole lot of experience being a customer at the time due to my mom cooked a lot and the boyfriends I did have didn't have a whole lot of money to go out to eat that often. If the menu has the word "appetizer", unless I would say I would want it at a different time, it should be served as what the menu has it as. I wanted chili cheese fries and my husband(fiancé at the time) wanted onion rings. We figured we'd bring home leftovers. Anyway, we waited a while and only my husband's onion rings had been there, so I was hungry and munched on those for a little while. Finally, our waiter came by and that's when we asked about the chili cheese fries, which that's when he said "I thought you wanted it with your meal", which I said "I NEVER SAID THAT." I was SOME PISSED OFF, so we asked if we could just cancel the order, well not too long after that, another server brought out the chili cheese fries without the mayo I ordered(OF COURSE), 2 MINUTES LITERALLY before our entrées were ready. I ate them. The waiter gave us the wrong check even. It was so terrible. Of course, no apologies and we left no tip of course with all of that crap. We didn't even get bread and we saw everyone else get bread, which the menu stated bread was supposed to come with our meals.

If he wouldn't have assumed, the service would have been a lot better. I had no idea he would have thought we would have shared the appetizer, because as I said that the menu had it was an appetizer and I didn't have a whole lot of years experience like I do now going out to eat much to think of that. Ever since then, if we order 2 appetizers(which isn't very often, but we have) I make sure I tell our server that we want 2 appetizers. I think that's stupid though, because if the menu states it something, that's what it is unless the customer says otherwise.

I hate when servers assume things for instance you want the check just because you ask for boxes and that you don't even want a dessert or any after dinner drinks.

I hate assumptions as if we are all the same people when we aren't.

"-When I have a mix of bar drinks and fountain drinks, I don't wait for the bar drinks more then fifteen seconds."

That's good. Most servers want to do it the fastest way by consolidating steps, which they don't realize, if the bartender has a lot of orders, the customer may be waiting to order their food for 10-15 minutes, which I feel for let's say 2 or 3 soft drinks/tea/water/lemonade, that's insane to make customers wait that long for soft drinks or tea or water or lemonade.

Springs1 said...

"I personally wouldn't ask people if they'd like their sauces ahead of time because I trust my coworkers at my current restaurant; it's very rare that cook, expo, and food runners all neglect to notice something."

If the food is right almost all the time, then I can see why you don't with this issue. I agree with you on this, but I do have to ask, since you worked at Applebee's, you had to have had this issue, because I have even went to an Applebee's in another state as well as different Applebee's in our area we live in and had the same condiments issues? I cannot seriously believe(unless they really have good workers at the Applebee's you worked at), that you did not run into the issue?

I agree it's a waste of time if it's almost always right as far as condiments go, but it's not the same thing as someone's check having the right prices though, because that's dealing with someone's money. Just as you want your money, we want ours to be right too!! I feel you can for instance, after the customers order their entrées, check the prices SO FAR you have(drinks, appetizer or appetizers, and entrees) after you put their order into the computer instead of waiting until the end to do it. I just have it happen pretty often, maybe it's very possible you did overcharge someone on an item that was the wrong price, but you never knew it.

"-I agree that any mistake should be accompanied by an apology. Unfortunately, a lot of people feel like if they admit responsibility they'll be penalized for the mistake more than if they just ignore it. I've never understood that; "I'm sorry" is the first thing that comes out of my mouth when I realize I've made a mistake."

I don't understand why the servers that do OBVIOUS mistakes don't want to apologize? Obviously, they think all customers are stupid. Anyone that has half a brain KNOWS if something is an obvious mistake and their server brought them let's say the wrong side dish, well DUH, it's the server's fault the brought the wrong item to my table. If a server would act like it's not their fault, that's what would make their tip small. If they would just simply admit fault and apologize, the tip would be much better. It may not be 20% or maybe not even 15%, but it would be higher than 10%(of course depending on the mistake). What I am saying is, most people would be more forgiving with a server that is NICE and CARING instead of one that is not empathetic. I am VERY GLAD someone is NICE in this world of servers we have. I apologized at the donut shop(which we sold regular food items(burgers, fries, burgers, chicken sandwiches, chicken tenders, etc.), when once a man's chicken tenders were raw. I actually said I was "SO SORRY" even though I couldn't have known by just looking at them unless I broke them open. I tried to not make him pay for any of his meal, which my manager would have completely agreed(he wasn't there at the time), but the man insisted on paying for his coffee. I was so worried about him getting sick. It was so DISGUISTING, PINK inside the chicken tenders. I was busy, so I guess I didn't notice how long that the man waited for his chicken tenders. It was a meal that came with fries. Normally, chicken tenders don't take too long to fry, so that's why I really didn't notice it was that quick that it came out. I TRIED to make him not pay for anything and offered him something else, but he didn't want anything else(which he probably lost his appetite after that). My point is, I acted as if that were me and you did too with the steaks issue, so I definitely THANK YOU for being a CARING server, because most don't care I find these days.

Sorry so many comments and so long, but I just have A LOT to say about restaurant service since we go out to eat so often.

purplegirl said...

"I would NOT have EVER have asked such a thing. You should have just said "I'll be right back with your change, which in turn, she may have said "Just keep it.""
That's what I do 99% of the time. In this instance, she handed me the book and said "here you go, have a good night." That was why I politely asked "Would you like change, ma'am?" I only asked because of the way I was reading her--she was already tucking her wallet back in to her purse with her other hand, her tone was very final, etc.

I'll be honest, it took me a while to stop asking people every time if they wanted change. When you're new and still struggling to multi-task, you tend to look for any way to save time, rather than thinking about what's most polite. And I'd be aggravated too if someone shorted me even a penny, because as you said, it's the principle of it.

Regarding the whole table bussing/dishes thing, I agree that server at Chili's was rude. I wish my restaurant had a drink station out on the floor, it would expedite things so much! In that instance, I would've put the dishes on the dirty table and gone for the drink station, just as you described. In my restaurant I'd take the dishes from your table with me (as I consider keeping your table clear part of good service) since we have only one drink station and it's in the kitchen—and we have that “full hands in, full hands out” rule too. I wouldn't stop to clean another table, though. I totally understand your irritation there.

As far as the price checking thing goes, in two years at this particular place I've never had somebody who looked over their bill who was charged an incorrect amount because of a computer glitch. It's a corporate system and so I started out trusting they had it right; perhaps that was naive, but it's never bitten me in the butt yet. While it's true that many people don't look at their bills (which astounds me, too), I'd say about fifty percent do. So after two years I'm comfortable trusting in my computer system.

"Now, this part I don't like. So someone else's service is **MORE IMPORTANT** than OUR MONEY?"
But what if it's your service, and somebody else's money? As you said, nobody likes to wait. Given the choice between make table A wait for more tea and checking every item on table B's check against the menu, I'm going to get the refill.

You're right, I've never compared menu prices to the computer prices. I look it over to be sure that I rang in the correct item (half rack of ribs versus full rack, for instance, happy hour or non-happy hour etc.), and I send it through to the kitchen, trusting that if a price were incorrect one of the other 1,800 restaurants would have caught it and corporate would have corrected it. Again, I might take a different tack at a different place.

That said, when there have been price errors from me (or anybody else) hitting wrong buttons, my response is always "I'm sorry, I should have noticed that! I'll be right back." I'm sure the "misprint" guy was clumsily trying to explain it wasn't intentional, but I agree it wasn't the most professional response and the menu price absolutely should've been honored.

I'm not sure why servers are keeping your checks. It could be something shady, like trying to get a manager to comp something after you've paid cash so they get to pocket extra money. It could be survey crap; if they feel they wouldn't get a good response, they might take the opportunity to take the slip back so you don't call. It could be they're required to keep a copy of receipts for their cashout at the end of the night and are too lazy to reprint it. Or they could just be thoughtless.

purplegirl said...

continued ....
The menu knowledge thing .... ugh. CONSTANT struggle in most corporate restaurants, mainly because of the ridiculously high turnover rate of most restaurants. My current restaurant has a sharp management staff who rarely hire idiots; but other places I've worked at have had new faces every week. People get in there and find it's more complicated than they thought, more exhausting than they thought, etc. I've lost track of the number of people who worked their first shift alone on the floor and never showed up again. So it's entirely possible that the person serving you has been there a week and may never come back. Please understand I'm not offering this as an excuse; training programs should be better, and people should care more. The jalepeno/salsa thing at TGIF is just idiotic; that's not even a menu knowledge thing so much as a paying attention thing.

In the interests of being honest, I should clarify something about the guys with the steaks: first, they didn't take me up on the offer of salads. Second, the manager may have comped the salads if they had asked for them; he already knew about the situation. I didn't know either way, and I'd've been happy to pay if they'd wanted the salads--I felt SO terrible. I've had a couple of times when I've bought peoples' drinks or desserts in the past, although it's been quite a while since I've screwed up so badly!

You asked about my experience at Applebee's. The unfortunate thing about the Applebee's I worked at is that it was in a town with a state prison in it. So that town attracted a lot of people who were hanging around to visit their drug-dealing boyfriends in jail, etc. We had people on work release applying for jobs all the time, although the manager didn't hire them. It was a strange town; half upper-middle-class people who commuted to the city for their jobs, and half people who just sort of landed there.

All of that is to say that most of the employees there weren't what you could call highly motivated or (this sounds terrible, but it's true) intelligent, and sometimes we did have a lot of problems. I live in a college town now, and the Applebee's here is staffed almost entirely with college students working their way through school--I've yet to have a problem there. I think it all depends on the local talent pool and how adept the manager is at wading through the hundreds of applications they get, being a big recognizable chain restaurant.

I think the reason some people don't apologize no matter the mistake is that their momma didn't raise them right. :) I'm seriously at a loss to understand it. I worked (very briefly) with a person who had a ridiculous strategy: if she made a mistake, like forgetting a side, she would just not acknowledge the table again. Ever. She would just walk by them, or hide in the back, and wait until they flagged down somebody else. She didn't last long!

About the refill thing … I understand your point of view, since you change what you like to drink sometimes. But I also take people refills automatically in most circumstances because:
1)I have maybe one person in six months change their type of soda, so in the long run it's more efficient for almost everyone to just bring the soda. Even if I only have one table, it's more efficient to spend twenty seconds getting them a soda and twenty seconds walking it to them, instead of taking nearly a minute to go ask them if they want more and then getting the soda and taking it to them. Rarely it means another trip back to the kitchen, but it's an odds thing. I literally don't remember the last time somebody changed their beverage.

purplegirl said...

continued ....

1)My general manager is a total drink nazi—if she sees a half-empty drink, she starts searching for a server to take out a refill RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. It's kind of ridiculous. If I have someone who tells me they don't want more, I will actually hunt her down and tell her that so she'll back off me/not have somebody else pester them.
2)Another thing they're all really uptight about is filling the glass to the brim with ice (stupid corporate specification), which means there's not much liquid in a single glass—certainly not $2 worth, so super quick refills is a value thing.
I don't always do it automatically, though. I ask people before bringing a refill if they've got a glass of water as well; if they're drinking something very sweet like strawberry lemonade; and if they're ¾ done with their meal. Also if they're drinking iced tea and I notice opened sugar packets, I'll ask before topping off the tea so I don't mess up their sugar/tea ratio without permission.

I try to never assume things—another lesson it did take some time to learn, I admit. Now, I ask every question I can think of. If people order two appetizers as you did in your example, I always ask if they want them both first; salads or soups with meal or before; if people realize a ribeye is a fattier cut of meat; do they realize the cheese quesadilla has bacon in it; separate tickets if applicable, etc. When people ask for boxes, I'll take the ticket with me so that I'm prepared, but I don't take it out of my pocket until after I ask about dessert. I don't even carry it in my hand because I don't want to appear pushy.

But again, I've been doing this for most of the last ten years. New servers are generally so panicked about keeping track of the basics that they cut corners, which is unfortunate; all it does is lead to poor tips, which discourages them, which means they don't last long, which means we get a whole new batch of people.

Somebody may have told you this before; but when you go out, especially to chain restaurants, the best way to get good service is to ask the host to seat you in a closer's section—regardless of the time of day or night. Later at night (or after the main lunch rush) the staff is cut and there's more for servers to do, plus the managers also tend to be busy with inventory or other paperwork, so overall there's more responsibility. It's not foolproof, but if the managers trust a server with the closing shifts, they're probably good—they should have the menu knowledge to expo the food properly, the backbone to yell at the cooks if they screw up/are being slow, the skills to handle multiple tables, and the customer service savvy to deal with any issue that does come up.

(I'm not sure why I can still only post short comments.)

Springs1 said...

"In this instance, she handed me the book and said "here you go, have a good night."

You didn't tell me that. No wonder why you thought she didn't want her change. I would have asked too since she said "bye" in a way. That's very different than what you told me before.

"As far as the price checking thing goes, in two years at this particular place I've never had somebody who looked over their bill who was charged an incorrect amount because of a computer glitch. It's a corporate system and so I started out trusting they had it right;"

The thing I have a problem with in this sentence is "computer glitch", because it's honestly corporate updating the prices without sending new menus out first. It's not a problem with the computer(I would say I am 99.9% sure it's not), it's that corporate made a change in the prices, but that particular location DIDN'T get the NEW MENUS! I know, because I have been through these price overcharges quite a bit and the manager at one of the restaurants told me he couldn't change the price. The thing was, a CARING manager would have given a list of the drinks(at a particular restaurant chain we have here)(there were 2 or 3 martinis that were a dollar more in the computer than on the menu) that were the wrong prices and told the servers that he would have fixed them if customers would order them by taking a dollar off the subtotal. Of course, the manager didn't and no servers or bartenders would care to check over the drink menu with our check, because all of those employees cared about themselves only instead of their customer's money as well.

My point is, it's not a computer glitch.

Springs1 said...

"But what if it's your service, and somebody else's money? As you said, nobody likes to wait. Given the choice between make table A wait for more tea and checking every item on table B's check against the menu, I'm going to get the refill."

I understand, but if it's my service, shouldn't I wait **MY TURN** just as they waited for THEIRS? Everyone has a turn. What if it was your check wrong, let's say as I said at the fine dining restaurant, that it was $2 off the margarita, would you like having to find it when you know your server SHOULD HAVE **CARED** about your money? It's NOT the ***CUSTOMER'S JOB**** to make sure each price is correct.

I understand for instance, never had a price problem at all at Applebee's, EVER, that maybe some restaurants don't have that problem, that you view checking it a waste of time, but you have to understand that if that was YOUR MONEY, how YOU'D FEEL? It's a hassle to get the check fixed by having to wait for the server to come by to show them the overcharged wrong price and then to wait for the manager to fix it, when a **CARING** server would have found the overcharged price WAY BEFORE check time unless the customer asked for their check along with a last item such as a dessert, which let's say the dessert price would have been the overcharged price.

I understand you would rather just trust the computer system, but from a customer's point of view that has going through this many of times, I would even if I worked at Applebee's that didn't EVER get a price overcharge from them at ANY Applebee's I have gone to before, even in other states. The reason why, because I have gone through it and would definitely MAKE THE TIME for the customer's money, because I would care about their check. A customer's check is **JUST AS IMPORTANT** as someone's refill, NOT MORE IMPORTANT, but you seem to make it more important. I know why, because you feel it's a waste of time due to that you assume that it has been always correct, but I feel you should still check over the prices, even if you do it in parts and pieces such as right after someone orders entrées(meaning during the time they are waiting, you could verify the prices until then WAYYYY BEFORE check time comes). I guess you don't understand, because it didn't happen to you. Do you verify each price on your bill when you go out to eat? I ask a couple of years ago if my mother-n-law and father-n-law check the prices on their check and the father-in-law said "I never thought of that?" I am thinking, SO TRUSTING customers are and how STUPID customers are today to TRUST that there are no wrong prices.

I have been overcharged at Applebee's before only once where a waiter rung up the wrong table on my credit card, but not an actual overcharge on our bill at all, amazingly so considering we have gone there A WHOLE LOT of times over the years. I cannot say 100% for sure we didn't get overcharged before 2002, because I wasn't married, so when my husband and I would go out, he'd pay, so if he didn't notice the overcharge, I sure didn't look over the bill. I wasn't married yet, so I didn't think about that type of stuff back then due to his money wasn't my money yet type of thing. I was young and inexperienced with even just shopping a whole lot by myself. I shopped by myself before back then, but since I lived at home or at the dorm some of the time before that; I wasn't truly on my very own to think about that type of stuff. Once I started to see that stores would have the wrong price, that's when I thought about everywhere you go to check the prices. I would say I am just about sure I never had a price overcharge at Applebee's, but you never know? Once we also started to get overcharges more often at restaurants(extra items, wrong items, etc.), I really started to look at every single thing on our check.

Springs1 said...

I have found at least 3 times or so, UNDERCHARGED prices that on the menu had MORE than the check price just to let you know we have found wrong prices in our favor, which of course weren't going to inconvenience ourselves to go through a hassle to get it fixed to pay more.

I honestly got into thinking about overcharges to begin with at restaurants was with wrong prices when my mom and I would go grocery shopping when I was a teenager, she'd find wrong prices. We also once, in 1997 I believe, got charged for eggs me nor my mom didn't order at a restaurant kind of like a Denny's or IHOP. My mom caught it. So being that I was exposed to that type of stuff, started to really get me thinking about my receipts being right.

"trusting that if a price were incorrect one of the other 1,800 restaurants would have caught it and corporate would have corrected it."

NO, you don't understand. For instance, after Katrina in 2005, the New Orleans area was pretty damaged, which a restaurant called Fox and Hound had a temporary menu, which so did MOST restaurants during that time after the hurricane. My husband had ordered a sandwich that was $6.99 on the menu, but it was $7.29 on our check. I talked to a corporate guy and he said that this location ONLY kept their prices differently and that the computer AUTOMATICALLY updated the prices to ALL of Fox and Hounds locations. This means, the manager may or may not have been notified of the change through an email(which Outback corporate guy told me that the managers are supposed to get an email of any price changes). This also means that I saw the waitress not compare the menu to our check. At that time, the menu was a one page, 2-sided laminated page that was kept on the tables like Outback keeps their menus. Anyway, the waitress didn't apologize of course. I was lucky that the manager on duty was nice and gave us half-off the sandwich, but that was through HER ONLY, NOT our waitress. Our waitress didn't act like she could give a shit. That literally took 10 minutes for her to fix the situation and give us half off the sandwich. The only time I got a comp for a wrong price btw. Anyway, my point is, sometimes locations don't get the new menus in and the old menus are given to the customers. The prices are automatically updated by corporate, but the old menus are still there.

So, what I am saying is, corporate may not realize or care to realize that ONE locations out of the many locations still has old menus.

"I'm sure the "misprint" guy was clumsily trying to explain it wasn't intentional"

While it wasn't "INTENIONAL" that he was trying to steal from us by overcharging us, it WAS **INTENTIONAL** not to **COMPARE THE DRINK MENU WITH THE CHECK! Just as you said, you don't, so that's INTENTIONAL that you don't **TRY** to find it. So it's not a mistake, it's being uncaring and lazy to not check over the prices you charge customers. It's one thing if the servers actually did compare the menu to the check, but NO SERVERS DO, because they as you said trust the computer system, don't care about their customers money, and are too lazy to.

What I am saying is, it's intentional to decide not to check over something by just thinking "Don't worry about it" by neglecting to do part of your job by not even ATTEMPTING to GIVE IT A **TRY**!!

Springs1 said...

"I'm not sure why servers are keeping your checks. It could be something shady, like trying to get a manager to comp something after you've paid cash so they get to pocket extra money. It could be survey crap; if they feel they wouldn't get a good response, they might take the opportunity to take the slip back so you don't call. It could be they're required to keep a copy of receipts for their cashout at the end of the night and are too lazy to reprint it. Or they could just be thoughtless."

I think it's that they feel the customers won't need or want it back, so they just throw it away.

I also think the time we were overcharged at Applebee's almost $11 on our credit card, the waiter INTENTIONALLY didn't give back our check for us to remember the amount. While he may not have made the money of the sale, he would have made extra tip(at least $2 more I figured out) and could have given our lower check to a friend so we'd end up paying the higher check.

"The jalepeno/salsa thing at TGIF is just idiotic; that's not even a menu knowledge thing so much as a paying attention thing."

I have to disagree that the salsa was not a menu knowledge thing, because he should have known the salsa came with the item. That's something that I was actually paying for.

"I think the reason some people don't apologize no matter the mistake is that their momma didn't raise them right. :)"

That is EXACTLY what a manager told me at a chain restaurant we have here called Landry's Seafood. I had told him that the waitress didn't apologize for not having enough ranch, which I couldn’t believe the manager admitted he would tell his servers that if people asked for a lot, don't bring them the amount they asked for and that he didn't tell his servers to tell the customers about this(which I think it's a common sense thing that a server would want to not have points off their tip for a mistake that wasn't theirs due to the manager not letting them bring the amount I ordered. He said that it had a lot to do with the way parents raised their kids. I think it's stupid and common sense that if the server wants a better tip to be nice just as I doubt they would want to serve some bitchy customer that's being a total bitch that they'd rather not have the money. I think it just makes sense to just say you are sorry than to not be nice, because the saying is true that "you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar."

"if she made a mistake, like forgetting a side, she would just not acknowledge the table again. Ever. She would just walk by them, or hide in the back, and wait until they flagged down somebody else. She didn't last long!"

Wow, if I was ignored, they'd get stiffed. That's just incomprehensible to think that someone would act like they could care less. I don't get people like that, I really don't?

"1)I have maybe one person in six months change their type of soda, so in the long run it's more efficient for almost everyone to just bring the soda. Even if I only have one table, it's more efficient to spend twenty seconds getting them a soda and twenty seconds walking it to them, instead of taking nearly a minute to go ask them if they want more and then getting the soda and taking it to them. Rarely it means another trip back to the kitchen, but it's an odds thing. I literally don't remember the last time somebody changed their beverage."

I still feel ALL servers should **ASK AT THE TIME OF GREETING** "Would you all like refills without being asked?" That would solve the problem of getting unwanted refills and WASTING TIME getting refills that aren't wanted. That would solve the problem of a server ordering for their customers. WHY not give it a try?

Springs1 said...

"Also if they're drinking iced tea and I notice opened sugar packets, I'll ask before topping off the tea so I don't mess up their sugar/tea ratio without permission."

I am curious to know WHY(besides the obvious reason of wasting glasses) that more times than not, when you get tea, they refill your same glass instead of getting you a new glass like they do with soft drinks? I feel if they waste soft drink glasses, WHY NOT FOR TEA? I think ALL refillable drinks, you should get a new glass. A good reason is a few months ago, a waitress gave my husband 3 refills, which by the time then, he had just about no ice. The server had to go get a new glass of ice, which that was just stupid to me. I know it's more efficient to not get new glass, but the customer could have a fresh glass without any of it watered down and know more the amount of sweeteners per glass than trying to sweeten more with half a glass poured that's unsweetened and partially watered down.

I am curious as to see what you say about this?

I feel it's more intrusive to pour at the table interrupting someone's conversation than to deliver a new one, because it takes LESS seconds to deliver a new one than to pour.

"I always ask if they want them both first; salads or soups with meal or before;"

Unbelievably so, the manager at Landry's seafood told me that the servers weren't allowed to ask if they wanted their appetizer or salad first, due to he said this was a restaurant where he wanted to see customers not be rushed through their meal. He even asked me if I wanted a job there, which I told him I had a job, but if I ever worked as a server, there's NO WAY IN HELL I would work for a manager that wouldn't even let me ask a simple question like that. This subject came about, because we waited around 30 minutes for our salads and our appetizer came out BEFORE our side salads(which these came with our entrées). He said that if a customer would request their salad before an appetizer, they would abide by it, but the servers weren't allowed to ask that question. I find that manager didn't care about his customers to act like that. At Macaroni Grill, I got my side salad before the appetizer without me asking. I told him something that needs no cooking should take less time that I assumed we'd get our side salads first. I didn't think about that they don't want the appetizer to run into someone eating their side salads I guess. I think a server should ALWAYS ask what they want first or once, at Outback, my husband wanted the bloomin onion and I wanted a side salad. The other server that ran the appetizer said that I would have had to tell my server. That's just stupid. The server should have asked me which one I wanted first, because servers shouldn't assume you are SHARING appetizers all the time. I had 3 pieces of the bloomin onion, because it gives me indigestion, so I really just wanted my side salad. I was expecting it right away just like I had before and definitely at least WITH the appetizer, NOT AFTER!! I don't feel I should have to tell my server. The server should ASK ME when I want my side salad vs. appetizer. Some people may even want their side salad with their meal, which ONCE, I wanted mine with my meal due to sharing an appetizer that I knew was going to be quick which was cheese fries. In other words, not all the time do I want my side salad at the same time.

Anyway, these are just some examples of that I feel the customer WILL ASSUME their side salad or soup would be first not after an appetizer due to that it takes LESS TIME to prepare those compared to a typical appetizer.

Springs1 said...

"But again, I've been doing this for most of the last ten years."

I have no server experience, just serving customers in a donut shop, which is not the same, but I did get lots of experience serving the public food/drinks, which some people don't have that experience at all.

The fact that I have no server experience which you said this in an earlier post when you were mad at me "You have no experience working in a restaurant", but you see, being a **CUSTOMER** so OFTEN has taught me how things can get messed up, confused, etc. in a customer's dining experience. Also, writing on forums and blogs has showed me some of the public's view on certain issues such as a lot of people love automatic refills, which there were a few that didn't get refills at all or didn't want refills at the time or wanted something else like me. Different views about that some people don't want their condiments ahead of time. Different views about a lady once on my yahoo shine blog told me she expected her kids to get their food first. Now, I would have NEVER thought about that and she EXPECTED THIS without TELLING her server. Now, I know if I were a server, to simply ASK the parents or guardians if they want their kid's food to come out first, seeing that point of view. Another thing is a mother once wrote that she never orders dessert and wants her check quickly. I couldn't believe people are SO STUPID to not think of that if they are that much in a rush, they could ask for their check WHEN they order their entrées, but people are really that stupid I guess?

My point being, with our personal experience with different dining situations and the internet, I would do much better as a server than someone else who has 6 months experience being a server due to the fact that I have YEARS of experience with different things that have happened to us and have read views on the internet that don't agree with mine(automatic refills, getting condiments ahead of time, etc.). I truly feel, when you have experienced the situation YOURSELF by going through the bad service, you would try your best not to do that to someone else.

My point is, don't down my knowledge just because I have never been a waitress. I have learned MUCH MORE being a customer than working with the public at the donut shop even, because when it's YOUR FOOD, YOUR CHECK, YOUR DINING EXPERIENCED MESSED UP, that makes you see things very differently than when it's NOT YOUR DINING EXPERIENCED RUINED!!

Springs1 said...

I am ashamed to say the first 2 or 3 months I worked at the donut shop(which back then didn't have much experience at all going out to eat, in 1998), that once a lady complained about her croissant being cold and dismissed it as she was just being a complainer by ignoring her. See, today, NEVER would do such a thing, but because I NEVER WAS A CUSTOMER MUCH(my mom always cooked 98% of the time or we got take-out or fast food), I NEVER once thought of it from the CUSTOMER'S POINT OF VIEW!! It wasn't my food cold, so I didn't think about it until I did start to work more with the public and got to be MUCH MORE CARING, but at first, I am ashamed to admit I wasn't. If I was to have had a lifetime of going out to eat a lot before that first job of mine(I started to work at 21yrs old due to that my parents wanted me to concentrate on getting a degree), I would have NEVER done that to that poor lady. I would have said "I'm so sorry, let me take that back to get it warmed up for you" and then when I came back with it warmed I would have said "I'm so sorry about that." I didn't do that at the time, because I guess I thought most customers complained to get something for free type of thing or just to be mean. It wasn't because I was lazy. It was because I ASSUMED she was complaining just to be a bitch as some customers DO REALLY DO. I shouldn't have and ashamed I did that, but didn't truly think about it as if that were ME in the customer's seat as I learned to do as I worked with the public.

I am just really ashamed that I did that, but as I said, I hardly had much experience as a customer in a restaurant to truly understand. Even when we were customers(usually my mom and I or even the boyfriend I had at the time), the majority of the time, it was like Denny's at 6a.m. with no customers basically hardly in the place type of thing or at 11a.m. when the restaurant would open. NEVER would we go to a restaurant when there was a wait for a table back then, I think EVER, so I had almost zero experience with being a customer to fully understand how it feels to have your food wrong. I know what it's like at fast food places, but I guess I didn’t think about that and usually it would be my mom buying the food anyways, so I wasn't really the customer most of the time unless I was at the dorm, which I only ate fast food usually once a week.

My point is, being a *CUSTOMER* has taught me a WHOLE LOT about if I were a server I would do things this way…..

To me, being a **CUSTOMER** has taught me MUCH MORE than if I had a year of waitressing experience even.

purplegirl said...

Ice and tea are two of the most popular drinks; having them in pitchers allows us to make a lap around the restaurant refilling as we go, plus conserves glasses and the water necessary to wash them. Restaurants would probably do the same thing with Pepsi/Coke if it didn't go flat.

Springs1 said...

Jeremy Wright
"What you are looking for is not servers but slaves."

What you are looking for is a FREE RIDE by being LAZY!!

Your server's job is to ONLY get what you want. It's not to play around.

"just general cheapness"

Tipping 25%-30% for very good service is NOT "CHEAP" BY A LONGSHOT!! We have tipped that LOTS and LOTS of times. If you were here, I could even show you receipts and the amounts we left on credit card statements to PROVE that we left that much for many servers before that were good.

"The servers duty IS to strike up small talk and to NOT rush the service."

Server's duty is to take your order and any request you have. If time permits(slow times), then the server can chit-chat. If someone's waiting for a refill or their check, WHY would you purposely punish them to chit-chat about bullshit? If that was your check and you needed to go in a hurry, for instance let's say someone called they were in a bad accident, HOW would YOU personally feel waiting longer for your server to chit-chat? You aren't thinking of people's feelings. MOST customers want to be LEFT ALONE. They didn't come to dine out with their server.

“I'm also with you on chatty waiters, no thanks, I'm not there to be charmed.
I waited tables for over a year, so while I know it's hard, mostly honest work, I also know when the service sucks.”
Posted by: Beth at October 18, 2004

"I no longer eat anywhere that has a waiting list. I've never eaten anywhere that was worth waiting for. And I hate waiters who want to be a part of my dining "experience." If I wanted to spend time with the waiter, I would dine with him. My idea of a good waiter is one who never asks if I need more water or tea or coffee--he simply sees when I need more and shows up to take care of it."
Posted by: Mike at October 17, 2004 10:07 PM

This person doesn't even want to be asked questions, how do you like that?

"Doug from New Mexico is not in the restaurant industry, but is a customer. He said when he brings a date to a nice restaurant, sometimes the server is very chatty. He really wants the dinner to be nice and romantic, but the server is very intrusive. He wants to point out the fact that he is not there to visit the server, but to spend money on good service and good food."

People want to spend the time with the people they are WITH, NOT their server!

Just read some of the opinions, MOST customers want to be LEFT ALONE and talk to the people they are with. Sometimes I have made chit-chat with servers, but when it's not busy. I won't hold up someone else's service just to chit-chat, because I don't want someone doing that to ME when I want my refill or check or whatever.

Server's job is to be there ONLY when needed. Your server's job is NOT to play around. They aren't supposed to make small talk unless they have the TIME to, which most of the time, it's not that slow that they have the time for that. They could be filling up the ice or restocking something instead of chit-chatting so the next customers don't have to wait as long as if the server decided to wait to do those things during the time customers are waiting for things.

Serving is NOT playtime, it's a JOB!!

Springs1 said...

Jeremy Wright -Continued
You said I am looking for a slave, NO, I am not. I am looking for someone that isn't lazy, that's caring, and that is going to do **THEIR JOB**!! I am not looking for someone that is going to leave me sit for 10 minutes just to get a coke. I am not looking to wait 15 minutes to leave just to get the check or to be getting it rung up. I am there to eat, drink, and spend time with the person or people that I am with. I am not there to socialize with the staff. If that was the case, I'd go straight to the bar, so that way the bartender would be only there that even when she or he is making drinks, they can still talk unlike servers that have to run around a lot more. There have been times where I just want to talk and went to the bar to sit, NOT at a table. Sometimes, bartenders don't even have time at times when it's real busy to talk.

"Yes, slow service is never good but most humans go to a restaurant for the leisure and the atmosphere - where a charming waiter far outdoes a cold drone."

As I said, you are in the MINORITY on this one. A cold drone one that DOES HIS JOB ONLY AND KEEPS AWAY IS SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER than one that makes me sit for freakin 10 minutes to get my refill or even put in my order, because he or she is chit-chatting(playing) instead of working. It's annoying when some servers do the chit-chatting BEFORE they put in your order, because that's delaying the food and drinks from getting to you. Think when YOU are hungry or thirsty, extra minutes sooner would be nicer to get the food or drinks, now wouldn't it?

You don't think like a customer. A customer is thinking about getting their food and drinks, NOT about their server. If they are by wanting to chit-chat, they should be at the bar not holding up other customer's request and orders.

"go somewhere sometime to actually try to enjoy yourself"

I enjoy myself when my server does the things I asked correctly and in a TIMELY MANNER. I and most of the rest of dining society don't go out to eat to chit-chat with their server. If they want to chat, they go to the BAR!! I go out to eat to EAT AND DRINK, NOT to make small talk with the servers.

Servers should think about when THEY are hungry and thirsty how THEY FEEL. Servers should think about when THEY want to leave the restaurant how THEY feel. Servers should think about when it's THEIR FOOD that isn't cooked correctly, but their server is chit-chatting instead of caring about them. Think about if that was your steak cooked medium rare instead of medium well, would you want your server to not care about YOUR WAIT, HUNGER, and ABOUT THE SIDE DISH or DISHES ON YOUR PLATE GETTING COLDER BY THE MINUTE? You are so SELF-ABSORBED not thinking about others. I think about others that if I want to chit-chat, even at the bar, I STOP my conversation so they can SERVE the customers. I am not the most important person there. If a customer comes in, I stop chit-chatting with the bartender. If I know it's real busy, I don't even bother to chit-chat with my server(that's if I know them real well of course).

Springs1 said...

Jeremy Wright -Continued
"You're flaunting this high-class snobbery"

Your flaunting your SELFISH, LAZY SELF that wants serving to be something it's not. It's not chit-chat time, it's WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK!! Get your lazy ass up and get to fucking work!! You sound lazy to say I want a slave, because only lazy people wouldn't want to do **THEIR JOB**!!!!

I am not out of line to ask the things I ask. I am not asking the server to pick up my dropped napkin or go wet a napkin for me. If anything, anything I can do myself, I do. I have gotten up plenty of times to get my own utensils and extra napkins at restaurants. I have also gotten up many of times to get more sweet-n-low packets when they were out at my table for my tea. I stack up the plates for my server. I bet you are too lazy to do those things for your servers. I WISH they would let you get your own condiments, because I would. I wish I could just go get the food from the kitchen and take it, but they won't let you. It would be faster a lot of time, because I would check over my food unlike a lot of servers that don't by not making extra trips to my table for obvious errors.

"to NOT rush the service."

Believe it or not, some people want to be rushed. I have read people's opinions about that they want their check right after they finish their entrées, which I told them they should ask for their check when they order their entrées since they don't order dessert. There's plenty of people that also go during their lunch break at work out to eat and want to rush back to work due to that don't have more than an hour. You act like everyone has your opinion, but honestly, you are in the MINORITY. MOST customers want to be left ALONE!!

A slave would be what one woman at the donut shop I worked at about 10yrs ago wanted me to do. There was only 1 small bathroom one-seater for woman and one for men as well. I am guessing someone was in the bathroom at the time, this lady asked me to wet her napkin so she could get her kid's face and hand's clean. I refuse her. WHY? She could have easily waited and done that HERSELF! THAT is what I call SLAVERY WORK!! That WAS NOT MY JOB!! So I should have to kiss her hands and feet as well, you know? That's retarded. Some other co-worker did it, but I cannot believe people ask people to do stuff that is OUT OF LINE!! THAT is NOT part of someone's service. Her job was to wet her napkin for her kid. My job wasn't even to get napkins, because we always had some on each table, by each chair at the counter even. My point is, you don't know what "SLAVERY" IS. Asking for some extra condiments is the SERVER'S JOB to get them. Wetting someone's napkin is NOT someone's job.

b_noelani said...

I just happened to stumble across your blog, and I'm in absolute shock. I would ask if you've ever waited tables, but it is grossly obvious that you haven't because of your ignorance to restaurant standards and protocol. I've worked at a very popular chain restaurant for five years and have made a good living; it's allowed me to work my way through school because of the flexible hours. Your claim that most servers are lazy is absolutely insane, many servers work 10+ hour shifts WITHOUT breaks. We are on our feet during our ENTIRE shift and are constantly busy, either with cleaning or waiting.
Your asinine complaints about dressings being partially full being the servers fault...IT'S NOT. I work in a highly corporate environment and that shit is REGULATED by our bosses. We don't charge for our extra condiments but seeing as how many customers waste that kind of thing, they see it as more economical to send out two partially filled ramekins than one filled to the brim that ends up being wasted. If you need more, ask your server!
Most restaurants do everything by computer so mischarges or old menus that haven't been updated are things that are out of our control. I suggest you read a little book called Waiter Rant, the author describes your kind...I'm so happy that my customers are kind, understanding people. If there's a mistake, I'm quick to fix it and do everything necessary to make it right. Unlike you, the people that I wait on have the understanding that the server doesn't control all elements in the restaurant. Your seeming aversion to 'waitresses' over 'waiters' is laughable...I hope I never have the pleasure of having you in my section :) bon apetit!

Springs1 said...


"Your asinine complaints about dressings being partially full being the servers fault...IT'S NOT. I work in a highly corporate environment and that shit is REGULATED by our bosses. We don't charge for our extra condiments but seeing as how many customers waste that kind of thing, they see it as more economical to send out two partially filled ramekins than one filled to the brim that ends up being wasted. If you need more, ask your server!"

For one thing, I have had a waitress at Red Lobster for instance, asked for 4 big sides of tartar sauce, she brought me 8 small ones WITHOUT me asking her to. She brought EXACTLY as I ordered, but in small containers worth. If you can't bring me the amount I want the first time around, TELL ME so my food won't get cold waiting to eat. If you can't get them filled, you know what? If I let's say order 2 sides of ranch, guess what? YOUR JOB would be to get me 4 HALF-SIDES since you are not allowed to fill them or get them filled. That would equal to the same amount, so what's the problem here? If you aren't allowed to, tell me. I have had a waiter at Red Lobster that TOLD ME his manager wouldn't let him bring out the amount I asked for. At least he had COMMON SENSE not to let something out of his control affect his tip. I have had just about every other server at Red Lobster get the amount I asked for, which even that waitress that brought me 8 small sides of tartar sauce was AFTER I had that waiter. My point is, it's IN YOUR CONTROL and if you cannot bring it, tell me you need to charge me, that's fine with me. I have paid 50 cents a piece for extra condiments before. If you cannot bring the amount I asked for bring HALF-FILLED SIDES YOU IGNORANT FOOL!!

Springs1 said...

"I'm so happy that my customers are kind, understanding people."

I am nice and understanding when the servers are nice to me. I say "Thank you" and ask very nicely for things FYI. I am nice when the servers are CONSIDERATE by telling me things ahead of time such as that waiter at Red Lobster did or if I would have a problem of some sort such as an overcharge, that a caring server would have gotten at least a soft drink off my bill even if they had to pay out of their OWN POCKET to save their tip. You want my money, CARE ABOUT MY MONEY!! My husband and I were overcharged this year on a margarita I ordered "as is" from the menu at a fine dining restaurant of all things that was $10 on the menu. Our bill had $12. We told the waiter and the waiter blamed it on a misprint. He did apologize, but only a small apology, no "SO SORRY" or asking the manager to comp something as HE SHOULD HAVE since HE had control over noticing that wrong price just as we did. Get this: WE NEVER DINED THERE BEFORE EXCEPT THAT TIME!! So we didn't even dine there before or work there, yet, WE NOTICED A WRONG PRICE, HOW SHOCKING for you, isn't? He received 11% for his "MISPRINT" fucking uncaring attitude and no comp. If he would have apologized by admitting "I'm so sorry I didn't notice this, let me get a manager to fix it" and he would have gotten a coke off for our inconvenience, he would have received 19% before the discount. See, our waiter COULD have noticed this issue and we wouldn't have had an overcharge if he *****CARED AND WASN'T LAZY ASS***!! I am TIRED OF THIS SHIT THAT WE FIND WRONG PRICES! SERVERS ARE SO SELFISH AND ONLY CARE ABOUT THEIR TIPS, BUT THE HELL WITH OUR MONEY!! WHY SERVERS ARE SO UNCARING, THEN EXPECT A GOOD TIP?

I would be understanding if servers like that one wouldn't have blamed the wrong price on the menu being old by saying it was a misprint. Blame the only person that's to blame for US RECEIVING that mistake, which is HIM since HE handed us our bill and was our server. NO ONE ELSE WAS AT FAULT FOR US RECEIVING THAT MISTAKE, BUT HIM!!

You talk about kind, that was MEAN to say "It must be misprint" to our faces. FUCK THAT ASSHOLE UNCARING, LAZY ASS WAITER!! We were going to tip 25% for REAL BEFORE this happened. This was a fine dining restaurant of all things.

When you dine at a restaurant, you order based on the PRICE ON THE **MENU**, NOT what is in the restaurant's computer system. I consented to $10 for the margarita, not $12 when I placed my order from the drink menu. Just remember, customers don't order from the computer. Nice and understanding servers would NEVER place the blame on the customer's check being wrong on ANYONE ELSE unless they didn't hand the customer their check. Any nice and understanding server would KNOW that it's 100% in their control to catch that sort of error. It's the GOD'S TRUTH!!

Springs1 said...

"Unlike you, the people that I wait on have the understanding that the server doesn't control all elements in the restaurant."

I already know they don't control "ALL" elements, that's impossible. I do know that they control around 85% of the things that get to our tables wrong. Wrong food-Sometimes it's rung up wrong and sometimes your server brought it out wrong. If it's another server that brought out the wrong food and the order was put in correctly, that would be something out of your control, but it still should go against the tip, because that other server was part of our service that went poorly. WHY should I pay well for bad service?

Forgetting items if the server brings out your food is in the server's control.

Also, you talked about "mischarges", well we have had a waitress charge me for a side salad without an entrée when I did order an entrée. It was a $1.51 overcharge and it wasn't the wrong price either, it was HER FAULT she PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON!! She pressed House salad $3.50 instead of "ADD house side salad to entrée" which was $1.99.

We have had 3 times wrong amounts(usually the server rings up the wrong table) on our credit cards.

We have had extra items on our bill the most, but wrong prices is really getting more popular in the past couple of years for us.

Once, we received the wrong check even.

My point is, if my server brings me my check, they are 100% in control of what our check has(NO INCLUDING THE TAXES OF COURSE, because that's the GOVERNMENT) on it. If you aren't illiterate, you can compare a menu to a customer's check. You can always find the time, because that's your job to MAKE the time. No one's request is any more important than anyone else's request. Meaning,that if a customer at another table requested a refill after someone at another table just asked for their check, that the person that ordered their refill should wait their turn as it's only fair. We all take turns in this world and not one of us is more important than the other. Everyone's time is just as important as anyone else's time. That customer with the refill request should wait his turn. Also, a SMART server would have checked those entrée prices way before the customers even received them as well as any other things they could check before check time. Some rare restaurants, have their soft drink/tea prices, which that's something you can check on beforehand unless they order it at the end, which is highly unlikely.

Get what I am saying? Most mistakes happen in general(NOT ALL, but MOST) due to OUR SERVER!! They have control over most things that get to our table in general.

Springs1 said...

"...I hope I never have the pleasure of having you in my section :"

The feeling is MUTUAL!! WHY would I want a server that doesn't care about my money? Why would I want to have a server that doesn't care if I have enough condiments? Why would I want to have a server that blames things on others when they are at fault 100%, because they can read just as WE can?

You hope to never have me, because you'd have to, get this: ACTUAL (((WORK))) FOR YOUR MONEY! WOW, WHAT A CONCEPT, THAT YOU ACTUAL HAVE TO WORK TO GET PAID!! I give big tips to servers that BUST ASS and are CARING about what they HAND ME!! You are like a worker at a fast food restaurant that doesn't care what is in your hands your are handing the customer. They don't make tips, so that's understandable that they don't care, but servers that make tips should care since their pay is only $2.13/hr in this state. You want customers to care about your money, you need to **ACT LIKE IT'S YOUR MONEY**!! What if that was YOUR $2, would you like to have had to discover it or wouldn't it have been nicer if your server would have fixed it WAYYY BEFORE it was check time even by getting the manager to fix it? A CARING server does that, unlike the LAZY AND UNCARING likes of YOU!! All you care about is YOUR MONEY, but HELL WITH THE CUSTOMER'S MONEY!!

If I can see the mistake, so can you!! You can read, can't you? Then, why are you saying it's out your control to find as you said "mischarges?" If it's in the customer's control to find it, you can too. The first post, it was a random receipt I found, which I noticed the mistake. Do I work there? NO!! Have I ever been there? NO!! I can take a menu and compare it to my bill just as YOU CAN, YOU LAZY ASS STUPID BITCH!!

WHY BE SO UNCARING ABOUT THE CUSTOMER'S MONEY, BUT THEN WANT OUR MONEY? CARING IS A 2-WAY STREET, so if you don't give a care, we won't as much about your money. Treat my money as if that were YOUR MONEY!!

Springs1 said...


"Your seeming aversion to 'waitresses' over 'waiters' is laughable"

It's laughable that you are that STUPID to not realize that a wrong price is IN YOUR CONTROL unless you don't hand your customers their check. It's laughable to think that you feel you aren't in control of most mistakes, but you are, which is common sense. It's laughable to think we should care about your tip when you don't care about our money.

It's really hilarious to see that you are that stupid to not know what is in your control and what isn't when it comes to wrong prices if you hand your customers their check.

legendary said...

Why would I not assume you want a refill? If I ate that much ranch, I would definitely need something to wash it down with.

Springs1 said...

"Why would I not assume you want a refill? If I ate that much ranch, I would definitely need something to wash it down with."

As you just said "SOMETHING" to wash it down with, NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME DRINK YOU IDIOT. Can be a glass of water or something else, maybe even a beer instead of a coke next. You never know unless you find out first.


Read Ashley's comment:
"Ashley November 29, 2008 at 11:38 pm I too am a server and as part of training in the restaurant I work at, I was taught to ask before bringing a refill, because although they will drink it if it’s in front of them, some people dont actually want that whole other glass of pop, they might actually want water or an alcoholic beverage… so in asking you always make sure the customer is getting what they want. :)"

She's a SMART server that wants to make 100% SURE she doesn't waste her time, her current customer's time, and her other customer's time as well. See, she's a server that probably has been through customers that HAVE CHANGED drinks before even. Isn't that a concept, that the CUSTOMER of all people gets to decide what THEY personally want? How about that, a CARING, NON-LAZY SERVER that makes trips to the customer's table to find out what **THEY** actually want?

Obviously, she has been through this to say they might want water or an alcoholic beverage to not just ASSUME what the customer wants. Sometimes people don't want refills at all. It's the truth. It's not up to YOU to decide what I want.

In this server's training, she said that she was taught to ask before bringing a refill. Think of the waste you could prevent by asking. Not only time, but money for the drink and glass that has to get cleaned. Time is money in a sense as well, because you could be getting something someone actually DOES want instead of wasting time getting things that are unwanted.

The server doesn't magically read minds to know WHAT they want to wash it down with. I just changed drinks at a restaurant yesterday where the STUPID IDIOT waiter decided FOR ME I wanted another coke when I switched to ICED TEA. Understand now?

legendary said...

You seem to have quite a bit of rage. Maybe you should refill your glass with water. The caffeine is making you irritable.

Springs1 said...

"You seem to have quite a bit of rage. Maybe you should refill your glass with water. The caffeine is making you irritable."

You don't have anything to say back, because I proved you wrong.

legendary said...

You proved me wrong by quoting some girl at a restaurant. Brilliant. Anyway....arguing on the internet is like the special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Springs1 said...

"Even if you win, you're still retarded."

WHY? I am right. The customer may want something else to drink or maybe not even want a refill at all. We all want different things at times. Sometimes I order a tea, sometimes I order a coke, etc. So YOU are the one that looks retarded and stupid by not admitting I am right and you are very wrong. We can always order another type of drink. The server shouldn't assume anything and the customer shouldn't assume that their server will assume something.

I think it would be very awkward to say "I don't want refills without being asked" and then they might reply, "Well I wasn't going to do that" if they weren't. What a waste of time and it's stupid to ASSUME that your server is going to ASSUME things. Your server is there to serve YOU and get you what YOU want, NOT to try to predict what you MIGHT want.

cassandra_nicole said...

As I read through every comment on your page, I seriously had this little glitter of hope that by the end of the comment page that you would have begun to have an open mind. Well, after reading every comment, I realized that never happened.

First off, I would like to let you know that I have worked at 4 different restaurants; once as a hostess and the other times as a server. Unfortunately things such as high school and now moving around for college has affected my ability to stay at one place for very long, but I have gained many experiences from each place. Second off, for the past 2 years I have practically eaten out with my mother and father almost every single day for lunch and dinner. We do this because my mother had a gastric bypass so her stomach can only handle certain foods without making her sick. So I have now provided to you that my claims are far more legitimate than yours because 1. I have worked in a restaurant before and actually understand what happens behind the scenes and 2. I have much more customer experiences. And before you say something about me living with my parents because it does appear that you have a very snobbish attitude and may say something about being “lazy” because I live with my parents, I am a college student just trying to get by until I finish my education, which you lack.

I am going to address each of your issues one by one.

1. Okay, here I will say I found that you were rather lenient due to the fact that you allow your server 3-5 minutes to greet you. I actually believe going over 1 minute is ridiculous and I have never worked in a restaurant that doesn’t have a policy of greeting within the first minute. Mainly because most people come into a restaurant hungry and just that minute can seem like an eternity. So here, you were actually being too nice because 3-5 minutes for a greet is far too long.

2. Yes, customers should always have utensils no matter what. So another point agreed upon. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten my food and waited 5 minutes for a fork so that I can eat. I will give servers benefits of the doubt though. When I was a hostess for my first job, we were in charge of rolling the silver. The manager’s were told we were running low and refused to buy more because “money was low”. Well we ended up on an hour wait one night and were unable to bring silver to the table, which was our job (and typically it is the job of the hostess to bring you your silver even if there is none to bring; they have to roll it and bring it to you as quickly as they can). The server however should always make sure that everything is on the table and not depend on the hostess because most are not very reliable since they are typically 16 years old and don’t care. But anyway, that one day we absolutely ran out of silver. There was none getting clean so there was none to roll which means there were people without anything to eat with. I cannot tell you how many times I got cussed out that night because there was no silver. It gets frustrating for the server so you have to understand some things are not in their control at all times. Things do happen. It’s frustrating as a customer to but you have no idea how stressful it is to a server that you think doesn’t care but is in the back about to have a heart attack because things aren’t going smoothly for them.


cassandra_nicole said...

3. Extra napkins should always be brought once the server takes the order. This is just a rule I stand by because most people will ask anyway. Typically I receive napkins before my meal when I eat out.

4. I think that it is strange that you had someone try to upsell after you ordered. I personally would never do this because it is awkward and as a customer I would not appreciate someone trying to sell me something I did not want.

5. Okay, this part to me is completely strange. Every job I’ve worked at requires that the bread be brought to a table after the order is complete. I will say that in some restaurants the server will ask if we want it or at least say something like “I’ll bring your bread right out”. In that case you can say “Oh, no thank you. I’m not interested in the bread.” It seems like you on the other hand deduct from the tip just because the company gives free food. Most people actually get rather angry when stuff such as bread isn’t provided quickly or if the store ran out. But you want to complain about getting it which is why it’s strange. Also, every job I have worked at REQUIRES you to bring a refill as soon as it is half empty. I will typically ask when I come by just to make sure because I don’t always drink the full glass, but I have worked at a restaurant that tells you to bring it out without asking because it shows that you’re keeping an eye on the table. As a customer I have been to an Outback where the server brought out drinks like crazy. I didn’t mind because it showed me that he had what I needed on the mind to make sure I didn’t run out when he got busy. If I wanted to change my drink, all he had to do was say “okay, no problem” then take the glass he brought back to the dish room and get what I wanted. I see nothing wrong with that. Yes he had to take a few extra minutes and steps, but at least he did it. Whereas I have had numerous occasions where I never get a refill at all (and that is laziness). Bringing it to the table without asking is not lazy and I do not see where you get that from. You say they were “too lazy to ask” but I think that is the most non-lazy thing they can do because you might now want it and they have to go dump it out. And if you don’t want the bread I do not see the problem with the server bringing it to your table you saying no then they bring it back to the dish pit. You say you deduct from the tip for this but I don’t see what they did wrong. Yes, you didn’t “order it”, but they didn’t do anything wrong by trying to be ahead of the game. And PLEASE do not repeat the whole Outback bread at greeting incident. I think I read that enough to make my head want to explode. That server was stupid but that doesn’t mean that every other one is.


cassandra_nicole said...

6. Another common sense thing. I actually worked for a place that made the servers do the bar tending too because the owner was too cheap to get one. So I’d bring out the drinks that were non-bar and typically brought the person that wanted a bar drink a water because I’d always ask if they wanted one and they normally did. Then I’d bring the appetizer and have to run upstairs to make the drink. Luckily sometimes the other servers would pitch in, but this was because here we all shared the tip so by everyone sharing we were encouraged to do team work even though some sit back and did nothing and still made the tip for not taking a single table.

7. This is my biggest pet peeve. I absolutely will not drink without a straw and I get very angry when I do not get a straw with my drink. Of course if the server goes and gets one right away all is good but I have had an instance where she never brought me one no matter how many times I asked. That there is laziness and tip should be deducted but as for the person that promptly goes to get me a straw, that should not because yes it is a mistake but they fixed it. And just saying…. You probably didn’t “order” that straw when you told your server you wanted a drink so since you didn’t “order” it maybe they were being considerate to that fact because it’s such a crime for a server to bring out or “order” something that you do not want.

8. On slow days we were pushed to do small talk with customers. Busy days we were not. I actually enjoy a server that can cut up, but not one that talks too much. At the lower end restaurant I worked at, we typically got older folks so they liked a little talk. At another restaurant we had no capability to talk because of how the restaurant worked. It also is about the person. I can read when a person likes to cut up and share a little story about an experience or their day. Some people will actually give a bad tip if the server does not talk because they feel as if the server does not care about them enough to give them some time to talk or they feel like their server is too busy to take care of them. I can also tell when someone wants to be left alone. Overall, when I am at a place I don’t mind as long as it is not affecting business. If it is then they need to do their job first then talk later.
9. Agree with this one too. I hate when I place a order and the server doesn’t write it down because 9 times out of 10 something comes out wrong. I was a Chili’s the other day and ordered a grilled shrimp pasta. I received grilled chicken. Why? Because he didn’t write it down and just remembered grilled and pasta and assumed it was chicken. As a server I write down everything because I don’t have the best memory and it helps me realize what the person wanted entirely because the computer doesn’t allow everything to be put on such as your condiments you desire so much.


cassandra_nicole said...

10. Agreed again. It’s just annoying. I don’t deduct from the tip like you do, but it is annoying.

11. Most places I have worked at require a menu test. It looks better for the server to know something specific so that I know what I am getting when I ask. Personally I just read the menu myself when I go out so I don’t ask questions. And as far as knowing the menu to know what you get with it, this is another agree only because it is annoying when a sandwich comes with a certain sauce but the server didn’t realize it when they were checking the order in the back. This is another thing that I do not deduct from the tip because quite honestly I believe this was the cooks fault for not placing it on the plate in the first place. Yes the server should have known to ask but if they go back and get it promptly, than it really is not a big deal.

12. At first I thought you meant about something to eat. Every place I’ve worked says to suggest something because sometimes people don’t know what they want or have never been. Example: I come up and say “Can I get you started off with some cheese sticks today.” Typically I do not suggest an entrée unless asked but appetizers and dessert should be suggested. And no the server should not have put her two cents in about how many dressings you wanted. I don’t even know why she would honestly care. And this is something I might deduct from the tip only because more than likely this server is going to have a poor attitude if they’re already talking back to the customer. Customers are always right even when they’re not.

13. Once again agreed. Refer to above for explanation.

14. Maybe this server was trying to joke around but if not they should’ve kept the comment to themselves. If I was you I would’ve been hurt because I would’ve felt like that server was making fun of me. Some comments are better left unsaid and that was one of them.


cassandra_nicole said...

15. I think you overacted a little with the “some pissed” comment. This is when I realized that it seems like you have a little anger problem but I still understand it. No, a server should not assume. They should ask. Whenever I eat at Chili’s I always order an appetizer as my meal but I want it to come out as an app because I eat slow. Most servers understand that and bring it out right away. Others don’t and I end up making the group I’m with wait a while since I’m slow at eating this particular meal. A server should never assume and should always ask first. I would not deduct anything if they apologized and tried their best to fix the situation.
16. I don’t know why this server didn’t bring your condiments out right away if you requested it so on this part the server was lazy, unless they were just busy and thought they would get them to you before the meal but didn’t make it because they had too many tables. In this case the manager needs to cut the persons tables because they obviously can’t handle them. I was always told that if you can’t do perfect services then you have too many tables. I normally don’t bring out condiments before meals but I do grab things when the food comes out. It was a training part of a job I had. If they ordered fries, then they’ll probably need ketchup. Steaks normally need sauce. Stuff like that. But then in your case you’d deduct a tip because you didn’t “order” it so either way I’d lose in this situation. But I would bring what you wanted before if that is what you requested.
17. I see your point. I don’t have experience with this because I do not drink, but I hate watered down coke so I wouldn’t want something to just sit out. I would not bring out both unless you said you wanted them both or if I asked and you said that was okay.


cassandra_nicole said...

18. Agreed. I recently went into a place I had worked at and had the world’s most awful server. I could tell she was new but she really had no excuses since it was a week worth of training and she acted like they just threw her out on the floor with no experience. She came to our table after about 5 minutes because she was setting up some food for another table. Understandable. She however did not tell us she’d be right with us when this table needed everything in the world which caused an extra couple of minutes. If she would’ve said I’ll be right with you it would’ve made the situation better. She then took our order and went to the computer and looked around the restaurant like an idiot trying to find someone to help her because she didn’t know how to put our order in. I was so about to walk up there and move her over and do it myself because it took her 10 minutes to put it in. 5 to wait for someone to walk to her to ask her if she needed help and another 5 to put it in. Our food that should’ve taken no longer than 15 minutes took 40 and she never apologized or offered us a free dessert like I would have. The manager was new also and was no help whatsoever. He never made sure we were okay and didn’t offer anything either. Not that we would have taken it exactly but still. Orders should be put in right after it’s taken and it should be done promptly or else the food will take forever.
19. Alright…. So this is a tricky one. I do not bring out condiments before the meal unless requested. No I cannot trust another server and I never do, but a server should ensure your food is right within a minute of getting it so they should have ample amounts of time to grab what you need. I worked at one restaurant that taught that certain foods come with certain condiments so I never had to worry about that person not getting it but at another I had greedy servers that only cared about what they got so they wouldn’t get the condiments. I do not think it’s lazy if the server does not bring it out right away. It only is if they never get it for you or it takes them forever.
20. Like others have said there are regulations to what can be put into the ramekins believe it or not. I know you’re an expert of servers and all, but in this you appear to not be. I actually got blessed out by a manager for filling a ramekin full to the top of mustard. I mean literally he was on the verge of firing me for “wasting perfectly good mustard” because most manager’s do not believe people use many of these things so if you fill it up to the top than it’s a waste. If the customer is specific however that server should know to bring it out full. Many people tell me they use a lot of something and I bring them out a supple amount to make sure I 1. Don’t have to make a ton of trips back since I do have other tables and 2. They have everything they need. If the customer is not specific the server should bring out what is regulated by the management and if the person wants more than there should be no problem getting more. Another thing that I don’t have problems with because I’m not that picky.


cassandra_nicole said...

21. Agree again. I remember when people are typically picky about things and open up my book to make sure I have everything. I have no customer experience because I’m not picky like that.
22. Agreed again. This is how you tell the difference between a veteran server and a new one because the veteran server will know to check. Again I will say it is a bit of the kitchens fault too but if they had the time they could’ve checked.
23. I always get what is asked unless I am busy. If I am busy I make sure the server knows right away to get it for their table. I normally have issues with steak sauce. Another server brings me the steak and I tell them I need A1. They don’t get it and don’t tell my server so I wait forever before I get it. It happens frequently and shouldn’t. A way to stop this is by the server of the table to check back within a minute of the customers getting food to make sure they received everything.
24. Refer to above.
25. I am actually shocked to see that you don’t get apologies. I apologize for pretty much everything and typically every restaurant I’ve been to the server will tell me their sorry for things that aren’t even a big deal to me. I am sorry that you have had some sorry waiters.


cassandra_nicole said...

26. Another thing I don’t understand. When ANYTHING goes wrong at any of the places I worked at a manager was supposed to be informed immediately. I think the area you live in is just filled with idiots or something… And if they say their sorry and not “SO sorry” they should not have their tips affected because that shows that you’re an idiot and believe everyone should bow down to your every need.
27. Agree
28. As I said before a customer’s right even when they’re not right. My rule is, out on the floor they are right and you should do everything to make them happy even if back in the kitchen you know they’re wrong. In other words I keep things back in the kitchen such as angry words or w/e because the customer is valuable to the company and should not be argued with because they can have friends that have friends that have friends and that bad experience will make the restaurant lose business.
29. A server should always ask to make sure the person is done. No excuse. I had someone take my steak away from me that I wasn’t finished with and throw it away. I let them know and they felt so bad they had them make me a new one. That’s the right thing to do in that situation.
30. I see no problem with the server picking up the app dishes then asking you if you would like a refill.


cassandra_nicole said...

31. A server should ask towards the end. I normally ask and if they say no that’s when I lay down the check and let them know no rush. Some servers ask early though as a sale tactic. Some believe if you get it stuck in their mind and they really want it that they will get it so you have to implant it into their mind before they are too full to even think about it. I just normally ask in the end.
32. Agree.
33. I honestly have never looked to check for charges like that. That would be extremely time consuming to print the ticket and then check it to the menu. And no it’s not lazy to not check. You have said that customers typically want their checks as quickly as possible so by me checking the menu to your check would add about 5 minutes onto the time. Computers have glitches some time and it’s unfortunate but if you notice it then I’m sure the server should have no problem fixing it. As for the girl that said something about the computer made the mistake. She should not have argued with you and let the manager know so they could fix it. Computers are not reliable.
34. Okay here’s where you get batty again. There ARE restaurants that REQUIRE the server to bring the check when the MEAL comes out not just at dessert time. They do this because most people want to eat and leave. If you want something added on to your check then the server just needs to take the check and add on the other stuff. There is no problem with that.
35. It does not take me a very long time to write something personal on the check. I only am capable of doing it on slow times though because when I’m busy doing it between putting in the meal and getting it gets difficult with many tables. I can say that I remember the first time I got a check with a thank you and I thought it was very sweet. Did it help the tip…. Not really. But I’ve always been told to tip 20% for good service, 15% for okay service, and 10% for absolutely horrible service. I could NEVER EVER EVER stiff someone because servers ONLY make tips. So they wasted time on you for you to not tip. That means you have made them make a big $0/hr. Bravo for being a dick.
36. ANOTHER THING THAT IS REQUIRED. I was actually told at Red Lobster that we couldn’t get our check because the manager has to bring survey checks to the table. The reason you’re told is so that when you have one of your horrible experiences you can let them know on that and stop blogging about stuff you have no idea about. TELLING OF SURVEYS IS REQUIRED and DO NOT TELL ME THAT IT IS NOT BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW. You should really look into taking these surveys since it seems like you have such horrible experiences all the time.
37. It is not rude at all to make sure the other tables are okay. It would actually be more rude of me to hear that you want your check and not say anything to the other tables while I was on the floor. Those customers saw me so they need to be addressed. Yes I should get your check promptly but the other people do not need to be ignored to make you happy. I honestly don’t see anyone having an issue with this.


cassandra_nicole said...

38. Check should be rung up immediately. 3 minutes is too long. If you had to wait this long, I’d be surprised because if I was your server I would want to push you out as quickly as possible.
39. I think this is a no brainer.
40. I don’t know of anyone who has never given me my full change back. If anything I’ve had a server give me some extra change because they only had a one instead of correct change. I don’t know why any server would not give you your change. I have also worked at a place that REQUIRED you to ask if the person needed change. Another REQUIRED not because someone said that it made it seem like they didn’t think they would be tipped. This to me should be a judgment call on the server. I normally bring out the change unless told to keep it and most of the time the tell me to keep the change when I come back out.
41. A server should wait. The only reason I see a server picking up their tip early is because you’re their last table and they want to go home but you’re just camping and making them stay extra minutes that they don’t need to.
Overall it seems like you had a bad experience and decided to vent it out on a blog. You have some points but I disagree strongly on some points. For one, you should NEVER EVER deduct from a tip if the person makes an effort to fix the problem. That is mean as hell for you to do that because that means they wasted their time fixing the problem because they weren’t even going to be paid for the extra time it took them to argue with the cook to get what you need or to beg and plead with the manager to go and talk with you . I NEVER DEDUCT A TIP IF THEY FIX THEIR MISTAKE.


cassandra_nicole said...

I do agree with everyone that you seem like one of those 10% tippers that will never be satisfied. I only say this because no matter what someone says on here you argue about laziness. You have to realize you are not the only table. This server probably has many more tables they are trying to please. Servers also get weeded by various things. Oh and because you’ve never been a server… to be in the weeds means to be so busy the server really can’t get everything done. You really need to realize that many servers realize problems and they go through hell to try to fix them and they really get stressed. I can’t tell you how many times I was almost put into tears because I wanted nothing more than to make my customer happy but things such as cooks, managers, other servers, etc make it impossible. You just assume that because you don’t get things right away that the server is “lazy” or talking. I cannot tell you how wrong you are. You have no idea what is going on. You may need a drink but the soda machine may be out of syrup so that takes a minute or so. Bread may not be cooks (NOT THE SERVERS FAULT) so they can’t bring that out right away.
I do suggest that you get a weekend job as a server just to see how it is. You say you know, but you really really don’t. I’m not just saying that. I’m saying it as a customer that is also a server. I notice when servers are truly doing a bad job and they will get their 10% tip and I notice they’re truly bad only because I know because I’ve served before. Never have a stiffed anyone. I’m not cruel like you. How I know a server is doing a bad job? It’s dead and it takes 10 minutes to greet me. I only have this happen when I eat at Texas Roadhouse. EVERY Texas Roadhouse I go to I wait literally 10 minutes before I get greeted. About 3 minutes for drinks. 3 more minutes for my order to be taken. This is horrible service and I normally get up and don’t eat because there is absolutely no excuse for that. That is true laziness. But a server that tries to do everything urgently is a good server. Even if it is not up to YOUR standards, which by the way this ENTIRE blog is about how to be a good server for YOU not for everyone.


cassandra_nicole said...

You really should not be so picky and realize most servers are doing the best they can and you will really know when one is not. You cannot deduct or not tip for stupid crap like not getting your full side of mayo because if they go back and get you more than at least they took that time to do that. It is NOT lazy to go back and get more. That actually takes time and walking so definitely not lazy. To me the server is more lazy when they bring it all out first because they want to be lazy and not have to get you anything else.
Remember: servers do not make minimum wage/hr. They make tips/hr. They’re small amount they get for hours is put into taxes. Never did I ever get a break while I was a server. Even if I worked from open to close, I was on my feet for 12+ hours because servers slow time is their “break” even if they have tables. Most servers want to make you happy and it does upset them when you’re upset. A good server should do everything in their power to fix a mistake and if you do not like that they bust their butt to make their mistake get turned around then you don’t need to go out ever because I find it absolutely crazy that you will give some below 10% just because they MADE the mistake EVEN IF they try to fix it. That is complete CRAZINESS. Just keep in mind that most servers work their butts off and yes I could get another job as you suggested to someone else, but since I am in college I would prefer to make tips since I am more than likely to make more in tips than I am working for something in retail. Please stop being a snob and so picky. Also I believe it would benefit you to not cuss so much. You really seem like a child while I was reading because you’re cussing, calling people names, and getting very defensive over something stupid. It seems really immature. People are trying to have a mature debate with you and all you do is repeat yourself and call names and talk about things that are completely irrelevant.
You need to contact the managers of these restaurants that you’re having so many problems with too. You have some strong emotions and you need to let them know. Rules are set for the servers so that they provide excellent service. These rules are places by corporate who read comments like what you say.

Also remember…. The world does not revolve around you.

Springs1 said...

"1. Okay, here I will say I found that you were rather lenient due to the fact that you allow your server 3-5 minutes to greet you. I actually believe going over 1 minute is ridiculous"

You don't seem to understand that sometimes servers get DOULBE or TRIPLE SAT, which even WE(me and my husband) have ordered FULLY(entrées, appetizer, drinks(bar drinks AND soft drinks) and even side salads) and even asking questions about certain things such as "what comes in the side salad"(they don't list in most menus what comes in them, which ALL restaurants make side salads DIFFERENTLY) AT GREETING TIME. Do you honestly think a server can always greet in that little time if customers fully order(besides dessert of course) at the time of greeting? Of course they can't, it's IMPOSSIBLE and if a server were to tell us we couldn't order, that would be so rude that I wouldn't tip them if they did that crap. Just because normally people don’t fully order doesn't mean people aren't allowed to at the time of greeting.

Just recently, went with my husband and my parents to OUTBACK. This was a rarity that I was in a party of 4 altogether(including myself). Found out later afterwards from the manager that the waitress was triple sat. I ordered 2 breads with 2 remoulades and 1 ranch as well as 1 blommin onion and 1 quesadilla. I also asked the waitress about getting a certain margarita that they got rid of recently(got it late Feb. even this year) if they could still make it, which she was new, so she told us she'd have to ask, which they were able to make it.

Anyway, think of the TIME we took and the fact also, we were the first ones in at 3p.m. when they opened the doors, but ANOTHER SERVER at the table in front of us GREETED THEIR TABLE BEFORE OURS and WE WERE FIRST IN THE DOOR EVEN!! She didn't even greet us until at least 2-3 minutes, so by the time she got to the third table, there's NO WAY she got to the third table within even 5 minutes with maybe even the second table that could have done the SAME THING or even ordered ALL their food, even with modifications even as well as drinks and asking questions even.

While I understand it's a requirement, I see the SAME SERVERS that made us wait over 5 minutes to greet us STILL WORK AT the restaurants we frequent. Doesn't that tell you something? Sometimes you cannot greet the table within a minute. The waitress couldn't have told us that we couldn't order some food. I would have left zero or asked the host to get us another server that isn't rude if she would have done that.

Sometimes it's truly IMPOSSIBLE to greet within 1 minute. Some people ask questions. Some people don't know what they want to drink, so they take up the server's time to figure it out. Sometimes another table may have an issue such as their steak is cooked wrong, so before you were able to greet them, you would have had to fix their steak first out of being FAIR and thinking about that their side dishes would get cold and the fact that it's just the RIGHT THING to do to fix a mistake first. It's still that person's turn if they have a mistake. It's not the next person's turn yet is what I am saying.

I RARELY get instances where we are greeted within a minute, RARELY. It's usually 2-3 minutes for REAL, especially during busy times like 7p.m. on a Friday or Saturday night.

Springs1 said...

"for the past 2 years I have practically eaten out with my mother and father almost every single day for lunch and dinner. 2. I have much more customer experiences."

You don't have more customer service experiences. I am 32yrs old. We have been going out to eat 2-3 times a weekend since late 2000(Nov. 2000 to be exact). I would say just about every single weekend we have. The times that we didn't, honestly, you can replace them with holidays that we did go out to eat such as labor day going out to eat or just went out to eat 4th of July, which we normally NEVER usually go out to eat during Mon.-Thurs.

I am not sure WHERE you got that from that you have the CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE WE HAVE HAD? NO WAY have you had the experiences we have had. 2yrs everyday still wouldn't add up to our almost 9yrs(this November of eating out 2-3 times a weekend at times, meaning that's like eating out 2-3 times a week. I think we have MUCH MORE experience than you have had. Have you had a wrong entrée before delivered to you by your server or a different server? We have had both before happen to us. Have you ever had overcharges on your check? We have had I am guessing around 30-35 overcharges, because I stopped counting after a while. It was getting to be so often. Have you ever had a server forget your side dish or bring you the wrong side dish? We have. Have you ever had a server be rude to you? We have. Have you ever waited almost 20 minutes for your check to be rung up? We have. Have you ever had any server purposely overcharge you? We have. My point is, we have been through some shitty service at times.

"But anyway, that one day we absolutely ran out of silver. There was none getting clean so there was none to roll which means there were people without anything to eat with. I cannot tell you how many times I got cussed out that night because there was no silver. It gets frustrating for the server so you have to understand some things are not in their control at all times."

Sorry, I have been through this before at a restaurant during 8p.m. and a wait for a table on a Saturday Night, which OUR WAITRESS ADMITTED she had to CLEAN SOME FORKS FOR US TO EAT OUR SIDE SALADS WITH. GUESS WHAT, THAT IS IN YOUR CONTROL TO CLEAN SOME FOR US!! QUIT SAYING THINGS ARE OUT OF YOUR CONTROL IF YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! THAT WAITRESS DID!!! The ONLY REASON WHY we received any utensils was because OUR WAITRESS CLEANED THEM HERSELF!! SHE TOOK CHARGE OF HER TIP, WHY NOT YOU? You can find the time, considering we had side salads in front of us for 3-4 minuets without being able to eat them without anything to eat WITH. If you just served us side salads with no forks, it's 100% in YOUR CONTROL to CLEAN SOME just as the waitress did for us. I HATE WHEN SERVERS TRY TO SAY THINGS ARE OUT OF THEIR CONTROL WHEN THEY ARE IN THEIR CONTROL!!! Give me a BREAK HERE!!! You aren't HANDI-CAPPED are you, that you couldn’t clean a couple of forks? I mean seriously.

Springs1 said...

"Every job I’ve worked at requires that the bread be brought to a table after the order is complete."

What DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ***ASKING**** YOUR CUSTOMERS "Would you all like some bread" at the time of getting the DRINK ORDERS AT THE TIME YOU GREET THEM? If you find out they refuse, then you know not to bring out any bread and tell your manager that they didn't want any. If you find out they do, then go ahead and bring some. The fact that you are SO INCONSIDERATE as to NOT EVEN HAVE COMMON SENSE that you can simply ****ASK**** the customers if they want the bread is really unbelievable that there are people in this world that aren't CARING like that. The server should not be bringing out ANYTHING without ASKING THE CUSTOMER'S PERMISSION TO IF IT IS OK OR NOT!!

The customers may be there for the first time and not even know there is bread they will get, so HOW would they know to tell their server they don't want any bread, huh? Just the other weekend, went to a restaurant where we were given bread after ordering our entrées, during while we were waiting for them. That SURPRISED US. A CARING server would have asked us if we would have wanted bread. That's what a CONSIDERATE person does, unlike you and most servers.

BTW, I DO NOT TAKE OFF FROM THE TIP FOR THIS, because NO SERVERS ARE EVER HAVE BEEN CONSIDRATE ENOUGH TO ASK IF WE WANTED BREAD OR chips n' salsa the free ones. They all take it for granted that everyone wants something for free and will of course want the free item.

"I will say that in some restaurants the server will ask if we want it or at least say something like “I’ll bring your bread right out”."

NEVER, NOT ONCE, had a server ASK that out of ALL the times we have gone out to eat at any place that serves freebies like that(bread, chips-n-salsa, etc.).

"but I have worked at a restaurant that tells you to bring it out without asking because it shows that you’re keeping an eye on the table."

That's why you ask at the GREETING TIME "Would you all like refills without being asked?" That way you satisfy the ones that do since they will not tell you. You will also satisfy the ones that don't, because they don't have to tell you they don't want you ORDERING for them, because it's common sense CUSTOMERS ORDER FOR THEMSELVES. We are the ones that get MENUS and are DRINKING THE DRINKS HERE, NOT OUR SERVERS!! You still can ask at the greeting time is what I am saying to find out if they want that type of service. Some people don't want refills or maybe may want something else, so it's always better to ASK the greeting instead.

I feel the customers that want the refills without asking or being asked should be the ones to speak up and tell their server, but they won't , so that's why you have to ask them. Those customers should be ordering their automatic refills at the greeting by asking for them then, but they don't. We are the ones that get to order, NOT our servers.

Read Ashley's comment:

"Ashley November 29, 2008 at 11:38 pm I too am a server and as part of training in the restaurant I work at, I was taught to ask before bringing a refill, because although they will drink it if it’s in front of them, some people dont actually want that whole other glass of pop, they might actually want water or an alcoholic beverage… so in asking you always make sure the customer is getting what they want. :)"

See Ashley is a server and has seen FIRST HAND that people sometimes change up. She's a SMART SERVER that doesn’t risk doing something for nothing.

Springs1 said...

"As a customer I have been to an Outback where the server brought out drinks like crazy. I didn’t mind because it showed me that he had what I needed on the mind to make sure I didn’t run out when he got busy."

That's because you didn't want something else is why, because it didn't take any more of your time, if anything, because you wanted that refill, it was QUICKER to get to you, because your server didn't make a separate trip to your table to ask you.

You also don’t mind, because you don't care if a server decides something for you, but I do!! I don’t want my server to decide things for me unless I ask them their opinion on something, which 99.9% of the times, I don't want to know what they like or want.

I hate when servers state their opinion when you order such as once a waitress at Applebee's said "GOOD CHOICE" when I ordered the "perfect margarita." I don't care about what they think of the drink. They may like it, that doesn't mean I will or if I have had it before, I don't give a flying fuck if they like it. WHO CARES? That's just stupid to say your opinion when it wasn't asked for. Especially, if I don't know the server I wouldn't care what a STRANGER thinks about the drink. I do have some servers that I really like that I would value their opinion that are good server, but a stranger is not the person I would want their opinion from unless I ask for it. I get to like certain servers that are caring and give me good service, that is how I want to be their friends sort of like by making small talk(how are you doing) type of thing. Some servers I wouldn't want to be friends with that aren't caring, which means I wouldn't care about their opinion.

I am mentioning this because you act like it's the SERVER'S DECISION to get you a refill, but it's not, it's up to the CUSTOMER ONLY!! That includes that when I order that I don't want to hear their opinion about what I have ordered. I honestly don’t care if they think it's the greatest thing since slice bread type of thing. What matters is if the CUSTOMER likes it.

"If I wanted to change my drink, all he had to do was say “okay, no problem” then take the glass he brought back to the dish room and get what I wanted. I see nothing wrong with that. Yes he had to take a few extra minutes and steps, but at least he did it. Whereas I have had numerous occasions where I never get a refill at all (and that is laziness)."

I don't see it like that at ALL!! I see EVERYTHING wrong with that:

1. It shows that the server is TOO LAZY to COME TO ASK YOU.
2. It shows your server isn't caring about what **YOU** want and wants to ASSUME OR GIVE YOU WHAT *THEY* WANT!!
3. The most important reason, it just WASTED YOUR TIME that you could have received your drink or whatever you wanted THAT MUCH SOONER all because your server wanted to RUN THE SHOW instead of letting YOU, the customer run the show of WHEN AND WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS.

WASTING MY TIME is the most important part as to why I would be mad. Instead of coming to ask me, the servers wasted MY TIME fixing and bringing an unwanted drink, making me wait LONGER to get the drink I do want, all because they ASSUMED!!

Springs1 said...

"Bringing it to the table without asking is not lazy and I do not see where you get that from. You say they were “too lazy to ask” but I think that is the most non-lazy thing they can do because you might now want it and they have to go dump it out."

IT IS VERY LAZY that they didn't make A TRIP TO YOUR TABLE TO ASK YOU!! Think about it, that's an EXTRA TRIP and they don't want to do it, because they are TOO LAZY to find out first.

It's not the most non-lazy thing, because MOST people DO want refills, so they are playing the odds that 80% of people won't change up or won't refuse the refill, so it's actually MORE LAZIER to try to make LESS TRIPS in their entire shift by SHORTCUTTING the trips they make by ******ASSUMING******** what the customer will want next. Kind of like asking if you want your change so they don't have to make another trip back to your table. Let's say there may be 5 tables out of the 25 tables that shift you had that wanted something else. Think of the fact that they are thinking about MAKING LESS TRIPS that it's lazy. If they weren't lazy, they'd come to FIND OUT WHAT'S NEXT instead of ASSUMING.

We had a waitress once ASSUME we wanted strawberry cheesecake instead of raspberry cheesecake all because they were out of the raspberry. The reason why, the manager told me it was on the computer screen they were out, meaning, she was TOO LAZY to ASK US "Would strawberry be ok", which we decided on CHOCOLATE just to let you know.

That's the way I look at ANYTHING they ASSUME that they may have to send it back, because they didn't get YOUR PERMISSION FIRST.

She was too lazy to ask us and VERY INCONSIDERATE of our likes or even possible allergies(which there weren't, but people are allergic to different foods out there). She took the shortcut way of doing things, because she ASSUMED EVERYONE that likes raspberries likes strawberries or wants them. She wasted A LOT of time where we had to wait for a whole new cheesecake to be prepared during that time the wrong one was being prepared. That shows you how some servers are so INCONSIDERATE!! While we like strawberries, we weren't in the mood for strawberries. Those 2 fruits taste VERY DIFFERENT.

It's MORE CONSIDERATE just to ask at the greeting if they would like refills without being asked.

"And if you don’t want the bread I do not see the problem with the server bringing it to your table you saying no then they bring it back to the dish pit."

I do, because any NICE, CARING, and CONSIDERATE server would ASK BEFORE BRINGING IT or if it's required to bring it at the greeting time, **ASK** BEFORE TAKING IT OFF THE TRAY.

Springs1 said...

"You say you deduct from the tip for this but I don’t see what they did wrong."

The bread, no I don't take off from the tip because it is something that you don't order normally(unless it's a refill on the bread) and it doesn’t change up like you can with drinks, but the soft drinks or tea, YES. It's not like at Outback for instance that one time you could have pumpernickel bread and the other time you can have French bread. The bread is consistent and is totally free unlike refills where you are really paying for it in the price of the original soft drink or tea sort of. Drinks can be changed and are actually ordered. The free bread comes without ordering it and you cannot change up like you can with drinks. The customers are supposed to be able to order their refills or even better, their servers ASK their customers if they want refills.

For the refills, if they assumed wrong and wasted my time, they have OVERSTEPPED by doing the ordering for me, which the CUSTOMERS are supposed to get to order their own things by the server asking or the customer asking.

What they have done wrong even if I do want the refill is that they weren't CONSIDEREATE enough to LET ME say what I want. They just were too lazy to come to ask me and assumed or gave me what THEY WANTED TO OR THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE WANTED!! They shouldn't be doing the ordering for you. That's not how restaurant service is supposed to go. WE GET MENUS FOR A REASON!! WE ARE DRINKING THE DRINKS, so WHY should our servers have ANY SAY SO in the ordering process?

"Yes, you didn’t “order it”, but they didn’t do anything wrong by trying to be ahead of the game."

How can you say that? They aren't supposed to "ASSUME" things. If they can be wrong, WHY RISK being wrong when you can make 100% sure of things?

They are doing wrong by being inconsiderate and lazy to come to the table to ASK first.

You said "No, a server should not assume They should ask." So you though it was ok with appetizers, but not ok with refills or bread to assume? You shouldn't be thinking ahead by assuming EVER for ANYTHING!!!

"Then I’d bring the appetizer and have to run upstairs to make the drink."

So you would wait until their appetizer came out to make their drink? Since when are drinks are supposed to come out AFTER the food if at all possible, huh? You should have took the customer's order and put it in the computer, THEN went to get the non-bar drink to bring it, then went to make the drink while the food was being prepared. You did it ASS-BACKWARDS!! If they didn't want water, they wouldn't have had ANYTHING to drink with, how nice, huh?

"You probably didn’t “order” that straw when you told your server you wanted a drink so since you didn’t “order” it maybe they were being considerate to that fact because it’s such a crime for a server to bring out or “order” something that you do not want."

This is STUPID!! NO ONE "ORDERS" STRAWS!! WHERE DO YOU GET THAT FROM? Customers order MENU ITEMS, NOT your basic items like napkins, utensils, straws, etc. Customers ASK for those, they don't "ORDER" them. Also, straws(unless you have different sizes), utensils, and napkins cannot be CHANGED like soft drinks or food can that if you are wrong, it takes time to fix them whereas if you get someone a straw that doesn't use it, SO WHAT? No harm done.

People don't order straws!!! I don't see straws listed on menus, now do I? THE MENU IS THE GOD OF ORDERING!!!!

"I was a Chili’s the other day and ordered a grilled shrimp pasta. I received grilled chicken. Why? Because he didn’t write it down and just remembered grilled and pasta and assumed it was chicken."

I, at times, have asked the servers to write down my order, which a few of them have refused, which of course it came out wrong. Some have complied, which some got them wrong, some didn't. I shouldn't have to ask my server to write down my order though.

Springs1 said...

"10. Agreed again. It’s just annoying. I don’t deduct from the tip like you do, but it is annoying."

WHY? They should have REPEATED your order if they weren't sure instead of doing that. Now, if they are out of something, that's totally different. I am talking about a waiter once at Chili's that asked "Did you want only lettuce and tomatoes" or something like that, which I said "No, lettuce and onions only." He was too lazy to write the order down, OF COURSE DEDUCTION!! WHY pay someone well to be LAZY and INTERRUPT MY DINING EXPERIENCE when they had an OPPORTUNITY to WRITE IT DOWN? That's just LAZY!! I take off for that most of the time.

Just yesterday we had a waiter that didn't write down the drink orders. I ordered a coke and a top shelf margarita made with a certain tequila on the rocks with salt and my husband ordered a sangria. Guess what? The waiter came back, because he couldn't remember what else I ordered, which was a coke, all because he was TOO LAZY to WRITE THE ORDERS DOWN!! WHY should I give a good tip to someone that didn't care about our time or if he even got the orders right, huh? Being lazy isn't going to get you a good tip. If you don't take ANY EFFORT to TRY at the very least to remember by writing it down, WHY should I not take off for you coming back to the table to ask what I said again. You have left the table, so unless they are out of something or something is wrong with what I ordered, you shouldn't come back to the table to ask what other drink I ordered. He should have written down the drink orders. Don't you see by showing he didn't care, we didn't care as much in the tip? Show you care by WRITING the orders down. At least take THAT EFFORT and if you forgot still(which has happened due to not rereading the written order or just missing it(a real mistake)) I won't take off as much, because my server would have taken SOME EFFORT to have tried to remember what I said at least. When I see the lazy ones like that, it pisses me off. They don’t know WHAT we are going to say when they come to the table. That's why they should have been PREPARED for IN CASE(as Progressive says JUST IN CASE(Justin Case)) the customers order appetizers or even fully order or order all sorts of things or ask lots of questions, then order lots of things. A CARING, NON-LAZY server writes down the orders, plain and simple!!! When you show you don’t care, we won't as much. What goes around, comes around. He showed us he didn't care about remembering what we said and didn't care about interrupting our conversation for his laziness, so WHY shouldn't he get penalized some? That's only fair. He wasn't being caring, so we weren't as caring about his bills when we tipped. What goes around, comes around!!! Treat my order as if that were YOUR ORDER!!! Don't you want it right the first time around?

Springs1 said...

"And as far as knowing the menu to know what you get with it, this is another agree only because it is annoying when a sandwich comes with a certain sauce but the server didn’t realize it when they were checking the order in the back. This is another thing that I do not deduct from the tip because quite honestly I believe this was the cooks fault for not placing it on the plate in the first place. Yes the server should have known to ask but if they go back and get it promptly, than it really is not a big deal."

It doesn’t matter if the expeditor/cook didn't place their condiment on the plate. If MY SERVER brings me my food(meaning not another server), they have their written order and a MENU to compare the plate to IN THE KITCHEN ***BEFORE*** they decide to bring it to my table wrong. Once they leave with it in the kitchen, it becomes their responsibility for obvious mistake such as a missing side of ranch. My server is supposed to ****EARN**** their tip, not be like MCDONALD'S where the cashiers hand you what the cook's made and not care about what is in their hands they are handing you. The tip is for getting things RIGHT the FIRST TIME AROUND as much as what is in your control that you can notice without touching the food, NOT TO GET IT WRONG!! That should be your goal as a server, to get it right the FIRST TIME if it's something like that, that you don't have to TOUCH the food to notice the mistake.

As far as you saying it's not a big deal, that's because you aren't a condiment person. I LOVE condiments and I will ONLY EAT MOST OF THE THINGS I ORDER WITH THEM!! Without them, DO NOT BRING ME MY FOOD so it gets cold, because I want to only eat my burger with mayo and mustard. I only want to eat the cheese sticks with ranch and marinara, not with just marinara. I only want to eat my fried shrimp with tartar sauce ONLY and I only want to dip my fries with ranch or tartar sauce ONLY, NOT BY ITSELF!! I don't like ribs without tons of bbq sauce on them. I don't like pancakes, scrambled eggs, or bacon without extra syrup.

It's not a big deal to you, because you don't like condiments like I do. It's the entire meal for me. The REASON why sometimes I go to restaurants is because I like their ranch a lot or their bbq sauce or tartar sauce. For real, that's why I decided to go. Like when I think of Red Lobster I think of their ranch to dip the biscuits in and eat their salads with. I think of the tartar sauce I love from there I dip the biscuits in as well as the fried seafood and the fries in. Condiments MAKE THE MEAL, THE MEAL FOR ME!! Without them, I wouldn't even bother ordering that item. It doesn’t taste that good without the condiments.

Springs1 said...

"And as far as knowing the menu to know what you get with it, this is another agree only because it is annoying when a sandwich comes with a certain sauce but the server didn’t realize it when they were checking the order in the back. This is another thing that I do not deduct from the tip because quite honestly I believe this was the cooks fault for not placing it on the plate in the first place. Yes the server should have known to ask but if they go back and get it promptly, than it really is not a big deal."

"Never, ever take food out that is incorrectly done (I had a waitress rip me a new one for something I goofed up on as a cook and she demanded I fix it then and there - and she was right and I learned). Explain about and apologize for the delay."

See, even a cook says that the waitress was right to make sure the cook did his or her job correctly *BEFORE* taking it to the customer wrong considering these things that were wrong were obviously VISABLE to the server that she didn't have to touch someone's food to know it was wrong or cut into the food.

See, even a cook states it is the SERVER'S JOB to make sure it's obviously correct ******BEFORE******** they decide to take it FROM THE KITCHEN TO MY TABLE!! How about that?

"And no the server should not have put her two cents in about how many dressings you wanted. I don’t even know why she would honestly care. And this is something I might deduct from the tip only because more than likely this server is going to have a poor attitude if they’re already talking back to the customer."

I deducted, because it sounds lazy since at those restaurants they don't charge for extra condiments, so it doesn't matter if they think the side salad is big to them or not. It sounds lazy that they don't want to get all of that for you or put the order in for all of that.

Springs1 said...

"Customers are always right even when they’re not."

Sorry, I disagree with you there. Once, at Joe's Crab Shack, ordered shrimp etoufee'. Above the section it had "All FRIED entrées come with fries." Me, not reading it all the way, thought because it was in the same section(NATURAL ASSUMPTION) that it came with fries even though typically something like that wouldn't come with fries. Anyway, I told the waiter and he just said "I know what you are talking about." So he got some. I didn't even realize I was wrong until much later like after I got home, actually months later when I looked at the to-go menu I had stashed away. My point is, **((((I THE CUSTOMER)))*** was wrong.

The customer isn't always right. Most of the time, but NOT always. Even I was wrong. I was right in assuming since it was in the same section on the menu, but was wrong that I didn't think about it stated "FRIED" meaning not my entrée I ordered.

"15. I think you overacted a little with the “some pissed” comment. This is when I realized that it seems like you have a little anger problem but I still understand it. No, a server should not assume. They should ask."

Sorry, but in that case, they shouldn't ask. The 2 appetizers on the menu were labeled ((( APPETIZERS))), so since we ordered 2 appetizers and 2 entrées, guess what? 2 appetizers should have been served together, plain and simple.

As far as you think I overreacted, NO, because that made me eat my husband's appetizer, because I was so hungry(I know it was my choice to eat, but still) instead of getting MINE with my husband's as it was SUPPOSED TO BE AS HOW I ORDERED IT!! When you order an appetizer, that's the time it's supposed to come out. If you want it as your meal, that's when you tell your server you want it at a different time. The MENU IS THE GOD OF ORDERING!! We go by the MENU when we order, not by ASSUMING that our server will assume things.

I didn't overreact, because it made my chili cheese fries come 2 minutes literally before my entrée, so I didn't have time to eat but like a tiny bit. The mayo wasn't with it either as I had originally ordered it with, because it was brought out by a different server, which that's what I like with chili cheese fries to dip them in. Without the mayo, don't want to eat it anyway. Which no apologies for all that stuff that happened. The server shouldn't have asked anything and went by the (((((((MENU))))))))) as to WHEN AND WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN WHEN.

It's funny how you say here "No, a server should not assume They should ask." Yet, you are condoning not asking for refills and bread. You just CONTRADICTED YOURSELF!! NO SERVERS SHOULD ASSUME **********ANYTHING**********, EVER!!!!!! No matter WHAT IT IS!! So it's ok to assume for refills, but not for this? Sorry, but no servers should assume no matter WHAT it is.

Springs1 said...

"15. I think you overacted a little with the “some pissed” comment. This is when I realized that it seems like you have a little anger problem but I still understand it. No, a server should not assume. They should ask."

We stiffed the waiter that assumed I wanted my chili cheese fries with my meal. The server didn't even fix the mistake with the chili cheese fries nor did he apologize. The server assumed I wanted my chili cheese fries with my meal when the ****MENU**** stated it wasn't an entrée and I NEVER ONCE SAID I DID. The server should be going according to the MENU, NOT ASSUMPTIONS of what most people may want or don't want. So servers shouldn't be accountable for making you miserable? That waiter made us BOTH miserable. I feel you made us suffer, you should suffer too, it's ONLY FAIR!! The waiter didn't apologize, NOT ONCE for ANY of the mistakes!!! We were supposed to get bread, never did, while EVERYONE ELSE DID, which we saw servers bringing bread to other tables, but NOT OURS. On the menu, it stated our entrées CAME with bread, so we charged for something we didn't receive even. We even cancelled the chili cheese fries at the point when the waiter told us "I though you wanted it with your meal" and the waiter told us he'd get it taken off, when the bill came it was on there. It shouldn't have been, because it was HIS ASSUMPTION as to why I didn’t get my appetizer when it was supposed to be, even if he would have had to pay for it himself. You want a tip, make-up for your own shit by asking the manager to comp the thing or if the manager won't budge, pay for it yourself. Our MONEY AND TIME is just as important as yours. Some managers may have comped it. We received the wrong check as well. This server was just a stupid idiot. He NEVER once apologized. As I said before, when asked him where was the chili cheese fries, he replied "I thought you wanted it with your meal." At that point, he should have apologized for assuming. The menu states it's an appetizer, that's when it's supposed to come out, plain and simple!! He didn't apologize for giving us the wrong check either. Who knows if it was less money even, because we didn't even bother to notice that, we just knew we didn't have the right check. Yes, I ate some of the chili cheese fries, but it wasn't my fault another server decided to bring them out and it's not my fault the waiter didn't communicate with anyone about canceling the order. We ended up not going back for YEARS, because of the manager that wasn't nice even. We had to beg the manager him to comp the appetizer and he made an excuse about that they ran out of bread, which I said "At least take a dollar or two off for the bread since we PAID for something we didn't receive." Do you see that the SERVER should have begged his manager and NOT US had to do that shit? He was an UNCARING server, so WHY tip someone that treated us like that? The waiter acted like it wasn't HIM in the situation. You don't have to be trained to be nice enough to apologize when you mess up. I even say I am sorry if I bump into someone by accident when I am walking. It's just common courtesy to be nice when you mess up.

Springs1 said...

"15. I think you overacted a little with the “some pissed” comment. This is when I realized that it seems like you have a little anger problem but I still understand it. No, a server should not assume. They should ask."

So when you say I overreacted, think how if that were YOU how would YOU have felt? The waiter decided upon himself when I wanted the appetizer. This is the way things went: My husband ordered his appetizer, then entrée. Then, my turn, I ordered my appetizer, and then my entrée. By me ordering second and I guess by us not ordering the appetizers BOTH at first, he assumed I would have wanted mine with my meal I am guessing. I NEVER once said that or even conveyed that or would have thought he would have assumed considering I didn't go out to eat that much back then. I just was following the ****MENU**** was all. I didn't have much experience going out much at the time since this was 2001 when we weren't even married yet(until 2002), so I would have never thought that a server would assume something like that. I didn't have the experience I have now. Now-a-days, since then if we order 2 appetizers, I tell the server "WE WANT 2 APPETIZERS." I think it's sort of ridiculous to have to do that, but it saves us from that happening ever again. It works, because the servers got it right when we did that. The servers shouldn't be assuming though to begin with. I shouldn’t have to assume that my server will assume for anything. With this situation I baby-sit them through this step, because for one thing it's rare that we order 2 appetizers/2 entrées and this type of thing is not fast fixable like a refill that it would take 10-15 minutes to fix a mistake like that. I shouldn't have to do that though, I really shouldn't.

"Whenever I eat at Chili’s I always order an appetizer as my meal but I want it to come out as an app because I eat slow. Most servers understand that and bring it out right away. Others don’t and I end up making the group I’m with wait a while since I’m slow at eating this particular meal. A server should never assume and should always ask first."

NO, they don't understand that how you want things if you didn’t tell them or have them before. They are going by the MENU!!! They aren't mind readers. That's why assumptions are bad, because there's a chance you could be wrong. Are you that dense or what to not know they are just going by the MENU when you order that the servers don't know you eat slowly? If the menu states it's appetizer, it's an appetizer, period unless otherwise stated. I have ordered appetizers as my meal and ordered it "I would like such-n-such as my MEAL."

As far as the servers making you wait until everyone else has theirs, well in that case, your server SHOULD ask "You want this as an appetizer to come out or as your meal." Considering since everybody else at the same table was ordering entrées at the time, but you, the server should ask. Although, they shouldn't have to ask, because the menu states it supposed to come out as an appetizer, so really the customer would be at fault if they wanted it as their meal(entrée time) to have not told their server this. Since some customers are stupid to not tell their server if they want an appetizer as their meal, that's why in THIS CASE ONLY, the server should ask you.

Springs1 said...

"I would not deduct anything if they apologized and tried their best to fix the situation."

Even if he would have apologized, I still would have taken off or he would NEVER LEARN that way. So I should pay him to make us miserable. WTF? You have got to be kidding me. You know what you deserve. If you messed up majorly, honestly you are LUCKY if you get a tip, honestly. YOU are just one of the people that make service bad by PAYING someone well to fuck up.

A good example, a waiter forgot to put our appetizer order in once. He had time to hug someone though during that time. Anyway, he offered us an appetizer that needed no cooking "chips n' salsa" which was a real appetizer on their menu. I told him we'd rather have something off the bill than more food. He got $5 off of our check. He received 16% BEFORE the discount. WHY should I pay him 20% so he could go have fun again at our expense and NOT ********LEARN************** from his mistakes? He shouldn't have been hugging anyone on the job. He should have been doing his job. It's called WORK for a reason. The entire point of the tip is to make them LEARN certain behaviors so they KNOW what to do and what not to do. If I pay you a 20 dollar bill to do nothing or work, which one would YOU pick or anyone would pick? So WHY pay them as if they did nothing wrong? He's lucky he got a decent tip, because our time cannot be made up by even if they got the entire meal comped, they cannot make up our time lost no matter what they do, that's gone. If he would have not bent over backwards for us like that to fix his mistake and profusely apologized several times, he would have had a big fat zero. I would have honestly ANY DAY rathered have to pay for the entire meal even if it would have been comped than to wait longer for our appetizer. You cannot put a price on your time. Time cannot be made up completely for a major ordeal like that. The ONLY way he would have had 18%(just a little more) is if he would have paid for something out of his pocket, even if it was just a coke, THEN that would have showed he cared about us and not just his tip. He still wouldn't have received 20%, because we want him to **** LEARN****** from it, not do this again. I would rather not have anything for free and not have any problems, personally. It's not worth the money saving at ALL!!! In order for him to learn "That behavior is bad" and "Don't do that again" is to take from the tip. You take it where it hurts the most, in the money as he took our time where it hurt the most for us. YOU EARN YOUR TIP, IT'S NOT A RIGHT!!! Don’t you get servers shouldn't do that sort of thing in the first place to forget to put in an order, but have time to hug someone and chat with the person? If you forget to put in an order, but aren't playing, it's more forgivable, but it still wouldn't have changed the tip much, maybe 1% to go to 17% before the discount instead of 16%.

Springs1 said...

"I do not bring out condiments before the meal unless requested. No I cannot trust another server and I never do, but a server should ensure your food is right within a minute of getting it so they should have ample amounts of time to grab what you need."

I have had CARING servers that ***OFFERED**** to bring condiments ahead of time, some said "So I won't forget." You do trust another server if you don't ***TRY**** TO OFFER TO DO THIS if another server runs your table's food to them. Where do you get that you aren't trusting someone else with condiments? YOU ARE IF YOU DON'T OFFER THE CUSTOMER A CHANCE TO GET THEM AHEAD OF TIME!! By offering and if they accept the offer, you never know, you may have PREVENTED the mistake from happening. YOU ARE TRUSTING ANOTHER SERVER IF ANOTHER SERVER BRINGS OUT THE FOOD, you sure are!!!

As far as ample time, sometimes servers don’t come by to see what you need. Once, my husband asked another server, because he knew I was miserable not wanting to eat ANY of my food until I had my extra mexi-ranch I originally ordered. The other waitress was nice enough to work as a team, which most don't.

Ample time, well that cost time that my food gets cooler sometimes waiting 2-5 minutes waiting for condiments. Ample time that **I** am waiting to EAT. Ample time my server could have tried to prevent their mistake to begin with. It's not your time and condiments aren't important to you like they are to me, so that's why you don't care.

"I do not think it’s lazy if the server does not bring it out right away. It only is if they never get it for you or it takes them forever."

HOW can you say that? If my server didn't compare the written order to the plate, they are lazy. I have had a waiter once say "They are too lazy to read the ticket" at Applebee's when a waitress brought out my food with NONE of the condiments(mayo, mustard, ranch, & bbq sauce). Most of the time, the servers DON'T compare the written orders or tickets to the food. So THAT is LAZY.

"I actually got blessed out by a manager for filling a ramekin full to the top of mustard."

That's why you tell the customer that you aren't allowed to bring them a full container worth and ask if you can bring 2 half-filled ones if that would be ok!! Are you that stupid or what? Tell your customer. Don't let them think it's YOU that isn't OBSERVANT to LOOK at what you are bringing out.

I have had a waitress once bring out 8 sides of tartar sauce(small ones), because they didn't have the big containers for 4 sides of tartar sauce. That waitress was SMART at Red Lobster and that was just THIS YEAR even.

All you have to do is bring out more containers to add up to what the customer asked for is all if you aren't allowed to fill them. Are you that dense or what?

Springs1 said...

"Again I will say it is a bit of the kitchens fault too but if they had the time they could’ve checked."

You ALWAYS MAKE THE TIME!! You have the time if you make the time. You have time to make trips back and forth to bring an obvious mistake to the table, you have time to double check the orders in the first place. Especially, being that we are in a party of 2 most of the time and my husband's order isn't complicated 99.9% of the time, mine is the only one they really have to check a lot.

It's the SERVER'S FAULT if they forgot to bring my ranch or side dish if they bring my food to me. It's called bringing it from the kitchen to my table an obvious mistake that I don’t have to TOUCH my food to notice something is wrong or missing. If another server runs the food, it's still my server's fault I don’t have my condiments unless I would refuse an offer if they would offer to bring them out ahead of time. My server is making the tip, not this other server bringing the food. Don't expect this other server to care about a table that's not theirs and actually work as a TEAM, because most don't.

The entire point of the tip is to EARN it by checking over the food, not to just be like MCDonald's cashiers that don't get tipped handing you anything under the sun.

"I normally have issues with steak sauce. Another server brings me the steak and I tell them I need A1. They don’t get it and don’t tell my server so I wait forever before I get it. It happens frequently and shouldn’t. A way to stop this is by the server of the table to check back within a minute of the customers getting food to make sure they received everything."

Do you realize WHY the other server doesn't tell them or do it? No tip is why, because they know it's not their table, so no team work. They feel they have their own tables to deal with, so they don't give a shit. I bet you don't get an apology from that other server either, because I don't think I EVER have had another server apologize before forgetting my condiments.? Maybe once, that's about it. It's not their table, so they don't care.

What would truly stop this is the server **ASKING*** the customer "Would it be ok if I brought out the A-1 ahead of time?" THAT would PREVENT ANY DELAY IN EATING, even 2 minutes worth even. The server shouldn't have to go back to see if they got the A-1 unless the customer refused the offer. They may come to the table to see if the steak is cooked right and all the other food is ok, but the steak sauce would be THERE PRONTO when the food arrived. I have read some people's opinions that they didn't want their condiments ahead of time, so that's why you should ASK, not assume. Some people don't mind such as myself to get my condiments ahead of time, but some people do is what I am saying.

So your way wouldn't solve the problem, sorry, but the way to solve the problem, especially something in a bottle like that is even EASIER to deal with, would be if the server would offer to bring it out ahead of time or even at times, I have requested for my condiments to be brought out ahead of time, although I shouldn't have to always do that, because my server should EARN their tip to try to get things right OWN THEIR OWN as far as condiments are concerned.

Springs1 said...

"25. I am actually shocked to see that you don’t get apologies. I apologize for pretty much everything and typically every restaurant I’ve been to the server will tell me their sorry for things that aren’t even a big deal to me. I am sorry that you have had some sorry waiters."

I am not surprised. Usually servers are only concerned with their tip and not about being nice to people. You can still be nice even though your main goal is money. They expect a "thank you", which I say to them even at times when they have forgotten something and STILL no "sorry" to speak of most of the time. I take off more for the mistake to not hear that sorry. The nicer you are, the nicer I will be in the TIP. COMMON SENSE, the nicer you are, the nicer the customer is probably going to be when they tip you, DUH!!!

NO, they don't need to bow down to my every need. You act like we are supposed to only care about your TIP. If you are nicer, why shouldn't we be nicer back to you? If you weren't as nice, WHY should I be as nice to you? What goes around, comes around. While I do NOT expect a "SO SORRY" for a missing condiment(just a SORRY would suffice), the fact that she was EXTRA SPECIAL NICE got her 20% as if she didn't forget it at all. It was like she didn't mess up, which she even forgot my onions on an open-faced burger that she could have seen, because I saw my husband's on his without touching the burger, which my husband gave me his, so I didn't even tell her about that mistake even since he's not as picky of an eater as I am. You are nicer, WHY wouldn't you expect me to be nicer to you? If you aren't as nice, WHY should you expect as much as someone that is NICER, huh? Doesn’t that make logical sense? This has NOTHING to do with bowing down to someone.

YOU ARE AN IDIOT as you called ME to be so stupid as to not have COMMON SENSE enough to know that if you are nicer, then the customer will more likely be nicer to you, LIKE DUH!! It doesn't COST YOU ANYTHING to say "I'm so sorry about that" vs. "I'm sorry about that." It gets you more money, WHY NOT DO IT? It would cost you an extra second which that's not so bad to make more money, is it?

"And if they say their sorry and not “SO sorry” they should not have their tips affected because that shows that you’re an idiot and believe everyone should bow down to your every need."

NO, you are the idiot to not see that the NICER YOU ARE, the NICER THE CUSTOMERS ARE PROBABLY GOING TO BE!! An example, a waitress once forgot my ranch when she brought my food, but I was looking at the burger at the time before she walked off, so I couldn't tell her about my ranch for my fries she forgot since I noticed it right after she left the table. Anyway, got another server to get our server, which she did. Our waitress said "I'm SO SORRY about that"(20%) instead of no apology(13%), or just a "Sorry"(17%). I don't expect a "SO SORRY" over a side of ranch, but it was extra special nice she did that though.

Springs1 said...

"30. I see no problem with the server picking up the app dishes then asking you if you would like a refill."

WHY? You like WAIITING longer for your refills? I couldn't imagine ANYONE wanting to wait longer for their refills once they have asked for them. A good example would be if I ask for the check, I would rather you get me my check, THEN take my dirty dishes when you bring the check instead of taking MY TIME to make a trip to the kitchen to put the dirty dishes away when you could be getting my check instead and even already have it by the time you got to the kitchen even probably even if you would have chosen to get the check instead of going to the kitchen first. While I want my dirty dishes gone, I want leave SOONER, so the sooner you get my check, the sooner I can leave, which is a WIN, WIN situation for the server as well as the customer. The server gets to get more customers faster, which means more opportunities for more tips. While I want my dirty dishes gone, I want my drink RIGHT NOW, THIS MOMENT if I could have it. We have had caring servers that gave us refills before in under a minute even and even first set of drinks.

If you are thirsty, WHY would you want to wait LONGER just so the server can take your dirty dishes away? I would rather have my drink first or whatever I have asked for first before worrying about cleaning up. Especially, if I am a big table or booth, it honestly doesn't bother me if there are dirty dishes an extra 2 minutes sitting there. It's not that big of a deal to have the dirty dishes sit a tiny bit longer unlike my THIRST is or wanting to LEAVE is or getting my forgotten RANCH is or whatever I asked for.

“We caught the waiter once as he walked by and asked for the check. He said sure, no problem. Yet, we continued to wait for a rather excessive amount of time.”

"it took at least 5 minutes for a refill to arrive, but it you have a burning mouth 5 minutes is a LONG time."

See even 5 minutes is an eternity to some people.

Springs1 said...

"33. I honestly have never looked to check for charges like that. That would be extremely time consuming to print the ticket and then check it to the menu. You have said that customers typically want their checks as quickly as possible so by me checking the menu to your check would add about 5 minutes onto the time."

NO, you aren't thinking with common sense with this one. You can check mostly all the prices BEFORE the customers get their food even. Entrées, appetizers, desserts, drinks(if they are listed on the menu that is, which some restaurants don't list their drink prices). You don't have to wait until the very end!!

Honestly, for a party of 2, it wouldn't take 5 minutes. It doesn't take us 5 minutes as customers even. I promise you that. Now maybe if we would be in a large party, it may take that long or if the customers ordered a bunch of food to-go as well as their food they ate inside, but I am honestly talking about just me and my husband in a party of just 2 people under normal circumstances such as no to-go orders alone with the dine-in orders. Not that much to check most of the time. Maybe sometimes 5-7 items or so, sometimes less, sometimes maybe one or 2 more than 7, but most of the time they don't have that many items to check.

Take a good look at this receipt.

Let's say that this is the menu:

You can check all of those prices(which some aren't even listed) within like a minute or a minute and a half at most, for real. WHERE do you get 5 minutes for us being we are only in a party of 2? Comparing the 2, it took less than a minute, I timed it even. It depends on how many items there are that are listed on the menu. This one doesn't have the dessert prices or the bar drink prices for those drinks.

"And no it’s not lazy to not check."

Of course it IS!! You don't want to do part of your job which is to hand the customer's a CORRECT CHECK, so YES it IS being LAZY to not try to PREVENT a mistake from getting to the customer. That's part of your job WHY we tip and it can affect the tip. You are supposed to act like our money is your money if you want a good tip.

"Computers have glitches some time and it’s unfortunate but if you notice it then I’m sure the server should have no problem fixing it."

You don't seem to get that it's not the computer. This is about that corporate or the manager decides to change the prices, but the newer menus don't get updated or the manager or corporate inputs the wrong price into the computer.

While the server gets the manager to fix it, the entire point was that the server should have CARED about the customer's money so the customer's can care about THEIR MONEY when it comes tip time to check the prices with the menu. A server can check the prices of the entrées, soft drinks or teas(if the menu has it, which most restaurants don't list soft drinks or tea) (if ordered way earlier than check time-bar drinks(if listed), and appetizers. If the customer doesn't ask for their check when it's dessert time, if the menu has the dessert prices(which some don't), the server can check that took before the check is requested.

As far as overcharges that are due to wrongly rung up items or extra items, that's even more the server's fault, because that was the SERVER pressing the buttons wrong.

Springs1 said...

"Computers are not reliable."

This has NOTHING to do with a computer. The server is in charge of finding these errors, NOT the customers. Customers are supposed to be customers, relaxing, not baby-sitting their server to see if they were charged correctly or not all because their server was too lazy to do that. The wrong price shouldn't go through 3 people(the manager, then the server, and then the customer). That's just being LAZY to rely on management or corporate for your tip. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY by PREVENTING MISTAKES FROM GETTING TO THE CUSTOMERS NO MATTER WHAT MISTAKE IT IS IF IT'S SOMETHING THAT IS IN YOUR CONTROL(such as with food as long as it's something you could notice without touching the food or you could even catch that you put in the order wrong by comparing your written order to the food)!! Customers tip you for getting things correct and in a timely manner, NOT for just serving them anything under the sun. This isn't McDonald's. You make your own tip. It's 100% in YOUR CONTROL to notice a wrong price and it wouldn't take 5 minutes out of the customer's time if you would do it in pieces and parts like when the customer's order their entrées, you check the price. It also wouldn’t take 5 minutes for 2 people under normal circumstances anyway(meaning no to-go orders). That's just an example. WHO said you have to wait until the very end to check each price? That would be stupid to do that.

Springs1 said...

"34. Okay here’s where you get batty again. There ARE restaurants that REQUIRE the server to bring the check when the MEAL comes out not just at dessert time. They do this because most people want to eat and leave. If you want something added on to your check then the server just needs to take the check and add on the other stuff. There is no problem with that."

They only require that during LUNCH TIME, NOT DINNER TIME!! Also, this one #34 I was talking about that we received our check during eating dessert without asking or bringing it with the dessert. This was NOT with our actual MEAL(entrée). The servers aren't required to do this at dinnertime, only lunchtime a manager told me at Applebee's back in 2005, so don't think that I don't know this is REQUIRED sometimes at restaurants.

The server should just simply ask when they ask if you want a dessert if that will be all or not. That avoids bringing the check too soon and also can bring the check faster if it is all the customers will get as long as the server actually follows through with getting the check BEFORE the dessert arrives that is or when they bring the dessert.

The customer shouldn't have to be like "We might get something else" when we order a dessert. That's assuming that my server will assume. I shouldn't have to baby-sit them to EVERY LITTLE THING that my server may assume, because MOST servers do NOT assume. I don't want to feel like I should be on my tippy toes for every little thing on edge like. That's ridiculous to be that way. It's enough that I even am doing it for the 2-appetizers-2 entrées situation. This is getting RIDICULOUS that I should have to make sure they don't assume. I shouldn't have to. WE RUN THE SHOW of WHEN AND HOW THINGS GO, NOT OUR SERVERS!!! If I want another margarita after my dessert, shouldn't I feel I have a right to have a CARING server that would have asked if that was all we were getting instead of ASSUMING that's all we are getting by bringing the check without asking our permission first?

If you ask the customers if they want a dessert or anything else and they turn you down, obviously bring the check, because they don't want to order anything else. When we refuse a dessert, that's when I speak up and say I might get another drink. The reason why I speak up then is because I have refused a dessert offer. If I actually want a dessert, that doesn't mean always to bring the check. A GOOD, CARING server would ask at the time you order a dessert "Will that be all you all will be getting tonight?" Something like that is how I would do it, that way no overstepping if the customers aren't ready for the check and actually satisfying exactly how they want things done, because it's their call to make when they want their check, not the server's call unless it's during lunchtime of course.

When you bring the check during lunchtime, you should say "I am leaving this here for your convenience, but feel free to order something else if you'd like", something like that, because NOT EVERYONE KNOWS(like I didn't until 2005) that it's REQUIRED at lunchtime to do this.

Springs1 said...

"37. It is not rude at all to make sure the other tables are okay."

How can you say that? That's letting others CUT in front of the FIRST PERSON'S TURN!! If Jane Doe just asked for her check, WHY should her server take up HER table's TIME to check on other customers? A FAIR server would just get the check and THEN check on the other customers. Now, if a customer calls them over, then I can see the server not being rude to ignore them or tell them they'd be right back, but if no customers call you over and Jane Doe just asked for her table's, WHY would you INTENTIONALLY DELAY Jane Doe's table's time? It's in YOUR best interest to make more money anyways to get more customers to get people to leave quicker, so WHY wouldn't you just get the check?

It would be VERY RUDE for you to delay me from leaving to you voluntarily(meaning no one called you over) to check on customers. Give a FULL AND COMPLETE TURN by when the person asks for it, you get it since no one needed you right then. That's VERY RUDE to do other things that weren't before the check request. I can see if someone's food or drinks were ready that were ordered BEFORE I asked for the check for you to do that first, but NOT to just decide to intentionally delay me from leaving like that. THAT IS RUDE!! It's JANE DOE'S TURN, NOT those other table's turn at that point.

Everyone gets a turn. Just as if you were in a line. If let's say table 5 just asked for 2 refills first, then table 3 just asked for their check, and table 9 just asked for some extra napkins. If no one else's food or drinks were ready that previously ordered of course, A FAIR, NON-RUDE, CONSIDERATE server would get the 2 refills first, then get the check next, and then get the napkins. I bet you would have grabbed the napkins first. Am I right? This would be a scenario where table 3 and table 9 called you over BEFORE you could go get the 2 refills, so that's why you have 3 request all at once.

"It would actually be more rude of me to hear that you want your check and not say anything to the other tables while I was on the floor."

How can you say that? So you think the other customer's time is MORE IMPORTANT than the CURRENT CUSTOMER'S TIME and TURN? The current customer asked for their check, so by intentionally delaying it is RUDE to that first customer. It's not rude at ALL to ignore the other customers(if they don't ask for anything or as long as nobody's food/drinks are ready that previously ordered) while you are doing the FIRST PERSON'S REQUEST FIRST. That's just called COMMON DECENCY, first come, first served. It would be VERY RUDE of you to decide to ask other customers at 2 other tables let's say and they let's say delay you a good 3 minutes asking questions as well as ordering things, when I would be waiting for my check. That's OUR 3 minutes, NOT THEIRS!! If they didn't call you over and nobody's stuff is ready that previously ordered, that's VERY INCONSIDERATE and RUDE to delay the FIRST CUSTOMER that asked for their stuff FIRST. How can you ONLY CONSIDER the other customers and NOT the person that actually needed something RIGHT NOW, this moment? I understand I am not the only customer, but you know what, MY TIME MATTERS JUST AS MUCH AS THEIRS!! Their time is NOT more important than mine and if I just asked for something, WHY decide to let 2 table's CUT in front of MY TURN if they didn't call you over? I could have received my check and during the time you are checking on those tables, I could be checking my check for mistakes. Then, after you finished and are ready for my turn to ring up my check, then you would come back to ring up my check after you would have checked on those 2 tables and gotten what they wanted if they wanted anything that is.

Springs1 said...

"Those customers saw me so they need to be addressed."

So what they saw you, it wasn't THEIR TURN if they didn't call you over. It was the person's turn that asked for their check. Don't you get it? You can serve like a line in a way if you wanted to SERVE FAIRLY, but you don't.

I would get the check and THEN go check on those other people. WHY delay someone that just asked for something? That's just like me taking the 2nd and 3rd people's orders at non-self serve soft drinks at McDonald's(Getting to-go inside or dining inside) first and not getting the first person's only coke they ordered. That's just RUDE!!! The first person ordered a coke and paid, but I would have decided to take 2 other people's orders first and not fixed the first customer's coke, don't you think that would be RUDE of me to delay YOUR TIME when YOU WERE FIRST IN LINE?

It's very different if you are triple sat or double sat, because you have to greet customers in a decent amount of time. Even with that, if I was triple sat, assuming none of the 3 tables would want to completely order their entrées, I would take the drink/appetizer orders of the first table and at least ring them into the computer. Then, I would take the 2nd table's order just as did the first one by RIGHT after I took it, put the order into the computer. Then, the third, do the same. Then, get all drinks for the first table and say right away (I would be right back) BEFORE they would have a chance to say they were ready to order, same thing for the second and third tables. Then, I get the entrée orders for the first table and then go put the orders into the computer. Then, the same thing for the second, then the third. I wouldn't make the first people wait the longest as we have had happen to us. It's called BEING FAIR and doing the right thing. Once, we were the first table out of 3 at Outback(our table party of 2, 2nd table party of like 4 or 5, and 3rd table party of 2). It took 3 minutes just to get greeted even. It took 10-11 minutes just to receive our 2 cokes, because he wanted to do things all at once by getting all the orders first and all the drinks on one tray. He also delayed our food, by not putting it into the computer right after by getting all 3 table's food orders at once into the computer.

Do you understand that you are letting people CUT in front of someone else's turn by serving your way? If you agree that it's UNFAIR of a customer to interrupt a server to ask them let's say to get them a refill while they are taking another table's order that it's that other table's turn at that point, then you can see we ALL have to TAKE TURNS. When it's our turn it's ours, when it's theirs, it theirs. If there's a problem, a turn should be interrupted to fix a mistake. We all take turns!!! You want people to not interrupt you when you are taking someone's order, treat them the same way when you are taking their order by getting things done in a timely manner.

"Yes I should get your check promptly but the other people do not need to be ignored to make you happy."

So MY TIME ISN'T IMPORTANT, but THEIRS IS? So IGNORE ME, but make THEM HAPPY? WTF? Even if I was one of those 2 tables that would need something, if someone else just asked for their check, it's THEIR TURN, NOT MINE!! I am willing to WAIT MY TURN, but when it is MY TURN, don't DIS MY TURN!!!

You are ignoring the person that just asked for something. So make everyone else happy, but the person that just asked for something you are ignoring? That's pretty mean. You can't see that? That's just morally wrong to do that. You are letting the other 2 tables CUT in front of my turn. That's not nice. I don’t see how you can say it would be. I also don't get why you want to get our check later, but then say later in this post that you want me out URGENTLY? You are a contradictory person, aren't you? You cannot make up your mind how you feel, can you?

Springs1 said...

"I honestly don’t see anyone having an issue with this."

Read,, and to read all the complaints about WAITING for things. People DO have issues with this. You just don't realize it. They count how long they wait for their check or their drinks. They know how long they wait for their food and sometimes it's due to the server not putting the order in right away as to why the food gets delayed.

"I went to your restaurant and ordered and it took the waitress over 5 minutes just to bring my drink!"

"Our waitress did not make an appearance until we requested our check. She then proceeded to take 15 minutes to bring it to us."

With the examples I have given, you don't see OTHER PEOPLE with issues with WAITING for things unnecessarily longer than they need to be?

OF COURSE people want what they ask for as soon as they could get it(not counting appetizers running into entrée times type of thing). I am talking about getting the check or getting a drink, they want their stuff NOW, this MOMENT, NOT 5 minutes from now even if they could have it.

"38. Check should be rung up immediately. 3 minutes is too long. If you had to wait this long, I’d be surprised because if I was your server I would want to push you out as quickly as possible."

CONTRADICTING YOURSELF AGAIN!! You just said: "Yes I should get your check promptly but the other people do not need to be ignored to make you happy", yet you say 3 minutes is too long and that you'd want me out as QUICKLY as possible. Well "QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE" is GETTING THE CHECK AS SOON AS I ASKED FOR IT, YOU IDIOT!!!

Why do you keep contradicting yourself? Either you want us to leave faster or you care more about the other customers that didn't call you over, which is it? Quickly as possible is getting the check PRONTO, NOT 2 minutes from now when you check on other customers or even get something they asked for before my check such as if they ask for a refill.

"For one, you should NEVER EVER deduct from a tip if the person makes an effort to fix the problem. That is mean as hell for you to do that because that means they wasted their time fixing the problem because they weren’t even going to be paid for the extra time it took them to argue with the cook to get what you need or to beg and plead with the manager to go and talk with you . I NEVER DEDUCT A TIP IF THEY FIX THEIR MISTAKE."

"I do agree with everyone that you seem like one of those 10% tippers that will never be satisfied."

Before the economy got bad, we use to tip 25% plus. Now the economy is bad and my husband will not let me tip over 20% unless it is a fine dining restaurant, which we rarely go to those restaurants. He feels they are doing their job and 20% is plenty. I feel if they do a very good job and my orders are such a pain in the ass, if they get things right and in a timely manner, I feel I should overpay, because I am making them get all those condiments for me, which is more work than the average customer that orders "AS IS" from the menu. If I go out to eat by myself, I tip what I want, but it's rare I go out to eat by myself. I feel he can't tell me what to do with my money. The main reason why we can go out to eat is what he makes compared to what make, so that's why he has control over the tip like that. I guess if I made as much as him, maybe he'd feel differently, I don’t know.

I am satisfied lots of times. I would say most of the time we tip 15%-20% now-a-days for decent or good service. Sometimes the service isn't decent or good though. That's when the tip becomes less or if it's really bad, nothing.

Springs1 said...

"You have to realize you are not the only table."

I already know that, but that doesn't mean you can skip my turn and let someone CUT if they didn't call you over or it wasn't their turn(such as their entrées are ready).

"I can’t tell you how many times I was almost put into tears because I wanted nothing more than to make my customer happy but things such as cooks, managers, other servers, etc make it impossible."

If you wanted to make the customer happy, you would NEVER delay their turn if there was nobody else's turn ahead of that person's turn. A good, caring server would do things in the order in which they were taken in out of BEING FAIR and NOT delaying the first table.

Why would you want to take up my time for others if they weren't calling you over at the time and nobody else's stuff was ready that had previously ordered? You should think of the customer's time that just asked for something so you won't let someone else CUT in front of someone's turn.

"You just assume that because you don’t get things right away that the server is “lazy” or talking."

I don't assume they are lazy if they have tried, but if they didn't, they are lazy. In other words, you said you never checked the prices against the menu, that's lazy not to take ANY EFFORT into making 100% sure the customer's were charged correctly. That's lazy.

If you have time to write "Thank you" on the check, you have the time to check the prices, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!

"You may need a drink but the soda machine may be out of syrup so that takes a minute or so. Bread may not be cooks (NOT THE SERVERS FAULT) so they can’t bring that out right away."

I like when servers LET YOU KNOW these type of things. If you don't tell us, it's natural to assume it would be your fault. So that's YOUR FAULT if they assume such a thing if they don't tell you. We have had servers tell us at times when syrup was out or they ran out of bread. It's called being considerate.

"But a server that tries to do everything urgently is a good server."

You must LOVE to CONTRADICT YOURSELF, HUH? You are saying a good server is one that tries to do everything urgently, well then WHY are you saying you'd make me wait to get my check to check on other customers, huh? You are CONTRADICTING YOUR OWN LOGIC HERE!! URGENT MEANS, NOW, RIGHT AWAY, NOT WAITING, type of thing, unless you absolutely have to such as someone's food is ready or someone calls you over.

Urgent MEANS PRONTO, RIGHT NOW!! Are you an idiot or what?

"realize most servers are doing the best they can"

NO, MOST servers don't. I would say most are like you that are LAZY such as the checking the check against the menu issue. They don't double check the check with the menu. They don't compare their written orders to the plate of food before bringing it out to you to notice obvious mistakes such as missing containers of condiments. When another server runs the food, they don't read the tickets 99% of the time to make sure what they are bringing out is OBVIOUSLY correct. I cannot count the number of times servers have brought out food that was ours, because they had the wrong table number or another server brings out the wrong food or things missing like condiments or obviously wrongly prepared food.

Springs1 said...

"You cannot deduct or not tip for stupid crap like not getting your full side of mayo because if they go back and get you more than at least they took that time to do that."

It's not stupid crap. See how UNCARING of a person you are? You only care about yourself and your damn tip. WHAT ABOUT THE CUSTOMER'S HAPPIENSS, HUH? Letting my food sit and get cool is not my idea of GOOD service. Good service is GETTING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AROUND!! If the manager won't let them fill it up, BRING 2 to add up to 2. They do that for me at restaurants and no problems with doing that either. It's the same amount, just in 2 containers instead of one.

So I should pay you well to make me meal miserable? I don’t think so. I LOVE CONDIMENTS! That's the reason to eat the food is the only way it taste really good is with those. It's stupid to you, because you happen to obviously love your food without them, I DON'T!!!

So what if they took the time to fix it? So they are supposed to get a good tip for messing up the first time around? I DON'T THINK SO, that's not the way it works. Especially, 99% of the time, I NEVER get an apology for missing condiments. I am not mean or anything, I just simply state "I ordered a side of ranch" let's say if that's what I ordered. That's just simply reminding them and letting them know I am not the person being inconsiderate by waiting to ask for that when my food arrives making them have another trip, that it's THEIR FAULT they have to make another trip, NOT MINE!! I shouldn't state it "Can I get a side of ranch", because they may not remember.

I also have had once a rude other server that ran the food to us that I said I ordered 3 tartar sauces and he was so rude to say "You'd have to order it with your food." My jaw almost dropped, I was like "I DID ORDER IT WITH MY FOOD." I couldn't help that our waiter didn't put the order in right if it wasn't on the ticket, that's not my fault, you know? I was the considerate person here for trying to make them have ONE trip, not 2. It's not my fault that our waiter didn't take charge of his tip by offering to bring them out ahead of time and it's not my fault he didn't put it on the ticket which is what I am assuming happened. I reported that other server to a manager about how rude he was to say that to my face. See how some servers are LAZY AND UNCARING as well as some are even RUDE?

"It is NOT lazy to go back and get more. That actually takes time and walking so definitely not lazy. To me the server is more lazy when they bring it all out first because they want to be lazy and not have to get you anything else."

It sure is lazy, because they were too lazy to COMPARE THE WRITTEN ORDER or if it's another server, the ticket(assuming the ticket was put in correctly) with the food to notice any obvious mistakes. I am not supposed to get my food and notice something's wrong before I even touch it. That shows you didn't check over the food. Especially, if it's the completely wrong food and especially if you are only in a party of 2 of all things like we are mostly in.

It's lazier to not check over things the first time around. By them taking more time to fix it was them being too lazy to check over things the FIRST time around.

While it takes more trips to do this, it's more trouble for them to check each plate in their mind and they don't want to do it. It's more trips, but not more work really. If they would have checked each plate for each thing that was on the plate(especially my orders that have many sides like 2 mayos, 1 mustard, 1 ranch, 1 bbb sauce type of situation), they wouldn't have had another trip, so really it's equally more work honestly, maybe even more work to check the plates than to just make the extra trip, quite honestly. You don’t even think about things like that, do you?

"Remember: servers do not make minimum wage/hr. They make tips/hr."

I KNOW THIS ALREADY YOU IDIOT!! Don't act like I am not smart, ok?

Springs1 said...

"if you do not like that they bust their butt to make their mistake get turned around then you don’t need to go out ever because I find it absolutely crazy that you will give some below 10% just because they MADE the mistake EVEN IF they try to fix it. I could NEVER EVER EVER stiff someone because servers ONLY make tips. So they wasted time on you for you to not tip. That means you have made them make a big $0/hr. Bravo for being a dick."

WHY? Ask yourself did they make a "REAL MISTAKE" or did they not try at all? Sometimes it's that they didn't check over what they handed you at all and the mistake takes a long time to fix at times.

Read some of the stories I went though by going to the "find" function on my blog put in WWLOD. Under that are stories about times when we stiffed. Read the first one of how the bitch was rude by telling me "It's the hostess's job" and how she got fired. Also read how she didn't ONCE take her written order and compared it to the food. Read how she asked me when she brought our food out "So what did you order" instead of getting her written order out, which she probably threw away. Read how these things weren't "MISTAKES", because mistakes are when you try and fail, NOT when you don't take ANY EFFORT. That is what mistakes are. Mistakes are when you don't mean to do something, but have tried your best, not when you haven't even TRIED to notice a mistake.

Read the one where the waitress KISSED her boyfriend BYE WHILE I was giving my drink orders(I ordered a margarita and a soft drink). If you be mean, so will I in the tip. That was just SELFISH to do that. If the boyfriend was leaving, she should have kissed him goodbye earlier before she greeted us. If he all of a sudden said he had to leave, so what? This is a JOB; you cannot just do WTF you want to do!! That's SO RUDE that she interrupted me to tell him bye and kissed him. I have had better service at fast food restaurants than that time there, I mean for real. At that point, she already got the stiff before the rest of the 5 or 6 mistakes happened due to that she was RUDE!! You don't kiss someone while taking my order. I am PAYING you, so you are at my mercy, not the other way around.

Springs1 said...

"if you do not like that they bust their butt to make their mistake get turned around then you don’t need to go out ever because I find it absolutely crazy that you will give some below 10% just because they MADE the mistake EVEN IF they try to fix it. I could NEVER EVER EVER stiff someone because servers ONLY make tips. So they wasted time on you for you to not tip. That means you have made them make a big $0/hr. Bravo for being a dick."

These people were DICKS to us, so we were DICKS RIGHT BACK AT THEM!!! Read the one where the waiter didn't once say he was sorry and he didn't even fix the mistake, which I had to get a manager to do it when he overcharged my credit card almost $11 due to ringing up the wrong table.

Read the one where the waitress blamed the computer instead of grabbing a menu to see WHY my side salad was the price as if the computer price can't be wrong or something. This situation though, it was HER that pressed the wrong button. She pressed "House Salad" as if I didn't order an entrée, which we both ordered entrées and my husband didn't even get a side salad like I did. On the menu it stated "Add a house salad or soup for $1.99", which she charged me $3.50. My first time there even. She didn't even take the EFFORT to find out WHY the side salad was that price? I had to get a menu and SHOW HER. How sad, I knew more about the menu than she did and this was our first time there, even, how sad you know? How UNCARING about OUR MONEY, but they want you to care about THEIRS, FUCK THAT SHIT!!! What goes around, comes around. She didn't care about our money, we didn't care about her tip, period!! She handled it poorly is what got her the stiff. She also obviously didn’t take any EFFORT to make sure she charged us correctly, because she would have compared the check to the menu to make sure she rung up everything correctly, so it wasn't a mistake, was it? It was LAZINESS and being VERY UNCARING is what it was. Any caring server would have immediately looked at the menu and investigated it. She would have said she was sorry IMMEDIATELY for proving her wrong instead of nothing as she did. Any caring server would have asked the manager to comp the side salad since it was about the price of a coke anyways for my trouble, which she didn't and she would have said she was "SO SORRY" instead of saying "Sorry about the mistake" at the very end. She only said she was sorry for the tip at that point, because she was mean otherwise. She should have not said "It's whatever is in the computer." That's just lazy and EXTREMELY UNCARING about other people's money, but I bet she wanted our money when tip time came, huh? The way she handled it got her the stiff. You don't act like the customer is wrong, because sometimes they are actually right. You should take SOME EFFORT to see what's going on instead of a nasty answer like "it's whatever is in the computer." That's not nice, no matter if I was wrong; it's still not very nice.

You said "Also remember…. The world does not revolve around you." Well remember that the world doesn't revolve around just your tip money, ok!! We value our money too and if you are nasty to us, don't expect a tip all because you didn't care about our money. Caring is a 2, count, TWO WAY STREET!!! You don't care about our money or time, WTF should we care about YOURS?

You should care about our time to check the prices WELL BEFORE check time for example. That's what a CARING server would do. You only care about your own money only. That's pretty selfish that you only care about YOUR MONEY ONLY by saying "because servers ONLY make tips." Then EARN THE TIPS THEN!! You know what in your heart you deserve or don't. I cannot believe you would think any of the ones I have listed under WWLODD that you would think the servers deserved a PENNY even.

Springs1 said...

"if you do not like that they bust their butt to make their mistake get turned around then you don’t need to go out ever because I find it absolutely crazy that you will give some below 10% just because they MADE the mistake EVEN IF they try to fix it. I could NEVER EVER EVER stiff someone because servers ONLY make tips. So they wasted time on you for you to not tip. That means you have made them make a big $0/hr. Bravo for being a dick."

Do you think a server deserves money for STEALING for instance? Our money is important to us, so if they do it on purpose, don't you think we have a right to STEAL their tip away as they have EXACTLY TREATED US? For instance, a waiter purposely didn't bring back my 31 cents part of our change. That's STEALING. That’s our change. What amount we decide to leave will be OUR DECISION. Instead of possibly making a tip at all, he says a tiny sorry instead of "SO SORRY" for assuming that money was his beforehand and only returns 31 cents exactly. See, a nice server would have given 50 cents (2 quarters) to take a little loss so they could have gotten a tip, but no, servers are so selfish they are only concerned about their own money. A CARING server would have not done that to begin with. I feel I should get sort of like a tiny comp(even if it's only 19 cents) for him stealing. Pay us for getting a delay in leaving, because he was too lazy to get change from the bar or keep some on himself(Servers are supposed to have a change bank on them). If he would have done just that, I would have left $2 instead of nothing. Just that would have made up a tiny bit. Sure, it wouldn’t have been much, but I would have only gotten 19 cents for my troubles, so look at that as well. We didn't get 19 cents though, we got just our 31 cents and a tiny sorry. I even followed him to the kitchen and HE HAD THE GALL TO GIVE SIDE SALADS BEFORE FIXING OUR MISTAKE!! THAT PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!! A mistake should take TOP, TOP PRIORITY over ANYTHING, ANYTHING ELSE!!

Do you honestly think servers deserve money for treating you like crap? He would have had better than 10%(his service wasn't that spectacular) if he would have returned all of our coin change. He chose to be lazy, assumed, and stole our money. You don’t get a tip when you take it BEFOREHAND without permission to. That's NOT THE WAY IT WORKS!! Customers TIP, NOT the servers taking part of the tip without the customer's permission to.

Springs1 said...

So when you said "The world does not revolve around you", don't you think this sentence should be to YOU and the rest of the servers? The world doesn't REVOLVE around the server's tip, THEY EARN THEM; it's not a given RIGHT!! You only care about your tip. WHAT ABOUT THE CUSTOMER'S MONEY for instance? You don't check the prices, so you are VERY SELFISH to not do that!! You don’t care about your customer's money, so if you served me and I had an overcharge of let's say 50 cents that I had to show you, do you think I should pay you well to NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT OUR MONEY to be that LAZY AND UNCARING NOT TO HAVE COMPARED THE MENU TO THE CHECK? This is YOUR JOB to make sure you are charging us correctly, not OURS to baby-sit YOU. This is YOUR JOB!!! It's NOT OUR JOB to show you things about the menu. You should be showing US things about the menu since you work there and WE DON'T!!! The menu is the GOD OF ORDERING!! It's like the bible of the restaurant. You order from it. You get prices from it. It tells you everything just about you need to know about the food and drinks. Unless it's something like side salads, which are sometimes not listed on most menus as to what comes in them. It's not like you have actually TRIED and MISSED this, you say that you NEVER check the prices, so WHY should I give a flying SHIT about YOUR MONEY if I am overcharged? The servers are lucky most of them DID get tipped that were overcharged cents, sometimes even dollars, which was 8% most of the time. Sometimes we have stiffed for the no apology. If you can't apologize, you don't deserve our money since you don't care about it enough to even say you are sorry.

"if you do not like that they bust their butt to make their mistake get turned around then you don’t need to go out ever because I find it absolutely crazy that you will give some below 10% just because they MADE the mistake EVEN IF they try to fix it. I could NEVER EVER EVER stiff someone because servers ONLY make tips. So they wasted time on you for you to not tip. That means you have made them make a big $0/hr. Bravo for being a dick."

Wrong prices have happened A LOT to us for real. We have even noticed a few times lower prices on the check than the menu, but it's rarer to have that happen than for it to be the other way around. Of course we don’t bring it up when the prices are lower on the check than the menu, because if we had to wait to get the check fixed, that would irritating just as if it was an overcharge. Chances are anyways, the server would say don't worry about it anyway, that the computer price is correct not the menu in that situation more than likely.

When you care about SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY BESIDES YOURS, you will see that people will care more about your money. Caring is a TWO-WAY STREET!! I don't just have to care about my server's money. My server should care about my money too. Your money is JUST AS IMPORTANT AS MINE IS AND YOU SHOULD ACT LIKE MY MONEY IS YOUR MONEY ENOUGH TO CHECK THE PRICES!! You only are concerned with YOURSELF!!


I just treat servers EXACTLY the way they treated me.

You need to care about someone else's money in order for them to care about yours when it comes to tipping. When you don’t, why should we care much or as much or sometimes even at all?

"Just keep in mind that most servers work their butts off"

I have to disagree. Most servers just hand you anything and don't check over anything, just like you do, for instance, the check prices. Working your butt off is checking over your co-worker's work, even if it's the manager's work with dealing with the prices. Managers make mistakes too. You make your own tip.

Springs1 said...

"You need to contact the managers of these restaurants that you’re having so many problems with too."

We do. Sometimes managers don’t care, because they don't care about individual customers and because it's not THEM dealing with the issues, so they couldn’t possible understand or maybe it's an issue that wouldn't bother them like it does me, who knows? Also, telling a manager about a problem isn't going to make the server do what they are supposed to do, you know? The manager can't be there at their every whim to make sure Jane Doe waitress does what she is supposed to do for every little thing.

A good example, reported dollar overcharges on a martini menu. The manager didn't do ANYTHING about it and I kept getting overcharged 3 times total and one of the martinis was the same one. It was $8.99 on the menu, was billed $9.99. We don't go anymore to that location. The manager talked back to me about it basically stating "No one tells me when they are undercharged" and telling me a story of how he DOUBLE tipped due to not noticing automatic gratuity when he was in a large party. I was like tipping has nothing to do with this. I told him "You cannot legally charge me the wrong price" "He said it's not like a legally binding contract." It is like false advertising though, it really is. When I told him he needs to train his servers to compare the menu with the check, he didn't want to listen. He said that was the manager's job or situation. I told him, but it comes to the customer, so the server can prevent the situation from happening. See, he didn't even want to give his servers a list of the ones that weren't correct on the menu, because he wanted and hoped to PURPOSELY OVERCHARGE customers to make more money. If he didn't want to do that, he would have told the servers about the wrongly priced items and he would have told corporate to change the prices in his computer since the manager said he couldn't change the prices that it was corporate. He didn't care about people's money.

That's just one example out of MANY that most managers don't GIVE A FLYING FUCK if you are happy or not or if you come back. We also were overcharged $1.50 on an entrée at the same restaurant even. The waitress that did it stated "I don't add it up" because I had stated she didn't check the check, which she said she did and then that's what she said afterwards. It was $21.99 and $4.99, which is why she thought she'd have to add it up like with a calculator due to the fact that the both prices were combined into ONE price on the check. I was so pissed at her nasty uncaring attitude, I didn't care that it was an $85 check, I didn't even want to leave $5, she received $4. I should have left her NOTHING for her saying that to me. It's HER JOB to add it up in her head by ROUNDING 21.99 is close to 22 and $4.99 is close to $5, which 5 and 2 is 7, not 8, which is what the price had in it, $28.48 was the price instead of $26.98. She didn't need a calculator even. That's how stupid she was to say that to me and how UNCARING of a human being she was to say that by ONLY CARING ABOUT HER TIP!! A caring server would have noticed this and it wouldn't have been ON US to have found this wrong price. It wasn't a mistake, because she even admitted she didn't ADD IT UP, so she didn't try, just like YOU, an UNCARING server only caring about JUST THEIR MONEY ONLY!! You should act like OUR MONEY IS YOUR MONEY by CHECKING ALL THE PRICES ON THE CHECK, which you can start when the first things are rung up on the computer even.

As you said to me at the end "THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND THE SERVER'S TIP!!!" Remember that!!! You are at the customer's mercy with the tip as to what they tip or don't tip.

Springs1 said...

"For one, you should NEVER EVER deduct from a tip if the person makes an effort to fix the problem. That is mean as hell for you to do that because that means they wasted their time fixing the problem because they weren’t even going to be paid for the extra time it took them to argue with the cook to get what you need or to beg and plead with the manager to go and talk with you . I NEVER DEDUCT A TIP IF THEY FIX THEIR MISTAKE."

To bad, that's their job to fix the mistake. If they put me through hell, they will get the HELL back in the NON-EXISTANT TIP!!
What is deserved is deserved!!

HOW will the server EVER LEARN from their mistakes if you don't take off? It's just like pavlov and his dog. Heard the bell, salivated. It's a learned behavior if you do this, you get this. If you learn that we PAY YOU ANYWAY for making our dining experience terrible(such as ringing up our entrée completely wrong), just because you fix the mistake, doesn't give back our time and the times it happened, some apologized, some didn't, but NO asking the manager to comp something or the servers didn't pay for a coke out of their OWN POCKET to make-up for their major mistake like that if their manager refused to comp something.

If let's say you served me and rung up my entrée wrong and even stupidly brought it out to me without comparing your written order to the plate of food, even if you would get something comped and apologized, still, 12%-14% tip you would receive unless YOU paid out of your own pocket for something, then I would tip like 16% or so. HOW will you LEARN to not do that BEHAVIOR AGAIN if we pay you NO MATTER WHAT? So what you fixed the mistake, SO? You cannot give back our MISSING TIME, you just cannot no matter WTF you do? You cannot make-up completely for messing up like that, you just can't.

Springs1 said...

cassandra_nicole - continued
"For one, you should NEVER EVER deduct from a tip if the person makes an effort to fix the problem. That is mean as hell for you to do that because that means they wasted their time fixing the problem because they weren’t even going to be paid for the extra time it took them to argue with the cook to get what you need or to beg and plead with the manager to go and talk with you . I NEVER DEDUCT A TIP IF THEY FIX THEIR MISTAKE."

If we tip you 20% anyways, you will learn "It's OK WITH US THAT WE HAD OUR MEAL RUINED that we couldn't eat together" and do it AGAIN AND AGAIN!! If we take off for it, you will LEARN, I won't get to pay my bills if I don't try to at least CATCH my mistake if I end up putting in an order wrong again instead of stupidly bringing it to the table like one waiter did that we had with my food. You won't try your best if you know NO MATTER WHAT, we will pay you 20%.

If you know that your money is on the line, you will try MUCH HARDER!! Think about it, if you work in a restaurant that has automatic grautity, do you try your VERY BEST? I doubt it you do all the time, because you know you are going to get that 18% or so at the very least NO MATTER WHAT YOU FUCK UP!!

The tip is an **INCENTIVE** to try YOUR BEST!! It's not to pay you well just because you fixed a mistake. It's your job to fix your mess ups. Our job is to tip you well if you did well and if you didn't do well, you should expect what kind of service you gave. You gave crappy service, you should get a crappy tip!!! It's only fair. Our money is imporant too, NOT JUST YOURS!! WHY should customers pay well with their hard-earned money for bad service? You sound so SELFISH about YOUR MONEY, but NOT ABOUT OURS!! You don't even want to check the prices for us, that's how lazy and uncaring of a person you are about the customer's money. The customer's money is JUST AS IMPORTANT as your money. ACT LIKE THEIR MONEY IS YOURS by caring about it.

Springs1 said...

cassandra_nicole - continued
"For one, you should NEVER EVER deduct from a tip if the person makes an effort to fix the problem. That is mean as hell for you to do that because that means they wasted their time fixing the problem because they weren’t even going to be paid for the extra time it took them to argue with the cook to get what you need or to beg and plead with the manager to go and talk with you . I NEVER DEDUCT A TIP IF THEY FIX THEIR MISTAKE."

The idea is to make the tip almost like a bribe. You do a good job, you get better pay. You don't do a good job, you get lesser pay.

You can make the server LEARN by paying them according to what they do wrong and how they handle the mistakes. If you let's say you charged me for an extra item, but was nice about the mistake(apologized and even got a manager to comp a coke off the bill even), even though you went through a lot of hoops to make-up for your mistake, I don't want this to happen again just to get a free coke or get my entire meal comped even. I would rather NOT have the mistakes and have GOOD service with little or no mistakes instead of having huge mistakes like that. WHO likes having mistakes in their dining experience, huh? NO ONE DOES!!! If I pay you 20% before the discount, you will NEVER LEARN to check over the customer's check and it will keep happening over and over, because you knew someone paid you 20% for overchargeing them let's say $3.

If the customer takes away the money, it will make the server try HARDER not to let that happen EVER again. If you know there's no penalty for messing up, you will be LAZY by not checking over things or checking over things as closely as if you would know "My tip is on the line here, so I better try my hardest so I can have money to pay my rent or bills or whatever." If I pay you 20%, you will keep overcharging and you will keep being too lazy to try your very best to get the check to the customer correctly. I am not saying you can't make a real mistake. I am saying if people don't take off, you will not even check over the check for any mistakes, because you know you will get paid well no matter WHAT happens. It's called a LEARNING BEHAVIOR!! If it hurts to hit your hand, do you keep doing it or do you LEARN not to hit your hand? You learn to try harder and be a better server so you can make more money by taking off from the tip when things aren't good. If I pay you anyways, you will continue to suck and do the same mistakes. The ONLY way you learn is through getting PUNISHED just as you punished us. Even though it wasn't intentional, it still punished our service. You deserve what you put into the service. You put in 80% instead of 100% effort, what kind of tip do you expect? Reducing the tip for mistakes makes the server not do those things again and again, because they learn "I will lose money if I keep doing this action." Just like a kid getting slapped by their mother or get a time-out. Do this behavior, this happens. Get what I am saying?

Springs1 said...


"realize most servers are doing the best they can"

You don't. You admitted you don't compare the prices on the menu with the check. That's not doing the BEST you can. That's being lazy and uncaring about the customer's money and just thinking about your own money only.

Doing the best you can is checking over the kitchen staff's work for if there is an obvious error. Doing the best you can is not relying on another server that brings out the food to have the condiments by OFFERING to bring them out ahead of time to AVOID as in your example, the A-1 sauce missing and having to go through that other server not telling your server about it either. You are the one that is the person that is supposed to PREVENT the mistakes from getting to the customer's table, because we are tipping YOU, NOT that other server or the kitchen staff for obvious errors. It's called **EARNING YOUR TIP**!!

cassandra_nicole said...

So I thought about replying to each of your new points because quite honestly you have an extremely closed mind and wrote things that did not need to be written and said things that were completely contradictory.

I will say that EVERY job I have worked at I have always been told by district managers that they are glad I'm on their team. Why? Because I am an extremely good at whatever job I’m given. I’m a driven individual and that is why I am capable at maintain a 4.0 GPA in college with 18+ hours of classes (which by the way is 2 more classes then full time since I realized you probably didn’t go to college) and I’ve done this with a job that sometimes gives me 40 hours a week. Before you try to undermine my intelligence, stop to realize that not every person is a complete retard like you have portrayed yourself to be.

I must say that I think it is completely absurd that you deduct tips to “teach a lesson”. Like I said before, most servers KNOW when they have made a mistake and a good one will apologize and try their best to fix it. So when you stiff them, you really are not teaching them anything but that you’re a complete bitch. Every person in this world makes mistakes; EVERY PERSON (including you). So it makes me sick to my stomach that you cannot forgive even little things such as them giving you a refill when you haven’t asked because rather you want to believe it or not, servers are told to anticipate the costumers needs and that is one of the anticipations we are taught.

Many of my comments were based off of corporate requirements from my various jobs so that is why what was said was said. You see, I've been there, done it, so I can say stuff which you cannot because you do NOT know. You really don't know matter how you wish you do. I didn't give names because I signed forms saying that I will not tell what they do and I respect that. If I told you then it MAY make sense but then that's probably going to be some concepts that will be too big for your tiny brain. Yes you did contradict yourself tons and tons more than I did but I don't have time to explain them because there are literally that many. Most of what you say I contradicted myself about were things that you didn't understand what I meant. I can tell by your responses. I guess I should've explained myself more because I thought you would understand but you didn't. I have trouble getting out what I mean some times but it would've taken so much longer for me to explain in completion what I meant, and I am sorry that you did not realize what I meant.

cassandra_nicole said...

Also your biggest issue was about me asking other tables if everything’s okay after having a check requested. If you tell me you need your check and I walk by a table to swipe your card and just say "is everything going okay" to another table since I passed by them, then no not a problem because I will still have your check out in an urgent manner. It wouldn't be like I would go grab some ketchup for them before giving your check. I'm not stupid. If they say they need something then I’d get your check first then get what they requested. Most of the time servers do that just as an acknowledgement. I know how to do things in order because as I have said I am a good server and I really do sympathize with you because I've never had issues like you have. I feel bad that whatever area you live in has people that don't want to make as much money as possible so they do the most stupid things. I understand why you are frustrated but it frustrates me that you put every server in the same category. I can promise you that I’ve never met a server who did not want to make as much money as they could so you saying servers don’t want to make money is an insult since that is their only income since I did say most make less than minimum wage and that less than minimum wage is used for tax. Most servers do want to make money.

I also think that it’s horrible that servers that you’ve had bad experiences with are still working. That sucks mainly because with this economy so many people need jobs and they are pretty much a waste of space when someone else who wants to work could take their place. That just shows you that the place has poor management and most places do because those servers are probably only still there because they’re friends with the manager and a good manager would not keep an awful server to keep friendship.

If you notice, I haven't cussed you out or gotten irate over a stupid issue because my maturity level has far surpassed your own (your post back has demonstrated this), and I’m much younger than you. I was simply stating a point, and I am sorry that you are too closed minded to try to sympathize with some of my points because I really did think about what you said, and I can see where you're coming from but I felt like you needed to hear my point just to realize there may be reasons for some things since everything cannot be perfect at every time. And like I said, I am sorry for not explaining completely because I do find words hard because it makes sense to me, and I guess I don’t realize that it may not make sense to someone else until I read a reply back and realize you did not understand anything I said. You called me stupid when my intelligence is far more superior than your degree from the donut shop. You just don't have a large enough mind to realize what was meant and that when some says agreed that they do not need an explanation. I said I agree, so I really don't care what you have to say.

cassandra_nicole said...

I know I'm a good server and I'm not going to have you tell me I am not when you've never had me as your server. You kept using "you" in your bad examples but I can tell you I've never had a complaint about my service EVER in three years, and I'd be damned if I ever did what some people have done to you because what they did was wrong. I don’t tolerate some of the crap that has happened to you and I always ensure the manager knows. Just like when I wait at Texas Roadhouse forever for service, I let the manager know I’m leaving because the server doesn’t care enough to come to my table.

I was not trying to argue with you at any point. I was just trying to let you hear someone else’s opinion which you don't want to hear since you are so completely perfect and always right no matter what.

I still suggest you make some comments to restaurants just to let them know because there are certain policies that are made because of peoples insights such as your own. Speaking of policies, yes I have worked for a company that breakfast, lunch, and dinner it is required to put the check out with the meal and if it is not the manager can fire the server who doesn’t. And the whole bar drink thing… I worked at a hibachi grill so the reason why I did apps first is because once the order is in if the soup and salad is not out right away, the cook will come out and then I would appear to be a bad server for not having the apps out before the cook began to cook. If you understood that then maybe you’d see why I’d have to wait to get the drink. Some things must go in order at certain restaurant and we had to pull the salads and soup right away. So now don’t you feel a little mean for assuming that I have to put a order in when I actually had to get the app myself? I never had anyone complain about that. And the silver issue, I plainly stated that I was a HOSTESS and had to roll the silver. I was NOT a server there. There was NO silver. NONE in the bus to be cleaned. NONE anywhere except what we had with the groups that were eatting. There was NONE, get it? So for you to say if I "cared" I would've cleaned a fork and gave it to you. For 1. I was a hostess not a server and 2. there was none. That was not the servers or my fault but the managements for not ordering more silver and as stated the servers obviously cared since I got cussed out since there was NO silver. Get it, got it, good.

But I’m not going to go through everything you said because you refuse to have an open mind. Trust me I could because you are so stuck on things that make NO SENSE what so ever. These comments were never meant for an argument to ensue. It was simply for you to realize there are reasons that mistakes are made. No one's perfect except Jesus.

Like they say… “Don’t argue with an idiot. (S)he will drag you down to his/her level and beat you with experience.” This is why I have chosen not to because no matter what you will always beat me with your years of experience.

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